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The Study of Language in Organizations: A Symbolic Interactionist Stance

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Human Relations


Very few models have been developed fromresearch on language in organizations, and those thatexist are usually very general. In addition, theassumptions on which they are based are not alwaysexplicit, which means that the limits of the modelsthemselves cannot be seen. After describing thecharacteristics of research that could be done onlanguage from an objectivist and a subjectivist stance,and specifying the limits of these two fundamental views, thispaper proposes an explicit model for understandinglanguage based on a symbolic interactionist stance, withemphasis on ascribing meaning and understanding language in the context of the interactivesituation in which it occurs. The interactive situationcomprises three fundamental components: theenvironmental, cognitive, and emotional contexts. In themodel, the tongue and psycholinguistic schemata of theindividuals concerned inevitably have a restrictiveeffect on the language used, and the language contextmay help make the speaker's remarks meaningful. The assumptions underlying the choice of asymbolic interactionist stance are described, and thepaper ends with some suggested avenues for researchrevealing new topics or new ways of studying oldtopics.

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Cossette, P. The Study of Language in Organizations: A Symbolic Interactionist Stance. Human Relations 51, 1355–1377 (1998).

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