
We define a G-graded ring R and a G-graded module over R in the same way as in [1] and [2]. Let G be a group with identity e and R be a commutative ring. Then, R is a G-graded ring if there exist additive subgroups R g of R indexed by the elements g ∈ G such that R = ⊕gGR g and R g R h  ⊆ R gh for all g, h ∈ G; here, R g R h denotes the additive subgroup of R consisting of all finite sums of elements r g k h with r g  ∈ R g and k h  ∈ R h . Moreover, R e is a subring of R and 1 R  ∈ R e . We denote this by (R, G). The elements of R g are called homogeneous of degree g. If x ∈ R, then x can be written uniquely as ΣgGx g , where x g is the component of x in R g . Also, we write h(R) = ∪gGR g .

Let R be a G-graded ring and M be an R-module. We say that M is a graded R-module if there exists a family of submodules {M g }gG of M such that M = ⊕gGM g and R g M h  ⊆ M gh for all g, h ∈ G, and we write h(M) = ∪gGM g .

Throughout this paper, G is a group, R is a G-graded commutative ring with identity, and M is a G-graded module over R. Also, for basic properties of coprime ideals, one may refer to [3].

The concept of multiplication module has been studied by various authors (see, for example, [4, 5]). Also, the notion of the product of two submodules of a multiplication module has been studied in [6].

We define a graded multiplication module and the product of two graded submodules of a graded multiplication module in the same way as in [7].

Let R be a graded ring. A graded R-module M is said to be a graded multiplication module if for every graded submodule N of M, there exists a graded ideal I of h(R)such that N = IM. Assume that M is a graded multiplication R-module. If N and K are graded submodules of M, then there exist graded ideals I and J of h(R) such that N = IM and K = JM. Then, the product of N and K is defined to be (IJ)M and is denoted by N ∗ K. In fact, IJ is a graded ideal of R by [7, Lemma 1.1], and N ∗ K is well-defined and is independent of the choices of I and J by [6, Theorem 3.4], and [2, Theorem 4]. Also, for every positive integer t, Nt is defined to be

N N N t times .

Lemma 1.1

[7, Lemma 1.2], Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded R-module.

(i) If N and K are graded submodules of M, then N + K and N ∩ K are graded submodules of M.

(ii) If a is an element of h(R) and x is an element of h(M), then aM and Rx are graded submodules of M.

(iii) If N and K are graded submodules of M, then (N: R K) is a graded ideal of R.

Definition 1.2

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded module over R. Let P be a proper graded submodule of M.

(i) P is called a graded prime submodule of M whenever am ∈ P implies that m ∈ P or a ∈ (P: R M) where a ∈ h(R) and m ∈ h(M).

(ii) P is called a graded semiprime submodule of M whenever InK ⊆ P implies that IK ⊆ P where I ⊆ h(R) and K ⊆ h(M).

(iii) P is called a graded maximal submodule of M if there is no graded submodule K of M such that P ⊂ K ⊂ M.

Theorem 1.3

[2, Theorem 5], Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded multiplication R-module. Let N be a proper graded submodule of M. Then, N is graded prime if and only if K ∗ L ⊆ N implies that K ⊆ N or L ⊆ N for graded submodules K and Lof M.

Theorem 1.4

[7, Theorem 2.1], Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded multiplication R-module. Let N be a graded submodule of M. Then, N is graded semiprime if and only if (Rx)n ⊆ N implies that x ∈ N for each x ∈ h(M) and positive integer n.

The graded radical of a graded submodule N of a graded module M is the intersection of all graded prime submodules of M containing N and is denoted by gra d M (N). If there is no graded prime submodule of M containing N, then we say gra d M (N) = M. Also, gra d M (M) = M. It is easy to show that if M is a graded multiplication module, then gra d M (N) is the set of all elements m of h(M) such that (Rm)k ⊆ N for some positive integer k.

Results and discussion

Let G = ( Z , + ) and R = ( Z , + , · ) . Clearly, R is a G-graded ring. Let M = Z × Z . So, M is a G-graded R-module. Let x, y ∈ h(M). Consider the graded submodules N = (Rx) × 0 and K = (Ry) × 0 of M. Then, N + K is the graded submodule generated by the greatest common factor of x and y.

Definition 2.1

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded module over R; two graded submodules N and K of M are called graded coprime whenever N + K = M.

Clearly, two distinct graded maximal submodules of a graded module are graded coprime.

Proposition 2.2

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded multiplication module over R. Let N1and K1be two graded coprime submodules of M. Let N2and K2be two graded submodules of M such that every element of N1(resp. K1) has a power in N2(resp. K2). Then, N2and K2are graded coprime.


Under the given hypothesis, every graded prime submodule which contains N2(resp. K2) contains N1(resp. K1). Let P be a graded prime submodule of M which contains both N2 and K2. So, P contains N1 and K1, that is, N1 + K1 ⊆ P, which is absurd. Hence, no graded prime submodule contains both N2 and K2. Therefore, N2 and K2 are graded coprime. □

Proposition 2.3

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded multiplication module over R. Let N and K be graded coprime submodules of M. Then, N ∗ K = N ∩ K.


Similar to the proof of [6, Proposition 3.5]. □

Proposition 2.4

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded multiplication module over R with this property that every graded submodule of M is graded semiprime. Let N1, N2, …, N t be graded submodules of M such that N i and N j are graded coprime whenever i ≠ j. Then, for each i(1 ≤ i ≤ t),

N i + ( N 1 N i 1 N i + 1 N t ) = N i + ( N 1 N i 1 N i + 1 N t ) = M .


N 1 N 2 N t = N 1 N 2 N t .



N 1 N i 1 N i + 1 N t N 1 ... N i 1 N i + 1 ... N t ,

it is enough to show that

N i + ( N 1 N i 1 N i + 1 N t ) = M .

Without loss of generality, let i = 1. Suppose that 2 ≤ j ≤ t. Let m be an arbitrary element of h(M). So, there exist elements x1j ∈ N1, x j  ∈ N j such that x1j + x j  = m. So,

( R M ) t = R ( x 12 + x 2 ) R ( x 13 + x 3 ) R ( x 1 t + x t ) = Rx + ( R x 2 R x 3 R x t ) ,

where x ∈ N1. Therefore, (Rm)t ⊆ N1 + (N2 ∗ N3 ∗ … ∗N t ). Now, N1 + (N2 ∗ N3 ∗ … ∗N t ) graded semiprime implies that m ∈ N1 + (N2 ∗ N3 ∗ … ∗N t ), as required.

We prove the next result by induction on t. When t = 1, there is nothing to prove, and when t = 2, the required result follows from Proposition 2.3. Now, assume that t > 2 and the relation has been proved for all smaller values of the inductive variable. So,

N 1 N 2 N t 1 = N 1 N 2 N t 1 .


N 1 N 2 N t 1 N t = ( N 1 N 2 N t 1 ) N t .

But we showed that N1N2∩…∩Nt−1and N t are graded coprime. Hence, by applying Proposition 2.3, we find that

( N 1 N 2 N t 1 ) N t = N 1 N 2 N t 1 N t .

Accordingly, □

N 1 N 2 N t = N 1 N 2 N t .

The following result can be obtained by the above proposition easily.

Corollary 2.5

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded multiplication module over R. Let N and K be graded coprime submodules of M. Then, N and Ktare graded coprime for every positive integer t.

Proposition 2.6

With the assumption in Proposition 2.4, let φ : M →  π i = 1 t (M / N i ) be a homomorphism by the rule φ(m) = (m + N1, … ,m + N t ). Then, φ is injective if and only if N1 ∗ N2 ∗ … ∗ N t  = 0.


It is enough to show that kerφ = N1 ∗ N2 ∗ … ∗ N t . Let x ∈ kerφ. So, x ∈ N i for every i (1 ≤ i ≤ t). Thus, (Rx)t ⊆ N1 ∗ N2 ∗ … ∗ N t and N1 ∗ N2 ∗ ... ∗ N t graded semiprime implies that x ∈ N1 ∗ N2 ∗ ... ∗ N t , that is, kerφ ⊆ N1 ∗ N2 ∗ ... ∗ N t .

Conversely, let x ∈ N1 ∗ N2 ∗ … ∗ N t . Therefore, x ∈ N1 ∩ N2 ∩ … ∩ N t . Hence, x + N i  = N i for every i (1 ≤ i ≤ t). Now, we conclude that φ(x) = (N1, …, N t ), that is, N1 ∗ N2 ∗ …∗ N t  ⊆ kerφ. □

Proposition 2.7

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded multiplication module over R. Let P be a graded maximal submodule of M. Then, for every positive integer n, the only graded prime submodule containing Pnis P.


Let P ́ be a graded prime submodule of M containing Pn. So, by Theorem 1.3, P P ́ as P is grade maximal; P = P ́ .

Proposition 2.8

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded module over R. Let N = IM and K = JM be graded submodules of M where I and J are graded coprime ideals of R. Then, N and K are graded coprime.


Since I and J are graded coprime ideals in R, we have

M = R M = ( I + J ) M I M + J M = N + K .

Definition 2.9

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded module over R. Let I and J be graded ideals of R. Then, M is called graded cancelation whenever IM = JM gives I = J.

Theorem 2.10

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded finitely generated cancelation module over R. Let N and K be graded submodules of M with graded presentation ideals I and J, respectively. Then, I and J are graded coprime in R if and only if N and K are graded coprime in M.


One direction is proved in Proposition 2.8.

Since N and K are graded coprime submodules in a graded finitely generated module M, we have

R M = M = N + K = I M + J M = ( I + J ) M .

Now, M graded cancelation implies that R = I + J, as required. □

Corollary 2.11

Let M be a graded finitely generated module. Then, every proper graded submodule of M is contained in a graded prime submodule.


Similar to the proof of [8, Corollary 1]. □

Proposition 2.12

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded module over R. Let N and K be graded submodules of M. then,

(i) N ⊆ gra d M (N).

(ii) grad M (grad M (N)) = grad M (N).

(iii) If M = N, then grad M (N) = M.

Moreover, if M is finitely generated, then grad M (N) = M if and only if N = M.

(iv) grad M (N + K) = grad M (grad M (N) + grad M (K)).

Also, if M is a graded multiplication module, then

(v) grad M (N ∗ K) = grad M (N ∩ K) = grad M (N) ∩ grad M (K).

(vi) Let N be graded prime. Then grad M (Nt) = N for every positive integer t.


(i,ii) (i) and (ii) are trivial by definition of grad M (N).

  1. (iii)

    Suppose that N = M. So, grad M (N) = grad M (M) = M. Also, let M be finitely generated and grad M (N) = M. Suppose to the contrary that N ≠ M. Hence, by Corollary 2.11, grad M (N) ⊆ P for some graded prime submodule P of M. Therefore, grad M (N) ≠ M, a contradiction.

  2. (iv)

    N ⊆ grad(N)and K ⊆ grad(K) implies that N + K ⊆ grad(N) + grad(K). Therefore, grad(N + K) ⊆ grad(grad(N) + grad(K)). Also, N, K ⊆ N + K, hence grad(N), grad(K) ⊆ grad(N + K). So, grad(N) + grad(K) ⊆ grad(N + K), and by (ii), grad(grad(N) + grad(K)) ⊆ grad(N + K).

  3. (v)

    We prove the first equality. Suppose that x ∈ grad(N ∗ K). Then, (Rx)t ⊆ N ∗ KN ∩ K for some positive integer t. So, x ∈ grad M (N ∩ K).Conversely, suppose x ∈ grad M (N ∩ K). Then, (Rx)t ⊆ N and (Rx)t ⊆ K for some positive integer t. Hence, (Rx)2t = (Rx)t ∗ (Rx)t ⊆ N ∗ K, that is, x ∈ grad M (N ∗ K).Now, we prove the second equality. Let x ∈ grad M (N ∩ K). So, (Rx)t ⊆ N ∩ K ⊆ grad M (N) ∩ grad M (K) for some positive integer t. Thus, (Rx)t ⊆ grad M (N) and (Rx)t ⊆ grad M (K). Hence, x ∈ grad M (N) ∩ grad M (K).Conversely, if x ∈ grad M (N) ∩ grad M (K), then (Rx)n ⊆ N and (Rx)k ⊆ K for some positive integers n, k. Therefore, (Rx)nk ⊆ N ∩ K, giving us that in fact x ∈ grad M (N ∩ K).

  4. (vi)

    Note that N ⊆ grad M (N t). Now, suppose x ∈ grad M (N t). Then, (Rx)n ⊆ N t ⊆ N, for some positive integer n. Now, N graded prime implies that x ∈ N, as needed.

Proposition 2.13

Let R be a graded ring and M be a graded finitely generated module over R. Let N and K be graded submodules of M. Then, N and K are graded coprime if and only if grad M (N) and grad M (K) are graded coprime.


By using (iii) and (iv) above, we have

N + K = M g r a d M ( N + K ) = M
g r a d M ( g r a d M ( N ) + g r a d M ( K ) ) = M
g r a d M ( N ) + g r a d M ( K ) = M .