1 Background

The use of technology in mathematics instruction and learning has grown in significance. Teachers can increase student engagement, encourage active learning, and deliver individualised and differentiated instruction by integrating technology. The efficacy of various technological tools and pedagogical strategies in mathematics teaching has recently been the subject of study. For instance, Choi, et al., [10] investigated the application of virtual manipulatives in the teaching of mathematics to primary school students and discovered that students who used virtual manipulatives had greater success scores and better conceptual understanding than students who used traditional manipulatives. Further, in a comprehensive literature review of the role of technology in enhancing mathematics learning, it was concluded that technology has the potential to enhance student engagement, facilitate conceptual understanding, and develop higher-order thinking skills in mathematics [29].

Technology can also promote group learning and improve communication among students as well as between students and teachers. Nair [33] investigated the use of mobile learning apps in cooperative mathematics problem-solving activities and discovered that students who utilized the mobile app demonstrated higher levels of motivation and interest in their studies. The study showed the value and efficacy of technology integration in mathematics teaching and learning. Demir and Karakus [16] investigated into how mobile learning affects mathematics students’ achievement and motivation. The usage of mobile learning, according to the authors, increased student motivation and achievement.

Studies have shown the importance of using technology in teaching geometry. For instance, Drijvers, et al.'s [19] study looked at the use of dynamic geometry software (DGS) in geometry instruction. The study revealed that students that used DGS showed a stronger appreciation and knowledge of geometric concepts. Kayhan [25] in an earlier study also investigated the effect of dynamic geometry software on students' geometric thinking levels and found that DGS can promote higher levels of geometric thinking. Further, Fatma and Tugrul [21] also found that the use of GeoGebra software had a positive effect on students' geometry achievement and attitude towards the subject. The authors argued that GeoGebra software could be an effective tool to enhance geometry instruction. Other studies have also highlighted the importance of the use of technological tools in the learning process [18]. With the foregoing review, it suggests that further investigation is likely to reveal fresh and creative approaches to using technology to improve mathematics education as technology develops.

Studies have shown that the integration of technology in the teaching of mathematics helps students to develop conceptual understanding of geometry [11, 44]. The integration of digital technologies in the teaching of mathematics continues to gain the attention of mathematics educators [17]. The use of contemporary technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics is a goal shared by all stakeholders, including educators, school administrators, the ministry of education, parents, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and others. Teachers' access to resources and their level of training influence how easily students and teachers use new technology [26]. As a result, teachers and students ought to constantly learn how to use technology to support mathematics teaching and learning NCTM, [32]. This helps students to have a good grasp of geometry that fosters the development of students' cognitive and explanation skills. The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics added that geometry helps students to appreciate the beauty of doing mathematics. Sunzuma, et al. [40] also asserted that pupils' interest in geometry is mostly associated with their achievement in geometry-related concepts. What this means is that, student's interest towards geometry had a direct effect on their achievement in learning the topic. However, it has been shown that although attention is been shifted to the teaching and learning of geometry, it is evident that students still show negative attitude towards the learning of the subject thereby leading to poor performance in the topic [3].

Attitude is a psychological construct that reflects an individual’s evaluation or feelings about a particular object, person or situation [24]. This psychological construct either promotes or discourages learners from learning mathematics [14]. A positive attitude is a way of thinking that enables students to imagine and communicate pleasant thoughts about mathematics [37]. Therefore, it is ideal to have a positive outlook when learning mathematical concepts. In other words, a positive attitude towards the learning of mathematics will enable students to become relax, remember, focus, absorb and apply the concepts in solving real life problems. It prepares students to accept new learning chances and see a variety of learning opportunities in the mathematical concepts they are exposed to. When one has a positive attitude, they may make the most of every learning opportunity.

Literature has shown that students who have a strong positive inclination toward learning mathematics are more likely to surpass their peers who have a low inclination toward learning the subject [14, 34]. Having a positive attitude towards the learning of mathematics makes it easier to achieve ones learning goals. Further, positive attitude becomes a driving force that carries learners beyond mathematical concepts that they usually learned by recall [2, 36]. On the other hand, negative attitude will impede and increase students’ anxiety in the learning of mathematics [14, 20].

Empirically, studies have identified factors that could contribute to the under achievement in geometry. For instance, Sunsuma, et al. (2012) investigated secondary school students’ attitudes towards learning of geometry in Bindura and found out majority of students in Bindura urban in Zimbabwe, 80% did not like solving geometrical problems. Also, a study conducted on factors affecting geometry achievement of college students in Lebanon, it was found that college students' performance in geometry was negatively influenced by several factors, including inadequate preparation in high school, lack of interest in the subject, and poor teaching methods [13]. Other factors that have been identified to have influence on college students' performance in geometry, includes teaching methods, student attitudes, and prior knowledge [6]. Maina and Nthumeng [27] analysed the factors affecting students’ performance in geometry at tertiary level in Botswana and and identified several factors that contribute to poor performance in geometry, including limited exposure to geometry in secondary school, inadequate teaching resources, and lack of motivation. In a similar study by Afolabi and Olowojebutu [4] also explores the reasons behind poor performance in geometry among Nigerian students and identified factors such as lack of instructional materials, inadequate teacher training, and negative attitudes towards mathematics. In addition, Alkhawaldeh and Alawadin [5] examined the factors that contribute to poor achievement in geometry among Jordanian college students. The authors found that lack of motivation, poor teaching methods, and students' negative attitudes towards geometry were among the main factors that contribute to poor performance in this subject. Other literature suggests gender (i.e., male and female) of preservice teachers could also be determinant of students’ achievement in geometry [8, 23, 39].

It is evident in literature that teachers play a significant role in the attitudes that students may develop about learning mathematics [14]. Most of the time, teachers fail to use the appropriate pedagogical approaches to organise their lessons in a way that will encourage a desired learning outcome. Teachers usually present mathematical concepts to learners in an abstract form which makes these concepts such as geometry very difficult to understand [14]. This approach to teaching causes students to view geometrical concept as challenging. Once students have formed the perception that mathematics is a challenging subject, it is up to teachers to carefully craft pedagogical strategies to change this negative attitude of students. What this means is that, at any level, mathematics teachers should choose suitable pedagogical techniques that will promote positive attitude in learners (Davis, et al. [15]).

In Ghana, the achievement of preservice teachers in college geometry has been a major concern. For instance, the analysis of the TIMSS report in 2011 revealed that Ghanaians students have limited content knowledge and reasoning skills needed in solving geometry problems as compared to those from other counties [31]. A similar analysis conducted by Chikwere and Ayama [9] in a Junior High School (JHS) concluded that the use of technology could enhance students' proficiency in geometric construction. The underachievement of preservice teachers in mathematics has been attributed to limited content knowledge in geometry [38]. Specifically, the chief examiner’s annual reports in Ghana for the years, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, on college geometry noted the abysmal performance of students in the Colleges of Education and the consequential effects on tutors, parents, and the government [7]. To address this underachievement, tutors have made efforts to integrate technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry. Yet, the performance of preservice teachers remained low. Because of this, the study that looks at preservice teachers' attitudes toward using technology to teach and learn college geometry is extremely important to educators. This study therefore sought to investigate preservice teachers' attitudes toward the integration of technology in teaching college geometry, as research has indicated that preservice teachers’ attitudes may play a significant role in determining what preservice teachers learn in this subject [4, 6]. The study also examined gender differences in preservice teachers' attitudes on the use of technology in college in teaching college geometry teaching, as well as differences in preservice teachers' attitudes toward the integration of technology in teaching college geometry by program and age.

1.1 Theoretical framework: unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (UTAUT)

The UTAUT was suggested by Venkatesh, Morris, Davis, and Davis in [42] with the aim of describing user intentions to use an information system and subsequent usage behavior (Venkatesh, et al. [42],). The theory's four key constructs are performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions. While the fourth directly predicts user action, the first three directly predict user intentions. Gender, age, experience, and voluntariness of use are all assumed to operate as moderators of the four main components' influence on usage intention and behavior. The idea was developed by reviewing and combining the eight models that earlier research had used to explain how humans used information systems. In UTAUT, it was proposed and discovered that behavioral intention and enabling conditions influence technology usage, whereas behavioral intention and effort expectancy and social impact influence behavioral intention to utilize a technology. The main benefit of employing the Venkatesh model is that it incorporates experience and demographic data into the model itself [28]. Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) offers a comprehensive, adaptable, and empirically-supported framework for understanding technology adoption and use, making it a preferred choice for our study [43]. The UTAUT was challenged by Van Raaij and Schepers for being less efficient than the TAM2 and the preceding Technology Acceptance Model [41] Figure 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Unified theory of acceptance and use of technology (Venkatesh, Morris, Davis & Davis, [41])

We have conceptualized the various constructs in UTAUT model in our study as follows:

Performance expectancy: learners’ ability to perform in college geometry and its related concepts when technology is used to teach them.

Effort expectancy: the desire of preservice teachers to learn college geometry when technology is used to teach it.

Social influence: influence of social context on learning college geometry.

Facilitating conditions: creating classroom enabling environment to support the teaching and learning of college geometry.

Behavioural intention: desirable effort in learning college geometry.

Use behavior: applying one’s desirable effort in the use of technology in learning college geometry.

Voluntariness of use: developing the willingness of use of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry.

Gender: the role learners’ gender plays in using technology to learn college geometry.

Age: maturation in cognitive growth.

Experience: how often one uses technology in solving college geometry problems. These constructs must not be seen in isolation but as interrelated constructs as shown in UTAUT model.

1.2 Research question

The study was guided by this research question.

What is the attitude of preservice teachers towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry?

1.3 Research hypotheses

Based on the research question, the following hypotheses were formulated and tested:

H01: There is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers towards the use of technology in teaching and learning of college geometry by age.

H02: There is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers towards the use of technology in teaching and learning of college geometry by gender.

H03: There is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers towards the use of technology in teaching and learning of college geometry by programme of study.

H04: There is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers towards the use of technology in teaching and learning of college geometry by college.

2 Research methods

2.1 Research design and participants

The study employed a quantitative descriptive survey design. This design is appropriate for the current study since it allows the researchers to investigate a phenomenon by gathering quantifiable information from predetermined population [12]. Prior surveys investigated the factors that affect students’ performance in the learning of geometry [4, 6, 13]. This study therefore investigated one of such predominant factors (i.e., attitude) of preservice teachers towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry to see whether technology could predict preservice teachers’ attitude towards the learning of college geometry.

The population for the study comprised of all preservice teachers in the Colleges of Education in the Central Region of Ghana who offer mathematics as major or minor. Multi-stage sampling technique was employed in this study. First, simple random sampling technique was used to select two out of the three public Colleges of Education in the Central Region. Second, purposive sampling technique was used to sample level 200 preservice teachers because they have covered much content area in college geometry as at the time of the study and were pursuing either mathematics as a major or minor. This sampling technique was appropriate because it helped to ensure that the participants had sufficient knowledge and understanding of the subject matter to be able to provide informed responses. Lastly, census sampling technique was used to select preservice teachers offering Mathematics/ICT, Mathematics/Science, Visual Arts, and Agricultural Science across the two Colleges of Education. This sampling technique was chosen because it allowed for the selection of all eligible participants from the population of interest, which was all preservice teachers in the two Colleges of Education in the Central Region of Ghana offering either mathematics as a major or minor. By selecting participants from different subject areas, the study was able to obtain a diverse sample, which could help to ensure that the findings were generalizable to a wider population. Hence, 185 preservice teachers took part in the study. Overall, the sampling technique used in the study was appropriate and helped to ensure that the participants were representative of the population of interest.

2.2 Data collection instrument

The data for this study were collected using a questionnaire. This questionnaire was adapted from the Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale. Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale offers a more comprehensive, reliable, adaptable and culturally sensitive tool for assessing attitudes toward mathematics, making it a valuable resource for educators worldwide who are interested in understanding and promoting positive attitudes toward mathematics hence more appropriate for our study [22]. The questionnaire consists of 11 closed-ended questions. Questions 1–4 were on positive attitudes towards the use of technology in learning of college geometry while the remaining were on negative attitude towards the use of technology in teaching college geometry. Content validity was employed in the evaluation of “what” was measured by using Fennema-Shermann Mathematics Attitude scale. Also, the questionnaire was given to some colleagues and experts in Mathematics education for them to examine it to improve on its content validity. This also helped the researchers to check the clarity of the items. A pilot study was then carried out on 10 preservice teachers in a one College of Education outside those that participated in the study. The response rate of 87% was achieved. This ensured that the items on the questionnaire reflect the attitude of preservice teachers after they respond to it. The internal consistency of the instrument was determined using the Cronbach alpha coefficient. The Cronbach alpha coefficient, which was 0.81 during the pilot testing, shows that the scale has strong reliability across all of its components [35].

2.3 Data collection and analysis procedures

Ethical clearance was sought from the University of Cape Coast, Institutional Review Board (IRB). The researchers sought permission from the principals of the colleges involved in the study, to carry out the study in the colleges. The researchers made an initial visit to the colleges to introduced themselves and obtained permission from the principals to allow the preservice teachers in the colleges to participate in the study. The authors later met with the preservice teachers and their tutors on college campuses, where they briefed them on the study. It was requested that the preservice teachers give their consent. The participants' privacy was ensured. The researchers paid a last visit to the two Colleges of Education to inform them on the order of the tasks involved in gathering the data. To begin the real data collection, a follow-up visit was made to the two Colleges of Education. It took the researchers five weeks to collect the data from the two Colleges of Education. The data collected was coded and analyzed, using descriptive and inferential statistics; that is, ANOVA, and independent samples t-test. Descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) was used to address the research question. ANOVA was used to address hypotheses 1 and 3, while descriptive statistics, and independent samples t-test were used to address hypotheses 2 and 4. The inferential analysis was conducted at 0.05 error margins, as will be seen in the presentation of the results.

3 Results

The biographical data of the research participants is shown in Table 1.

Table 1 Biographical data of participants

The data in Table 1 shows that majority of the participants (100 out of 185, or 54.10%) were male. Additionally, most of the preservice teachers fell within the age range of 19–22 years, with only three participants (out of the total 185) being between 15–18 years old or 31 years and above. Furthermore, the data indicates that the majority of the preservice teachers in the study were pursuing Mathematics and ICT (Information and Communication Technology) as their specialization. These data were observed across the two colleges that participated in the study.

3.1 Findings in relation to research question 1: “what is the attitude of preservice teachers towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry?’’

This research question sought to explore the attitude of preservice teachers towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry. The results are presented in Table 2.

Table 2 Preservice teachers’ attitude of technology integration in the teaching of college geometry for the positive Items

The attitudes of preservice teachers towards the technology integration in the teaching and learning of college geometry are displayed in Table 2.

The result in Table 2 shows that the first three items have the same high mean (M = 4.80 out 5.0 and SD = 0.40) indicating that majority of the preservice teachers from the two colleges of education in Central Region of Ghana agreed that they like solving college geometry problems when technology is used to teach them. In addition, they agreed that they will do well in college geometry if technology is used to teach them and further acknowledged technology makes college geometry learning more practical to them. The analysis of results also indicates that majority of the preservice teachers in the two Colleges of Education have the attitude that college geometry teaches them to be logical if technology is used to teach them (M = 4.60 out of 5.0 and SD = 0.50). Their mean attitude is a trend towards strongly agreeing that technology should be integrated in the teaching and learning of college geometry. For the negatively worded items, the means were generally low (M = 1.10 and SD = 0.30) indicating that the preservice teachers strongly agreed that technology should be used in the teaching and learning of college geometry.

3.2 H01: there is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers towards the use of technology in teaching and learning of college geometry by age

The result for the analysis of variance in testing the differences in the dispositions of the preservice teachers across the age groups is displayed in Table 3.

Table 3 ANOVA test for preservice teachers’ attitude of technology integration in college geometry teaching across the age groups

Preservice teachers did not defer in their attitude of technology integration in the teaching and learning of college geometry by the context of age (F (4,180) = 1.282, p = 0.30, See Table 3). The p-value of 0.30 suggests that there is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers across different age groups when it comes to technology integration in teaching and learning college geometry. In simpler terms, the findings indicate that regardless of age, preservice teachers expressed an equal positive attitude towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry. The lack of statistical significance suggests that age does not play a significant role in influencing their attitudes in this context.

3.3 H02: there is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers towards the use of technology in teaching and learning of college geometry by gender

Table 4 shows test for equality of means in preservice teachers’ technology integration in teaching college geometry by context of Gender.

Table 4 Test for equality in preservice teachers’ technology integration in teaching college geometry by context of gender

The result in Table 4 shows no statistically significant difference exists between male (M = 4.84 out of 5.00, SD = 0.37) and female (M = 4.80 out of 5.00, SD = 0.40) preservice teachers’ attitudes in integrating technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry, t (1,183) = 0.590, p = 0.56. Since the p-value (0.56) is greater than the conventional threshold of significance (e.g., 0.05), it suggests that the difference between male and female preservice teachers' attitudes towards technology integration in college geometry is not statistically significant. In other words, the observed difference could be due to chance or sampling variability, rather than a true difference in attitudes. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that both male and female preservice teachers in the study have an equal positive attitude towards integrating technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry.

3.4 H03: There is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers towards the use of technology in teaching and learning of college geometry by programme of study

The test for equality of means in the preservice teachers’ attitude of technology integration in the teaching of college geometry by the context of programmes is displayed in Table 5.

Table 5 ANOVA test for preservice teachers’ attitude towards technology integration by the context of programme

The analysis of result (F (3,181) = 1.165, p = 0.33) in Table 5 indicates that there is no statistically significant difference between the attitude of preservice teachers in the four programs of study towards technology integration in the teaching and learning of college geometry. A p-value of 0.33 suggests that there is a 33% probability that the observed difference in attitudes between the groups could have occurred by chance alone. Therefore, based on this analysis, it can be inferred that preservice teachers across the four mathematics-related programs in the Colleges of Education have an equal positive attitude towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry. The lack of statistical significance suggests that any observed differences in attitudes between the programs are not likely to be meaningful or reliable, and it is reasonable to conclude that the groups have similar attitudes towards technology integration in this context.

3.5 H04: there is no statistically significant difference in the attitude of preservice teachers towards the use of technology in teaching and learning of college geometry by college

Table 6 shows the test for equality of means in preservice teachers’ attitude towards technology integration in the teaching and learning of college geometry by context of Colleges of Education.

Table 6 Test for equality of means in preservice teachers’ technology integration in teaching college geometry by context of college

The result (t (1,183) = -0.047, p = 0.96) in Table 6 suggests that the calculated t-value of -0.047 is not statistically significant, as indicated by the high p-value of 0.96. Typically, in statistical hypothesis testing, a p-value greater than 0.05 is considered as evidence to support the null hypothesis, which states that there is no significant difference between the groups being compared. In this case, the p-value of 0.96 exceeds the commonly used threshold of 0.05, indicating that there is no significant difference in attitudes towards technology integration between the preservice teachers from college A and college B. Therefore, based on the statistical analysis, it can be concluded that the preservice teachers from both colleges of education have an equal positive attitude towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry.

4 Discussion

The findings suggest that preservice teachers' positive attitudes towards the use of technology in teaching college geometry have a significant impact on their ability to solve geometry problems. In other words, preservice teachers who have a positive attitude towards technology may be more willing to experiment with new instructional methods that incorporate technology, and they may be more likely to incorporate technology into their own teaching practices when they become teachers. Considering the factors from the UTAUT model below, we can understand how a positive attitude towards technology among preservice teachers influences their willingness to experiment with new instructional methods and their likelihood of incorporating technology into their teaching practices in the future [28]. In performance expectancy, preservice teachers with a positive attitude towards technology likely believe that incorporating technology into their teaching methods will enhance their teaching effectiveness and potentially improve student outcomes. This aligns with the notion that they are willing to experiment with new instructional methods involving technology [43]. Also, a positive attitude towards technology suggests that preservice teachers perceive using technology in their teaching as easy or manageable. They may believe that technology can simplify tasks or make them more efficient, encouraging them to incorporate it into their teaching practices and this aligns with effort expectancy. Social influence comes if there's a prevalent positive attitude towards technology within the educational community or among peers, preservice teachers may feel encouraged or compelled to adopt technology in their teaching practices to align with the expectations or norms of their profession. Preservice teachers who have a positive attitude towards technology may perceive that there are supportive conditions and resources available (e.g., access to technology, training programs) that facilitate its integration into teaching practices technology [28].

Also, this positive attitude towards technology in education is consistent with the learning philosophy of both developed and developing countries (NaCCA, 2019 [33]). In many parts of the world, technology has been embraced as a tool to enhance education and improve student outcomes. The use of technology in education has been found to increase student engagement, motivation, and achievement, as well as to improve teacher effectiveness and efficiency [16, 29]. The study found that there were no significant differences in attitudes based on age categories, but that the use of technology could potentially lead to more positive attitudes overall. Based on this finding, it appears that age alone cannot fully explain variations in preservice teachers' attitudes towards technology integration in the context of teaching and learning college geometry. However, the study suggests that actually using technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry could help to promote more positive attitudes among preservice teachers, regardless of their age. We can comprehend how preservice teachers' willingness to try out new teaching strategies and their propensity to use technology in their classrooms at any age in the future are influenced by their positive attitudes toward technology by taking into account features from the UTAUT model. This emphasizes how crucial it is for preservice teachers in all age groups to have opportunity inside their teacher education programs to interact meaningfully with technology.

It's great to hear that both male and female preservice teachers have a positive attitude towards technology integration in the teaching and learning of college geometry. From the UTAUT model, once both male and female preservice teachers have positive attitude towards use of technology in teaching it will influence their willingness to experiment with new instructional methods and their likelihood of incorporating technology into their teaching practices in the future [28]. A study by Shah and Naeem [39] found that male and female preservice teachers had similar attitudes towards mathematics, including geometry in Pakistan. In similar studies, male and female preservice teachers had similar attitudes towards geometry [8, 23]. However, this is contrary to the study by Aboagye, Ke and Mante [1] which investigated factors affecting students’ success in geometry and concluded that gender is one of the predictors of geometry achievement. This may have implication for teacher training programs in Colleges of Education for geometry teaching and learning.

It's also interesting to note that the context of the programme does not seem to affect their attitudes towards technology use in this context. This suggests that regardless of their chosen field of study, preservice teachers see the value of technology in promoting their learning of college geometry. This finding has important implications for teacher education programs, as it highlights the need to ensure that preservice teachers are equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively integrate technology into their teaching practice. This may have implications for teacher training programs, as it suggests that efforts to promote technology use in the classroom may be equally effective across different colleges and genders. It also highlights the importance of considering the attitudes and beliefs of preservice teachers when designing teacher training programs, as these factors may influence how teachers incorporate technology and other teaching strategies into their practice.

5 Conclusions and recommendations for teacher pedagogy

With regards to the findings of this study, it can be concluded that preservice teachers have positive high attitude towards the use of technology in teaching college geometry. Therefore, it is recommended that mathematics tutors should strive to integrate technology into their teaching of college geometry. This can involve using digital resources, such as online simulations and interactive software, to enhance the learning experience and engage students in more meaningful ways. Additionally, training and support for teachers on the effective use of technology in teaching can be beneficial in ensuring that technology is used in a way that maximizes its potential for enhancing student learning outcomes. Also, tutors should take advantage of preservice teachers' positive attitude towards the integration of technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry in enhancing their learning and achievement in college geometry. They can use various technological tools and resources, such as virtual manipulatives, interactive whiteboards, and online learning platforms to make the learning process more engaging and effective. Additionally, tutors should provide preservice teachers with appropriate training and support to ensure they are confident and competent in using technology in teaching. In doing so, preservice teachers will be better equipped to use technology to enhance their students' learning and achievement in geometry.

Since no statistically significant difference was found between the attitude of male and female preservice teachers across the Colleges of Education in this study, tutors should capitalize on this similarity in attitude and implement technology-rich teaching strategies in their geometry courses. This could include using online simulations, interactive whiteboards, and other digital tools to help students better visualize and understand geometric concepts. Additionally, tutors could provide training and support to preservice teachers on how to effectively use technology in the classroom, so that they can apply these skills in their future teaching practices. Technology can certainly enhance the teaching and learning of college geometry in the Colleges of Education in the Central Region. So, integrating technology into their teaching, instructors can create more engaging and interactive learning experiences for students, which can help them better understand and retain the material. Additionally, technology can provide students with opportunities to practice and apply their knowledge in new and exciting ways, which can help them develop deeper insights and a stronger foundation in the subject. It's also encouraging to see that both male and female preservice teachers are open to this approach. Hence, embracing technology and incorporating it into their teaching practices, these teachers can create a more inclusive and equitable learning environment that meets the needs of all students, regardless of their gender or background.

Finally, the study found out that preservice teachers have equal positive attitude towards the use of technology in teaching and learning college geometry, regardless of their program. Based on this finding, the suggestion is for college tutors in the Central Region to take advantage of this positive attitude towards the use of technology in teaching and learning to improve the teaching and learning of college geometry. This recommendation is supported by the notion that technology can enhance the teaching and learning process by providing a more engaging and interactive learning experience. Additionally, the use of technology can provide access to a wider range of resources, which can help students develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter. Therefore, by using technology in the teaching and learning of college geometry, college tutors in the Central Region can enhance the educational experience of their students and help them achieve better learning outcomes. This study has it that integrating technology into geometry education has the potential to improve student outcomes, increase engagement and motivation, and prepare students for success in the twenty-first century workforce.

6 Limitations and suggestions for further studies

There are particular limitations on the study concerning the participants, the methods used, the setting, duration of the study, and context of the study. Alongside these restrictions are several recommendations. First off, information was gathered exclusively from preservice teachers enrolled in level 200 courses in Agricultural Science, Mathematics/ICT, Visual Arts, and Mathematics/Science at the two Central Region Colleges of Education. It is necessary to do this study on a larger sample of preservice teachers from different areas and programs that offer mathematics as a minor or major. The Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) framework was adapted for the study. Additional research is required to employ more recent models, like the SAMR model and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The Fennema-Sherman Mathematics Attitude Scale was also adapted for this study. Additional research using more recent attitude assessments is required. The research utilized a quantitative survey methodology. In order to strengthen the validity of the results and triangulate the findings, more research should take into account mixed-methods approaches. The structural equation model was not used in this study's research. More research is required to use structural equation modeling in order to examine intricate interactions between variables and gain a deeper understanding of the factors impacting preservice teachers' acceptance and utilization of technology when teaching college geometry. A study that looks into whether or not math tutors in the colleges of education are using technology into their lessons is necessary. Second, the study only looked at the attitudes of preservice teachers at two public colleges of education regarding the use of technology in teaching college geometry. As a result, the findings may be applicable to comparable situations and may offer clarification on the problem in those situations. It is not possible to extrapolate the findings from the context under study. The survey can be repeated in the future to assess private preservice teachers' perspectives on technology integration in the colleges of education. Furthermore, for maximal variation, the study might be conducted with an increased number of participants and colleges of education. Thirdly, the study collected its data exclusively using closed-ended questionnaire. To get a deeper understanding of technology integration processes, more research is required to complement closed-ended questionnaires with qualitative techniques like observation and document analysis. Observing the tutors and looking over each tutor's documents, the data might have been improved to provide more accurate and thorough information. In order to learn more about preservice instructors' and tutors' perspectives, challenges and experiences with technology integration in college geometry lessons, focus group interviews should be held.