
Cold-formed steel

Lightweight steel structures offer an interesting alternative to more traditional construction technologies, especially for low and medium rise residential and office buildings (Casafont et al. 2006) due to some considerable advantages such as high strength-to-weight ratio, reduced labor costs, fast erection, and economical transportation due to the light weight of cold-formed members (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011; Yu and LaBoube 2010; Zaharia and Dubina 2006). Cold-formed steel sections had been considered as secondary structural members such as purlins to support roof cladding (Chung and Lau 1999). Since 1990, there has been a growing tendency to utilize cold-formed steel as structural members in buildings in a variety of countries such as USA, Canada, Australia, and Japan (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011; Wong and Chung 2002). The most common cold-formed steel sections are lipped C sections and lipped Z sections, and the thickness typically ranges from 1.2 to 3.2 mm. Common yield strengths are 280 and 350 N/mm2 (Chung and Lau 1999; Wong and Chung 2002). Moreover, there is a whole range of variants of these basic shapes, including sections with single and double lips and sections with internal stiffeners (Chung and Lau 1999). Furthermore, welds, screws, and steel bolts are used as connector for these sections (AISI 2008; Pedreschi et al. 1998).

There are various design recommendations (AISI 19962008; British Standard Institution 1987; Code AS/NZ 4600 2005; Eurocode EN 1993; ECCS Committee TC7, Working Group TWG 7.2 1983) on the design of cold-formed steel structures along with complementary design guides (AISI 19952007; ECCS Committee TC7, Working Group TWG 7.2 1983; Hancock 2007; LaBaube and Yu 2006; Martin and Purkiss 2011; Zaharia and Dubina 2006) and worked examples to assist practicing engineers. ‘For bolted moment connections, the presence of bolts will introduce high localized stresses onto the connected parts of the members which may have adverse effects on the section resistances of the members. There is a lack of general design rules for moment connections among cold formed steel members in the literature particularly for open sections such as lipped C sections’ (Chung and Lau 1999).

In this paper, it is attempted to obtain some nonlinear equations between the results achieved from Chung and Lau’s investigation (Chung and Lau 1999) by means of the artificial neural networks (ANNs).

Artificial neural networks

Neural networks are learning systems based on a simplified model of the biological neuron, which can model the relation between a set of inputs and a set of outputs. In the same way as the biological neural network changes itself in order to perform some cognitive task (such as recognizing faces or learning a concept), artificial neural networks modify their internal parameters in order to perform a given computational task. The typical tasks neural networks that perform efficiently and effectively are as follows: classification (for example deciding which category a given example belongs to or the identification of a disease from some symptoms), recognizing patterns in varied data, and prediction. Artificial neural networks are usually non-parametric approaches represented by connections between a very large number of simple computing processors or elements (neurons). The ANN is trained by supplying it with a large number of numerical observations or the patterns to be learned whose corresponding classifications are known. During training, the final sum-of-squares error over the validation data for the network is calculated. The selection of the optimum number of hidden nodes is made on the basis of this error value. Once the network is trained, a new object is classified by sending its attribute values to the input nodes of the network, applying the weights to those values, and computing the values of the output units.

The multilayer perceptron is generally divided into three layers: the input layer, the hidden layer, and the output layer, where each layer in this order gives the input to the next. The extra layer gives the structure needed to recognize non-linearly separable classes. Figure 1 demonstrates a general architecture of an artificial neural network with two hidden layers.

Figure 1
figure 1

General multilayer perceptron architecture.

Applying artificial neural networks for the research

In this study, three diverse ANNs are trained in order to predict the rotation of column base connections and beam column connections under different applied moments using an empirical data (Chung and Lau 1999), and in order to obtain the best possible results, the number of neurons was changed in the first hidden layer from 1 to 10. The network which had the best performance was selected for each test series. The achieved results show the sufficient compatibility of the ANNs with experimental data.


In this investigation, the empirical data (Chung and Lau 1999) in each test series are divided into two groups as training and testing data. The first one includes 70% of the whole data and the second consists of the remaining 30%. As the names imply, they were used to train and test the networks consecutively. In addition, each group includes two sub-groups known as the input and target data. Using sigmoid function which has a range between 0 and 1, it is necessary to normalize the whole data before applying to the software.

Experimental method

Chung and Lau 1999conducted an experimental investigation on the structural performance of cold-formed steel members with bolted moment connections utilizing lipped C sections. They experienced various specimens with different bolt arrangements to examine the effect of bolt arrangement on the structural performance of column base and beam column connections in order to obtain the optimal connection configuration and evaluate the rational amount of maximum rotational resistance. In the present research, three column base connection specimens and four beam column connection specimens which were configured based on the former results of Chung’s investigation on beam column connections are proposed.

Generation of the input data

Column base connections

In order to generate the input data, an innovative method is applied based on the effective area of each bolt. That is, six general bolt positions (a, b, c, d, e, and f) are defined as shown in Figure 2 which displays all possible bolt positions in column base connections (the position of a column base connection is shown in Figure 3). This method results in six kinds of input data. Additionally, the moment resistance ratio of each specimen, which is defined as equivalent to Measured moment resistance of connection Design moment capacity of connected member according to the experimental research article Chung and Lau (1999), and the applied moment (the diverse moments which applied to the connections in the experimental research in any rotation) are considered as two other kinds of input data. Three different bolt arrangements which were experimented in Chung et al.’s experimental investigation are shown in Figures 4, 5, 6 and the related equations to generate the input data are shown next to each figure (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011). All lengths and areas in Figures 4, 5, 6 are based on millimeters and square millimeters, respectively, and the title of the specimens are the same as the empirical study (Chung and Lau 1999).

Figure 2
figure 2

Six general bolt positions on column base connections (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011 ).

Figure 3
figure 3

General set-up of column base connection specimens.

Figure 4
figure 4

Column base connection with two bolts (CB02) (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011 ).

Figure 5
figure 5

Column base connection with three bolts (CB03) (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011 ).

Figure 6
figure 6

Column base connection with four bolts (CB04) (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011 ).

Set 1 equation is related to Figure 4:

a = 0 , b = n / l 1 + A 1 / A = 0.65 , c = 0 , d = 0 , e = n / l 1 + A 2 / A = 0.35 , f = 0

In Figure 4, half of the section is considered as the effective area of each bolt. In those positions which there are no bolts, the number 0 is supposed as the related input for the position.

Set 2 equation is related to Figure 5:

a = m / l 1 + p / l 2 × A 1 / A = 0.25 , b = 0 , c = o / l 1 + p / l 2 × A 2 / A = 0.4407 , d = 0 , e = n / l 1 + q / l 2 × A 3 / A = 0.3143 , f = 0

In Figure 5, after drawing a triangle by connecting the bolt positions a, c, and e, a perpendicular bisector of each segment was drawn. Ultimately, the effective area of each bolt was determined as shown in the figure. In those positions which there are no bolts, the number 0 is supposed as the related input for the position.

Set 3 equation is related to Figure 6:

a = m / l 1 + p / l 2 × A 1 / A = 0.25 , b = 0 , c = 0 / l 1 + p / l 2 × A 2 / A = 0.4 , d = m / l 1 + q / l 2 × A 3 / A = 0.1 , e = 0 , f = 0 / l 1 + q / l 2 × A 4 / A = 0.25

In Figure 6, one-fourth of the section is considered as the effective area of each bolt. In those positions which there are no bolts, the number 0 is supposed as the related input for the position.

Table 1 (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011) shows some random data related to the test series. The first eight columns in the table are some parts of the 70 × 8 input matrix and the last is a part of the 70 × 1 target matrix.

Table 1 Random data related to the column base experiment (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011 )

Beam column connections

In this test series, the innovative method is somewhat different. In these connections, the effective area of each bolt row is considered rather than that of each single bolt to generate input data as shown in Figures 7, 8, 9 and the related equations. This method results in four kinds of input data. Additionally, the moment resistance ratio of each specimen, ψ, defined above, and the moment ratio are considered as two other kinds of input data. It is important to mention that the moment ratio in the empirical study (Chung and Lau 1999) is the applied moment, defined above, divided by 178 kNm. The unit of all lengths and areas in Figures 7, 8, 9 are millimeters and square millimeters, respectively, and the title of the specimens are the same as the empirical study (Chung and Lau 1999).

Figure 7
figure 7

Connection detail with rectangular gusset plate (HS04).

Figure 8
figure 8

Connection detail with L-shaped gusset plate (HS05, HS07).

Figure 9
figure 9

Connection detail with haunched gusset plate (HS03).

Set 4 equation is related to Figure 7:

a = l 1 l × A 1 A = 0.025 , b = l 2 l × A 2 A = 0.1 , c = l 3 l × A 3 A = 0.15 , d = l 4 l × A 4 A = 0.225

Set 5 equation is related to Figure 8:

a = l 1 l × A 1 A = 0.0167 , b = l 2 l × A 2 A = 0.0667 , c = l 3 l × A 3 A = 0.1 , d = l 4 l × A 4 A = 0.2333

Set 6 equation is related to Figure 9:

a = l 1 l × A 1 A = 0.0133 , b = l 2 l × A 2 A = 0.0533 , c = l 3 l × A 3 A = 0.08 , d = l 4 l × A 4 A = 0.1867

Table 2 demonstrates some random data related to the positive rotations in beam column connection experiment. The first six columns in the table are some parts of the 88 × 6 input matrix and the last is a part of the 88 × 1 target matrix. For negative rotations, all data are the same, but those related to the moment ratio and rotation are different.

Table 2 Random data related to positive rotations in beam column connection experiment

Training the neural network

After generating the input and target data and training the network, a nonlinear relation between input and target data would be established. For this purpose, tansig and pureline functions are utilized as two hidden layers of the neural networks in the software MATLAB. Achieving the desired results is in accordance with the mean squared error (MSE) method which is based on reaching the minimum error (Equations 1 to 3) (Howard and Mark 2006).

MSE = 1 / N y i y i = 1 N 2
I = pureline w 2 × tansig w 1 × c + b 1 ) + b 2

In Equation 2, I demonstrates the target function (amount of rotation in normalization space), c represents column matrix of input data in normalization space, w shows the amount of weight, and b exhibits the amount of bias.

In fact, the main equation would be as in Equation 3.

I = w 2 ( 1 e 2 ( w 1 × c + b 1 ) 1 + e 2 ( w 1 × c + b 1 ) ) + b 2


After generating the input and target data as explained in the ‘Generation of the input data’ section for all of the specimens on column base connections and randomly removing 30% of them, a matrix of 70 × 8 as the input and a matrix of 70 × 1 as the target resulted. Likewise, for positive rotations on beam column connections, a matrix of 88 × 6 as the input and a matrix of 88 × 1 as the target and for negative rotations a matrix of 97 × 6 and a matrix 97 × 1 as the input and target matrixes were obtained. In order to reach the best results, the number of neuron in the first hidden layer (tansig) were changed from 1 up to 10, and for the second one, the number remained 1 consistently. For column base connections, the best result was obtained when the first layer had 10 neurons. In the same way, for beam column connections, the best results for positive rotations were obtained when the first hidden layer had 10 neurons, and for the negative ones, when it had 9 neurons.

Obtained weights and bias

Weight and bias matrixes for column base connections

w 1 = 7.1416 2.1038 3.0152 15.0185 10.4828 2.9944 1.1978 6.5986 7.8375 3.4299 0.03265 13.776 0.33133 4.6405 2.4233 6.4385 1.1222 1.1127 2.1755 7.4747 0.92848 3.4598 1.7747 2.1551 7.2355 3.0937 2.0148 13.8911 11.7159 9.3262 1.3013 9.37 7.8439 9.6562 6.7155 13.2602 8.2061 7.2236 2.529 36.0712 0.23138 3.4017 1.1992 10.6416 5.3998 14.0822 3.3159 10.8645 0.73095 11.3158 1.8218 4.2301 1.5808 0.81086 16.4528 51.5236 7.3802 6.5347 8.4536 13.856 3.7442 6.2343 7.9405 9.7996 12.0774 77.6679 27.8645 12.8895 40.7601 56.8364 17.7938 208.805 13.7867 29.8094 10.1251 10.03 10.5941 0.5107 8.483 40.1591
W 2 = 12.6684 12.9782 0.24255 0.51626 0.35149 0.11406 0.24328 0.18623 0.0355 0.025886
b 1 = 2.886 0.12722 3.5444 8.7702 24.7252 6.0635 37.8571 0.75639 83.4737 8.418 b 2 = 0.87092

Weight and bias matrixes for positive rotations on beam column connections

W 1 = 141.5579 14.185 104.8468 50.7341 0.71013 47.771 223.7558 223.007 362.3525 335.1485 48.5011 81.9475 181.3345 15.3991 63.48 2.508 65.8679 46.5518 129.2752 266.8782 355.9198 385.8697 48.3285 81.6669 211.7361 22.4239 20.8451 7.914 1.0991 3.6802 164.1526 68.1121 35.5014 49.7034 21.5111 3.1561 89.573 5.2463 33.5349 18.8298 4.4561 5.1058 68.4542 37.7457 37.5342 7.7943 1.1366 3.4632 182.2714 33.9586 6.8378 20.3452 10.9284 1.4199 185.0904 10.0709 63.2159 124.13 51.9318 48.3349
W 2 = 40.358 30.4642 41.5217 30.5145 63.132 32.1359 6.5944 76.1194 51.2953 39.9649
b 1 = 52.9441 54.9172 17.9205 67.7276 1.8079 12.9326 3.7002 1.6741 10.709 33.7378 b 2 = 50.1954

Weight and bias matrixes for negative rotations on beam column connections

W 1 = 208.807 2.2243 42.9368 7.2271 0.60938 2.7453 184.3424 26.6282 58.1657 209.7296 15.227 23.5744 39.2924 48.1542 53.6074 47.5165 13.7996 3.8075 67.4195 20.2576 9.2676 6.7806 0.65319 2.7651 190.8677 58.342 34.6957 233.9478 15.4519 20.7273 80.1761 84.5859 36.1588 247.3608 17.255 22.2189 179.9455 10.3429 95.4906 46.9524 15.1291 23.5115 129.8164 22.4931 30.9836 18.3099 1.9712 190.7024 57.9464 24.3555 7.207 44.7665 44.0481 23.4504
W 2 = 81.8024 75.8631 1.0664 81.5372 59.0674 134.85 76.1976 11.8267 76.2868
b 1 = 0.26182 67.6064 34.1308 0.18845 65.0419 70.1763 26.802 195.2816 54.3714 b 2 = 10.1791

Ultimately, the nonlinear relation created between both groups of data will be as in Equation 4:

R = w 2 1 e 2 ( w 1 × c + b 1 ) 1 + e 2 ( w 1 × c + b 1 ) + b 2

In Equation 4, R represents the amount of rotation in the connection.

After training the networks for each test series and converting those data, which are in normalized amounts, to the real amounts, the inputs of training and testing data were given to the software in order to compare the amounts of real rotations with those calculated by the neural networks. Figures 10, 11, 12 provide these comparisons on the graphs for the training data and Figures 13, 14, 15 do so for the testing ones.

Figure 10
figure 10

Comparison between the training data on column base connections (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011 ).

Figure 11
figure 11

Comparison between the training data in positive rotations on beam column connections.

Figure 12
figure 12

Comparison between the training data in negative rotations on beam column connections.

Figure 13
figure 13

Comparison between the testing data in column base connections (Ebadi Tabrizi and Vosoughifar 2011 ).

Figure 14
figure 14

Comparison between the testing data in positive rotations on beam column connections.

Figure 15
figure 15

Comparison between the testing data in negative rotations on beam column connections.


In order to make a better verification, the software SPSS was used in order to attain the amounts of P value and compare the amounts of rotation resulting from the ANNs and those obtained from the empirical tests in each test series for both testing and training data. The closer amount of P value to 1 demonstrates a better agreement between the compared data. On the other hand, less than 0.05 exhibits a marked difference between them. The calculated P values, related to each comparison, are shown in Figures 10, 11,12, 13,14, 15.

It is worthwhile to mention that because the current research is based on a number of specimens, a numerical analysis and more empirical studies would be useful to have a better validation of the proposed ANN models.


Based on the study, the following points were obtained:

  1. 1.

    The proposed neural network models have the ability to create appropriate nonlinear relations to evaluate the amount of rotation at bolted moment connections among cold-formed structural members. As a result, using the innovative method, the amount of rotation would be calculated.

  2. 2.

    The achieved results prove that the innovation method applied to generate the input data for bolt arrangements suits the experimental model.

  3. 3.

    Evaluating the rotation at bolted moment connections in cold-formed steel members by the innovative method could be helpful in compiling design recommendation as the rotation would be computed accurately and rapidly.

  4. 4.

    The obtained amounts of P value prove that the achieved results match the empirical results.

Authors' information

BET graduated B.S. Civil Engineering from the Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch and started his scientific researches 2 years ago starting with the first part of this paper (ANN for column base connections in CFS) which was presented in the 6th International Conference on Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (SEE6). He has two other full papers. One was recently presented in 15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering Lisbon, Portugal (15WCEE) entitled A Two-Ring Energy Dissipating Device with Similar Behaviors in Tension and Compression to Create Buckling Resistant Braces. Another full paper is regarding the evaluation of ASCE7-10 which is under review. Dr. MH is an associate professor at the Structural Engineering Research Center, board member of the Center of Excellence on Risk Management, and head of the Lifeline Engineering Department, The International Institute of Earthquake Engineering and Seismology (IIEES). He has more than 250 publications in a wide variety of local and international journals and conferences including the Journal of Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings.