Correction to: BMC Genomics

Following the publication of the original article [1], the authors noted several typesetting errors which are noted in this Correction article.

In the section “PhasiRNA analysis” there was an error in the first equation in the PDF version of the article. A fraction bar was erroneously introduced between (20 m and n-x), (m and x), and (21 m and n).

The incorrect version was:

$$ \mathrm{p}-\mathrm{value}=\sum \limits_{x=k}^m\frac{\left(\frac{20m}{n-x}\right)\left(\frac{m}{n}\right)}{\left(\frac{21m}{n}\right)} $$

The correct version is:

$$ \mathrm{p}-\mathrm{value}=\sum \limits_{x=k}^m\frac{\left(\begin{array}{c}20m\\ {}n-x\end{array}\right)\left(\begin{array}{c}m\\ {}x\end{array}\right)}{\left(\begin{array}{c}21m\\ {}n\end{array}\right)} $$

Furthermore, due to the formatting of Table 3 there was an error in the formatting of the alignment bars. The correct Table 3 is provided in this Correction article.

Table 3 Differentially expressed predicted miRNAs and barley mapped reads with homology to miRBase miRNAs

The publisher would like to apologize to the authors and readers for any inconvenience caused. The original article has been corrected.