1 Introduction

In the contemporary era characterized by swift advancements, the significance of career counseling education has escalated considerably among pupils worldwide. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of career guidance education has resulted in notable progress and novel developments, providing individualized career assistance to students and promoting continuous lifetime career guidance [1]. The utilization of AI in career planning schooling has become a paradigm-shifting approach in the field of career counseling on a global scale. This technique offers students an extensive array of knowledge, tools, and resources pertaining to various occupations. AI technology enables students to engage in the exploration of many career options, gain a comprehensive understanding of employment criteria and necessary skills, and receive tailored counseling that aligns with their own talents, hobbies, and career objectives [2]. Personalized recommendations, career forecasts, and job market evaluations grounded in data sets and predictive modelling are all ways in which artificial intelligence (AI) can aid with career planning. AI-powered resources can facilitate career counselling, interview practice, and the pursuit of internships and full-time employment. With the use of artificial intelligence, career coaching platforms may assess a user’s interests, abilities, and character quirks and then provide advice on how to best pursue their professional goals. AI is capable of providing insights, allowing users to practice interview scenarios and receive feedback on their answers [3].

The utilization of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of career advice within education has significant opportunities and involves a range of aspects. These include the implementation of AI algorithms to automate duties for parents and educators, the monitoring of children’s development and accomplishments, and the provision of personalized learning experiences. This paper aims to conduct a comprehensive review of the past development and utilization areas of artificial intelligence (AI) in the context of exploring careers for kids and teens across various international countries. It will analyze the advantages and challenges encountered during the implementation of AI in this domain and extract valuable insights from worldwide experiences which could be applicable to the context of Bangladesh. This study also endeavors to examine the ethical considerations that must be taken into account while using artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of career counseling education. Specifically, it will explore the ethical issues of data confidentiality, algorithmic biases, and ethics.

In a nutshell, the objectives of this perspective paper can be summarized as:

  1. (a)

    To provide an overview of AI and its developments, especially in career planning.

  2. (b)

    To depict several aspects and benefits of AI in choosing career.

  3. (c)

    To predict some potential difficulties in adopting AI in career education of children.

  4. (d)

    To suggest some implication strategies of AI-assisted career planning in context of Bangladesh.

2 Methodology

2.1 Framework and research questions

This article adds to the existing research on digital technology, specifically artificial intelligence, in the fields of career advising, education, and lifelong learning. This study was carried out using the conceptual framework of socio-cognitive perspective and its applications to human-technology interaction. The research questions was set as follows:

  • RQ1: How AI can contribute in early career planning education?

  • RQ2: What challenges does AI present for career planning education?

Author tried to answer these two questions by rigorous investigation of existing literature related to AI and career planning. To find appropriate sources for analysis, we used the SCOPUS database. The process began with the keyword "career planning," which led to a total of 267 results. After that, 25 publications were left out of the results after adding the precise keyword "Artificial Intelligence". These publications have been synthesized in this paper.

3 Background and growth

After the introduction of AI-assisted technology in the late 1950s, career counseling training has considerably improved across all countries. Incorporating digital media, simulations, and evaluations into immersive experiences, today’s AI-driven job discovery tools display significant interaction and personalization. The use of Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and computational analysis opens up new avenues of exploration that are better suited to the unique set of abilities and interests of each person. In addition, they are being included in social, and emotional, learning to help with both individual and professional growth. Over the course of time, these techniques have progressively emerged as a factor to be taken into account in individuals’ career planning. The utilization of AI technology is having a significant and widespread influence on several businesses, and it is being applied in multiple growing domains. The following subsections will reveal several important aspects of AI in career planning education.

3.1 The initial applications of AI-assisted operations

In the 1960s, AI-assisted employment methods of inquiry began to appear, marking a significant divergence from the conventional methods of employment discovery. Artificial intelligence procedures were used to create electronically controlled iterations of autonomous research and significant career interest empty evaluations during this temporal period. These assessments were specifically designed to harmonize the interests and aptitudes of teenagers with appropriate professional options [4]. Despite the first advancements made by early AI systems, their capabilities were significantly constrained, resulting in restricted breadth and accuracy. For example, these systems did not possess the interactive and immersive capabilities of contemporary AI tools, and they neglected to account for shifts in work settings and the emergence of new career options. Notwithstanding these constraints, the initial AI-supported job exploration tools possess fundamental importance for present-day, increasingly intricate, and dynamic career development platforms [5]. These modern technologies provide people across many different ages with more immersive and customized job finding experiences since they include multimedia content, modeling, social and emotional education components. The progressive development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has led to its increasing integration into the field of career counseling education. This integration has provided children and adolescents with more possibilities to explore various career options, taking into account their individual interests, abilities, and personality features.

3.2 Combining machine learning with NLP

The incorporation of machine learning and methods for processing natural language with artificial intelligence based career planning platforms has significantly revolutionized the exploration and engagement behaviors of children and adolescents in the context of possible career development. Machine learning, as a constituent of artificial intelligence, facilitates the acquisition of knowledge by algorithms through data analysis, enabling them to generate predictions and make choices without the need for explicit programming [6]. Three categories of machine learning models exist today: (a) Supervised machine learning algorithms that make decisions, identify patterns, or forecast results by using labelled data that has already been gathered or available. (b) Structures, properties, features, and densities of resolution form the basis for sorting, identifying, and filtering unlabeled data through unsupervised categorization and profiling. (c) Along with labelled and categorized data, semi-supervised machine learning classifies some unlabeled or unidentified data. Semi-supervised machine learning, for instance, can be used to organize and classify data, which is particularly beneficial for career planning [7].

Conversely, natural language processing facilitates the comprehension and examination of human language by computers. The field of AI career search resources, which integrate machine learning and natural language processing, has shown significant expansion in recent years. These technologies have the capability to evaluate extensive volumes of data and offer tailored career guidance by taking into account an individual’s interests, talents, and experiences. Numerous NLP for AI exist, including Bayesian Networks, Maximum Entropy, Conditional Random Field, and Neural Networks/Deep Learning. Neural networks and deep learning are the most effective among them for career planning [8]. The “Workday HCM” use natural language processing techniques to examine the resumes of job searchers and data sourced from "LinkedIn". This enables the system to offer tailored career suggestions that align with the individual’s talents and professional background [9]. The integration of machine learning as well as the processing of natural language inside AI career planning platforms enhances the personalization of career exploration and broadens the scope of available career pathways for people. In contemporary society, the range of employment options available to children and teens has expanded beyond the confines of traditional vocations. This shift allows individuals to choose alternative career routes that align more closely with their unique aptitudes and personal passions.

3.3 AI in combination with audiovisual media

The utilization of multimedia, interactive artificial intelligence (AI), and other tools for job exploration has significantly transformed the relationship between persons and their potential for achieving success in their chosen careers. Conventional approaches, such as career information pamphlets or job fairs, frequently exhibit a deficiency in interactivity and personalization, thereby falling short in assisting consumers in comprehending the specific prospects that align with their needs. In the contemporary era characterized by rapid socio-technological advancements, there exists a persistent rise in the need for individuals possessing skills and expertise that align with future demands. Consequently, individuals are actively seeking avenues to gain pertinent knowledge and experiences through online platforms. For example, various forms of multimedia such as films, simulations, video games, and evaluations offer users the opportunity to engage in immersive experiences. Videos provide visual representations of particular occupations, video games, and simulators that enable individuals to explore diverse experiences, while exams facilitate the alignment of interests, talents, and values with prospective career paths [10]. Naviance is a comprehensive platform that amalgamates many technological features, including interactive tests, curated lists of competent interests, and robust university search features [11]. The television series Roadtrip Nation features accomplished individuals who have achieved job satisfaction by pursuing their interests [12]. Planet Beruf offers comprehensive job search techniques and assistance to students who possess impairments or have unique requirements [13]. As these tools continue to advance in complexity, their ability to foster participation and provide tailored experiences has a substantial influence on individuals’ employment opportunities, income projections, and technical and academic prerequisites. These novel artificial intelligences are facilitating individuals in their investigation of potential jobs in a manner that is characterized by enhanced convenience, efficiency, and enjoyment, hence improving the overall experience of the career discovery journey.

3.4 Enhancing above conventional advancement in a career

In the past few years, there has been a notable increase in the development and utilization of AI-assisted tools for career exploration. This growth has led to an expansion in the variety of career options that individuals can explore using these tools. Historically, these methodologies predominantly emphasized conventional vocations such as healthcare, legal practice, engineering, financial management, and other well-established domains. Nevertheless, the emergence of the work-from-home sector has been driven by shifts in economic and social patterns, hence amplifying the significance of soft skills. Numerous sectors are currently undergoing automation and standardization processes, resulting in a decrease in labor demands across manufacturing, services, and various other industries. Concurrently, the rapid progress of technology and the advent of the freelance marketplace have led to the continual birth of novel sectors and job domains. Hence, the use of AI-powered job search portals such as “Career GPT” "JobScan," "AutoJob" and "CareerFlow" has gained significant popularity as effective tools for individuals to explore career opportunities in domains such as online shopping, digital advertising, and social networking executives [14]. In addition to aiding individuals in the exploration of alternative career routes such as entrepreneur and freelancing, these websites are also utilized for the purpose of identifying new professional objectives. In the contemporary landscape in the freelance market and the proliferation of online stages facilitating the exchange of goods and services, there has been a notable shift away from conventional career paths. Individuals are increasingly drawn into non-traditional vocations as a means to follow their personal passions and aspirations, therefore attaining enhanced levels of independence and autonomy. Frameworks such as "Upwork" and "Fiverr" serve as illustrations of how they provide freelancing prospects in the domains of designing graphics, language, and developing software specifically tailored for young people including kids and teens [15].

3.5 Psychological growth and integration into society

The incorporation of Social and Emotional Learning into artificial intelligence assisted career development platforms has emerged as a prominent area of focus in recent times. The need for emotional and social abilities in the professional setting has been acknowledged by researchers on a global scale. To address this, artificial intelligence (AI) career exploration tools have been integrated into social and emotional learning programs. This integration aims to assist young individuals in developing these skills while simultaneously exploring their future career aspirations. At its inception, AI-supported career planning mostly centered on the provision of knowledge pertaining to various occupations and domains. Nevertheless, the advent of online examinations has facilitated the evaluation of social and emotional competencies in kids and teens, so aiding in their comprehension of consciousness and interaction with others proficiencies. Following this, the evaluation outcomes are used to offer input regarding possible job advancement that corresponds with their emotional and social aptitudes. The advancement of AI job exploration tools has led to the incorporation of natural language processing techniques for the purpose of analyzing written replies. This analysis enables the tools to assess individuals’ social and emotional qualities and then provide customized feedback and advice about their careers.

Moreover, the utilization of Virtual Reality, or VR, has emerged as a viable method for creating immersive experiences that enhance social and emotional capabilities. By leveraging technology, virtual reality refers to producing a simulation of a real-world experience that a person may access at any moment and leave, therefore affording users a heightened sense of immersion in a virtual environment. The simulation of work situations has emerged as a crucial trend among children and teenagers. In addition to technological advancements, contemporary career exploration programs have expanded to encompass seminars and training courses that aim to cultivate interpersonal and emotional abilities, including effective communication, collaborative cooperation, and proficient leadership skills. These programs provide kids and teens with the chance to participate in volunteering in the community, role-playing, and various other activities that contribute to the enhancement of their emotional and social growth.

4 The difficulty of AI in career advancement teaching

AI-based job exploring tools play a significant role in facilitating the process of interest and passion discovery, as well as cognitive development, among children and teenagers in Europe and America. These tools present prospects for a wider array of career options and offer essential perspectives on the labor market as well as the schooling and training routes necessary for various occupations. The process of developing artificial intelligence (AI) resources for children often entails taking into account three distinct stages: the initial-stage, mid-stage, and high-stage. The initial-stage pertains to mental growth of kids and teens in relation to artificial intelligence (AI). The mid-stage involves parents assuming the roles of observers and administrators in their children’s utilization of AI technologies. Lastly, the high-stage encompasses the continuous influence of cultural backdrops on technology advancements.

4.1 Growth of cognition

Cognitive growth principles claim that the cognitive abilities of a child advance in a sequential manner, with each stage building upon the preceding one [16]. Throughout these developmental phases, a range of cognitive capacities, including memory, focus, and processing speed, exhibit distinct requirements. Piaget proposed that the cognitive development of children is shaped by their observations and is actively constructed via their interactions, so contributing to their comprehension of the world [17]. Children’s imaginative thinking and cognition develops over time as a result of their experiences, observations, and exposure to knowledge and resources connected to potential careers. They enter the preoperational stage somewhere in early life, where they learn to utilize language to talk about things and express what they’re thinking about. Complex cognitive capacities, such as the ability to solve problems and think critically, build upon the foundations created during this phase. With the proliferation of AI tools in the classroom, it’s important to think about how they can affect students’ brain development. Participation in the process of learning is associated with improved learning outcomes, according to empirical research [18]. Other academics have recommended using AI tools like games and simulations to incorporate engaging and interactive components that might encourage youngsters to take part actively in the process of learning [19]. Some U.S. schools use the game “Scribble Pressy” into their guidance counseling curriculum. This program encourages kids’ imaginative thinking, imagination, and problem-solving skills by letting them make their own tales and pictures [20]. It’s important to remember that there isn’t yet enough hard data on the mental benefits of career-related games and apps. The interactive process based on artificial intelligence career research solutions may be constrained by limits in compassion and perceptive traits, which might possibly restrict the extent of the discovery experience. In addition, there is a limited understanding of the neurological mechanisms behind the impact of artificial intelligence on cognitive behavior, as seen by the scarcity of neuroimaging research dedicated to investigating this matter.

4.2 Monitoring and engagement of parents

There has always been discussion over how involved parents should be in their children’s schooling. Rousseau argues that parents should let their children develop at their own speed and in accordance with their own talents and interests since they are the children’s most natural and effective instructors [21]. From this vantage point, parents are the first and most important teachers their children will ever have. In a similar manner according to Dewey’s idea, teaching and parenting should work together, with parents playing an important role in their children’s education [22]. Parents can provide light on the ways their kids learn inclinations and patterns because of their special insight into their children’s individual desires and needs [23]. In practice, artificial intelligence systems are almost always created and used in the online environment, which is rife with dangers including cyberbullying, online frauds, and pornographic content. Because of their vested interest in their children’s security on the internet, parents are frequently the first to try out new apps and games. Kant’s moral theory holds that since humans have an inbuilt predisposition for liberty and autonomy, any effort to limit these attributes needs to be morally justifiable [24]. In order to ensure that their children’s use of technology is safe and in line with their moral obligations, parents must exercise close supervision. To combat this, several nations have passed legislation to safeguard the privacy of minors. In the USA, for example, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) stipulates that, before collecting any personally identifiable information from children under the age of 13, websites and online services must first seek parental approval [25]. Similarly, The Data Protection Act of 1998 in the United Kingdom has provisions similar to the COPPA [26]. The goal of these rules is to secure the best possible legal protection for kids’ and teens’ rights and interests.

4.3 Culture of origin

Growing up in a certain culture shapes a person’s morals, ethics, and outlook on life. This feature results from the cultural differences across nations and regions, which have an effect on the development of young children. Life experiences should form the basis of instruction, with students’ cultural backgrounds taken into account and appropriate support offered [27]. A child’s cultural upbringing affects the kinds of careers they dream of pursuing. In India, for instance, many people choose a profession in medicine because of the high regard in which they hold Ayurveda and other forms of traditional treatment [28]. Japanese society places a premium on business, engineering, and legal professions because of their centrality to the economy. Islam forbids participation in the making or marketing of alcoholic beverages and pig products in the Middle East [29]. Hence, it is essential to take children’s cultural backgrounds into account when developing AI-based tools and to give career exploration possibilities that are consistent with their background knowledge and beliefs. This guarantees that the tool serves its intended purpose, resonates with its intended audience, and conforms to the community’s norms and values. However, one must not overlook the importance of language. Language use may have a substantial effect on children’s learning and engagement with information, and there are minor linguistic distinctions between cultures. For example, kids from various cultural backgrounds may have trouble communicating with one another because they don’t grasp idioms or colloquialisms that are unique to one culture. As a result, many app creators put in a lot of time and energy to make their apps available in several languages. For example, popular statistical analysis software, Minitab 21.1.0, has been localized into 8 languages by 2023, including German, Portuguese, Simplified Chinese etc. [30].

5 The constraints of an AI professional’s career investigation

In the beginning, older teens and adults might have a better idea of what they want out of life. Children, on the other hand, remain in the process of learning about and adjusting to their environment. As a result, it might be difficult to foresee which job path would best serve their requirements and interests [31]. Even though AI may evaluate vast amounts of information and provide customized suggestions according to a person’s preferences and advantages there are certain limitations. Children’s mental processes, feelings, and social changes are small, but can have a significant impact on their decision-making. AI may have trouble capturing these nuances [32]. Children are in a stage of development where their choices and interests may be erratic and subject to change. In addition, AI depends heavily on algorithms and data analysis to make choices. Even while AI can analyze data better than most devices, the data it uses may be incomplete, inaccurate, or prejudiced. We are not just a collection of characteristics; rather, each person is a dynamic and nuanced being with their own history, outlook, and set of goals [33]. Some studies show that existing AI technology isn’t quite ready to give parents and teachers the kind of tailored guidance that takes each child’s interests and goals into account [34].

The second reason is that some studies have shown that the standard of data utilized to train AI has a substantial impact on the precision of its suggestions [35]. This suggests that the level of detail and amount of data fed into the AI system may have a direct bearing on the accuracy and dependability of the recommendations it generates. In order to maximize efficiency, algorithms may inevitably choose more flexible signal paths, limiting AI’s capacity to make individualized suggestions based on data analysis. Earlier, we established that data analysis falls short of providing a complete picture of human development in areas like social and emotional growth. It’s possible that AI may struggle to understand the wide variety of nuanced and complicated indicators used in human relationships, such as facial expressions, tone of speaking, and gaze. It’s possible that replacing human connection with technology might water down the depth and complexity of human life. Children can’t fully develop into functioning adults unless they have the social and emotional competencies necessary to handle the complexities of interpersonal relationships and conversation. When compared to robots, children and teenagers stand out thanks to their innate empathy, inventiveness, and intuition. Subsequently, it’s possible that AI won’t take into account the impact of social, economic, cultural, and other elements on young people’s decision-making when it comes to future careers. In comparison to their more privileged peers, children from low-income homes may have a distinct experience. Numerous studies show that one’s socioeconomic status significantly influences their professional decisions and achievements [36]. An additional research study has revealed that the amalgamation of teenage goals and educational attainment plays a pivotal role in shaping the professional development of young individuals. These characteristics operate as intermediaries, to some degree, in mitigating the impact of one’s socioeconomic status [37]. When it comes to high-quality educational options, career counseling, and professional networking, it is possible that children from low-income homes confront systemic impediments. There is a risk that AI systems will promote “male” occupations to boys and “female” professions to girls since this data reflects conventional gender norms. This might have a chilling effect on young people’s ability to make informed decisions about their futures and reinforce harmful gender norms.

Lastly, ethical concerns about the use of technological advances in human development are raised by AI’s shortcomings in guiding and supporting young kids in their initial career prospecting. Young people are naturally trusting of AI since they are inquisitive, innocent, and without life experience. Since private corporations often own and operate AI systems, using them for job hunting poses questions of confidentiality of information and sovereignty. It is of the utmost importance that individuals responsible for creating and deploying artificial intelligence for children do it in an ethical manner. With the proliferation of AI in more and more areas, we must weigh the repercussions of having machines take over formerly human-only activities.ollowing.

6 Comparison between traditional and AI-based career planning

Traditional career planning models are founded on the premise that careers follow a straight path, can be foreseen, and remain steady. They frequently prioritize aligning one’s personality, talents, and abilities with certain jobs or sectors, and adhering to a predetermined sequence of phases or tasks. Several conventional models include Holland’s RIASEC model, Super’s life-span life-space theory, and Schein’s career anchors [38]. These models can assist in identifying a fitting and fulfilling profession, but they may not include the dynamic nature of employment, the multitude of career trajectories, and the impact of external variables [39]. AI offers a convenient alternative to traditional career counselling techniques, which can be both time-consuming and expensive. By engaging in a discussion with the chatbot, anyone may access assistance and feedback at any time and from any location [40]. AI is poised to become a prominent figure in the field of career counselling in the near future, thanks to its capacity to automate the career planning process and offer tailored suggestions based on individual interests and aspirations. By 2025, it is anticipated that chatbots such as ChatGPT will have a more significant impact on assisting individuals in career planning and making well-informed choices on their future [41].

7 Implications and reflections

Based on a synthesis of theoretical and empirical studies conducted throughout the globe, the application of AI to the task of educating young people about their job options has far-reaching, beneficial consequences. In reality, artificial intelligence has had a dramatic effect on the whole educational setting, revolutionizing the way we study and grow as a society. Career awareness programs in Bangladesh might benefit from learning from international examples of success. Government agencies, NGOs, universities, kindergarten through 12th grade institutions, and members of the general public in Bangladesh have all conducted productive research into this field. While a number of variables affect the scope and depth of these efforts, advancing career awareness schooling in Bangladesh within the epoch of big data poses equally problems and new prospects. Bangladesh’s education system may benefit from the push toward cultural awareness, technical advancement, and institutional change that has resulted from exposure to global experiences and constraints.

7.1 Data-informed choice making and profession discovery in the future

When it comes to artificial intelligence, it has always been about the big data, neural networks, and NLP. These advancements allow AI to process vast volumes of data and make conclusions based on empirical evidence. There are several facets to consider when discussing the impact of technology on the job search process. It is essential to have a deep comprehension of how technological progress affects our daily lives, jobs, and communities. Career guidance systems powered by AI have the potential to significantly impact the future of learning and work for youth. In response to the rising need for skilled IT workers, developed nations like the United States and Europe have increased their spending on K-12 education. The United States government, for instance, has spent a lot of money to try to make itself a world leader in artificial intelligence. Software engineers in Bangladesh might take a page from the playbook of American businesses and institutions that have found success using artificial intelligence (AI) for professional development. Even though Bangladesh has made great strides in AI, these advancements are most noticeable in the field of medicine. The Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) recently took the lead in this field by making available such AI software to its faculty, students, and staff in an effort to increase productivity in the university’s research labs. This is the level of leadership required to steer the country into the information era [42]. The distance between Bangladesh and Western nations in terms of technology is, without a question, shrinking. As a means of shaping the future of higher education in Bangladesh along the lines of the world’s industrialized nations, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has proposed incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) into the curriculum. The proposal came up during a daylong training session on “Prospects and threats of artificial intelligence and robotics to face the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution,” which took place at the UGC auditorium in Dhaka [43]. Support for technology and knowledge of data analytics are urgently needed to build suitable age video games, virtual assistants, surveillance tools, and virtual reality adventures for Bangladesh’s over 60 million children. Technology development is therefore extremely important.

In conclusion, four factors are necessary to advance technologically informed career guidance instruction in Bangladesh. Firstly, an AI policy at the national level. While Bangladesh has a general plan in place for AI advancement, sector-specific plans may require updating or completion. Government artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives and plans for sectors including banking, medical care, public transit, and education need constant revision and enhancement. Secondly, encouraging publicly-traded or privately-held companies to put money towards AI R&D, including financing for universities and other research institutes, to spur creativity and progress in the area. Thirdly, in order to satisfy societal and national strategic goals, it is imperative that top institutions foster the development of individuals with competence in AI and the capacity for creative problem-solving. And finally, ethical and responsible development and use of AI requires careful attention to concerns of unfair treatment, confidentiality, and responsibility, as well as adherence to applicable laws and regulations.

7.2 Guidance in careers and AI with cultural awareness

Cultural awareness is a crucial component of early career enlightenment schooling that cannot ignore the cultural contrasts between other nations and Bangladesh. Unique perspectives on AI for kids and career coaching abroad highlight the need to take cultural considerations into account when deciding on a vocation. Consider the USA as an example. It places a strong emphasis on individuality and personal liberty, which may have an impact on how career counseling programs for kids and teens are developed and implemented. They put a lot of effort into helping kids identify their interests and abilities and then encourage them to look for jobs that fit those characteristics. The emphasis on togetherness and social obligation, however, is more common in Bangladesh. The objectives can center on encouraging kids and teenagers to consider the better advantages for both their families and the community.

Parallel to this, social, cultural, linguistic, and geographic variables may all affect how exposed children are to and react to AI gadgets and applications. Therefore, it is inappropriate to refer to foreign instances by copying and pasting. To guarantee that artificial intelligence can more effectively support Bangladesh’s educational and social growth, appropriate modifications and adaptations based on Bangladesh’s distinct cultural background are required. It is crucial to stress that this viewpoint may strengthen preexisting prejudices and cultural preconceptions. In conclusion, three factors are necessary to advance professional awareness learning in Bangladesh through a cultural perspective: (a) Cultural ideals and principles. The instructional material, resources, and approaches used should be in line with democracy and capitalism with Bangladeshi characteristics’ cultural norms and expectations, with a focus on acknowledging and valuing Bangladeshi traditional values and beliefs. (b) Acknowledgment of dialects and languages. In order for the technology to be usable and successful for users of all ages, AI systems need to be able to understand regional dialects and mannerisms. (c) Experience planning. The user interface should take into account the particular requirements and demands of Bangladeshi children. Children in Bangladesh may have unique or impossible job goals, such as wishing to be millionaires, superheroes, or princesses. These fantasies are part of the imaginary world that youngsters inhabit and are not aberrant professional objectives. AI may increase human interaction with modern technology as well as ensure that artificial intelligent system architecture is helpful and consumer-friendly.

8 Outcome evaluation

This study was conducted to address two research inquiries. The first topic is the impact of AI on early career planning. Based on the above explanation, it is clear that AI has significant potential to aid with career planning in Bangladesh. The future of AI in career advising looks promising, as advancements in natural language processing and predictive analytics are poised to enhance the accuracy and scope of employment guidance. AI systems will possess the capability to offer up-to-date guidance and adapt to changing job marketplaces as a result of their continuous learning algorithms. The second inquiry pertained to the challenges associated with AI-facilitated career strategizing. We have seen challenges like as cognitive growth, parental supervision and engagement, and cultural disparities. In order to include AI into career planning, it is imperative to address these challenges.

9 Conclusion

The purpose of this article was to offer a synopsis of the ways artificial intelligence is being used in early career planning programmes in Bangladesh. While many developed nations have already begun using AI, developing nations like Bangladesh are experiencing something completely fresh. When it comes to social and emotional education, artificial intelligence (AI) has gone well beyond its original purpose of facilitating professional development. Participants’ needs should come first in personalized career counseling, which should also encourage ongoing professional development. Children and teenagers’ career exploration under the impact of AI demonstrates an opportunity for AI to revolutionize established educational practices. AI may provide tailored and effective coaching for students by conducting individualized career advising based on each person’s talents, interests, and career objectives. Advancing to the level of education, AI may provide students with individualized learning experiences and automate administrative work for instructors, improving the efficacy of instruction as a whole. Different from Western nations, Bangladesh has a number of obstacles while using AI in the educational sector. Some individuals think AI could lessen the importance of human relationships in learning and the guiding function of instructors. Concerns exist over the caliber of instructional materials delivered by AI as well as the possibility of algorithmic prejudices in their development. Three potential pedagogical fixes are put out to remedy the inadequacies of the teaching of AI in Bangladesh:

  1. i.

    Combining Tradition with AI: While AI has the potential to improve education significantly, certain conventional teaching techniques should be abandoned. In order to guarantee that pupils obtain a thorough education, the two should find a balance.

  2. ii.

    Individualized education: To enable students to study at their own speed and in the most effective manner, AI should create individualized learning programs based on their unique requirements and talents.

  3. iii.

    Instructor engagement: Frontline instructors should take a proactive role in creating and deploying AI-driven instructional solutions. By doing this, we can make sure that the use of AI is consistent with effective and rational educational strategies.

If the preceding measures are done thoroughly, it is stipulated that the use of AI-based career exploration platforms and technologies would be observed in the context of Bangladesh. The authors expect that this research can assist Bangladeshi policymakers in using AI in the education sector, particularly in early career planning.

10 Limitations and future research directions

Each research study has inherent limitations. This study solely provides an overview of the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in career planning. It does not present any technical or quantifiable findings. While the methodology of this work is introductory, its phenomenology is basic or preliminary. However, it is suitable for developing an opinion and, furthermore, solidifying one’s studying or working identity. Further research can be carried out to measure the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on career planning through the utilization of a survey methodology. Primary and secondary school students can be specifically targeted to observe the impact more effectively.