Background & Summary

Soil phosphorus drives food production required to feed an increasing global population that is projected to reach 10 billion people by 20501. It has been estimated that an additional 500 million hectares of arable land will be required to feed this increased population unless phosphorus can be either better utilised by plants or applied more efficiently2. Much of this efficiency will arise from local management solutions that only apply phosphorus fertilisers where they are needed3. However, knowledge of plant-available soil phosphorus stocks is poor, globally.

Some estimates have been made of global soil total phosphorus but only considers soils in their natural state, that is without the addition of fertilisers4,5. Similarly, regional estimates exist of plant available soil phosphorus stocks using measured data6,7,8. However, global estimates of plant available soil phosphorus stocks using measured data do not exist. Instead, global stocks have been estimated using models of factors such as plant uptake, weathering and global lithology data9,10,11,12 or via mass balance approaches2,13. It is important to know where available soil phosphorus concentrations are adequate or deficient for optimal crop growth. This knowledge enables us to better match phosphorus fertiliser supply to crop demand and to suggest where excess plant available soil phosphorus can be drawn down11,14. Here we present the first global database of freely available data on plant available soil phosphorus concentrations and use these data to create a global map and calculate the global stocks of plant available soil phosphorus stocks. We chose bicarbonate-extractable Olsen phosphorus15 as the measure of plant available soil phosphorus as it is the most widely used form, globally.


Data filtering and evaluation

Data (n = 574,375) of available soil phosphorus were obtained from 19 regional or global databases and published studies. These were chosen for their geographic spread and representativeness of a mix of developed and developing nations and where there was a clear process in place to ensure that data were of good quality (Table 1). Prior to modelling the data to estimate global Olsen phosphorus stocks, we adopted a multi-step process (Fig. 1) to produce a globally consistent dataset. The steps comprised (1) inspecting the data and filtering it for consistent analytical methods, units, and a limit of detection (set as 2 mg kg−1); (2) filtering data to remove points lacking correct geo-referencing and those falling outside an acceptable time span (from 2000–2019); (3) converting values into Olsen phosphorus concentrations via established equations (Table 2), if necessary; and 4) filtering data to remove points from depths >20 cm and eliminating any duplicate values.

Table 1 List of data sources used to construct the map of the estimated global soil Olsen phosphorus (P) stock.
Fig. 1
figure 1

Flowchart of the steps involved in filtering, evaluation, and modelling of soil Olsen phosphorus data. Note that the blue and orange boxes are sub tasks associated with each step and resulting outputs, respectively.

Table 2 Regression equations to convert Mehlich-3, Bray-I and Resin phosphorus into Olsen phosphorus for calcareous and non-calcareous soils.

Step 1 Inspect data

When examining data, we determined that the soil extraction method was recorded, and that the phosphorus extraction relied on acceptable procedures. Measurements of phosphorus based on molybdenum blue colorimetry or ion chromatography were considered comparable and acceptable. Measurements obtained with the stannous chloride method were excluded from the database. We also inspected the data for irregularities such as different units or different detection limits. The units were restricted to mg kg−1, and volumetric data (mg L−1) were excluded. Where detection limits were reported (2 mg kg−1), minimum values were expressed as half the detection limit (1 mg kg−1). Where detection limits were not reported, we inspected each data source for repeated low concentrations and assigned detection limits equivalent to half of the values that were repeatedly reported. Values at or below the detection limit comprised < 0.1% of the final database.

Step 2 Correct for space and time

We determined whether data points were correctly geo-referenced and occurred within an acceptable time span. To increase the likelihood that data points were correctly geo-referenced we excluded any data that were incorrectly reported or located in aquatic systems, glaciers, or permanent snowpacks. To generate an acceptable and consistent time span we restricted our data to the period from 2000 to 2019, except for three datasets relating to areas with unchanged land use. The first dataset was a global metanalysis dataset of soils under native land use (largely forestland)5 with a mean sampling year of 1992. As these samples were obtained from natural land uses, they were not expected to be influenced by anthropogenic phosphorus inputs. The second dataset involved 25 sites in Sahel and West African countries sampled in 199016. Despite increases in green vegetation, land use intensification in these areas was very limited17. We therefore considered these soils to be representative of current practices. The third dataset included 17,920 values from the Second National Soil Farm Survey of China18 collected between 1980 and 1996. Major changes occurred in both the land use and land use intensity in eastern China, but not in western China, from 1986 to 201019,20,21. To account for likely changes in the soil Olsen phosphorus concentration, we excluded data from the second survey prior to 1995 along with data pertaining to eastern provinces (Anhui, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Hebei, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, Shandong, Sichuan, and Tianjin). We retained data originating from the remaining provinces where no land use change or intensification was noted22,23,24.

Step 3 Convert the data

We converted all data into soil Olsen phosphorus concentration data using regression equations suitable for Bray-I phosphorus, Resin-phosphorus, Kirsanov-phosphorus, AB-DPTA-phosphorus and for calcareous and non-calcareous soils25 considering Mehlich-3 phosphorus (Table 2). The slopes and coefficients of these equations were weighted according to the number of data points in each dataset. We note that pH can strongly affect these conversions especially if soil tests are used inappropriately; for example, using the Bray-I phosphorus test will dissolve calcium phosphates that are sparingly available to plants. We excluded Bray-I P data from soils ≥ pH 7 from our database. Moreover, while pH was found to have a minimal effect on conversions of Mehlich-3 phosphorus to Olsen phosphorus26, nevertheless we used separate equations for calcareous and non-calcareous soils (Table 2). The proportions of the total sites converted from Bray-I, Resin, Kirsanov, AB-DPTA and Mehlich-3 phosphorus at this stage were 50.7%, 0.4%, 0.6%, 0.1% and 4.8%, respectively, but after step 4, the proportions changed to 37.4%, 0.5%, 0.4%, 0.2%, and 4.7%, respectively. Nearly 57% of all the samples required no conversion (please refer to the filtering and conversion tabs in Final_Filtered_Raw_OlsenP_Plus_Predictors.xls or Steps_1_to_4.csv27).

Step 4 Adjustment to a consistent sampling depth and removal of duplicate values

Sites sampled at multiple depths were averaged to the top 20 cm, considering the proportion of a given sample within the top 20 cm and any variance in the bulk density at a certain depth25 (n = 11,756). For instance, if a sample was collected at depths from 15–25 cm, the sample influenced the mean value only within the 0–20 cm depth interval by a quarter (assuming all the soil samples exhibited the same bulk density). We did not make any adjustment for stratification of Olsen phosphorus concentrations in the deeper soil sample. However, much less stratification of Olsen phosphorus occurs with depth owing to strong sorption of phosphorus by the topsoil28. Where there were multiple concentrations for the same coordinates, we adopted the mean value (n = 176). Deeper samples and any duplicate values at a specific site and date were removed (n = 15,791).

Our final global dataset contained 33,102 values distributed across 89 countries, with a mean concentration of 26 mg kg−1. Over our sampling period, the mean sampling year was 2009 (Table 1). The percentage of major outliers (calculated as 1.5 times the interquartile range plus the upper fence of each database) varied from zero to seven (Fig. 2). However, when examining the whole database, the percentage of major outliers was <1%. We therefore did not remove outliers from the final database.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Box plots showing the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles (top, middle and bottom of each box), the upper and lower fences (the 75th and 25th percentiles plus and minus 1.5 times the interquartile range, respectively) and minor (>75th percentile but <upper fence) and major (>upper fence) Olsen P concentrations for each database. The values at the top indicate the number (and percentage in parentheses) of major outliers in each database.


The filtered data (n = 32,941) were paired with predictor variables obtained from a wide variety of sources (Table 3). These predictor variables were chosen due to their high likelihood of influencing soil Olsen phosphorus stocks and included catchment characteristics, hydrological and climate parameters, land use, population, and ecological classifications6,29. We extracted data for each predictor variable from the sources outlined in Tables 3, 4 at a resolution of 1 km2, resulting in 933,120,000 points per variable considering the global land mass.

Table 3 Climatic variables and the units, years and sources of the variables used to predict the Olsen phosphorus concentration.
Table 4 Biophysical and geographic variables and the units, years and sources of the variables used to predict the Olsen phosphorus concentration.

Prior to statistical analysis, log-transformed Olsen phosphorus concentrations were confirmed as approximately normally distributed with the Shapiro-Wilk test. A range of models was trialled to predict Olsen phosphorus concentrations. However, to minimise the likelihood that models were being overfitted we conducted a principal components analysis on 17 variables that were likely autocorrelated, being produced on a monthly timestep (e.g., EVI, NDVI, precipitation, mean temperature, mean maximum temperature, and mean minimum temperature). These components explained 96.9% of the variance in the set of variables and were all highly significant (P < 0.001) in the first model tried (a simple linear model) and so were included in all our models. Following the simple linear model, we developed a mixed effects model, then a random forest model, followed by generalised additive model (GAM) fitted with the mgcv30 procedure in R. Although the random forest model developed explained most of the most variance in the data, the computational requirements were too high for it to be applied on a global scale. We chose the implement the generalised additive model to predict log Olsen phosphorus concentrations, globally (Table 5).

Table 5 Approaches and performance metrics (Akaike Information Criterion, AIC; Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency, NSE) for each of the models tested.

During modelling we used 70% of the data to train the models, while the remaining 30% was reserved to evaluate model performance. However, after finding little difference in predictive power between models using 70% or all the data, we chose to create the final model based on all the data.

It was not possible to predict values for the countries not included in the training data (representing 27.8% of global area). However, through the modelling process, country (geopolitical boundary) was an important predictor (see: R_model_outputs.docx27). To predict Olsen P concentrations for countries with no data, we randomly sampled 5% of each country in the dataset and renamed the country for those observations as “other” before rerunning the model. Thus, the “other” countries represented a weighted average of the countries present in the training data. This procedure may have biased the predictions for the “other” countries, as the model would be weighted towards countries with more training data, which may not be representative of those countries not represented in the training data. Users should be aware of this modelling fix and are advised to consult Country_counts.csv to judge the number of data points for each country.

Once models were run, predicted concentrations were back-transformed and corrected for the retransformation bias with the smearing estimate method31:

$$S=\frac{1}{n}{\sum }_{i=1}^{n}{e}^{\widehat{{\varepsilon }_{i}}}$$

where εi denotes the residuals of the regression models. The correction factor (S) is applied over the whole range of predictions, as it is assumed that the residuals are homoscedastic.

The back-transformed predictions of Olsen phosphorus concentrations in topsoil were projected globally in ArcGIS. Raster grids were created at a spatial resolution of 0.025 degrees (ca. 1 km2 near the equator), which corresponds to the coarsest grid cells associated with the input data, as listed in Tables 3 and 4.

Post-processing adjustments

Our preliminary modelling established that the biome and development status of a given country were important factors influencing the projection of Olsen phosphorus concentration in that country (see: R_model_outputs.docx27). However, most of the data used to generate our global model were derived from developed regions and productive biomes. To determine if large areas were being modelled with a paucity of data, we split the database into biomes and whether a data point pertained to a developing or underdeveloped country. After inspecting the data, we found that five biomes suffered from a paucity of data (n < 100): deserts (within the desert and xeric shrubland biome); flooded grasslands and savannas and mangroves (developed); tropical and subtropical dry broadleaf forests, and montane grasslands and shrublands (underdeveloped). These biomes represented 12.6%, 0.9%, <0.1%, 3.7% and 0.5%, respectively, of the global land area, but are all largely unproductive. As previous studies have identified lower but stable soil phosphorus concentrations in unproductive biomes than in productive biomes, we used literature data to replace our modelled estimates of soil Olsen phosphorus. These biomes were assigned Olsen phosphorus concentrations (mg kg−1) of 2.032, 5.433, 3.534, 3.135 and concentrations between 1 and 3 depending on slope and elevation36 (see: Final_Filtered_Raw_OlsenP_Plus_Predictors.xlsx; post modelling processing tab or Steps_1_to_4.csv27).

Few data were available for South Africa. However, a prior spatial model of the mean soil available phosphorus (Bray-I phosphorus) in South Africa was available at the provincial level37. This model was generated from >10,000 data points and performed better (for South Africa) than our model (r2 = 0.68 cf. 0.54). Hence, we converted the modelled South African Bray-I phosphorus concentrations at a provincial level into Olsen phosphorus concentrations and applied it instead of ours.

Calculation and soil Olsen phosphorus stocks

To predict soil Olsen phosphorus stocks, the predicted concentration data (Fig. 3) were multiplied by bulk density data25. Predicted Olsen concentration and bulk density data were assumed to cover 1-km2 land parcels with a topsoil thickness of 20 cm. The mass in each pixel was calculated in kilotons. The predicted global stock (across 136 M km2 of land) is estimated to be 318,618 kt (±21,985 kt), while continental stocks are estimated to be: 47,847 (±3,301), 86.474 (±4,483), 84,401 (±7,279), 60517 (±4,176), 13,374 (±951), and 26,005 kt (±1,795 kt), for Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, and South America, respectively. Variation in stocks were calculated as the coefficient of variation using \({\widehat{cv}}_{raw}=\sqrt{{e}^{{s}_{ln}^{2}}-1}\) for each estimate in the dataset38 and the “metrumrg” package in R39 (see also R_code_output.docx). The mean coefficient of variation was 0.069 or 6.9%. The stocks and area calculated for each continent (and country) are given in Stats_by_Continent.xlsx. The mean stock for countries was 1356 kt, ranging from <1 for small Caribbean Island nations to 39267 kt for the US.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Global topsoil Olsen phosphorus concentration (mg kg−1). The mapped land parcels are plotted at a resolution of 1-km2 and were calculated from a database containing ca. 575,000 soil samples of freely available data with a wide geographic coverage. An interactive version of this map, allowing users to discover predicted concentrations at selected points is available at:

On average the percentage difference between the predicted and observed data (i.e., residuals) was 14.9%. We classed the percentage differences into 0–2, 2.1–5, 5.1–10, 10.1–25 and >25%. The percentage of our predictions that were in each class was 14, 19, 20, 30 and 18%, respectively (see Final_Filtered_Raw_OlsenP_Plus_Predictors.xlsx Residuals by continent tab or Residuals_by_continent.csv27). A map of the percentage differences is given in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Map of the residuals for each data point calculated as the difference between GAM predictions and the original value and classed the percentage difference into five classes: 0–2, 2.1–5, 5.1–10, 10.1–25 and >25%.

Data Records

The data and code used in modelling and outputs are available in Figshare27. A list of the data files and outputs is available in Supplementary Table 1.

Technical Validation

Validating conversions to Olsen phosphorus

The conversions from Mehlich-3 P or Bray-I P to Olsen phosphorus were validated against the National Cooperative Soil Survey database, which contains observations of both Olsen phosphorus and Mehlich-3 P or Bray-I P for 97 samples. With the use of equations for either Bray-I P (Olsen phosphorus = 0.49 × Bray-I P + 3.1) or Mehlich-3 P (Olsen phosphorus = 0.47 × Mehlich-3 P + 2.4 for non-calcareous soils and Olsen phosphorus = 0.41 × Mehlich-3 P + 1.1 for calcareous soils), we predicted Olsen phosphorus concentrations and compared these estimates to measured Olsen phosphorus concentrations. The regression outputs (P < 0.001) indicate that the slope between the measured and predicted values approaches 1 (0.998 for Bray-I P and 0.928 for Mehlich-3 P; Fig. 5), suggesting that the equations are suitable for general use as a conversion tool.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Validation of Olsen phosphorus (P) predictions via the equations for Bray-IP and Mehlich-3P in Table 2 and independently sourced data from the NCSS. In addition to a significant fit (P < 0.001), and slope approaching 1, the Nash Sutcliffe Efficiency was >0.7 for each regression.

Validating soil Olsen phosphorus stocks

We compared our estimate of the topsoil Olsen phosphorus stock in sub-Saharan Africa to the previously modelled and published phosphorus stock in Sub-Saharan Africa. These published stocks were expressed as Mehlich-3 phosphorus6, so we converted Mehlich-3 phosphorus stocks to Olsen phosphorus stocks for 1-km2 parcels of calcareous and non-calcareous soils using the equations provided in Table 2. Excluding the Saharan Desert23, our modelled estimate was 36,875 kt of Olsen phosphorus for the 0–20 cm depth. After converting the published stock of Mehlich-3 phosphorus (estimated for the 0–30 cm depth) into Olsen phosphorus by the equations in Table 2, the Olsen phosphorus stock was 28,890 kt; our estimate was 27% greater, but 1% greater if the stock for the forested land was also removed.

Usage Notes

These data and the estimated global distribution of soil Olsen phosphorus stocks can be used to estimate where soil Olsen phosphorus is deficient or more than required for optimal crop growth. This can guide more efficient use of fertiliser stocks and can also indicate the potential for phosphorus loss from land to water, for example via erosion, which can impair water quality through eutrophication12. However, it should be noted that such assessments are best done at a continental scale or at most a country or basin scale owing to the paucity of data in some regions, leading to high variability in the modelled stocks. It is advised that work requiring soil Olsen phosphorus stocks for policy at smaller scales therefore be supported by more localised sampling.