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The study aims to compare the prone biopsy procedures carried out using the Fischer Mammotest Plus 5/Mammovision system with conventional upright biopsy techniques using an IGE 600T/Stereo system. Stereotactic biopsy procedures have been carried out using upright stereo in the centre since 1994. It is anticipated that the introduction of the prone table will enhance the biopsy service currently offered by allowing biopsies to be performed on lesions which were previously too technically difficult on upright stereo, improving the pre-operative diagnosis of the service. Initial measurements indicate that the dose per view (mean glandular dose) for the 'standard breast' is comparable with that for film mammography in the NHSBSP [1]. An assessment of dose per procedure will be made when the technique is established. The limiting resolution assessed using a Leeds TOR(MAS) test object plate (without scatter) was 9.5 1p/mm at 26 kv. It is intended to investigate the use of a small contrast detail test object (Nuclear Associates Contrast Detail Phantom) designed for a prone biopsy system for optimising selected kv and checking the performance of the system.