1 Introduction

The inequality

f ( a + b 2 ) 1 b a a b f(x)dx f ( a ) + f ( b ) 2

which holds for all convex functions f:[a,b]R, is known in the literature as Hermite-Hadamard’s inequality.

In [1], Dragomir and Ionescu introduced the following class of functions.

Definition 1 Let g:IR be a convex function on the interval I. The function f:IR is called g-convex dominated on I if the following condition is satisfied:

for all x,yI and λ[0,1].

In [2], Dragomir et al. proved the following theorem for g-convex dominated functions related to (1.1).

Let g:IR be a convex function and f:IR be a g-convex dominated mapping. Then, for all a,bI with a<b,

|f ( a + b 2 ) 1 b a a b f(x)dx| 1 b a a b g(x)dxg ( a + b 2 )


| f ( a ) + f ( b ) 2 1 b a a b f(x)dx| g ( a ) + g ( b ) 2 1 b a a b g(x)dx.

In [1] and [2], the authors connect together some disparate threads through a Hermite-Hadamard motif. The first of these threads is the unifying concept of g-convex-dominated function. In [3], Hwang et al. established some inequalities of Fejér type for g-convex-dominated functions. Finally, in [4, 5] and [6], authors introduced several new different kinds of convex-dominated functions and then gave Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities for these classes of functions.

In [7], Varošanec introduced the following class of functions.

I and J are intervals in ℝ, (0,1)J and functions h and f are real non-negative functions defined on J and I, respectively.

Definition 2 Let h:JR be a non-negative function, h0. We say that f:IR is an h-convex function, or that f belongs to the class SX(h,I), if f is non-negative and for all x,yI, α(0,1], we have

f ( α x + ( 1 α ) y ) h(α)f(x)+h(1α)f(y).

If the inequality (1.2) is reversed, then f is said to be h-concave, i.e. fSV(h,I).

Youness have defined the φ-convex functions in [8]. A function φ:[a,b][c,d] where [a,b]R:

Definition 3 A function f:[a,b]R is said to be φ-convex on [a,b] if for every two points x[a,b], y[a,b] and t[0,1] the following inequality holds:

f ( t φ ( x ) + ( 1 t ) φ ( y ) ) tf ( φ ( x ) ) +(1t)f ( φ ( y ) ) .

In [9], Sarıkaya defined a new kind of φ-convexity using h-convexity as following:

Definition 4 Let I be an interval in ℝ and h:(0,1)(0,) be a given function. We say that a function f:I[0,) is φ h -convex if

f ( t φ ( x ) + ( 1 t ) φ ( y ) ) h(t)f ( φ ( x ) ) +h(1t)f ( φ ( y ) )

for all x,yI and t(0,1).

If inequality (1.3) is reversed, then f is said to be φ h -concave. In particular, if f satisfies (1.3) with h(t)=t, h(t)= t s (s(0,1)), h(t)= 1 t , and h(t)=1, then f is said to be φ-convex, φ s -convex, φ-Godunova-Levin function and φ-P-function, respectively.

In the following sections, our main results are given: we introduce the notion of (g, φ h )-convex dominated function and present some properties of them. Finally, we present a version of Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities for (g, φ h )-convex dominated functions. Our results generalize the Hermite-Hadamard-type inequalities in [2, 4] and [6].

2 (g, φ h )-convex dominated functions

Definition 5 Let h:(0,1)(0,) be a given function, g:I[0,) be a given φ h -convex function. The real function f:I[0,) is called (g, φ h )-convex dominated on I if the following condition is satisfied:


for all x,yI and t(0,1).

In particular, if f satisfies (2.1) with h(t)=t, h(t)= t s (s(0,1)), h(t)= 1 t and h(t)=1, then f is said to be (g,φ)-convex-dominated, (g, φ s )-convex-dominated, (g, φ Q ( I ) )-convex-dominated and (g, φ P ( I ) )-convex-dominated functions, respectively.

The next simple characterization of (g, φ h )-convex dominated functions holds.

Lemma 1 Let h:(0,1)(0,) be a given function, g:I[0,) be a given φ h -convex function and f:I[0,) be a real function. The following statements are equivalent:

  1. (1)

    f is (g, φ h )-convex dominated on I.

  2. (2)

    The mappings gf and g+f are φ h -convex on I.

  3. (3)

    There exist two φ h -convex mappings l, k defined on I such that

    f= 1 2 (lk)andg= 1 2 (l+k).

Proof 1 ⟺ 2 The condition (2.1) is equivalent to

for all x,yI and t[0,1]. The two inequalities may be rearranged as

(g+f) ( t φ ( x ) + ( 1 t ) φ ( y ) ) h(t)(g+f) ( φ ( x ) ) +h(1t)(g+f) ( φ ( y ) )


(gf) ( t φ ( x ) + ( 1 t ) φ ( y ) ) h(t)(gf) ( φ ( x ) ) +h(1t)(gf) ( φ ( y ) )

which are equivalent to the φ h -convexity of g+f and gf, respectively.

  1. 2

    ⟺ 3 Let we define the mappings f, g as f= 1 2 (lk) and g= 1 2 (l+k). Then if we sum and subtract f and g, respectively, we have g+f=l and gf=k. By the condition 2 in Lemma 1, the mappings gf and g+f are φ h -convex on I, so l, k are φ h -convex mappings on I, also. □

Theorem 1 Let h:(0,1)(0,) be a given function, g:I[0,) be a given φ h -convex function. If f:I[0,) is Lebesgue integrable and (g, φ h )-convex dominated on I for linear continuous function φ:[a,b][a,b], then the following inequalities hold:




for all x,yI and t[0,1].

Proof By the Definition 5 with t= 1 2 , x=λa+(1λ)b, y=(1λ)a+λb and λ[0,1], as the mapping f is (g, φ h )-convex dominated function, we have that

Then using the linearity of φ-function, we have

If we integrate the above inequality with respect to λ over [0,1], the inequality in (2.2) is proved.

To prove the inequality in (2.3), firstly we use the Definition 5 for x=a and y=b, we have

Then we integrate the above inequality with respect to t over [0,1], we get

If we substitute x=tφ(a)+(1t)φ(b) and use the fact that 0 1 h(t)dt= 0 1 h(1t)dt, we get

So, the proof is completed. □

Corollary 1 Under the assumptions of Theorem 1 with h(t)=t, t(0,1), we have




Remark 1 If function φ is the identity in (2.4) and (2.5), then they reduce to Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for convex dominated functions proved by Dragomir, Pearce and Pečarić in [2].

Corollary 2 Under the assumptions of Theorem 1 with h(t)= t s , t,s(0,1), we have




Remark 2 If function φ is the identity in (2.6) and (2.7), then they reduce to Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for (g,s)-convex dominated functions proved by Kavurmacı, Özdemir and Sarıkaya in [4].

Corollary 3 Under the assumptions of Theorem 1 with h(t)= 1 t , t(0,1), we have


Remark 3 If function φ is the identity in (2.8), then it reduces to Hermite-Hadamard type inequality for (g,Q(I))-convex dominated functions proved by Özdemir, Tunç and Kavurmacı in [6].

Corollary 4 Under the assumptions of Theorem 1 with h(t)=1, t(0,1), we have




Remark 4 If function φ is the identity in (2.9) and (2.10), then they reduce to Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for (g,P(I))-convex dominated functions proved by Özdemir, Tunç and Kavurmacı in [6].