
Although the focus of our article in Nutrition Journal [1] reports some novel data and has a different focus compared to our publication in the International Brazilian Journal of Urology [2], we acknowledge that we have duplicated some text and results and that our Nutrition Journal article reports outcome data from the same study population. We have repeated some parts of the methods section from the International Brazilian Journal of Urology as well as the tables showing demographic characteristics and the biochemical characteristics of 24hr urine in the different study groups. Our data on salt intake regarding patients with urinary lithiasis and the related discussion are novel. We apologise for the inappropriate overlap between our two publications and our lack of transparency about the similarities between the two articles. Since publication of this article [1], it has come to our attention that there is an error in the section discussing assumptions about obesity-related costs. Table 2 is correct, indicating that 36% of the population is misidentified when BMI is considered, but there is a typographical error in the text which reported it as 31%.