1 Introduction

Transport plays an essential role in the development of modern society. It is the most efficient way to move people and goods from one place to another, creating a link between different cities, countries, and even continents. Transportation also has a significant impact on the economy as it helps businesses move their products quickly and efficiently, resulting in increased productivity. Furthermore, it supports tourism by making it easier for people to explore new places and cultures. In sum, transport is an integral part of our lives that contributes to global economic growth and development. The transportation system is an essential part of modern society, playing a critical role in the expansion of industrialization, growth of agriculture, and development of rural areas. Transport networks facilitate the movement of people and goods between different areas, allowing for the exchange of resources and ideas. Without a reliable transport system, economic activities would suffer greatly due to limited access to markets and resources. Thus, it is clear that transportation plays an important role in economic development and prosperity. If transportation development were not achieved, the market in local areas would be limited and production would be limited to meet only local needs. As a result, the economy of any country would remain underdeveloped. In addition to economic importance, transportation also has social, political and cultural importance. Apart from economic benefits, transportation also has some social benefits. For example, school buses are now a part of the teaching and learning process. It also reduces the geographical distances and helps in building good relations between the people living in the same country or different countries.

Intelligent transportation makes city transit simpler, more lucrative, and safer by utilizing new and upcoming technology. Intelligent transportation is not a futuristic notion; it is actively being implemented in multiple cities, and its triumphs and failures are being used to develop systems in other areas. It attempts to make smart transportation easier to manage. The internet, cloud computing, wireless communication, location-based services, and electronic gadgets work together to make travel more sustainable and efficient.

Blockchain technology has the potential to transform centralized ITS (intelligent transportation systems) by establishing a decentralized environment that provides security and trust, leverages existing resources, allows autonomous ITS to thrive and infrastructure, and effectively uses crowdsourcing [1]. There are various aspects of blockchain technology that make it suitable for creating intelligent solutions for an ecosystem of smart things (i.e., sensors, actuators, and processors) [2] and consequently, it’s perfect for the newest wave of smart transportation systems. Decentralization, open data, and data authenticity are three crucial features that make Blockchain a platform for a range of transportation applications, including smart contracts, quick payments, information sharing, track and trace, and supply chain financing, according to [3]. In order to make wise judgments for the safety of end users and drivers, numerous technologies are coupled with the data, photos, and real-time videos collected in this environment to fulfil the aforementioned smart transportation systems aims [4]. With the aid of these cutting-edge technology, the Intelligent Transportation System with IoT offers a solution for transportation businesses to plan and monitor opulent vehicles [5, 6]. The monitoring system then uses the information to tell the drivers of the device’s location and other pertinent information. The system [7] employs the sensors to monitor the surroundings. As a result, the information is presented to the passengers as the current bus route for smart transportation. The sensor system observes the vehicle’s features and the driver’s behaviors. The processor can then evaluate this data and send orders to the system that will cause it to take corrective action when it malfunctions. The likelihood of an accident can be decreased by about 90% if the driver is capable of handling the situation [8]. The demands of ITSs combined with 5G mobile communication technologies and software-defined networking were discussed in [9]. A demand for 5G mobile communications, cloud computing, and SDN technologies for vehicular networks has arisen with the advent of pilotless cars.

Numerous studies on sustainable transportation systems have been published in recent decades. The goal of this research is to identify ideas, thoughts, opinions, proposals, or recommendations in current research publications linked to the issue that will be relevant in drawing up a design to propose a smart and sustainable transportation system in the following days. To conduct this study, we searched Google Scholar and other journal websites for twenty current research publications on the following topics: models used in sustainable transport, policies used in sustainable transport, sustainable transport planning, advantages of sustainable transport, and e-transport. In addition, we discovered several knowledge gaps over the previous few decades, such as the usage of IoT, hurdles to smart and sustainable transportation, economic advantages, career prospects, and user happiness. Academics, researchers, project developers, industrialists, and economists will benefit from this research.

2 Literature Review

Throughout the last few decades, the literature on sustainable transportation systems has grown. We addressed several noteworthy studies on Smart and Sustainable Transportation Systems in this part. Figure 1 depicts the database structure, keywords, literature surveys, and recent research publications in the targeted field of smart and sustainable transportation.

An UITP database Millennium Cities Database for Sustainable Mobility (MCDST) is studied by [10]. First, they have selected sustainable indicators by reviewing previous research. Out of them some indicators were edited or redefined by the authors. As a result, nine sustainable indicators (STIs) were developed in a manner such that three indicators were proposed in every three groups, i.e., Environmental, Economic and Social. By combining nine STIs, a composite index also suggested by the authors and based on this composite index many cities were compared. In the last, the factors influencing the sustainability of urban transport were determined by correlation analysis between the composite index and the characteristics of cities.

[11] examines the economic and environmental advantages of electric-hybrid vehicles over conventional vehicles. In addition, the impact of tax breaks on consumer affordability over the next five to ten years is examined. This study focuses on the economic prospects for electric vehicles over the next five to ten years, as well as the environmental advantages of green automobiles.

[12] discusses the many types of scenarios in judging future transportation potentials, including concerns of feasibility, plausibility, and appropriateness, with examples of each. The significance of making the economy carbon-free, as well as the need for sustained work on mitigation and adaptation at all levels in a genuinely participatory process, were also emphasized.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Steps involved in literature review

[13] proposes an ambient and real paradigm for evaluating cities based on intelligence in their transportation networks. The proposed method was shown by employing a large amount of information acquired from 26 cities across the world via internet surfing and contact with automotive specialists and offices.

According to the statistics, London, Seattle, and Sydney are among the world’s best smart car metropolitan areas [14]. investigates sustainable transportation strategies that are accountable for lowering Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the transportation sector. The author focuses on two themes in this paper: the difficulty in reaching and maintaining global environmental agreements, and the spatial and intertemporal spillovers. They determined that owing to GHG emissions in the atmosphere, the world’s climate will be influenced over the next 100–300 years, and that contemporary sustainable transportation measures are ineffectual and should be reconsidered. The eco-driving style of road transport to save energy and improve the quality of the environment has been focused by [15]. The author analysed the advantages of eco-driving for e.g., savings of fuel and reduction of carbon radiation in eco-driving programmes in Singapore. To reduce both carbon radiation and fuel utilization for metropolitan city eco-driving is an action that can be embraced for generally minimal price and produce aftereffects of regular 10% decrease for the private vehicles. An eco-driving measure has the potential to reduce up to 16% fuel consumption and 12% carbon radiation so it brings many environmental advantages. An analysis of sustainability of metropolitan traveller transport frameworks dependent on accessible indicators in many urban communities is proposed by [16]. This approach is applied to 23 European urban communities. This work includes the production of composite indicators (CI) to quantify the sustainability of metropolitan traveller transport frameworks. This will measure the acts of various urban areas and deal with their transport frameworks. The urban communities are grouped by the qualities acquired from the CIs, and in this way as indicated by the shortcomings and qualities of their transport frameworks. The CI empowered us to recognize which attributes have the best impact on the manageability of a city’s transport framework, and to build up transport arrangements that might actually further develop its deficiencies. Finally, it is concluded that the larger and richer cities tend to have more sustainable transportation systems, the cities having highest global CIs are the most globally sustainable, and the small, scattered, and not rich cities are the least sustainable.

A focus on the triple-get access systems of spatial proximity (Land use system), physical mobility (transport system) and digital connectivity (telecommunications system) as a structure for strategy and speculation choices that can bridle adaptability and flexibility is encouraged by [17]. This paper summarizes two types of policy making pathways, one is regime-compliant and other is regime-testing pathway. The authors have suggested these directions for transport planning and policy making in the future uncertainty. A stronger direction towards regime- testing is favoured to help in handling future uncertainty. The strategic-based frameworks, cause chains, and reason networks are combined by [18] to present a strategic approach to select sustainable mobility indicators for Indian cities. The authors have distinguished 20 important variables from an initial list of 31 factors for which 35 markers are shortlisted. Markers should be created for speed limitations, road lighting and openness for distraught.

Research conducted by [19] has exhibited the utilization of the Delphi technique to evoke from transport specialists a scope of conceivable intercessions to accomplish a more sustainable vehicle framework future for New Zealand. The paper presumes that the change away from automobility and towards sustainable mobility requires coordinated responsibility at all degrees of administration and across all parts of the transportation framework. The issues that need to be addressed for the sake of implementation of Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) have been identified by [20]. Countries like Africa, Asia and Latin America all recommend that BRT offers huge advantages to groups having lower income, in terms of movement time and expenditures, access facilities, and security and medical advantages. The authors explained that the equity impacts of BRT are Travel time impact, Travel cost impacts, Road user safety impacts, Distribution of ridership as proxy for user benefits, Accessibility changes, Property and housing impact, Impacts on employment, Health impact and Distributional cost-benefit analysis. The authors concluded that BRT is especially fit to arrangement in non-industrial nations because of its lower development costs, more limited development lead-times, and lower innovative obstacles.

A broad definition of sustainable transport is discussed by [21]. The author has applied content analysis techniques in this paper and focused much on cycling and the role of women in sustainable transportation mainly in Europe and African countries. The author finds that the women in the Netherlands cycle more than men. The author concludes that the Netherlands and Germany have better infrastructure for both men and women in cycling than Uganda and Kenya (because in East African countries there are social contrasts that keep on restricting women from cycling, and there is as yet a helpless framework for safe cycling).

The advantages of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs) and their effect on various levels: client, framework, and economical urban areas and society are introduced by [22]. Also analysed the different advancements behind CAVs. Finally, the authors have highlighted the following issues related to Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAVs): challenges in introducing CAVs in smart and sustainable cities, the requirements of CAVs, the infrastructure of CAVs, and introducing the latest technologies in CAVs.

The efficient control and evaluation of the transport frameworks by concentrating on the effect of environmental change, human attitude towards multiple modes of transport is studied by [23]. Ideas from Human Machine Systems and from green, ecological, supportable, and brilliant urban communities, added to the versatile city ideas, ought to be a motivation to foster models for metropolitan vehicle control frameworks.

Some significant discoveries in 23 wards of Tokyo of car ownership using structural equation modelling are studied by [24]. The outcomes showed that the strength of the emotional factor as a utility of possessing a vehicle was over two times that of the comfort factor. This structure can be adequately utilized for strategy plan and alternative mobility service planning to recreate the metropolitan transportation framework. A long short-term memory (LSTM) networks for predicting the spread of congestion of smart and sustainable cities via IoT and machine learning methods has been presented by [25]. This model predicts the blockage within 5 min via sensors. The models show an exactness of 84–95% relying upon the street design. This exactness shows that LSTM networks are well suited for forecasting the spread of congestion on street organisations.

The author [26] have discussed about the role of smart city technologies, importance of data and transition of new normal like remote works etc. to sort the COVID-19 crisis and climate change in both the near and long terms.

3 Technologies Used for Smart and Sustainable Transport

Recently, many technologies have been introduced in smart and sustainable transport. The Fig. 2 shows these technologies, i.e., Artificial Intelligence (AI), 5G, Internet of Things (IoT) and Blockchain.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Technologies used in smart transport


Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly prevalent in our daily lives, and its potential to revolutionize traffic management is no exception. AI has the capacity to make traffic more efficient, reduce the occurrence of traffic congestion, provide information on parking availability, and even facilitate ridesharing. With AI’s assistance, cities can become smarter and more organized; reducing the amount of time spent on the roads while improving safety.


With the advent of 5G technology, cities are witnessing a radical transformation in the way people move around. This faster and more reliable cellular connectivity not only enhances smart connectivity but also improves urban mobility and public transport by providing more options for people to get around. From connected cars to smart city initiatives, 5G is revolutionizing urban transportation and making cities smarter, safer and more efficient.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the way we interact with the world around us. By connecting objects, sensors, actuators and other devices to the Internet, it allows us to collect and transmit real time data that can be used to enhance customer experience and improve safety. IoT has opened up a whole new realm of possibilities, from smart homes to connected vehicles, it has changed the way we live our lives for the better.


Blockchain technology is revolutionizing the way vehicles communicate with each other and manage traffic. It provides reliable, secure and transparent communication between vehicles, allowing for improved safety, convenience and efficiency on our roads. With blockchain technology, drivers can be alerted to potential hazards ahead of time and be provided real-time information about the traffic situation around them. This can help reduce the risk of accidents and improve overall traffic flow.

With the dawn of the Internet-of-Things (IoT) revolution, many new possibilities have opened up for improving our day-to-day lives. An innovative example of this is the proposed Intelligent Real Time Smart Parking System (iERS), which uses IoT technology to make parking easier and more efficient. This system is designed to help drivers find their closest parking hubs, as well as provide directions to other accessible parking hubs in real time. By utilizing iERS, drivers will be able to save both time and energy when it comes to parking their vehicles [27]. This proposal system offers a revolutionary solution to the problems of traffic congestion and environmental pollution. It utilizes advanced AI technology to reduce users’ effort, minimize traffic jams and reduce carbon footprints. By utilizing this system, authors are able to explore all potential choices to travel with minimal effort while also reducing their environmental impact. This proposed system offers a win-win situation for both the environment and commuters, making it an attractive option for all. The Internet of Things (IoT) has revolutionized the way modern transport systems and vehicle-to-vehicle frameworks are operated and utilized. In a recent study [28], the potential of IoT for proper execution of transport systems and communication of vehicle-to-vehicle frameworks was explored in detail. This paper highlighted how IoT can be used to improve efficiency, safety, and performance within these networks. By leveraging this technology, transport systems can become more adaptive to their environment, allowing for better management and control. The emergence of Industry 4.0 based IoT innovation is a revolutionary step towards minimizing street traffic and mishaps. By enabling the use of sensors, cameras and other devices connected to the internet, this technology has made it easier to monitor traffic in real-time. Through the intelligent analysis of data collected from these connected devices, it is possible to detect potential hazards and enable preventative measures for a safer driving experience. This, in turn, helps us reduce the amount of street traffic and minimize the chances of accidents occurring due to human error or negligence.

4 Smart and Sustainable Transport

Transportation is a critical part of almost every person’s daily life. A well-managed public transportation framework delivers less air pollution, improves fuel efficiency per passenger, and decreases traffic congestion so public transportation plays an important role. To provide safe transport, gaining citizens’ trust in public transport is a priority. The pandemic has changed the manners in which we right now travel and could likewise influence transportation behaviour in the future. So, many organisations are working to ensure the implementation of social distance by counting travellers, computerized queueing, mask and temperature detection, real-time data on transport arrivals and capacity, automated cleaning, and contactless connections. And also, implementation of contactless payments and account-based fare collection are probably going to assume a greater part in transport, as they reduce the number of traveller touchpoints.

4.1 Concept of Smart Transport Systems

Data and communication technologies are used in smart transportation, also known as Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS), to digitalize the transport infrastructure. As an illustration, data exchange between vehicles, drivers, passengers, and transfer hubs could be accomplished remotely. In order to construct multimodal journey planners, calculate pollution impact, recommend greener solutions where appropriate, and develop incentives to promote positive change, real-time data collaboration is essential. Additionally, the information (shown in Fig. 3) is used for traffic signal control, climate change monitoring, battery vehicle life monitoring, and road surveillance. Data trading is essential to smart transportation. This data helps to detect traffic accidents more easily and within time appropriate assistance can be sent. And also, able to identify unfavorable climate change so all vehicles in a particular area are advised and GPS could redirect them to the safe and secure route.

Vehicle to Vehicle

Vehicles are connected to exchange information such as safety warnings, traffic information and improve the safety of roads.

Vehicle to Pedestrians

The Vehicle to Pedestrian network establishes direct communication between a vehicle and the pedestrian. This centers around setting up a transmission framework that alerts drivers on the pedestrians’ whereabouts. It ensures traffic lights, sensors, cameras and get real time information etc. a stable Vehicle to Pedestrians connection.

Vehicle to Infrastructure

It’s a wireless and bidirectional communication framework that enables vehicles to exchange information such as surveillance of roadways, traffic lights, road signs, cameras, street lights, parking meters, and get real time information etc.

Vehicle to Sensor

These are interwoven with transmission frameworks for example, WIFI, GSM, Bluetooth and Satellite transmissions to check the distinctive ecological conditions.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Smart transportation

ITS is a progressive cutting-edge innovation that will accomplish traffic productivity by limiting traffic issues, prompting proficient framework utilization, giving information to users about traffic and many more things, So, Smart transportation makes our journey safer. The network representation of smart transportation includes the communication between the vehicles and the other connected elements, as shown in Fig. 4.

Cloud storage availability assists in progressively data sharing, storage and handling. Also, user get benefitted from real time data for data analytics, provide solutions and much more.

For achieving sustainability, Electric Vehicles (EVs) are a better option as they pollute less and reduce individual carbon footprints. EVs have numerous environmental advantages as they can help to minimize noise pollution, air pollution, and greenhouse gas emissions. It will also reduce smog. For launching EVs, it is necessary that there should be a sufficient number of EVs charging hubs from place to place. It will create job opportunities if vehicle charging hubs are established as well as it will improve the economy of the particular area/city/state. Implementing Mobile Apps for payment and suggesting the nearest location of charging hubs including parking will be a great help for EVs users. Use of Renewable energy sources such as wind, hydroelectric power, solar are sustainable sources as they contribute a lot in the reduction of greenhouse gases emission along with having several socio-economic benefits.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Concept of smart transport

4.2 Concept of Sustainable Transport

To achieve sustainability means reducing greenhouse gases which are the primary cause of environmental change. Government should make public transport an attractive option. People must be attracted towards public transport through increased use of car-pooling and it is cost effective. A lot of people can ride the same vehicle, the carbon footprints per head is largely reduced. Use of renewable sources, low carbon and low environmental impact fuels, with the use of biofuels from biomass and waste, hydrogen, biomethane and methanol. Figure 5 shows the method for achieving sustainability in transport:


Obtained from plastics includes two steps i.e., pyrolysis of plastics and catalytic steam reforming of pyrolysis gases and vapours.


is a renewable source of fuel production for the transport sector and an effective way to reduce greenhouse gases from transport.


Sustainable transportation fuel made from biomass. Biomass such as agricultural and forestry residues, municipal solid wastes, industrial wastes etc. is the oldest source of renewable energy.

Vehicle Sharing

Vehicle emissions are the major contributor to climate change, so reducing it is key to the conservation of our environment. It reduces carbon footprints.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Methods for achieving sustainability in transport

If we want to be more sustainable, then the essential change is that our electricity production should also be from renewable energy. Relying on renewable power sources will bring about cleaner energy being created, and will consequently be much more productive than bringing down carbon yield from vehicles. Use of renewable energy by installing solar panels on the top of the vehicles. The solar panels supply energy to the electrical equipment in the vehicles. It decreases our need to consume non-renewable energy sources, which brings about a drop in air contamination and greenhouse gases.

Feeder Electric Buses

are also an option for smart and sustainable transport. It enhanced the last mile commuting experience to the public from Metro stations. Only Metro travelers having a Smart Card of Delhi Metro will be permitted on these e-buses. These cutting-edge e-transports are extraordinarily planned and furnished with a smart transport framework with CCTVs and GPS accessibility. These transports are furnished with Anti-slip, against brake Locking framework and won’t move till all entryways are shut. The entryways will likewise not close on discovery of any deterrent. For older travelers, transports are likewise fitted with inclines and harbor for the wheelchair. For taking care of any crisis circumstance, these transports are additionally outfitted with Panic button and Stop demand button. A significant objective of the coordinated multi-modular vehicle structure in Delhi-NCR is to reduce dependency on the automobile and increase the usage of public transport.

Studies have shown that utilization of (Liquified Natural Gas) LNG as fuel has chopped down the noxious sulphur radiation which led to decrease in carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrox gases. LNG is very cool and in a fluid state when moved. As we all know the poor quality of air in India, LNG has been recognized as the new generation fuel which is especially used for substantial vehicles and between state transport. The use of alternative fuel (LNG) reduces CO2 emissions and lower noise levels for the environment. It is also non-renewable – this gas is fully natural, having been formed millions of years ago from decomposing plants and animals. Notwithstanding being non-renewable, it is the most eco-friendly fuel among non-renewable resources. Trees are a natural, grand and powerful method for quelling outside sound. Trees make wonderful and powerful sound walls and can obstruct the racket of metropolitan noise by three to five decibels-significantly more when mature trees are planted in lines. Evergreens are the best noise blocker. They are thick, grow faster, and act as year-round noise filters. Figure 6 shows the advantages of using sustainable transportation.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Advantages of sustainable transport

5 Challenges and Issues

The current transportation system is faced with significant difficulties as a result of the expanding demand for transportation. Controlling environmental contamination is one of the biggest difficulties of an inefficient transportation system. In order to create ecologically friendly transportation networks, this study encourages the development of energy-efficient technologies. Advanced technologies can be used to promote the adoption of automobiles with clean technology, such as electric motors, and vehicles that run on alternative fuels, including compressed natural gas and biodiesel. For better use, sensors can identify vehicles that are making noise and air pollution, and such vehicles can then be charged automatically using a challan system.

Due to a lack of an intelligent and sustainable transportation infrastructure, developing nations like India are faced with a number of issues, including a polluted environment, road accidents, overcrowding, a lack of parking spots, etc. Thus, it is urgently necessary to create smart transportation systems in Indian cities in order to manage traffic and address the growing danger of traffic fatalities and accidents.

6 Conclusion and Future Scope

The study’s key finding is that a realistic traffic information system, a minimum trip time, an environmentally friendly, economically viable, and safe transportation system are the fundamental requirements of a smart, sustainable transportation system. In order to enhance the quality of the transportation system, provide passengers with adequate information, safety, comfort, and to reduce traffic accidents, stops and delays as well as environmental pollution, this study introduces the main applications of intelligent transportation systems for the development of superior transportation facilities, passenger information systems, smart traffic control and management systems, smart parking systems, and eco-friendly transportation systems.

We intend to improve the suggested system in the future to accommodate those with special needs so they can freely use the public transportation system. We can continue to improve the security of people, things, and transportation. Work on the shortcomings of the current systems as well so we can advance in the future.

The study is expected to be helpful for transportation planners to develop a sustainable transportation system along with the implementation of a smart transportation system in smart cities in India.