Erratum to: Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:873

In this Erratum we do minor corrections to Table 1, Fig. 4 and Equations (28) and (29). These modifications do not modify any conclusion.

1 First modification

In Table 1, in page 5 of 12, the values of autocorrelation times \(\tau _{P}\) and \(\tau _{Q^{2}}\) for the HMC rows should be doubled. Also, the first sentence of the caption, which reads “Simulation parameters and results for the pure gauge model using \(N_{conf}=5 \cdot 10^5\) configurations in each case” should read “Simulation parameters and results for the pure gauge model using \(N_{\text {conf}}=5 \cdot 10^5\) configurations for wHMC and \(10^6\) for HMC”. The correct table with the corrected caption can be found in this document.

Table 1 Simulation parameters and results for the pure gauge model using \(N_{\text {conf}}=5 \cdot 10^5\) configurations for wHMC and \(10^6\) for HMC. The column “# jumps” indicates the number of transitions in which the topological charge changes by at least one unit. The integrator of the HMC step is tuned such that the acceptance is \(\sim 90\%\)

Figure 4, in page 4 of 12, is affected by the modifications of Table 1 and should be changed with a new plot depicting the new data, but its interpretation in text is unchanged. The new figure can be found in this document.

2 Second modification

Equations (28) and (29), in page 5 of 12, are wrong. Their interpretation in the text is unchanged, but a modification of the paragraph prior to Equation (28) is necessary. The suggested modification of the paragraph prior to Equation (28) until Equation (29) follows:

One can understand the improvement of the acceptance rate of the winding step with \(L_{w}\). The change in the action when a winding is performed is restricted to the plaquettes at the boundary of \(S_{w}\), and is due to the change in the links at the boundary—see violet region in Fig. 2. The change in the phase of the plaquette, \(\delta \theta _{p}\), due to the transformation \(\Omega ^{\pm }\) is therefore \(\mp \frac{\pi }{2L_{w}}\). We refer to \(\delta S_{w}\) as the outer boundary of the winding region. For sufficiently large \(L_{w}\), the change in the phase of the plaquette is small and we can approximate

$$\begin{aligned} \Delta S \approx - \beta \frac{\pi }{2L_{w}} \sum _{p\subset \partial S_{w}}^{} \sin (\theta _{p})+ \beta \frac{\pi ^2}{4L_{w}^2} \sum _{p \subset \partial S_{w}}^{} \cos (\theta _{p}). \end{aligned}$$

The average of the first term of \(\Delta S\) vanishes, while the last term averages to

$$\begin{aligned} \langle \Delta S \rangle \simeq \frac{\beta \pi ^2}{L_{w}}. \end{aligned}$$
Fig. 4
figure 1

Autocorrelation time of \(Q^2\) as a function of \(\beta \propto a^{-2}\), as obtained with the wHMC and HMC algorithms