1 Erratum to: Eur. Phys. J. C (2017) 77:173 DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-017-4736-6

In the paper above, we have proposed a tetraquark picture with the mixing scheme for the \(I_z=1\) members of the isovector (\(I=1\)) resonances, \(a^+_0 (980)\), \(a^+_0 (1450)\). In particular, their mass splittings fit relatively well with the hyperfine mass splittings if they are viewed as mixtures of two spin-configurations of diquark–antidiquark constituents, \(|J,J_{12},J_{34}\rangle = |000\rangle ,|011\rangle \), where J is the tetraquark spin, \(J_{12}\) the diquark spin, \(J_{34}\) the antidiquark spin. The second configuration involving the spin-1 diquark, \(|011\rangle \), is found to be an important ingredient in explaining the resonances of our concern in this tetraquark picture. However, the existence of the \(|011\rangle \) component requires additional tetraquarks to be found in \(J=1\) and \(J=2\) resonances with the spin configurations, \(|J,J_{12},J_{34}\rangle =|111\rangle \) and \(|211\rangle \), respectively.

In this erratum, we point out that our assignment of \(a^+_1(1260)\) as a candidate for the \(J=1\) tetraquark with the \(|111\rangle \) configuration is incorrect because of the C -parity for its corresponding member in \(I_z=0\). Specifically, we would like to demonstrate that the \(|111\rangle \) state with \(I=1, I_z=0\) must have the C -parity odd and, in this regard, a relevant candidate for the \(|111\rangle \) state should be \(b^0_1(1235)\) (\(J^{PC}=1^{+-}\)) instead of \(a^0_1(1260)\) (\(J^{PC}=1^{++}\)). So its charged member (\(I=1,I_z=1\)), which in fact was considered in our paper, must be \(b^+_1(1235)\) instead of \(a^+_1(1260)\). Nevertheless, since their experimental masses are almost the same, \(M[b_1(1235)]=1229.5\) MeV, \(M[a_1(1260)]=1230\) MeV, our discussion in the paper, which is mostly based on the mass splittings, is unaltered except that \(a_1(1260)\) is replaced with \(b_1(1235)\). The other tetraquarks with \(J=0,J=2\), with the spin configurations \(|000\rangle \), \(|011\rangle \), \(|211\rangle \), are found to have \(C=+\) so their assignments to the physical resonances are not contradictory with their C -parity.

To demonstrate that \(C|111\rangle =-|111\rangle \) for the isospin member of \(I=1,I_z=0\), we take the state with \(J=1\) and the spin projection \(M=1\) among three spin states in \(|111\rangle \), and we denote this state as \(|JM\rangle =|11\rangle \). The same proof can be done for the other spin states, \(|JM\rangle =|10\rangle , |1-1\rangle \). The flavor structure of the member \(I=1,I_z=0\) is \(\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( [su][\bar{s}\bar{u}]-[ds][\bar{d}\bar{s}] \right) \). For our purpose, it would be enough to consider one specific combination of the flavor, \([su][\bar{s}\bar{u}]\). If we rewrite the state \(|JM\rangle =|11\rangle \) with respect to the spins and their projections of diquark and antidiquark, \(|J_{12}M_{12}\rangle _{[su]} |J_{34}M_{34}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}\), we find

$$\begin{aligned} |11\rangle= & {} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left\{ |1_{12}1_{12}\rangle _{[su]}|1_{34}0_{34}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}\right. \nonumber \\&\left. -\, |1_{12}0_{12}\rangle _{[su]}|1_{34}1_{34}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}\right\} . \end{aligned}$$

Now it is straightforward to prove that the state above has \(C=-\) by applying the charge conjugation [Eq. (2)], exchanging the diquark and antidiquark parts [Eq. (3)], and renaming the dummy indices \(12 \leftrightarrow 34\) [Eq. (4)], i.e.,

$$\begin{aligned} C|11\rangle= & {} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left\{ |1_{12}1_{12}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}|1_{34}0_{34}\rangle _{[su]}\right. \nonumber \\&\left. -\, |1_{12}0_{12}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}|1_{34}1_{34}\rangle _{[su]}\right\} \ \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}= & {} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left\{ |1_{34}0_{34}\rangle _{[su]} |1_{12}1_{12}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}\right. \nonumber \\&\left. -\, |1_{34}1_{34}\rangle _{[su]}|1_{12}0_{12}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}\right\} \ \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}= & {} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\left\{ |1_{12}0_{12}\rangle _{[su]} |1_{34}1_{34}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}\right. \nonumber \\&\left. -\, |1_{12}1_{12}\rangle _{[su]}|1_{34}0_{34}\rangle _{[\bar{s}\bar{u}]}\right\} \ \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned}= & {} -|11\rangle . \end{aligned}$$