1 Introduction

Over the past decade, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have gained significant attention in the fields of information technology and computer science, accompanying significant advancements and benefits across diverse industries and sectors [1, 2]. There are numerous AI/ML taxonomies presented in the literature [3, 4] that can be used to select a collection of AI strategies to address a specific challenge.Footnote 1Figure 1 illustrates an example taxonomy of the extensive AI/ML domain, encompassing multiple problem types and branches. However, to search for AI methods specific to a given use case, it is not only necessary to select a fitting branch in the taxonomy, but one also has to refine the search by comparing it to the standing knowledge base of the literature on the use case.

Fig. 1
figure 1

An example of AI/ML taxonomy

The increasing amount of literature presents a challenge for decision-makers seeking to employ AI/ML methodology in their specific problem domains. Manual review is time-consuming [5], often resulting in incomplete information without targeted searches. The current way to reduce the time spent in choosing a method consists of reading reviews or surveys that consider and explain the pros and cons of several methods belonging to a given field. This has however some limitations, a review considers in general a family of comparable and well-known methods but cannot provide an exhaustive list. Moreover, they do not consider the uses or interests of these methods over time. A tool that rapidly generates trend findings and examines solution methods for any use case would be extremely beneficial in various situations.

This research proposes a semi-automated tool developed to generate results on solution approaches for any use case. The tool is named SARBOLD-LLM where SARBOLD stands for Solution Approach Recommender Based On Literature Database and LLM stands for Large Language Model, respectively. Considering all the constraints and preferences needed in the use case, the objective is to help the end user provide a list of methods able to solve a given problem (the use case), sort them in such a way that it is easy for the end user to choose a method to investigate first and supply existing literature regarding this chosen method.

The study presents results on multiple problem domains on AI with a focus on the case study for AI/ML in oncology. The SARBOLD-LLM has three modules called “Module 1: Scopus search”, “Module 2: Scoring and method extraction”, and “Module 3: Analyzes”, respectively. It broadly contains the following steps:

  • Determining keywords systematically from the use case by a two-domain, three-level setup. (Module 1)

  • Automated literature extraction using selected keywords via Scopus Search application programming interface (API) [6]. (Module 1)

  • Extracting AI methods automatically from Scopus search results by using OpenAI API (text-davinci-003, GPT 3.5). (Module 2)

  • Sensitivity analyzes for both Scopus and OpenAI. (Module 3)

  • Post-analyzes based on results. (Module 3)

Some of the existing studies, which work on solution approach suggestions, have worked on the reduction of time and effort spent and automation. In addition to these, SARBOLD-LLM uses a keyword selection strategy to make sure the search is inside the relevant problem and solution domains. Additionally, it uses trend, popularity, and relevancy analyzes to draw decision-making conclusions about the solution techniques used for any given use case. Furthermore, the sensitivity analyzes performed for Scopus and OpenAI and the performance results obtained for OpenAI are among the positive values of this research.

The SARBOLD-LLM can be used iteratively for the decision makers to augment their understanding of the problem and similarly align the keywords better with the desired use case and specificity level, consequently obtaining better results.

The remainder of this article is structured as follows: Section 2 reviews the use of AI methods and the literature on model selection approaches. Section 3 presents the SARBOLD-LLM, and Section 4 showcases the performance, sensitivity, and post-analysis of the method. In Section 5, a discussion is given. Finally, a conclusion and suggestions for future works are provided in Section 6.

2 Literature Review

In the literature, there are reviews and surveys on which AI approaches or applications are used for different problem domains such as building and construction 4.0 [7], architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) [8], agriculture [9], watermarking [10], healthcare [11, 12], oil and gas sector [13], supply chain management [14], pathology [15], banking [16], finance [17], food adulteration detection [18], engineering and manufacturing [19], renewable energy-driven desalination system [20], path planning in the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) swarms [21], military [22], cybersecurity management [23], engineering design [24], vehicular ad-hoc networks [25], dentistry [26], green building [27], e-commerce [28], drug discovery [29], marketing [30], electricity supply chain automation [31], monitoring fetus via ultrasound images [32], internet of things (IoT) security [33]. In Table 1, AI approaches utilized in different problem domains are illustrated.

Table 1 AI approaches used in different problem domains

As can be seen from the aforementioned references, some of the problem domains in the example review and surveys are low-level, while some are high-level. The abstraction level is difficult to integrate for the solution domain while considering the reviews and surveys. Even if the same problem domain is considered, it will be an issue to depend on reviews or surveys in the literature as there may be an unlimited number of use case scenarios and levels of specificity. In addition, AI approaches specified in reviews or surveys can sometimes be very general. In this case, it may be necessary to make article reviews manually, but it causes labor and time loss [52]. Based on this idea, one can search for an automated way to minimize the time spent on manual review to get an AI method applied to a given use case.

The last decade saw significant steps toward a fully automatic model selection scheme with tools that select models for specialized use cases, generally referred to as model determination, parameter estimation, or hyperparameter selection tools. For forecasting time series in R, the popular forecast package by R. Hyndman et al. was presented, showcasing great initial results [53]. For regression models, the investigated selection procedures are generally based on the evaluation of smaller pre-defined sets of alternative methods, e.g., by information criteria (AIC, BIC), shrinkage methods (Lasso), stepwise regression, and or cross-validation schemes [54]. For ML-based model schemes, the methods proposed by B. Komer et al. [55] introduce the hyperopt package for hyper-parameter selection accompanying the Scikitlearn ML library, J. Snoek et al. [56] presents a Bayesian optimization scheme to identify the hyper-parameter configuration efficiently, and J. Bergstra et al. [57] identifies hyper-parameter configurations for training neural networks and DBNs by using a random search algorithm and two greedy sequential methods based on the expected improvement criterion. There also exist smaller frameworks, e.g., that of hyper-parameter tuning based on problem features with MATE [58], to model and fit autoregressive-to-anything processes in Java [59], or extensions to general-purpose optimization frameworks [60].

On the other hand, Dinter et al. [5] present a systematic literature review on the automation of systematic literature reviews with a concentration on all systematic literature review procedures as well as NLP and ML approaches. They stated that the main objective of automating a systematic literature review is to reduce time because human execution is costly, time-consuming, and prone to mistakes. Furthermore, the title and abstract are mostly used as features for several steps in the systematic review process proposed by Kitchenham et al. [61]. Even though our research does not stick to these procedures since our study was not a pure systematic literature review, the title and abstract are included for the OpenAI part. Additionally, they found the majority of systematic literature reviews to be automated using SVM and Bayesian networks, such as Naive Bayes classifiers, and there appears to be a distinct lack of evidence regarding the effectiveness of deep learning approaches in this regard.

The work of H. Chen et al. [62] produce a written section of relevant background material to a solution approach written in the form of a research paper through a BERT-based semantic classification model. Similarly, K. Heffernan et al. [63] utilize a series of machine learning algorithms as automatic classifiers to identify solutions and problems from non-solutions and non-solutions in scientific sentences with good results. These findings suggest that ML-based language models can be utilized in the automation of literature review with success.

Consequently, literature that explains the procedure of manually and automatically reviewing the literature is determined. Also, automated tuning frameworks for different modeling schemes are identified.

In Table 2, the benefit and function features of the methods used in the solution approach selection are compared. Features include saving time and effort (a), ensuring that the required problem and solution domains are searched for using a systematic keyword selection scheme (b), automating tasks (c), drawing conclusions about the relevance, popularity, and trend of the solution approaches used for the use case (d), and the pros and cons information of selected methods (e). The effectiveness of the methods used in a research paper for a specific use case is determined by relevancy metrics, which indicate how well the methods align with the specificity of the use case. The popularity metric is used to assess the research interest of a paper and the methods used in the paper. It is calculated by considering the number of citations and the age of the publication. On the other hand, trend analysis based on a total number of papers that use a specific solution approach provides insights, making knowledgeable decisions, and planning by examining trends and behaviors throughout time.

Table 2 Solution approach selection comparison table

It is seen that there is a gap in the methods of solution approach selection in terms of satisfying the specified features. This article aims to investigate and address this gap to obtain a tool with all the features listed in Table 2.

3 Methodology

SARBOLD-LLM has three main modules illustrated by the flowchart in Figure 2. They are called “Module 1: Scopus search”, “Module 2: Scoring and method extraction”, and “Module 3: Analyzes”, respectively. Red ellipses are the start and end points, green parallelograms are inputs and outputs, blue rectangles are processes, orange diamonds are decisions, and the purple cylinder is the database. The red dashed line demonstrates the automated flow. The first module named “Scopus search” covers selecting keywords and getting results via Scopus Search.Footnote 2 Then the advanced search query returns the results where the fields are explained by Scopus Search Views.Footnote 3 In the second module named “scoring and method extraction”, solution methods that are used in each article are searched using the OpenAI API. In the third module named “analyzes”, sensitivity and post-analyzes are performed. The flow indicated by the red dashed line is performed automatically.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The flowchart of the SARBOLD-LLM

The current version of SARBOLD-LLM is given in Algorithms 1 and 2. It takes as input the table of keywords used to build the Scopus query (It could also take a query as input to allow more liberty after some iteration) and the prompt used for the OpenAI API. It provides at the end a list of methods, with associated scores (number of papers, citations, relevancy, which can be viewed year by year to detect trends) and papers. To help the end user to select and filter methods, an automated clustering has been made. It allows filtering methods used only one time and regroups similar names such as YOLO-v3 and YOLO-v4.

Algorithm 1: SARBOLD-LLM

figure a

Algorithm 2: clustering

figure b

SARBOLD-LLM scheme is appropriate for any problem and solution domain. It can be used for use cases in many different fields. Although the second module of this study focuses on AI methods, this module can also evolve into other topics, such as which hardware to be used and which scientific applications to be employed. However, as the SARBOLD-LLM relies on the OpenAI framework, ground truth data is created manually (by writing AI methods from the title and abstract of papers) to check the performance.

3.1 Module 1: Scopus Search

The goal of the first module is to search for a relevant pool of papers concerning the given problem a user is dealing with. To do so, a keyword selection scheme has been made to facilitate the user’s work. This scheme is then used to make a Scopus query, but also to score each paper.

To determine keywords, three specification levels (a general, an expanded, and a detailed one) are applied to the given problem and the searched solutions. This work is done manually as it involves eliciting user information on the use case. That means both classification and order are specified by the user. However, this stage is critical in recommending more appropriate solution approaches because these keywords are the first inputs to the SARBOLD-LLM and determine the pool of papers used in module 2 anointed “scoring and method extraction”. The different levels showcase;

  • Level 1 The general and necessary keywords. The keyword must be a part of the research paper for the paper to be in the selected pool of papers.

  • Level 2 The expanding keywords. Here only one of the keywords in the field is necessary for the paper to be selected.

  • Level 3 A further specification, use case-specific keywords. It is only used in the later stage to rank the identified solution methods with the relevancy metric.

Figure 3 gives an example of the proposed keyword selection scheme. The problem domain block covers the specific area or subject matter that a problem or project deals with. The scope and context of the issues that need to be addressed are defined by the problem domain. On the other hand, the solution approach, also known as the solution space, is the strategy or method used to address and solve the problems identified within the problem domain. It outlines how you plan to design, implement, and deliver a solution to the issues at hand.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Example illustration of the proposed framework for keyword selection

These two blocks contain keywords according to the levels explained above. In the database search, adding some version of a keyword will only search for that specific keyword. Consequently, other versions of that word will also have to be added, but with the logic operator OR to indicate that either version can be used in the paper, for instance, “AI OR artificial intelligence”.

Notice that it is possible, but not necessary, to add keywords in each field, where a field refers to the specific level in the block. Leaving some fields empty will lead to a less specified pool of solution approaches, which consequently risks not fitting the use case. At the same time, adding too many keywords can lead either to a too restricted pool of papers (e.g., if one uses too many general keywords, and fulfills each field) or, if too many expanding keywords are given, to a less specific pool of paper as if the field was left empty.

After keyword selection, a query is created for Scopus Search API. Information is searched in titles, abstracts, and keywords of recent articles or conference papers, for the words defined in levels 1 and 2. The query can be, for example:

‘TITLE-ABS-KEY(("oncology") AND ("artificial intelligence" OR "AI") AND ("image processing")) AND DOCTYPE(ar OR cp) AND PUBYEAR > 2013’

Note that an expert can directly enter a query instead of using the keyword selection scheme. It is useful in some cases, for example: when it is difficult to find a good pool of papers using the query built by the keyword selection scheme, or when one wants to search in a specific field or a specific range of years, or for a first try if one wants to search only for reviews to get more appropriate academic keywords. However, it is still advantageous to follow this scheme as it helps to find, classify, and order the use case keywords, but also to specify what is important for scoring the paper.

Another way to help the end user get the query could be to extract keywords directly from a summary of the given use case. However, it is difficult to automate a keyword extraction scheme for several reasons. First, one needs to distinguish keywords used for establishing the search space and keywords used for scoring papers (or methods). Secondly, the query is sensitive to each keyword and it is often necessary to change the list of keywords used to get a more appropriate pool of papers, using synonyms or re-ordering some keywords. The third reason concerns the end user itself, as this scheme helps the end user to understand what are the most important features/constraints of his use case, and what is recommended but not necessary.

The publication year, the number of citations, the title, and the abstract information of all articles returned by the Scopus query are saved. After all the results are obtained, the title and abstract information of all the articles are examined manually, and articles that are irrelevant and have not applied/mentioned any AI method are eliminated.

3.2 Module 2: Scoring and Method Extraction

In this module, the relevancy and popularity metrics for the Scopus search results are computed, and solution methods are extracted from the title and abstract of each paper.

The relevancy metrics count the number of unique level 2 and 3 keywords appearing at least once in the title, abstract, or keywords. Ultimately, the metric represents how well the methods fit the specificity of the use case. For example, a paper named “Hybrid learning method for melanoma detection” yields in the abstract “image recognition (5 times), deep learning (2 times), real-time”; it will therefore have a relevancy metric of 3, taking into account Fig. 3.

The popularity metric is used to know the research interest of a paper and its methods. It is computed by


where 1 is added in the denominator to avoid zero divisions, and the citation number is obtained from the Scopus database.

After calculating the relevancy and popularity metrics, the SARBOLD-LLM inputs the title and abstract information to OpenAI and outputs the AI approaches used in each article.

When someone provides a text prompt in OpenAI API, the model will produce a text completion that tries to match the context or pattern you provided. Essential generative pre-trained transformers (GPT)-3 models, which generate natural language, are Davinci, Curie, Babbage, and Ada. In this article, “text-davinci-003” is used which is the most potent GPT-3 model and one of the models that are referred to as “GPT 3.5”.Footnote 4 Some issues to consider when preparing prompts are as followsFootnote 5:

  • It is advised to place instructions at the start of the prompt and to use ### or””” to demarcate the context from the instruction.

  • Speaking of what to do is preferable to speaking about what not to do.

The prompt can then be the following:

"Extract the names of the artificial intelligence approaches used from the following text. ###{" + str(document_text) + "}### \nA:"

where ‘document_text’ includes the title and abstract information of a paper.

To evaluate OpenAI’s performance, the ground truth AI methods are manually produced for non-filtered papers, regarding each paper's title and abstract information. Some high-level tags, such as “artificial intelligence” and “machine learning” are not included. In other words, the keywords used in Scopus search as a method are not involved. Precision, recall, and F1-measure are calculated for performance analysis.

3.3 Module 3: Analyzes

Firstly, sensitivity analyzes are done regarding Scopus and OpenAI in this module. Different combinations of level 1 and 2 keywords in the Scopus query are tried and the initial prompt is compared with other prompts for OpenAI.

For the selected use case, post-analyzes are performed by investigating which AI methods are used more often and which have higher relevancy or popularity metrics and comparing the results over different periods. This can be done manually, or, if there are too many methods listed, first a clustering algorithm can be used to help this investigation. Currently, DBSCAN [64] is used with (1 − the normalized Indel similarity) as distance performs well enough to support post-analysis. In the controlled comparison, it is seen that the clusters made manually and with DBSCAN are very close to each other for the same observed data.

4 Experiments

4.1 Use Case Definition

The use case example given in Figure 4 is tackled for the initial experiment. Here, AI is employed on the dataset of images to detect cancer.

Fig. 4
figure 4

An example use case and an illustration of the procedure of interactively using the SARBOLD-LLM

4.2 Keywords From the Use Case Scenario

Using Fig. 3, the following keywords are defined: “oncology” as problem level 1, “artificial intelligence” and “AI” as solution level 1. Only “image processing” is used as solution level 2. By using only one level 2 keyword, the experiment stays rather general in the expected results.

For simplicity, level 3 keywords are not used in this example. Level 3 keywords do not affect the pool of papers but enable the user to elicit relevancy to papers that match their use case better. Because the computation of the relevancy metric is trivial, it is omitted in this example.

4.3 Scopus API Search and Manual Article Cleaning

According to the selected keywords, our initial query of Scopus APIFootnote 6 is given below.

‘TITLE-ABS-KEY(("oncology") AND ("artificial intelligence" OR "AI") AND ("image processing")) AND DOCTYPE(ar OR cp) AND PUBYEAR > 2013’

That means the keywords are searched in the title, abstract, and keyword parts. In addition, to limit the size of the results, the publications published after 2013 are selected, and to be more specific, the document type is restricted to “Article” or “Conference Paper”.

Digital object identifier (DOI), electronic identifier (EID), year, and citation number results that Scopus API returns are given in Table 6. The relevancy and popularity values are calculated as stated in Section 3.2. Currently, some papers can have a relevancy of 0, but by manually checking them, they stay relevant. It happens when keywords only appear in “INDEXTERMS” provided by Scopus but are absent from the title, abstract, and author keywords. Moreover, this is also due to a total absence of keyword level 3. It can be fixed by taking these automatic keywords for the OpenAI analysis.

The query returns 92 results. Among them, 25 publications (irrelevant, not technical, just survey, etc.) indicated in red in Table 6 are manually filtered. The remaining 67 articles are the results related to the domains and keywords of the use case. However, there are among them 12 papers, highlighted in orange, that apply an AI method successfully, but they do not mention particular methods (they do only highly general, level 1 and 2 ones) in the title and abstract; they will therefore be missed by the OpenAI extraction part that is stated in Section 4.4. However, it is not critical as trends are explored. Still, 55 papers remain to be analyzed. Note that of the 37 articles eliminated, these could have been marked as such if we had implemented the level 3 keywords.

4.4 OpenAI

The initial prompt for the OpenAI API is stated below.

"Extract the names of the artificial intelligence approaches used from the following text. ###{" + str(document_text) + "}### \nA:"

where ‘document_text’ includes the title and abstract information of a paper.

After finding methods using OpenAI and manual work, the performance values are calculated. It is assumed that manual findings are the actual methods. On the other hand, the results coming from OpenAI are the predicted ones.

4.4.1 OpenAI Performance

To analyze the results, the methods found by OpenAI are compared to the ones found by manual investigation (considered ground truths) for each paper. There are different performance determinants:

  • true found” is the number of methods found by OpenAI that belong to the ground truths,

  • false found” is the number of methods found by OpenAI that do not belong to the ground truths,

  • true general found” is the number of methods found by OpenAI and the manual search but belonging to level 1 or 2 keywords or high-level keywords like “machine learning”,

  • total manual” is the number of ground truths,

  • missing” = “total manual”—“true found”.

With these data, precision, recall (or sensitivity or true positive rate), and F1-score can be calculated for performance analysis. To do that, the following metrics are employed:

  • True Positive (TP) = “true found”,

  • False Positive (FP) = “false found” + “true general found”,

  • False Negative (FN) = “missing”.

The “true general found” results are counted as FP since they are terms that are entered into the Scopus search or they are high-level keywords for our solution domain interest like “machine learning, artificial intelligence-based approach” as mentioned above.

For each paper that is not filtered, the performance metrics are calculated as follows.

  • \(Precision = TP/(TP + FP)\)

  • \(Recall = TP/(TP + FN)\)

  • \(F1-score=\frac{Precision x Recall}{(Precision+Recall)}\)

The F1-score assesses the trade-off between precision and recall [65]. When the F1-score is high, it indicates that both precision and recall are high. A lower F1-score indicates a larger imbalance in precision and recall.

Let’s check the following example, coming from [66]: “Transfer learning with different modified convolutional neural network models for classifying digital mammograms utilizing Local Dataset”.

“ [...] accuracy of different machine learning algorithms in diagnostic mammograms [...] Image processing included filtering, contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE), then [...] Data augmentation was also applied [...] Transfer learning of many models trained on the Imagenet dataset was used with fine-tuning. [...] NASNetLarge model achieved the highest accuracy [...] The least performance was achieved using DenseNet169 and InceptionResNetV2. [...]”

Manually, “transfer learning”, “convolutional neural network”, “NASNetLarge”, “DenseNet169”,“InceptionResNetV2”, “data augmentation”, and “fine-tuning” are found as AI methods. What OpenAI has found is indicated as well. Firstly, “transfer learning”, “convolutional neural network”, “data augmentation”, ‘NASNetLarge”, “DenseNet169” and “InceptionResNetV2″ are “true found”; so TP = 6. Secondly, “machine learning algorithms” is a “true general found”, and “contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization (CLAHE)” is “false found”, then FP = 2. Finally, “fine-tuning” is a “missing” and so FN = 1. With these, one can compute Precision = 6/(6+2) = 0.75, Recall = 6/(6 + 1) = 0.86 and F1-score = (2 × 0.75 × 0.86)/(0.75 +0.86) = 0.8.

In our studied case (see Appendix 2), the average scores are good, with an average precision of 0.7111, recall of 0.9226, and F1-score of 0.7775. There are 108 TPs, 51 FPs, and 12 FNs if all 55 results are grouped into a single result pool. Then the values of the precision, recall, and F1-score are 0.6793, 0.9, and 0.7742, respectively. All ground truths and OpenAI findings are presented in Table 7.

A manual literature review takes a week to complete, but the SARBOLD-LLM completes the whole task in a few hours (selecting AI approaches from the title and abstract of unfiltered 92 publications).

4.5 Sensitivity Analyzes

4.5.1 Scopus API Sensitivity

For the Scopus sensitivity analysis, different combinations of level 1 keywords are tried in the query. The initial query can be seen in Section 4.3.

Table 3 shows the impact of changing keywords in level 1. The first query in Table 3 is the initial one, given for comparison. Changing a problem domain keyword with another that could be seen as a synonym can greatly impact the papers found. Using the more specific keyword “machine learning” in the solution domain instead of “artificial intelligence” has an impact on the publications found. Similarly, in the problem domain using “cancer” instead of “oncology” has a great impact on the number of papers found. On the other hand, changing double quotes to braces does not have that much effect. Moreover, it seems that using only an abbreviation instead of an open form can change the number of results found. Using only the abbreviation has resulted in a poor paper pool.

Table 3 Summary table for different queries

However, despite the different pool of papers, the methods found by OpenAI are pretty much the same, both for the second and the third query. This means that using synonyms changes the pool of papers but not the methods used to solve the same kind of problem, which means that the method is robust to the keyword selection scheme.

4.5.2 OpenAI Sensitivity

To analyze the sensitivity of OpenAI, different prompts are tested, and the differences between proposed AI methods are checked. Results are summarized in Table 4, and details are provided in Table 8, Table 9, and Table 10 in Appendix 3.

Table 4 Summary table for OpenAI sensitivity concerning the initial prompt

The below prompts are used for analysis.

"Extract the names of the artificial intelligence approaches used from the following text. ###{" + str(document text) + "}### \nA:"

  • Prompt 1

    "Just write the names of used artificial intelligence or machine learning methods in the following text. ###{" + str(document text) + "}### \nA:"

  • Prompt 2

    "Just write the names of used artificial intelligence methods in the following text. ###{" + str(document text) + "}### \nA:"

  • Prompt 3

    "Just write the names of artificial intelligence approaches used in the following text. ###{" + str(document text) + "}### \nA:"

  • Prompt 4

    "Extract   names of the used artificial intelligence approaches from the following text. ###{" + str(document text) + "}### \nA:" 

  • Prompt 5

    "Write the names of successfully applied artificial intelligence approaches in the following text. ###{" + str(document text) + "}### \nA:"

  • Prompt 6

    "Extract the names of  artificial intelligence approaches employed in the following text. ###{" + str(document text) + "}### \nA:"

In Table 4, the number in the last column is an enriched ratio, meaning that if two prompts are equal, it will obtain an infinite value. However, having a difference between two prompts will lead to a decreasing ratio, considering that two papers do not provide the same set of words but also how many words in the prompt are different.

The original prompt has a higher F1-score value than the other six prompts. With these few prompts, it can already be said that OpenAI is sensitive to the sentence used. However, it generally adds words with respect to the manual search, and extracting the most common words belonging to these results should be enough to find what the user is searching for. Moreover, it is observed that changing a word’s position has less impact than changing a word; the more words the user changes, the more differences appear. It also seems that using more common/usual words will give more generic results, closer to the ones that are being searched for; when using very specific instructions, notably in the action verbs, the results will generally be more irrelevant.

4.6 Post-Analyzes

The extracted AI methods for the use case described in Section 4.1 are presented in Appendix 4. The total number of appearances of the methods, their relevancy, and popularity metrics are showcased in Table 11 by years. Methods selected from articles that are not highlighted in Table 6 and appeared at least in two papers are discussed.

Figure 5 illustrates the summary chart of Table 11. It is seen from the figure that many different methods have been investigated to solve our example use case, but some are much more used or popular than others. These methods (e.g., class 2 (deep learning methods) and class 1 (artificial neural networks)) are the ones that the user should investigate in the first place to solve the given use case. To be more specific, until 2018 different types of neural networks, logistic regression, SVM, and random forest are popular methods. After 2018, SVM and neural networks are still utilized, and the extra trees classifier seems popular in 2022. However, the trend is being dominated by deep learning methods. Among the deep learning algorithms, CNN, U-Net, and AlexNet can be counted as the three most used and popular methods.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Summary chart of extracted AI methods for “oncology” problem domain and “image processing” solution approach

AI methods can be examined without making any classification, but in this case, there will be too many methods. To simplify this situation, the methods are divided into classes. In Appendix 4, specifics on method classification and detailed information for AI methods in these classes are provided. Moreover, a more detailed decision-making process can be made by using relevancy and popularity metrics. For example, these metrics support decision-making when being uncertain between two AI methods.

4.7 Experiments for Different Problem Domains

To check the robustness of the SARBOLD-LLM, different problem domains, and solution approaches are also considered for the Scopus search. The same initial prompt given in Section 4.4 is used for all use cases to extract AI methods by utilizing OpenAI API.

First, the same problem domain is kept, and the level 2 solution approach is changed as given in the below query.

‘TITLE-ABS-KEY(("oncology") AND ("artificial intelligence" OR "AI") AND ("natural language processing" OR "NLP")) AND DOCTYPE(ar OR cp) AND PUBYEAR > 2013’

The aforementioned search yields 35 documents. Although 5 of them effectively use an AI approach, they do not mention any particular methods in the title or abstract, and 15 of them are irrelevant or merely surveys. Consequently, 15 of them are selected in the manner described in Section 4.3. Figure 6 shows AI methods employed in selected papers. Until 2019, SVM seemed to be a popular method, and from 2019 the trend has shifted to deep learning algorithms. RNN, CNN, and BERT are among the deep learning methods that are more used after 2019. In addition, some of the most popular methods are BERT, LSTM, and GPT.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Summary chart of extracted AI methods for “oncology” problem domain and “natural language processing” solution approach

Secondly, the solution approach components are retained the same while changing the problem domain. The query for the “traffic control” issue domain is presented below.

‘TITLE-ABS-KEY(("traffic control") AND ("artificial intelligence" OR "AI") AND ("image processing")) AND DOCTYPE(ar OR cp) AND PUBYEAR > 2013’

The query returns 52 results, where nine are irrelevant or just surveys, and 20 use an AI method successfully, but they do not mention specific methods in the title and abstract. Therefore, 23 of them are selected. In Fig. 7, it is seen that until 2020, classical methods like SIFT, SURF, KNN, and decision trees are popular methods. After 2020, the deep learning methods class (that contains R-CNN, fast R-CNN, faster R-CNN, YOLO, deep simple online real-time tracking (DeepSORT), CNN, U-Net, etc.) is on the rise in terms of the number of uses and popularity.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Summary chart of extracted AI methods for “traffic control” problem domain and “image processing” solution approach

Another query is the “satellite imagery” for the problem domain, given below. It returns 66 results and 37 of them are selected to be used in analyzes.

‘TITLE-ABS-KEY(("satellite imagery") AND ("artificial intelligence" OR "AI") AND ("image processing")) AND DOCTYPE(ar OR cp) AND PUBYEAR > 2013’

Figure 8 illustrates the summary of extracted AI methods for the “satellite imagery” problem domain. Class 1 includes CNN, DNN, DeepLabv3 + , FCN, U-Net, U-Net +  + , encoder-decoder, attention mechanism, Res2Net, ResNet, LSTM, SegNet, V-Net, U2Net, AttuNet, LinkNet, mask RCNN, and cloud attention intelligent network (CAI-Net). On the other hand, class 2 covers ant colony optimization (ACO), genetic algorithm, particle swarm optimization (PSO), bat algorithm, and artificial bee colony (ABC). Until 2020, SVM, ANN, and ACO were frequently used and popular methods. After 2020, the use and popularity of class 1 and PSO appear to be increasing. In class 1, the top three most used and most popular methods are CNN, U-Net, and DNN. As can be seen from the trend, the first methods to be considered in this problem domain may be the deep learning methods given above.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Summary chart of extracted AI methods for “satellite imagery” problem domain and “image processing” solution approach

In Table 5, OpenAI performance results for all experiments are given, where TP, FP, and FN values are considered as a single pool, i.e., performance metrics are not average values for each article result. It should also be taken into account that if the “true general found” words (i.e., machine learning, artificial intelligence, image processing) are not included in the FP, higher precision and F1-score values would have been obtained. Although the problem domain and solution approach change, similar performance results are attained, which is promising for the robustness of the SARBOLD-LLM.

Table 5 OpenAI performance results for all problem domains

5 Discussion

A big issue when utilizing automatic solution method selection schemes is the trust in the fit, relevancy, and popularity of the suggested methods. The fit to the actual use case depends on the ability of the human operator to interact with the tool and whether or not they understand the intricacies of the approach. With the SARBOLD-LLM tool, the human operator has the ability to validate the suggested methods from the accompanying pool of research papers, and due to the simplicity, responsiveness, and intuitiveness, it is relatively straightforward for the human operator to modify and align the usage of the tool with the overall goal of solving a problem. Additionally, to increase the tool’s performance in terms of operation requirements (e.g., explainability, trustworthiness) and resources (e.g., hardware), the necessary features or extra resources for AI methods can be added and expanded later if the detailed requirements and current resources are stated clearly.

For example, if explainability is required, many different methods exist for obtaining explainable AI (XAI) methods [67,68,69,70,71,72]. On the other hand, if trustworthiness is required, then according to the system, environment, goals, and other parameters where AI will be used, several alternative criteria for trustworthiness may be specified [73, 74].

Details or requirements such as explainability and trustworthiness can be retrieved in the keyword selection scheme in Fig. 3. Or, after AI methods are found by the SARBOLD-LLM, post hoc analyzes can be made with the requirements not used in the SARBOLD-LLM. In some use cases, such requirements or details may not be specified at the beginning of the AI system life cycle and, therefore, may not be included in the keyword selection phase.

Due to the specificity of certain use cases, there is a considerable risk that no research has been conducted on the specifics of the use case. Consequently, the proposed solution approach methods will likely not showcase a high score in the relevancy metric. Therefore, the literature pool must be investigated after the results are identified.

Ultimately, the SARBOLD-LLM’s applicability comes down to the objective of the application. It will comfortably propose methods already explained in the literature as to why it is very useful when identifying trends in the research communities. However, as the method identification is based on historical data that train the tool to determine what words within a research paper can be classified as a method, the tool will not fare well when dealing with entirely new solution approach schemes.

It is noteworthy that the relevancy explained in Section 3.2 is computed and saved at the same time as the other data. It could be useful in the future if one wants an automatic filter. On the other hand, if the pool of papers is too big to be manually filtered, it is possible to filter at the end of the process, when one is checking for the methods to be used. The main disadvantage of filtering after the whole process is that it can allow a lot of irrelevant papers to be analyzed by OpenAI, and this will modify the perception of the trends of research for the studied use case. However, note that SARBOLD-LLM is used to get trends in research about a given use case to support the selection of solution methods, and does not directly select a method for the user. It means that having some irrelevant papers analyzed in the whole process will not lead to a completely different result. Moreover, no information is lost, so the trends can be recomputed after filtering if necessary.

6 Conclusion

When the experiments are examined, the SARBOLD-LLM produces robust results concerning OpenAI performance for different problem and solution domains in its current state. In terms of the trend, up-to-date usage, and popularity of solution methods, SARBOLD-LLM quickly produces rich and advantageous information for the user. In addition, the recommended keyword selection scheme offers a very flexible structure in choosing the problem domain and solution approach for any use case.

The SARBOLD-LLM completes work in a few hours, which takes a week or more with a manual literature review (selecting AI methods from the title and abstract of 92 papers). It is more suitable for engineers as it proposes methods and trends without adding pros and cons. This limits knowledge accumulation but can be used as a guide for future implementation.

Several prior studies focusing on proposing solution approaches aim to decrease the time and effort spent, emphasizing automation. In alignment with these objectives, SARBOLD-LLM employs a keyword selection strategy to ensure targeted searches within relevant problem and solution domains. Moreover, it incorporates trend, popularity, and relevancy analyzes to derive decision-making insights regarding the optimal solution techniques for various use cases. The research also highlights other outcomes, including sensitivity analyzes conducted for Scopus and OpenAI, and performance results obtained for OpenAI.

6.1 Future Work

Due to the nature of the underlying problem, certain processes are technically more difficult to automate than others [5]. In its current form, the SARBOLD-LLM still needs a human to perform the keyword selection, check the results given by the query, classify the found methods, and validate the robustness of the solution. For future work, it would be of high value to remove the need for human intervention while presenting results that signify the trade-off for the different automated decisions. Our study towards automating these tasks is currently underway.

Simultaneously, employing versions from the updated suite of large language models, such as OpenAI’s GPT-4,Footnote 7 and exploring other databases (like Web of Science, PubMed, IEEE Xplore, etc.) are also future works. Besides, open-source alternatives to GPT-3 or GPT-4, such as GPT-NeoX-20B [75] and GPT-J [76], will be implemented to help in cutting costs.

The sensitivity analysis is split into two parts: queries and prompts. Queries highly depend on the keyword selection scheme and should be studied together. However, reasonably an automatic sensitivity analysis can be made using some variants of the initial query, like using quotation marks instead of brackets or using several forms of the same words. Later, it could be interesting to study the sensitivity concerning synonyms. On the other part, prompts can be analyzed more easily. Indeed, several sentences could be automatically generated concerning the initial one and then tested. The common pool of solutions, or using a scoring-like number of occurrences, could be a robust amicable solution.

Classifying methods is not easy as we want to keep a stratification level from general methods to specific ones. However, as deep learning is already used to classify images, e.g., gaining attention in cancer research [77], a deep learning method could pool different methods together and reduce the number of methods used like YOLO-v2, YOLOv4-tiny, etc. Without any logical pooling, a simple clustering approach based on the text, such as DBSCAN, can be used to make an automatic pooling for a sufficiently big set of methods extracted. However, if we want to automatically match a specific taxonomy, another method will be needed.

Currently, the SARBOLD-LLM only checks the title, abstract, and keywords for the solution approach determination. For certain papers, the specifics of the method are only introduced later in the paper, e.g., for hybrid methods. Consequently, an important extension will be to determine the applied method of a paper from the entirety of a paper.

As we are only providing trends about uses in the literature, the end user still needs to look at surveys to understand the pros and cons of the proposed methods. A future enhancement would be to add a module explaining the pros and cons of each recommended method.

Furthermore, it is planned to convert Python codes to a graphical user interface (GUI) to present automated applications to end users (especially, engineers). Automatic solution approach suggestion simplifies decision-making processes, enhances efficiency, and ensures that decision-makers (end users) have access to relevant, timely, and diverse information to address complex challenges.

Finally, the SARBOLD-LLM can essentially investigate any arbitrary characteristic of the literature rather than only the solution approaches — E.g., identifying problem formulations and varieties therein. Therefore, exploring how to do this manually will greatly benefit the research community.