1 Introduction

Recently, we noticed an astronomical growth in the use of social media. Many users tend to spend multiple hours a day on these platforms because of the value they get from it  [1]. Probably the most important feature is the ability to freely express personal opinions without fear or intimidation. And with it, hate speech and abusive language have become a common phenomenon on social media of different languages including Arabic. It can be a reason of “cyber conflict”, which may affect social life. Hate speech is defined in the Cambridge Dictionary as “public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation”  [2].

Social media has been widely used in the Arab world. It has allowed users of these platforms to exercise their right of freedom of speech. However, because of this freedom of speech and several other reasons, it has also become much easier to spread hate speech and abusive comments. This attracted many researchers to build systems that can detect such hate speech or abusive comments in order to protect users of social media. However, the detection of hate speech on social media, such as Twitter, is a challenging task, particularly for non-English speaking users since there is no clear definition of what constitutes hate speech. Some words and statements appear to be obscene in one region, but might be totally acceptable in another.

Most of the hate speech detection research and works focus on the English language. Based on  [3], Arabic language is ranked fourth among the top used languages on the web and sixth among the languages used on Twitter. However, Arabic is a rich morphological language that has complex grammar and structure that poses great challenges to automatic processing of Arabic text  [4]. Moreover, Arabic has many dialects, where people of each Arab country speak a different dialect from people of other Arab countries. These dialects have morphological differences from each other  [5].

Due to the above mentioned characteristics, Arabic language has relatively much less research in comparison with the English language. Moreover, the performance of the available trained models do not match the superiority of the English ones. The reason is that Arabic language has many dialects and most users of social media feel more comfortable expressing their feelings using their dialects. Existing hate detection works are either assume the social media posts are written in standard Arabic, or the use of one dialect. Therefore, it is essential for a hate detection system to support multi-dialect language in order to effectively identify hate phrases in postings. Another reason for the low performance of existing systems is the lack of large datasets that include hate postings, which is necessary for the effective training of the detection models, such as deep learning tools.

To this end, this paper proposes an Arabic hate speech detector from tweets, called arHateDetector. The proposed arHateDetector supports both standard and dialectal Arabic text, which makes arHateDetector very effective and highly accurate detector of Arabic hate speech. To help build highly accurate classifier model of hate speech, we compiled a large Arabic hate speech dataset, called arHateDataset, to train the classifier models. We intend to make the arHateDataset public for researchers. A comprehensive set of experiments are conducted to evaluate the machine learning models such as Linear SVC, Random Forest and logistic regression, in addition to deep learning models like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and AraBERT. Moreover, a web application user interface is built to allow users test the proposed arHateDetector.

The main contributions of this work are:

  • Proposing arHateDetector, which a framework for Arabic hate speech detection from tweets. arHateDetector supports standard and dialectal Arabic text.

  • Compiling a large Arabic hate speech dataset, called arHateDataset, of 34,000 tweets, of which 32% are hate tweets and the remaining 68% are normal tweets.

  • Assessing the performances of nine ML models and two DL models in the Arabic hate speech detection task.

  • Developing a web app user interface for arHateDetector.

The remaining sections of this paper are as follows. Recent related works to Arabic hate speech detection are reviewed in Sect. 2. Collecting and compiling the arHateDataset are presented in Sect. 3. This section also includes the data preprocessing and model construction. Section 4 discusses the results of the conducted extensive experiments. Section 5 presents the web app. Finally, our work is concluded in Sect. 6.

2 Related works

This section presents the recent relevant research works to Arabic hate speech detection from social media posts.

Zampieri et al.  [6] evaluated the performance of a proposed model that combines unigram and SVM to the performance of CNN and BILSTM. Based on the F1 score, it was reported that the CNN and BILSTM models outperformed SVM. Davidson et al.  [7] trained several basic machine learning models, like Decision Trees, and Logistic Regression, to detect hate speech. The later produced the best F1-macro score based on the their used dataset. Mulki et al.  [8] collected dataset of hate speech for the Levantine dialect with more than 5800 labeled tweets. N-gram features were investigated to identify hate tweets. Naïve Bayes model was found to produce the highest F1-score of 89.6%.

Mubarak et al.  [9] evaluated different models to classify Arabic hate speech. For their used dataset, the highest F1 score result is 83.2%. This is was produced using AraBERT. On the other hand, Hatem et al.  [10] collected social media comments to build a Tunisian dialect dataset of around 6K. SVM was found to produce the highest accuracy of 93% in classifying those comments into hate, abusive, and normal. Alternatively, the work in  [11] tested traditional machine learning models to detect hate comments in YouTube.

Unlike the above mentioned works that employed traditional machine learning models, deep learning (DL) models have also used in classifying hate speech. Albadi et al.  [12] collected an Arabic religious hate speech dataset of around 6600 labelled tweets, which were used to evaluate their model. As per their findings, the GRU model outperformed LSTM model in classifying religious hate speech with an accuracy of 79%. Social Network Graphs were used to represent hate speech data, which is collected by  [12], along with word embeddings by Ghosh et al.  [13]. In their experiments, an accuracy of 86% was achieved.

To detect Arabic hate phrases,  [14] experimented with different machine learning and deep learning methods and achieved an F1-macro result of 87.03% using CNN and multilingualBERT. In  [15], a deep recurrent neural networks model is proposed to classify Arabic hate speech into seven categories, which achieved a classification accuracy of about 84%. The work in  [16] used a pre-trained deep learning model (marBERT) to classify hate speech. They showed that multi-task models outperforms single-task ones. The effect of preprocessing text on the detection of hate speech is investigated by  [17]. Six preprocessing methods were tested. They showed that models like BERT can have a lower performance due to preprocessing Arabic text, unlike basic machine learning models.

A self-trained model was proposed by  [18] to improve the detection accuracy of hate speech. The model utilizes the most confident hate text to iteratively learn from. In  [19], the authors investigated the long tail problem of Arabic language data distribution by using loss functions. They evaluated different models and achieved a classification accuracy of around 87%. Religous radicalism text was detected by a model proposed by  [20]. This model was trained on 3000 labeled Arabic tweets.

Multi-labeled dataset was used to detect Arabic hate speech by  [21]. In this model, manual and semi-supervised annotation of short text was conducted. Detection of hate speech in Leventine Arabic was proposed in  [22]. The proposed model was evaluated on several traditional and deep learning models. Deep learning classifiers were shown to outperform traditional machine learning classifiers. In  [23], models based contextualized text representation were evaluated in Arabic hate speech detection. MarBERT showed to outperform other evaluated models on a dataset of 13K tweets. Table 1 shows summary of previous works.

Table 1 Comparison of previous research papers best performing classifiers

However, all the above models either apply their Arabic hate speech models to standard Arabic and/or one, or two, dialectal Arabic. The proposed arHateDetector supports starndard Arabic as well as a range of dialectal Arabic.

3 arHateDetector framework

This section introduces the proposed arHateDetector framework. First, it starts by presenting an overview of the arHateDetector framework. Then, the collection of the Arabic hate speech dataset is discussed. Next, the preprocessing steps of the dataset are presented. Finally, ML models and DL models that are applied on the dataset are discussed.

3.1 arHateDetector overiew

The arHateDetector framework consists of five main phases as shown in Fig. 1 that are: Arabic hate speech collection, Arabic text preprocessing, model construction, model evaluation, and model deployment.

  1. 1.

    Dataset collection: Arabic hate speech datasets are gathered from multiple online public datasets of different dialects. These dataset are then integrated and compiled into a unified large dataset, called arHateDataset.

  2. 2.

    Arabic text preprocessing: Arabic tweets are cleaned and preprocessed to remove hashtag and stop words, filter out spam, replace emojis, normalize the text, and lemmatize the text.

  3. 3.

    Model construction: ML and DL models are trained and then used for classification.

  4. 4.

    Model evaluation: The constructed models are evaluated to assess their performance using some existing Arabic hate speech dataset and the compiled arHateDataset.

  5. 5.

    Model deployment: A web application interface for the proposed hate speech detection framework is built to support easy access to arHateDetector.

Fig. 1
figure 1

The phases of the proposed arHateDetector

3.2 arHateDataset

In this section, the dataset collection, compilation and description are presented. Also, a comparison of existing public datasets and the compiled dataset of this paper is presented in Table 2.

3.2.1 arHateDataset collection

To compile a large dataset of Arabic hate speech, we searched for online available Arabic datasets. Multiple dataset exists, however, the size of these datasets is relatively small. That is each dataset does not exceed 10,000 tweets. This motivated us to compile a significantly larger dataset to effectively train the proposed arHateDetector to achieve reliable experimental results. Therefore, we combined, cleaned, and integrated the existing public datasets into a unified large dataset, called arHateDataset.

Two of these datasets were found on the Kaggle platform, one dataset was acquired by contacting its owner and the remaining four were all acquired from GitHub. Four of these dataset contained only the tweets ids while the other three came with the tweets text. Therefore, the Twitter API is used to hydrate the tweets, which is a user-friendly tool with a GUI interface, called the Hydrator tool.

The first compilation of the datasets reached a total of 45,460 tweets. However, some of those tweets were inaccessible because they have been deleted, taken down by the Twitter company, or the owner account was deleted and no longer active. Thus, the available tweets that we were able to collect and compile are 34,107 and is called arHateDataset. Table 2 shows the size of datasets that were accessible and the size of the compiled arHateDataset.

Table 2 Comparison of existing datasets with the compiled dataset

3.2.2 arHateDataset description

It is crucial that the tweets get cleaned and integrated as one dataset meaning that things like emojis and irrelevant symbols get removed before we train our models on this data. So, before we preprocessed these datasets, we decided to change the labelling of the tweets due to some data being labeled with text while other was labeled with numbers. In order to unify the labeling across all different collected datasets, we used the number “1” to represent the presence of hate in the tweets while for the normal tweets were relabeled using the number “0”. Figure 2 shows the percentage of hate tweets compared to normal text in the integrated arHateDataset. Note that 68% of the tweets are normal, while the remaining 32% are hate tweets. Table 3 presents some examples of tweets with their classification “1” for hate speech and “0” for normal speech.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Ratio of hate tweets vs normal tweets in arHateDataset

Table 3 Examples of Arabic tweets, their translation, and their classification

3.3 Dataset cleaning and preprocessing

Cleaning and preprocessing the data are essential steps to arHateDetector. Simply, an effective model cannot be trained without first removing noisy data and irrelevant content that negatively affect the classification of tweets. This process consists of many steps to achieve a desirable outcome  [31].

First, using the regular expression python module and the PyArabic library which has many predefined python functions dedicated to process Arabic text, we defined functions to perform the following cleaning steps. We conduct hashtags removal, spam filtering, and emoji replacement. Then, links and mentions are replace by “URL” and “mention”, respectively. Next, the tweet text is cleansed by removing the punctuation, diacritics, additional white spaces and non-Arabic characters. After that, stops words are removed, where we can use a list of 356 Arabic stop words made available on GitHub  [32].

Then, normalization of words is applied where, for example, the different variations of the same character are replaced. The steps are as follows:

  • Different forms of “ا”, which are “أ”, “إ”, and “آ”, are replaced by “ا”.

  • “ى” is replaced by “ي”.

  • “ة” is replaced by “ه”.

The final step is lemmatization, where the different forms of the word are replaced by the root form. For this purpose, FARASA tool  [33] is used. At the end, we obtain a clean text that is ready to be fed into the arHateDetector framework for training and classification.

Figure 3 shows a tweet before and after the preprocessing steps conducted on this tweet.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Example tweet before and after preprocessing

3.4 Model construction

This section presents the evaluated traditional ML models and the DL models.

3.4.1 Basic machine learning

In the proposed arHateDetector framework, several ML models were trained and tested on the compiled arHateDataset. These machine learning models are:

  • Logistic Regression (LR): A type of supervised ML model that is used for classification tasks. It uses a logistic function to model the probability of a data point being in some class.

  • Support Vector Classifier (SVC): It is based on the concept of support vectors, which are points in the training data that have the greatest impact on the decision boundary. The algorithm aims to find a hyperplane in the feature space that maximally separates the two classes. SVC can be used for both linear and nonlinear classification problems, depending on the kernel function used.

  • Linear Support Vector Classifier (Linear SVC): A variant of SVC that is specifically designed for linear classification tasks. It seeks to find the hyperplane that maximally separates the two classes in the feature space by maximizing the margin between the hyperplane and the nearest support vectors.

  • Stochastic Gradient Descent Classifier (SGD): A type of linear classifier that is trained using stochastic gradient descent. It is particularly well-suited for large-scale classification tasks where the data is too large to fit in memory.

  • Bernoulli Naive Bayes (Bernoulli NB): A type of probabilistic classifier that is based on the assumption of independence between the features. It is often used for text classification tasks, where the features correspond to the presence or absence of certain words in a document.

  • Multinomial Naive Bayes (Multinomial NB): A variant of Naive Bayes that is specifically designed for classification tasks where the features are counts or frequencies. It predicts the class of a new data point based on the frequency of the features in the training data and the likelihood of the features in the new data point given each class.

  • Decision Tree (DT): It works by creating a tree-like model of decisions based on the input features. At each node of the tree, the algorithm splits the data based on the feature that maximally separates the two classes. The resulting tree can be used to make predictions about the class of new data points.

  • Random Forest (RF): A type of ensemble learning model that is trained by large number of decision trees. Each of these decision trees is trained on subsets of the training data. The aggregation of the predictions of the individual trees constitutes the final prediction.

  • K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm (KNN): It classifies a new data point based on the majority class of the K nearest points in the training set, where K is a user-specified hyperparameter. KNN is simple and effective, but it can be computationally expensive and may not scale well to large datasets. It is often used with other techniques to improve performance.

A pipeline is created that first computes the TF-IDF vectorizer then it uses one of the previous machine learning algorithms mentioned above. We set the min_df to 0.0001 and the max_df to 0.95, and we kept the rest of the parameters as default.

For the first six machine learning algorithms are used with their default settings. However, for decision tree classifier, the max_depth is specified to 20. For random forest classifier, the parameters are set as follows: max_depth to 3, n_estimators to 10, and max_features to 1. Finally, for K nearest neighbors classifier, we set the number of neighbors to 15. These parameters were chosen because they produced the best results after manually trying different combinations.

3.4.2 Convolutional neural network

It is commonly known that convolutional neural networks (CNNs) were intended initially to be used for image classification until a research paper that came out in 2014  [34], which proved that CNN can be used for text classification as well. After that many research papers used it as method on their text datasets. Therefore, CNN is selected to be evaluated by arHateDetector to detect hate tweets. The CNN architecture is shown in Fig. 4, which is used by the proposed arHateDetector framework.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Convolutional neural network architecture

As shown in Fig. 4, the CNN model is composed of five layers. These layers start with an embedding layer. The second layer is a 1-D Convolutional layer that uses the ReLU activation function. The third layer consist of a global max pooling. Finally, the fourth and fifth layer are dense layers. The fourth layer uses a ReLU function, while the fifth layer uses a Sigmoid function. The weights of the CNN model are update using the Adam optimizer.

3.4.3 AraBERT

AraBERT is the Arabic version of Google’s BERT model, developed to support the pecularities of Arabic [35]. AraBERT is designed with 110 million parameters that can learn from the input dataset. It is also equipped with 12 self-attention layers  [36]. We used the newest version of the model “AraBERTv0.2-Twitter-base”, which was pretrained by a huge dataset of around 77 gigabytes of Arabic text. This dataset consists of about 200,000,000 sentences that generated 8.6 billion tokens. Moreover, we chose this model because it is was purposefully tuned using multi dialect data. It was trained on 60,000,000 tweets of multi dialect Arabic, collected and extracted from social media platforms from all regions of the Arab world; from Morocco in the west all the way to the Gulf countries. This is suitable for our arHateDataset as it contains four different dialects. Additionally, emojis and common words were added to the vocabulary that weren’t present at first. Figure 5 is an abstract diagram of the implementation process of arHateDetector, which includes AraBERT, CNN, and traditional machine learning algorithms.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Abstract diagram of the implementation process of arHateDetector framework

4 Performance and results

For arHateDetector, NumPy  [37], NLTK  [38], Scikit-learn  [39] were used to develop the models. Experiments were conducted with Tensorflow  [40] and Keras  [41].

The models were trained with the arHateDataset after being preprocessed. The preprocessed dataset is split into two parts 75% and 25%, where the 75% part is used for training whereas the 25% part is used for testing. This was performed while maintaining the balanced feature in both partitions in order to train and test the model accurately. This can be seen in the arHateDataset files online.

The AraBERT model was already pretrained on MSA and Dialectical Arabic non-hate text, which is available on GitHub  [42]. We achieved the best results using the following parameters: learning rate to 2e-5 and Adam epsilon to 1e-8. batch size for training = 16 and epochs = 2.

Four metrics were used to evaluate the performance of the different models. These metrics are: Precision (Eq. 1), Recall (Eq. 2), Accuracy (Eq. 4), and F1-score (Eq. 4). In these equations, True positive (TP) refer to the number of accurately classified hate tweets. True negative (TN) is the number of accurately classified non-hate tweets. False positive (FP) is the number of non-hate tweets misclassified as hate tweets. And, false negative (FN) is the number of hate tweets misclassified as non-hate tweets.

$$\begin{aligned} Precision= & {} \frac{TP}{TP + FP} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Recall= & {} \frac{TP}{TP + TN} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} Accuracy= & {} \frac{TP + TN}{TP + TN + FP + FN} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} F1 score= & {} 2 * \frac{Precision * Recall}{Precision + Recall} \end{aligned}$$

4.1 Basic machine learning performance

As we mentioned above we successfully collected seven datasets. Five of them were already balanced. The aracovid dataset was unbalanced so we downsampled the normal category. And the latest dataset we found contained only hate tweets, therefore it was added to the compiled large dataset to contribute to the balancing of the arHateDataset. To sum up, we tested all models on six datasets in addition to the compiled arHateDataset.

Table 4 presents a comparison between all machine learning models using all datasets in terms of accuracy. Notice that Linear SVC is the best performing algorithm followed by SGD classifier. while SVC and Multinomial NB came third. The compiled arHateDataset gave the best result on all models. This is due to the large size of the arHateDataset and the multiple dialects with rich content. As a consequence, arHateDetector was well trained to detect a hate tweets written in various dialects and various writing styles.

Table 4 Comparison of machine learning models in term of accuracy using all datasets

4.2 CNN and AraBERT performance

The same datasets, which are used to evaluate the machine learning algorithms, are also used to evaluate the CNN and the AraBERT models. Table 5 show the numerical accuracies of the evaluated CNN and AraBERT models. Clearly, AraBERT outperforms CNN across all datasets. That is due to the fact that AraBERT has more parameter to fine-tune during training, which in turn leads to better performance. Figure 6 illustrates the comparison between the best performing machine learning model, which is LinearSVC, with the two deep learning models, which are CNN and AraBERT.

Table 5 Comparison of deep learning models in term of accuracy using all datasets

When comparing AraBERT and CNN with the best performing machine learning algorithm (LinearSVC) in Fig. 6, we noted that the AraBERT model is the best overall. The arHateDataset produced a highest accuracy result of 93%. This is due to the fact it was trained on a larger multi-dialect tweets corpus. Figure 7 shows the percentage of each dialect in our compiled corpus. The only result that was an outlier is for the araCovid dataset, this is mainly because of the imbalance found in the dataset, to counter that we did down sampling of the normal tweets but since the ratio was 91% normal text to 9% hate text it still couldn’t regulate the result.

Upon analysing the performance of our different models across all datasets, we notice that the largest one arHateDataset produced the highest results. When looking at the perfomaces of each dataset and compring it to arHateDatset we see an increase in accuracy of 3–9% for AraBERT, for CNN it is 4–17% while for LinearSVC it was 7–9%. This proves that using a larger multi dialects dataset results in a better performance.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison between deep learning models with the best performing machine learning algorithm

Fig. 7
figure 7

Percentage of each dialect in the arHateDataset

5 arHateDetector App

To help users classify tweets, or any sentence, as hate or normal, a web application was developed. The front end consists of the User Interface, which was developed using HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript. The User Interface is very simple and is made up of one page where the user can enter text to predict whether it contains hate or not, see Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Web application user interface

The back-end server was developed using Flask, which is a web application framework written in Python suitable for small to medium-scale projects. When the user inputs a text sentence, the back-end server passes it through the same pre-processing steps used in training arHateDetector. Afterwards, the model is loaded to the server and the preprocessed text is passed through the model to detect whether it is hate or normal text. Finally, the prediction is passed to the front-end to be presented to the user.

6 Conclusion

In this work, we proposed an Arabic hate speech detection framework, called arHateDetector. Additionally, a large dataset of Arabic hate tweets was compiled for arHateDetector. This dataset contains multiple dialects as well as standard Arabic tweets. A comparison between several traditional machine learning and two deep learning algorithms in classifying hate tweets was conducted in terms of accuracy. Among the traditional machine learning algorithms, it was concluded that linear SVC is the best performer followed closely by SVC, SDG classifier and logistic regression. On ther hand, AraBERT outperformed CNN and LinearSVC in classifying Arabic hate speech across all tested datasets.

It was clear from the results we presented earlier that AraBERT is the best performing model with 93% accuracy for our arHateDataset. A comparison between the used datasets, the compile arHateDataset results in the highest accuracy across all models we evaluated, which is due the richness of its content and the several dialects that it has.