Correction to: BMC Genomics 21, 709 (2020)

Following the publication of the original article [1], it was reported that there was an error in Fig. 7 whereby the yellow triangles showing the cleavage sites were not present. The corrected Fig. 7 is included in this Correction article, and the original article has been corrected.

Fig. 7
figure 1

Clustering analysis of IDA-like CLE motifs and Arabidopsis IDA/IDL motifs. a Clustering of IDA-like CLE motifs and Arabidopsis IDA/IDL, PIP/PIPL and CLV3 motifs. The heat map indicates the Euclidean distance of each pair of motifs. Red represents short distances. Blue represents long distances. A shorter Euclidean distance implies a higher similarity. b Protein domain schematic diagram of Arabidopsis IDA and two “PVPP-type” IDA-like CLE candidates. Protein domains were predicted using SMART. Blue box: RLK5-binding domain; red-brown box: low complexity domain; pale-brown triangle: location of the cleavage site of the signal peptide for the secretory pathway; black underline: IDA or IDA-like motif