
Since the publication of our article [1], we have noticed some errors in the final published version, for which the corresponding author accepts full responsibility. Page references are to the final PDF version.

Page 3: Results, second paragraph

Lines 1-2: "BMI… 20.7 (5.02) kg/m2…" should read "BMI… 16.0 (3.0) kg/m2…”

Lines 6-8: “According to the IOTF cut-offs, overweight and obesity prevalence was 33 % (95 % CI 31.1-35.3) and 24 % (95 % CI 22.4-26.2) respectively” should read “According to the IOTF cut-offs, overweight and obesity prevalence was 8.3 % (95 % CI 7.1-9.6) and 4.7 % (95 % CI 3.8-5.7) respectively”

Page 4: Table 1

Table 1 Mean and standard deviation (SD) for height, weight and BMI of primary school children in Lahore, Pakistan (n = 1860)

The values for mean and standard deviation (SD) for BMI (kg/m2) are revised.

Page 4: Table 2

The values for mean BMI (SD) and overweight and obesity prevalence according to the IOTF cut-offs are revised.

Table 2 Prevalence of overweight and obesity among primary school children in Lahore, Pakistan (n = 1860)

Page 5: Figure 1

Figure 1
figure 1

Grade- and gender- specific mean BMI among primary school children in Lahore, Pakistan (n = 1860).

The values for grade- and gender- specific mean BMI are revised.

Page 6: Second paragraph

Lines 1-8: “Prevalence of overweight by the IOTF cut-offs was twice the prevalence by the WHO 2007 reference (33 % versus 17 %) and prevalence of obesity by the IOTF cutoffs was three times higher than that calculated by the WHO 2007 reference (24 % versus 7.5 %). Using IOTF cut-offs for overweight and obesity in Pakistani schoolaged children would result in higher estimates than the WHO 2007 reference.” should read “Prevalence of overweight by the IOTF cut-offs was half the prevalence by the WHO 2007 reference (8 % versus 17 %) and prevalence of obesity by the IOTF cutoffs was two-third of that calculated by the WHO 2007 reference (5 % versus 7.5 %). Using IOTF cut-offs for overweight and obesity in Pakistani schoolaged children would result in lower estimates than the WHO 2007 reference. A relatively lower overweight and obesity prevalence with use of the IOTF cut-offs as compared to the WHO reference had been reported elsewhere [2, 3].”

In present study, the estimates for overweight included obese children.