1 Erratum to: Eur. Phys. J. C (2021) 81:1058 https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-09809-y

We found an error in the code for calculating the CCSN detection range that led to double counting of signal events and thus to ranges that were too large by a factor of about 1.3. This results in the following corrections (old value \(\rightarrow \) new value):

  • The values for the detection ranges decrease as shown in the corrected Table 4. Figures  8, 9, 10 change accordingly. Correspondingly, the numbers change in:

    • Abstract: We find that exploiting temporal coincidences between signals in different photocathode segments, a \(27\ {\mathrm {M}}_{\odot }\) progenitor mass CCSN can be detected up to a distance of (\(341\,\hbox {kpc}\rightarrow 269\,\hbox {kpc}\)) with a false detection rate of \(0.01\,\hbox {year}^{-1}\) with a detector consisting of 10,000 sensors.

    • Section 4.2: The trigger condition (\(m\ge 7\)\(N_{\nu }\ge 7\)) can be used to send supernova alerts with very high confidence (about one false detection per century), and identify CCSN at a distance of (\(341\,\hbox {kpc}\rightarrow {269}\,\hbox {kpc}\)) with \(50\%\) probability.

    • Section 4.2: With a relaxed set of conditions of (\(m\ge 7\)\(N_{\nu }\ge 6\)), SNe up to (\(370\,\hbox {kpc}\rightarrow {291}\,\hbox {kpc}\)) can be detected with less than one false CCSN detection per year.

    • Section 4.2: For example, for a number of detected events \(N_\nu =5\) a background origin can be excluded at \({3.2}\,{\sigma }\), while at least a corresponding number of events will be detected in \(50\%\) of cases from a \(27\,{\mathrm {M}}_{\odot }\) CCSNe at a distance of (\(407\,\hbox {kpc} \rightarrow {322}\,\hbox {kpc}\)).

    • Section 4.2: If \(N_\nu =7\) events with \(m\ge 7\) are detected we obtain a \({4.9}\,{\sigma }\) confidence that such signal was not produced by background with a \(50\%\) detection probability at (\({341}\,\hbox {kpc}\rightarrow {269}\,\hbox {kpc}\)) distance.

    • Conclusions: For a detector equipped with 10,000 sensors consisting of 24 3-inch photomultipliers, we find that CCSNe up to a distance of (\(341\,\hbox {kpc}\rightarrow {269}\,\hbox {kpc}\)) can be identified with \(50\%\) probability with 0.01 false SN detection per year.

    • Conclusions: If the arrival time of CCSN neutrinos is known from an independent observation with \(\delta t = 1\,\hbox {h}\), a \(27\,{\mathrm {M}}_{\odot }\) CCSN at (\([407,341]\,\text {kpc}\rightarrow [322,269]\,\text {kpc}\)) can be detected in \(50\%\) of cases and with a [3.2, 4.9] \(\sigma \) certainty that the signal was not produced by background.

  • Change in the \(5\sigma \) detection horizons, in case the arrival time of the burst is known exactly:

    • Section 4.2: The \(5\sigma \) discovery horizon in this scenario reaches (\({400}\,\hbox {kpc}\rightarrow {315}\,\hbox {kpc}\)) for a \(27\,{\mathrm {M}}_{\odot }\) CCSN using \(m\ge 7\), and (\({300}\,\hbox {kpc}\rightarrow {234}\,\hbox {kpc}\)) for the \(9.6\,{\mathrm {M}}_{\odot }\) model.

  • To reach a detection of one CCSN about every decade doubling the number of modules, the necessary noise reduction changes from a factor \(\sim 70\) to a factor \(\sim 140\):

    • Abstract: Increasing the number of sensors to 20,000 and reducing the optical background by a factor of (\(\sim 70 \rightarrow \ \sim 140\)) expands the range such that a CCSN detection rate of (\(0.1\rightarrow 0.08\)) per year is achieved, while keeping the false detection rate at \(0.01\,\hbox {year}^{-1}\).

    • Section 4.2: In contrast, doubling the number of modules installed would allow the false SN detection rate to be kept below \(0.01\,\hbox {year}^{-1}\) while expecting (\(1\rightarrow 0.8\)) CCSN detection per decade if the radioactive noise within the glass vessel can be reduced by a factor of about (\(70\rightarrow 140\)).

    • Conclusions: Increasing the number of installed modules to 20,000 and using pressure vessels with significantly reduced optical background could extend the range such that one CCSN (per decade \(\rightarrow \) every \(\sim 12\) years) can be observed.

The conclusion from this work remains unchanged despite the reduced detection range: exploiting coincidences between detected photons within a segmented photosensor will significantly increase the sensitivity of sparsely instrumented neutrino telescopes to distant CCSNe.

Table 4 False CCSN detection rate and range of supernova detection (50% probability) for different values of m and \(N_{\nu }\) (see trigger conditions in Section 4; \(\Delta t_{\mathrm {coin}}=20\,\hbox {ns}\), \(\Delta T_{{\mathrm {SN}}}={10}\,\hbox {s}\))
Fig. 8
figure 1

Probability for the detection of a CCSN of \(27\,\hbox {M}_\odot \) progenitor mass as a function of distance using the trigger conditions presented in Table 4

Fig. 9
figure 2

Detection prospects for a CCSN whose time is known to within 1 h (\(m\ge 7\)\(\Delta t_{\mathrm {coin}}=20\,\hbox {ns}\)\(\Delta T_{\mathrm {SN}} = 10\,\hbox {s}\)). Left axis: Probability in \(\sigma \) that the signal is not produced by background fluctuations. Right axis: Distance at which a \(27\,{\mathrm {M}}_{\odot }\) progenitor mass CCSN is detected with \(10\%\) (upper boundary), \(50\%\) (middle mark) and \(90\%\) probability (lower boundary), when at least \(N_{\nu }\) detected events are required

Fig. 10
figure 3

CCSN detection rate for hypothetical detectors with 10,000 (upper) and 20,000 (lower) mDOMs as a function of the false SN detection rate and a reduction in radioactive noise compared to standard mDOMs. The CCSN detection rates have been calculated using the estimated CCSNe population from [16] based on actual observations and scaled to the star formation rate