The existence of Dark Matter in the Universe follows from a number of observational facts, including flat rotation curves of galaxies at large galactocentric distances, gravitational lensing of cosmologically distant objects and the large-scale structure of the spatial distribution of galaxies [1]. To explain the nature of Dark Matter, various models have been considered, including phenomena extending the Standard Model of particle physics (SM). Several of these models assume the existence of hypothetical scalar fields interacting with the baryonic component of an ordinary substance [24]. The result of such interactions can lead to the space-time variations of dimensionless physical constants, such as the fine structure constant α and the electron-to-proton mass ratio μ [58].

Therefore, the new theories can be tested experimentally using the differential measurements of μ = me/mp [9]. It should be noted that the mass of the electron me is directly related to Higgs-like scalar fields, while the main contribution to the mass of the proton mp comes from the binding energy of quarks.

Electron-vibro-rotational transitions in molecular spectra have a specific dependence on μ, individual for each transition [10, 11]. The reaction of the transition to a change in μ is characterized by a dimensionless sensitivity coefficient Qμ, which is defined as

$${{Q}_{\mu }} = \frac{{df{\text{/}}f}}{{d\mu {\text{/}}\mu }},$$

here df/f is the relative frequency offset, and dμ/μ is given by

$$\frac{{\Delta \mu }}{\mu } = \frac{{{{\mu }_{{{\text{obs}}}}} - {{\mu }_{{{\text{lab}}}}}}}{{{{\mu }_{{{\text{lab}}}}}}},$$

where μobs, μlab are astronomical and laboratory values of μ, correspondingly. At the same time, the sensitivity coefficients can take different signs, which leads to an increase or decrease in the observed frequency compared to its laboratory value.

The most stringent limits on \(\mu \)-variations at large redshifts z were obtained from extragalactic observations towards the quasar J1443+2724 (z = 4.22). From the analysis of the Lyman and Werner absorption lines of molecular hydrogen H2 the upper limit on Δμ/μ < 8 × 10–6 was obtained [12]. In the Milky Way, the most stringent upper limits were established from observations of the 23 GHz inversion transition in ammonia NH3, which has a sensitivity coefficient Qμ = 4.46 [13], compared to the pure rotational transitions in HC3N, HC5N, and HC7N, which have Qμ = 1: Δμ/μ < 7 × 10‒9 [14]. Independent estimates from observations of the thermal emission lines of methanol CH3OH in the core of the molecular cloud L1498 lead to a value of Δμ/μ < 2 × 10–8 [15]. Similar constraints follow from the measurements of the radial velocities of methanol maser lines: Δμ/μ < 2 × 10–8 [16] and Δμ/μ < 2.7 × 10–8 [17]. All estimates of Δμ/μ are given at a 1σ confidence level.

It should be noted that in previous works methanol isotopologues have not been used extensively. The first estimates of the upper limit on μ-variations were obtained from the TMRT 65-m telescope [18] observations of the thermal emission lines of 13CH3OH in the star-forming region NGC 6334I: Δμ/μ < 3 × 10–8 [19].

In the molecules with hindered internal motion, enhanced sensitivity coefficients Qμ are inherent for tunneling transitions, since the tunneling probability depends exponentially on the masses of tunneling particles [13, 20, 21]. The most promising molecule for these studies is methanol (CH3OH), where the methyl group CH3 can make torsional vibrations relative to the hydroxyl group OH. In this case, the hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group can be located in three possible positions with equal energies, and to move from one configuration to another, it must pass through a potential barrier caused by the three hydrogen atoms of the methyl group. So, there is an internal hindered motion of the hydrogen atom relative to the methyl group.

The sensitivity coefficients Qμ for methanol were calculated by two independent methods in 2011 [20, 21]. The results show that low-frequency (in the range of 1–50 GHz) transitions have high values of Qμ with different signs: –17 ≤ Qμ ≤ +43, which, compared to the sensitivity coefficients of the molecular hydrogen H2 lines (|Qμ| ~ 10–2) give a gain in the limiting estimates of Δμ/μ by a factor of more than 1000.

In our previous work [19], a list of molecules with the enhanced sensitivity coefficients was extended due to the methanol isotopologues—13CH3OH with ‒32 ≤ Qμ ≤ +78, and CH318OH with –109 ≤ Qμ ≤ +33.

Turning to the practical measurements of Δμ/μ, we note that to estimate this value, pairs of molecular lines with different coefficients Qμ,1 and Qμ,2 are used [20]:

$$\frac{{\Delta \mu }}{\mu } = \frac{{{{V}_{1}} - {{V}_{2}}}}{{c({{Q}_{{\mu ,2}}} - {{Q}_{{\mu ,1}}})}},$$

where V1 and V2 are the measured radial velocities of these lines, and c is the speed of light. The conversion from the frequency scale f to the velocity scale V is made by the radio astronomical definition V/c = (flab – fobs)/flab.

The accuracy of the Δμ/μ measurements is due to the influence of various factors. Uncertainties in laboratory frequencies and line centers in astronomical spectra are the main sources of errors. In addition, there are systematic errors which can be estimated from observations of different objects in different molecular transitions. Transitions in methanol isotopologues have high sensitivity coefficients of both signs, i.e., they are the most suitable candidates for such studies.

High precision measurements can be carried out from high-resolution spectra, which were recently obtained for the Orion-KL molecular cloud [22]. The published spectra contain lines of methanol CH3OH and its two isotopologues—13CH3OH and CH318OH. The CH318OH lines are found to be quite weak, and have large errors in radial velocities. However, the 13CH3OH emission spectra display lines with higher intensities, and their positions are determined quite accurately (with errors of 100 m s–1, which are acceptable for our purposes). Thus, it becomes possible to estimate Δμ/μ independently – with only the lines of 13CH3OH and in combination with the transition \({{J}_{{{{K}_{u}}}}}{-} {{J}_{{{{K}_{l}}}}}\) = 152–151E in CH3OH (see Table 1 below).

Table 1. Selected 13CH3OH and CH3OH transitions in Orion-KL [22]

We selected from the published spectra the pairs of molecular transitions with approximately equal values of the Doppler widths Δ\({{{v}}_{{\text{D}}}}\), such that the difference in the sensitivity coefficients ΔQμ is maximized. The selected lines and their parameters are given in Table 1. The first column lists the transition described by two quantum numbers—the total angular momentum J and its projection K on the principal axis of the molecule—for the upper (u) and lower (l) levels, the second column displays the transition frequency, the third and fourth columns show the Doppler width and the Local Standard of Rest radial velocity, VLSR, respectively. The fifth column contains the sensitivity coefficient Qμ, taken from [19]. The calculation of Qμ for methanol CH3OH was performed in this work using our previously developed method [20]. As can be seen from Table 1, the difference in the sensitivity coefficients is ΔQμ ~ 30, which provides a confident estimate on the μ-variance.

Using Eq. (3) for the transitions in 13CH3OH, we obtain Δμ/μ = (–1.1 ± 1.5) × 10–8, which corresponds to the upper limit on Δμ/μ = 1.5 × 10–8. A similar calculation for the combination of the 62–53A line of 13CH3OH and the 152–151E line of CH3OH gives Δμ/μ = (–3.4 ± 1.6) × 10–8, and the upper limit on Δμ/μ = 1.6 × 10–8. This yields the average value of 〈Δμ/μ〉 = (–2.3 ± 1.1) × 10–8, and the corresponding upper limit on the changes in μ – Δμ/μ = 1.1 × 10—8. This upper limit agrees well with previously obtained constraints from Galactic CH3OH [15, 16] and 13CH3OH [19] observations.

The results of these investigations do not indicate any significant systematic errors in the estimates of Δμ/μ. It follows that the assumed effects of Higgs-like scalar fields on the masses of elementary particles do not exceed the 10–8 level in the disk of the Galaxy. This upper limit, 10–8, also coincides with a limit on the influence of the hypothetical fifth force on hadronic interactions [23], so it can be considered as the most robust at the current time.