Correction to: BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 112 (2020)

Following publication of the original article [1], the authors identified an error in Fig. 1. and Fig. 4. The correct figures are given below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Overview of the major characteristics of Cyanidiophyceae and its phylogeny. a Comparison of key characteristics of the Cyanidium-type and Galdieria-type species showing two different types of cyanidiophycean cells. Based on existing studies, key characteristics were summarized in this figure with n: nucleus, pt: plastid, and arrow: mitochondria. b Maximum-likelihood phylogeny using a concatenated 32-protein alignment of 12 mitochondrial genomes. Four non-cyanidiophycean species were chosen as the outgroup. The simplified genome structure of cyanidiophycean mitochondria is illustrated next to the phylogenetic tree

Fig. 4
figure 2

Two different models for mitogenome replication in Cyanidiophyceae. Unidirectional and conservative replication (separate leading and lagging strands for each daughter strand) in Galdieria-type and bidirectional and semiconservative replication (mixed leading and lagging strand for each daughter strand) in Cyanidium-type. a GC-skew of representative structure comparison. F: forward, R: reverse. b Hypothetical models of the mitochondrial DNA replication system and mitogenome inheritance model

The correct figures and captions have been included in this correction, and the original article has been corrected.