
β-Ga2O3 is an emerging material as a potential candidate of high-power device application due to its ultra-wide bandgap of about 4.8 eV [1]. Furthermore, the critical electric field (Ec) of the β-Ga2O3 up to 8 MV/cm is much higher than those common high-power materials such as 4H-SiC (2.5 MV/cm) and GaN (3.3 MV/cm) [2]. It results in the Baliga figure of merit (BFOM) of the β-Ga2O3 being 3214 which is ten times of 4H-SiC (317) and four times of GaN (846) [3]. In addition, the critical problem for SiC and GaN-based devices is a high thermal budget for their crystal growth while the growth temperature of β-Ga2O3 is much lower than those materials and Ga2O3 could be grown epitaxy film using different of methods [4]. The method of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) can be used to mass product and to grow the Ga2O3 on sapphire substrate [5]. The MOCVD-grown epitaxial layer of Ga2O3 could be doped during growth process by tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) which was first demonstrated in one of the studies [6]. Ga2O3 is also known for the availability of high-quality, large-diameter single-crystal substrate which is grown directly from the melt, with much lower growth temperature and lower cost in process [7, 8].

Those amazing material characteristics mentioned above have been reported for many electrical devices like metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MOSFET) [9,10,11], metal–semiconductor field-effect transistors (MESFET) [12], and Schottky barrier diode [13]. However, most of the devices are grown homoepitaxially and doped by the Si-ion implantation as a shallow donor to increase the conductivity [1].

Here, we reported, for the first time, the depletion (D)-mode MOSFETs by grown heteroepitaxy β-Ga2O3 on sapphire with in-situ Si doped by MOCVD. The performance of D-mode MOSFETs with different in-situ Si-doped concentration will be studied. Moreover, the device performance operated at high temperature will also be discussed.

Device structure and fabrication

The n-type β-Ga2O3 epilayers with 200-nm thickness were grown on c-plane sapphire substrate at 875 °C by MOCVD. The growth pressure was 25 Torr. Triethylgallium (TEGa) and O2 with the flow rate of 100 sccm and 500 sccm were used as the precursors for Ga and O [14]. The current growth process has been optimized. Detailed crystallinity of the Ga2O3 has been studied in our previous publication [15]. The tetraethyl orthosilicate (TEOS) precursor used the n-type dopant source. To study the effect of different doped active layers on the performance of depletion (D)-mode MOSFET, the β-Ga2O3 epilayer was doped by TEOS with 10 and 20 sccm and denoted A and B samples, respectively. Before the device fabrication, the material characteristics of sample A and B have measured by secondary ion mass spectrum (SIMS) and Hall measurements.

Then, the active region was defined by the etching mesa by inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICPRIE) using Ar and Cl2. After, Ti/Al/Ni/Au (20/100/40/50 nm) was deposited by E-gun deposition system as the Source (S) and drain (D) Ohmic contact electrodes. The specific contact resistance (\({\uprho }_{{\text{C}}}\)) was measured to be 108 Ω-cm2 on the transfer length structure. After ohmic metal deposition, the 40 nm Al2O3 dielectric layer was deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) as the gate oxide. Regarding the pre-treatment before Al2O3 deposition, the acetone, IPA, and DI water were used to clean wafers. Noted that the traditional RCA clean for our device was not used because the HF contained in the RCA clean process may etch the Ga2O3 epilayer. The Picosun R-200 was used to grow the Al2O3 dielectric layer at 250 °C by thermal deposition. The H2O and TMA were used as the precursors. The first pulse time was 0.1 s to let the H2O have self-limiting reaction with Ga2O3 film and terminated when the surface ran out of reactant. The excess gas would be purged in 8 s by N2. Then the second reactant TMA will be introduced into chamber with same pulse time and purge time, again reacting with surface species, concluding one cycle. We processed 353 cycles to deposit our dielectric layer. Then, the ohmic contact region (Source/Drain) was opened by ICPRIE etching. Finally, the Ni/Au (30/150 nm) gate (G) metal was deposited by E-gun deposition system. The MOSFETs have a gate length 4 um (LG), a gate-to-source width (LGS) 7 um, and a gate-to-drain width (LGD) 9 um. Figure 1 shows the schematic structure of the D-mode Ga2O3-based MOSFETs fabricated on sapphire substrate. The key processes of TEOS parameters are summarized in Table 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a Fabrication process flow and b schematic cross-sectional structure of the depletion-mode Ga2O3-based MOSFET devices

Table 1 Heteroepitaxial growth conditions

Results and discussion

In this MOSFET structure, only one Si-doped Ga2O3 epilayer was used as an active layer. The Si concentration, carrier concentration and mobility shown in Table 1 for samples A and B were measured by SIMS and Hall effect system. The Si concentrations were 5.5 × 1019 and 1.1 × 1020/cm3 for the TEOS flow rate of 10 and 20 sccm, respectively. The corresponding carrier concentrations were 6.49 × 1017 and 3.2 × 1018/cm3 and mobility were 0.689 and 0.144 cm2/V s for the TEOS flow rate of 10 and 20 sccm. The low mobility could be resulted from the high Si concentration and thin epilayer. Even though, it is important to evaluate the performance of the device. Figure 2. shows the ID–VG and ID–VD characteristics in A and B samples, demonstrating the well-behaved performances with the increase of drain current as the TEOS flow rate increases. Meanwhile, the threshold voltage shifts to more negative in the case of sample B. Table 2 summarizes the key electrical characteristics in sample A and B recorded at VD = 20 V and VG = 4 V.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Transfer characteristics of a sample A b sample B and output characteristics of c sample A d sample B

Table 2 Sample A, B with drain saturation current and threshold voltage values

The high temperature characteristics of Ga2O3-based MOSFETs are also investigated. Figures 3 and 4. show the ID–VG characteristics with different temperature, showing an increase of the drain current as the temperature increases, which is consistent with the observation in some recent studies [16, 17].

Fig. 3
figure 3

Temperature-dependent ID–VG characteristics of sample A with TEOS flow rate of 10 sccm recorded at VD = 1 V

Fig. 4
figure 4

Temperature-dependent ID-VG characteristics of sample B with TEOS flow rate of 20 sccm recorded at VD = 1 V

The transconductances of both samples are extracted and shown in Fig. 5. The transconductance increases and shifts to more negative gate bias as temperature increases. The samples with lower TEOS flow rate show higher gm peaks, suggesting a high electron mobility in sample A.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Transconductance extraction from the ID-VG curves recorded at VD = 1 V of a sample A and b sample B

The breakdown characteristics (Fig. 6) are performed with a Keysight B1505 device analyzer. Sample A shows the breakdown voltage of 143 V at 25 °C and 288 V at 150 °C and sample B shows the breakdown voltage of 474 V at 25 °C and 487 V at 150 °C, respectively, indicating that high TEOS flow during MOCVD process can enhance the breakdown voltage. Besides, a positive temperature dependency of the breakdown voltage is both observed in sample A and sample B, which is most probably due to the impact ionization [18]. Table 3 shows the benchmark of the breakdown voltage in this work compared to others, clearly indicating that growing Ga2O3 using MOCVD with the doping by TEOS is promising for power electronics application.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The breakdown characteristics of a sample A and b sample B under RT and 150 °C

Table 3 Benchmark of some key parameters in Ga2O3 FETs on native and sapphire substrate


In conclusion, the Ga2O3 power MOSFETs with the MOCVD-grown epitaxial layer and in-situ Si doping on sapphire substrate are demonstrated for the first time. Firstly, the depletion-mode Ga2O3 power MOSFETs are fabricated and characterized in the different temperature, showing the high saturation current and high transconductance as temperature increases. Furthermore, the devices with TEOS of 20 sccm (sample B) can achieve more than 400 V breakdown voltage at RT and 150 °C. Lastly, the Ga2O3 power MOSFETs with in-situ Si doping using TEOS show promising breakdown voltage characteristics compared to the recent works. In sum, we demonstrate that TEOS doping is promising for high-performance Ga2O3 power MOSFETs.