1 Erratum to: Eur. Phys. J. C https://doi.org/10.1140/epjc/s10052-018-5935-5

The complex phase of the Yukawa coupling \(y_A\) has been erroneously set to zero in the code for Fig. 3a in [1]. The corrected figure is shown in Fig. 1. The Wilson coefficients \(c^N_1\) change sign at about \(m_\psi \simeq 225\) GeV and \(c^N_{4,5,6}\) at \(m_\psi \simeq 425\) GeV. In the Majorana dark matter (DM) case, all the Wilson coefficients are in the range \(10^{-5}\)\(10^{-4}\), except in the region of DM mass when a Wilson coefficient changes sign. No other results have been affected by this error.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Dirac DM (top) and Majorana DM (bottom) with a vector-like fermion F of mass \(m_F=600\) GeV and a scalar S of mass \(m_S=500\) GeV. The Yukawa couplings are fixed to \(y_V=1\) and \(y_A=1.3\, e^{i\,1.4}\) and Higgs portal coupling \(\lambda _{HS}=3\). The Wilson coefficients are evaluated for \({}^{132}_{54}\mathrm {Xe}\) at \(E_R=8.59\) keV and are displayed in dimensionless units by rescaling with the square of the electroweak VEV \(v=246.2\) GeV

We further want to clarify that the large enhancement of the differential rate for Dirac DM with a vector-like fermion in Fig. 4a in [1] is mainly due to the electric dipole moment \(d_\psi \). The contribution from the magnetic dipole moment \(\mu _\psi \) is large but subdominant, because the relevant non-relativistic operator \(\mathcal {O}_5^N\) is suppressed by \(\vec {v}_{\perp }\) compared to \(\mathcal {O}_{11}^N\). The different spectral shapes in Fig. 4b in [1] are due to the absence of dipole moments for Majorana DM.