1 Introduction

Recognized as a fundamental obligation, the trustworthiness of AI is globally emphasized by governmental and non-governmental organizations, companies, and leading AI experts [29, 44]. It is considered a key prerequisite particularly for critical applications, and also serves as differentiating factor between AI systems in non-critical domains. Accordingly, ongoing regulatory and standardization activities aim to ensure the quality of AI systems and avoid potential negative impacts on society and individuals. Given that AI technologies are (mostly) probabilistic and not fully verifiable, operators and users must adopt an approach to safeguard against uncertainties and unknowns of AI applications in a responsible manner [8, 30]. Risk assessment plays a crucial role in this regard [31]. It typically involves analyzing and evaluating risks and determining mitigation measures [38, 42], and thus has an essential part in how organizations take decisions and deal with uncertainty. Notably, (internal) AI risk assessment procedures are required for certain providers in upcoming AI regulationFootnote 1 (e.g., Article 9 [15]). In addition, many of the established testing and approval procedures do, in fact, address the subject of risk but need to be expanded to machines or products that now include AI components (e.g., IT security [14, 49], data protection [26], and functional safety [37, 39]).

Trustworthy AI has emerged as a concept that encompasses multiple dimensions,Footnote 2 each related to distinct risks and requiring distinct mitigation measures [32, 62]. In a structured AI assessment, different risk dimensions are therefore aggregated to some extent [42, 45, 59]. This offers the advantage that the “overall risk” of the AI system can be evaluated,Footnote 3 providing a manageable and organized summary of the different types of existing risks. Furthermore, risk aggregation becomes necessary in applications where conflicting requirements exist or where mitigation measures have varying effects across different quality dimensions. For instance, increasing the accuracy of an AI application may have the effect that it reflects real-world biases more strongly or that its outcomes are harder to explain because of internal complexity. In such cases, it may be impossible to bring each identified risk to the same low level.Footnote 4 Instead, prioritization and, accordingly, trade-offs must be made for selecting suitable mitigation measures (see [65] and, for worked out examples, [63]). This requires an aggregate view and comparison of the given risk dimensions. A simple example of a quantitative aggregation rule is a function that takes the scores (assessments) of all risk dimensions as input and forms a weighted sum of them. In this way, the assessments of the various dimensions are summarized, e.g. as an average, if uniform weights are used. In addition, a context-specific weighting of the individual risk dimensions can be applied.Footnote 5 For instance, stakeholders of an AI-based chatbot might assign a high weighting to the dimensions of reliability and bias and a low weighting to transparency, as discriminatory or harmful outputs are considered more critical in the use case than a lack of explainability. The impact of this weighting on aggregation is that transparency risks can be tolerated more than reliability or bias risks when it comes to bringing the overall risk to a certain level. Another possible consideration for determining the weighting could be the benefit or utility associated with the individual dimensions. For instance, one could argue that reliability offers the greatest societal benefit in a medical image-processing application and weight this dimension relatively heavily accordingly. As a result, adjustments to the model that may yield significantly greater improvements for some user groups than for others (and thus generate a bias) could be acceptable, provided that the reliability of the model does not deteriorate for any user group. Overall, the way risks are defined, weighted, and aggregated significantly affects the prioritization of mitigation measures in the development and operation of AI systems, as well as the final evaluation of a specific AI application.

Still, the interconnectedness of the various specific risk dimensions is one of the biggest challenges in AI quality standards today. Several operationalization approaches are currently being developed (e.g., at the national level and within specific domains such as the public sector, see Sect. 4). Especially, the European Commission has issued ten standardization requests in support of various requirements of the AI Act [17], that are currently being addressed by CEN-CENELEC [9]. However, there is no universally accepted AI risk aggregation scheme yet. In particular, the existing frameworks show that formalizing risk aggregation concisely is not trivial. First, there actually exist different notions of risks. While some risk concepts may allow for intentionally accepting or tolerating negative impacts in order to realize positive impacts, other concepts exclusively associate risks with negative effects that need to be mitigated (see Sect. 3). In addition, AI applications usually have an impact on various stakeholders, and the identification and evaluation of risks may differ depending on whether the risk notion focuses, for example, on individuals and society or on business goals. Second, risk aggregation requires that the different types of risks (e.g., safety risks and the risk of the violation of personal rights) be made commensurable in some way, which is a major challenge also in terms of theoretical foundation (see Sect. 2). Third, if a comparison of different risk dimensions is possible or feasible in principle, determining aggregation weights that are meaningful for specific AI systems is another key challenge given the wide range of potential AI applications. On the one hand, there is no comprehensive or agreed-upon list of AI hazards or threats that would be generally applicable to all types of AI systems. On the other hand, the current frameworks do not achieve the level of detail yet to describe AI use cases (this is being planned in some areas e.g., [35, 56]). In summary, there are several challenges to operationalizing risk aggregation and no definitive approach to solving them.

Given the widespread use and globally extended value chain of AI applications, efforts are underway to establish international AI quality standards. As discussed earlier, risk aggregation is an important aspect of emerging quality standards. It forms the basis for prioritizing risk mitigation measures for AI systems and thus significantly influences their final assessment. Notably, procedures and minimum requirements related to AI risk management have been defined [41, 42], but there is a need for more concrete guidance on their implementation, including risk aggregation. Currently, there is a lot of uncertainty about how to implement risk assessment”properly,” i.e., in a way that is acceptable to stakeholders such as regulators. Certainly, the specific risk assessment may depend on local socio-economic factors, so that a uniform risk assessment scheme applicable worldwide does not seem feasible. Nevertheless, the circumstances described indicate that an understanding of the various existing frameworks and their compatibility among each other is essential.

Overall, comprehending the potential agreements and discrepancies in existing approaches to risk aggregation is a crucial next step for promoting the operationalization of trustworthy AI on a global scale. We address this gap by creating a snapshot of twelve AI risk assessment frameworks in terms of how these systematize the aggregation of different AI risks. Section 2 surveys related work on risk aggregation and existing comparisons of assessment frameworks. Section 3 describes our methodology in detail, including the specific characteristics we use to structure the analysis. In Sect. 4, we first provide an overview of all twelve frameworks. Then, we discuss our findings and recommendations which we developed on the basis of in-depth analyses of selected frameworks. A description of these frameworks is provided in the appendix. Section 5 summarizes our main findings and provides an outlook on further operationalizing risk aggregation.

2 Related work

In recent years, numerous works that present and categorize AI risks have been published (e.g., [66, 69]). However, there is few research on the aggregation of individual AI risks. While several practical proposals have been made for AI assessment (see the frameworks in Sect. 4), theoretically founded approaches are lacking. In the context of social choice and preferences, formal theory of aggregation has been established as outlined below, as well as some empirical approaches, but we are not aware of any research works that analyze in-depth the relevance or transferability of respective aggregation rules to AI risks. We rather identified contributions that survey and compare existing AI assessment frameworks, as described further below. Similar to the analysis presented in this paper, they take a pragmatic approach, providing an overview of existing frameworks in terms of aspects relevant to application and practicality.

Independent of AI, a formal theory of aggregation has been developed in the social sciences and economics with applications in public policy, among others [48]. In social choice theory, for example, an aggregation rule is formalized as a function that maps an output to a so-called “profile” of inputs, such as a collection of individual votes, preferences, or judgements. A simple example of an aggregation rule is to calculate a weighted sum of the inputs and apply a threshold to it. In addition, more complex methods have been developed, for example aggregators that incorporate the correlation between the different inputs from the profile (e.g., for aggregating the utility of social policy outcomes, while the outcomes for individuals are dependent from each other) [3]. Theoretical research formalizes properties of such aggregation rules and examines under which conditions they are fulfilled or unfeasible [48]. While basic settings, for instance the aggregation of “yes/no”-votes, deal with the same type of quantifiable inputs, challenges arise when it comes to more complex aggregation objects such as individual judgements or individual welfare. This complicates empirical studies in particular (e.g., to investigate how the utility of different consequences influences an individual’s decision [7]). Assumptions need to be made regarding the measurability and comparability of the aggregation objects, similar to the aggregation of distinct AI risks (see Sect. 1). Lastly, another related area is that of preference theory, which refers to individuals’ aversion or willingness to take risk. In economics, there is empirical research investigating the impact of exogenous shocks (e.g., economic crises, violent conflicts) on risk preferences, and evidence has been found of systematic changes in preferences over the life cycle, particularly with respect to financial risk [64]. These results suggest that aggregation and evaluation standards may also be subject to dynamics with respect to AI risks. However, further research is needed to explore the connections between theoretical findings from these disciplines and AI assessment.

In the engineering literature, we identified two related studies that follow a pragmatic approach. First, Xia et al. identify 16 concrete AI risk assessment frameworks from the industry, governments, and non-government organizations and represents them in an overview table based on certain characteristics [71]. These characteristics include, among others, sector and region of the framework, the AI principles and lifecycle stages covered, the stakeholders involved (i.e., as assessors or assessees), and the types of risk factors considered (e.g., hazard, vulnerability, mitigation risk). Based on the overview, they also discuss “trivialized concreteness” and deficiencies of the existing frameworks given that many questionnaires, for example, lack a standardized way of completing and evaluating them, and potential solutions such as mitigation strategies are barely provided by the frameworks [71]. Second, Chia et al. specifically focus on autonomous driving and compare existing risk assessment methodologies in view of the requirements of specific safety standards [10]. However, the reference methods HARA (for determining ASIL at system level) and FMEA (for risk priority numbers at component level) originate from the classical engineering context, and the paper does not further discuss AI-specific methods or the application of these classical methods to AI components.

From a legal background, Kaminski compares current risk regulation approaches in the US and EU (incl. NIST AI RMF, GDPR impact assessment, draft AI Act) in terms of the regulatory tools used, as well as their underlying risk concept and goals (e.g., precautionary, or cost–benefit analysis) [45]. In addition, she questions the suitability of risk regulation for AI [45]. To this end, Kaminski refers to the predominantly quantitative and aggregate notion of AI risk, where quantification regarding the violation of fundamental rights is not possible and risk aggregation would lead to societal trade-offs where individual harms and their compensation might be neglected.

Lastly, there are some contributions from the non-academic literature that survey AI risk assessment methodologies [25], as well as frameworks for responsible AI in general [53]. Overall, these works provide a broad overview of existing frameworks, however the criteria for categorizing or comparing them are rather high-level and do not consider the specific risk aggregation method used in the frameworks.

3 Methodology

The analysis presented in this paper is motivated by the need for specific risk assessment methods that arises in the context of the development of international AI quality standards and regulation. A significant, but so far little exposed aspect in this respect is risk aggregation, for which there is as yet no universally accepted method. In order to work towards consistency or, at least, compatibility when further operationalizing existing aggregation approaches, it is therefore important to understand the agreements and discrepancies among them. The following subsections describe the methodologyFootnote 6 we use to perform such an analysis. First our selection of AI risk assessment frameworks is explained. Then the characteristics are introduced that we use to establish and structure the comparative analysis.

3.1 Selection of AI risk assessment frameworks

As motivated above, the scope of our comparative analysis encompasses representative AI risk assessment frameworks from different countries and regions worldwide that provide guidance, or at the very least, some direction for aggregating individual AI risks. To this end, we create a snapshot of approaches from national standardization, governments, industry associations and AI institutes, thus excluding purely academic contributions as well as publications from companies. Some of these frameworks are procedural (e.g., as part of management standards), while others take the form of templates or scoring schemes. Documents that solely describe AI principles or provide prompts/questionnaires for risk analysis without a discernible evaluation framework, however, are not in considered in this analysis.

In our search for existing AI assessment frameworks at the scope described above, we firstly filtered the OECD database [58] for countries (and the EU) that are particularly active in regulating AI, meaning they have at least five “laws, rules, directives or other policies made by a public authority on the development or use of new technologies” [ibid.]. For these countries, we reviewed the entries in the database against the aforementioned criteria and selected suitable frameworks. Furthermore, we conducted a keyword search for “AI assessment” on the websites of the EU Commission, Parliament, and Council respectively, which are the responsible institutions for AI regulation in the European Union. In addition, we investigated the frameworks discussed in other systematic literature reviews (see related work, Sect. 2), especially [71]. Eventually, from the frameworks we found both on the EU websites and in related work, we selected those for our comparative analysis that, as described above, provide direction for risk aggregation.

In a subsequent step, based on the overview of the twelve frameworks selected in this way (see Sect. 4.1), we in turn selected a subset of them for in-depth analyses (provided in the appendix). As explained further below (see Sect. 4.2A), this subset was chosen in a way that different approaches are covered in relation to the four analysis characteristics which are described in the following.

3.2 Structure of the comparative analysis

In the comparative analysis of the selected AI risk assessment frameworks, we focus on how they systematize the aggregation of different risks. We specifically identified four characteristics of a risk assessment framework that particularly influence how risk aggregation is performed for a given AI system: (i) risk notion, (ii) consideration of application context, (iii) risk quantification (of individual risks), and (iv) guidance on aggregation or trade-offs. They result from the four phases that precede risk aggregation in a standard risk management process (i.e., establishing the scope, context and criteria, risk identification, risk analysis, and risk evaluation [38, 42]). Each characteristic is chosen so that it represents exactly the aspect of a phase that can have the greatest methodical influence on subsequent aggregation. We therefore use these four characteristics to further substantiate and structure the comparative analysis. The following paragraphs explain the meaning and rationale for the choice of the characteristics in more detail.

First, under the risk notion, we subsume the objectives and potential impacts of AI systems subject to the assessment, as well as the “risk appetite” with which high risks or trade-offs between different objectives are tolerated in principle. As outlined in the introduction, these aspects clearly influence how risks are perceived in an aggregated manner. According to the international standard on risk management, the risk notion as described above is typically established in the initial phase of the risk management process by the organization (i.e., as part of establishing the scope, context and criteria) [38]. While this standard leaves open how organizations define their notion of risk,Footnote 7 some assessment frameworks contain specific instructions on which objectives are to be considered for risk assessment or they indicate a stance on trade-offs and risk acceptance. For example, in European AI policymaking, risk is mainly associated with negative impact or harm to individuals and society.Footnote 8 Moreover, even within European (draft) regulation, different risk appetites can be found e.g., when comparing vertical and horizontal frameworks. Namely, the MDR introduces the concept of a “benefit-risk determination” (Art. 2, [24]), which allows a medical device to be placed on the market if its benefits exceed its associated risks. This is a major difference from the European Commission’s draft AI Act, as this follows an “as low as possible” approach that does not primarily aim for outweighing risks with the potential benefits of an AI application [13]. While the Parliament Amendments eventually loosens this perspective,Footnote 9 the European example still suggests that international operationalization approaches for risk assessment might differ in these aspects as well. Under the characteristic risk notion, we therefore examine,

  • whether the risk notion is defined in the frameworks (i.e., if a definition of risk is given directly or by reference to a standard),

  • to which extent benefits are part of the risk notion in the selected frameworks, i.e., whether

  1. a.

    risk is negative (risk in the framework is mainly associated with the occurrence of negative impact, harm or damage; benefits are not explicitly considered in the framework)

  2. b.

    risk is neutral (potential benefits or positive impacts are included in the risk notion)

  3. c.

    risk and benefits are considered separately (the risk notion is negative but positive impacts or benefits are still explicitly considered in the framework – in distinction from risk)

  • and how the selected frameworks predefine or provide indications as to which general risk appetite the aggregation should be based on, i.e., whether a

  1. a.

    low risk appetite (the framework aims at flagging or mitigating any potential negative outcome as far as possible)

  2. b.

    medium risk appetite (the framework includes making trade-offs and prioritization to a certain extent, where necessary)

  3. c.

    high risk appetite (maximization of benefits and positive impacts is specifically part of the framework, and it allows to proceed with high risk if positive impacts predominate).

Second, the application context of an AI system has a major influence on which risks exist at all and need to be aggregated. This is particularly clear from the fact that risk identification in a standard risk assessment process relies on an analysis of the application context and environment in order to detect factors that might cause uncertainty regarding the achievement of objectives [38, 42]. In addition, the application context determines which risks are particularly relevant for a given AI system [59, 62]. Risk-based regulation and assessment approaches are founded on exactly this principle. They consider the specific application (context) when deriving requirements or evaluation criteria. In terms of compatibility of frameworks, we therefore investigate in Sect. 4, whether in the selected frameworks the application context

  1. a.

    influences aggregation (i.e., it influences the way how individual risk dimensions are aggregated; for example, the weight of a risk dimension, when determining the overall risk, differs depending on the application context),

  2. b.

    has no impact on aggregation (i.e., risk aggregation always follows the same rules independently of the specific application context).

Third, risk quantification affects the leeway (or subjectivity, on the other hand) a framework allows in the risk assessment of a specific AI application, and, consequently, to what extent comparability and reproducibility are ensured in multiple executions. Certainly, risk analysis can be quantitative or qualitative, as highly uncertain events and intangible harms are typically difficult to quantify [38, 45]. Since the results of the risk analysis serve as direct input for risk aggregation, in either way, the description of the existing risks shapes the assumptions when beginning risk aggregation. For example, the means of quantification chosen, or even qualitative scales, influence the extent to which the various risks have already been given a comparable format. Under the third characteristic we thus investigate whether the selected frameworks guide towards assigning a score or number to some risks or risk factors, i.e., whether they provide (multiple options are possible)

  1. a.

    objectively measurable indicators (e.g., the number of people using an AI system or being affected by it [47])

  2. b.

    quantified scales (i.e., evaluations scales that are described qualitatively in the first place and assigned a score)

  3. c.

    advocacy of quantification (suggestion to use KPIs or measurable indicators in general, without specifying any metrics to be used)

  4. d.

    no guidance (i.e., quantification is not required or included at all in the framework).

Lastly, risk aggregation typically occurs during risk evaluation which is the final phase of risk assessment [38, 42]. With respect to this phase, the way how risk aggregation is performed for a given AI system is apparently most influenced/shaped by the framework giving specific guidance. Therefore, we examine under the fourth characteristic, whether guidance is

  1. a.

    detailed (e.g., aggregation formula with specified weights or instructions for making trade-offs; in case of detailed guidance, a brief summary is given in Table 1 below)

  2. b.

    high-level (i.e., aggregation is recommended as a final step of the assessment without any more specific instructions).

4 Results and discussion

In this section, we first provide the results of the comparative analysis of the twelve frameworks (Sect. 4.1). Subsequently, we deepen relevant aspects of the analysis in a discussion and outline recommendations for the further operationalization of risk aggregation (Sect. 4.2). The discussion and recommendations derived from it are based on the in-depth analyses of selected frameworks, which are provided in the appendix.

4.1 Comparative analysis

Table 1 summarizes the findings from the comparative analysis. In addition, the most important trends and discrepancies resulting from the comparison are described in more detail at the end of this section. In the table, each line presents the findings regarding a framework. The first two columns provide general information about the framework. First, the name, country or region of origin, and risk dimensions covered in the framework are listed. The latter illustrates once again the starting point for the analysis: the frameworks all acknowledge that different dimensions have to be considered when assessing the risk, and these must be aggregated for an overall assessment result. Second, the type of guidance provided by the framework is described. Based on the review of all frameworks, we identified the following types:

  • Process-guidance (that describes the steps required for the assessment, without necessarily specifying how exactly they should be carried out in practice),

  • Templates (i.e., a form or table that typically includes a prompting question or exercise),

  • Questionnaire (that might be complemented with an answer scoring system which assigns scores to individual answer options of the questionnaire that may be used at a later stage for aggregation),

  • Evaluation scales (that describe a range of different risk levels or categories, possibly qualitative, where a risk type, factor or intermediate aspect can be classified; this might also include an overall assessment scale which describes different result categories or levels for the overall/aggregated risk),

  • Risk mitigation (i.e., the framework provides guidance on mitigation measures with respect to a specified risk).

Lastly, the subsequent four columns correspond to the characteristics described in Sect. 3.2. Here, also an explanation of the possible manifestations of these characteristics is given, which are used in the table to describe the risk assessment frameworks.

Table 1 Overview of AI risk assessment frameworks

Regarding the risk notion, the table shows that most frameworks mainly associate risk with the occurrence of negative effects, harm or damage. Only one framework [54] explicitly includes positive impact and benefits in its underlying risk notion. Furthermore, there is often no precise definition of risk given in the frameworks, and the terms „impact“ and „risk“ are used interchangeably. In equal proportions, on the other hand, are the indications among the frameworks for a general intention to minimize risk (Low risk appetite) and for the encouragement of trade-offs and risk tolerance to realize benefits (High risk appetite). Thus, trade-offs appear to be mostly accepted but there is no clear trend to promote compromise in case of conflicting trustworthiness requirements or objectives. Heterogeneous indications can especially be found among frameworks which serve the purpose to identify the need for regulation or supervisory approval [11, 57], and among frameworks that aim to assess an AI application including its residual risks [27, 57, 62]. Still, one trend apparent from the table is that frameworks, which explicitly guide towards analyzing benefits or advantages of an AI application, tend to include or encourage trade-offs, compared with frameworks that focus on potential negative impacts.

With respect to the context, we observe in all frameworks with high-level aggregation guidance that it depends on the specific AI application how individual risk dimensions are aggregated or weighed against each other. However, the table shows that frameworks which provide complete and detailed aggregation rules lack a way to incorporate the application context in their aggregation approach. For instance, where aggregation is based on the maximum level of all risk dimensions, the overall result may certainly depend on the application context as this influences the distinct risks [11, 47]. Nevertheless, solely aggregating by maximum does not allow for trade-offs or acceptance of high-risk dimensions based on the specific context (i.e., the way of aggregation itself is fixed), which is especially consistent with a low risk appetite. Regarding frameworks based on a questionnaire with an answer scoring system, [27] is an interesting example where the context is scored and used as a summand in the aggregation formula. Still, the scores for the distinct impacts of the AI application are not adapted or weighted depending on the application context (e.g., there is no interaction with the context scores), and thus the aggregation formula itself is fixed. Another example is [68] which does not even require to specify the application context as part of the assessment. Overall, concrete rules that use the application context for determining weights or trade-offs of different risk dimensions have not yet been specified. It remains a challenge how to address the wide range of AI applications by more concise evaluation rules.

The table also indicates that quantification of individual risks or risk factors is encouraged in most frameworks. In half of the sample, guidance is given for assigning numbers to some types or dimensions of risks, and only four frameworks fully rely on qualitative scales for the classification/evaluation of risks. This finding is surprising given that various aspects of AI systems are not readily quantifiable by metrics or key performance indicators [54, 65]. Especially, it is to a large extent unclear how to calculate meaningful (real) probabilities for the occurrence of technical malfunction or undesired system behavior [61]. An important note regarding the frameworks considered is therefore, that their quantification approaches are mainly based on assigning scores to qualitative rating scales. For example, in [27], classifying the impacts of an AI-based decision on the rights or freedoms of individuals as “little to no impact” scores 1 point and as “moderate” 2 points (see also [68] for more examples). Naturally, calculating an assessment score in this way involves human interpretation and self-assessment. Only a few frameworks propose objectively measurable parameters for analyzing some risks or risk factors, such as the number of affected rights-holders [47] or the degree of anonymization achieved in the data when considering privacy risks [62]. Overall, risk quantification in the current state might lead to uncertain results if based on qualitative scales, or it might result in oversimplification if based on approximation through simpler (calculable) factors.

Lastly, compared with the number of frameworks that propose risk quantification, significantly fewer provide specific quantitative guidance on the aggregation of different risk dimensions. Overall, we observe three types of quantitative aggregation rules in our sample: (i) the rule of taking the maximum of all dimension scores [11, 47], (ii) the rule of averaging scores [68], and (iii) the rule of summarizing and subtracting certain score sets [27]. However, none of the three approaches uses weights to adapt the aggregation to the specific application context of the AI system under consideration. In addition, even many frameworks that encourage quantification of risks lack an evaluation scale for the overall assessment. This shows that, while quantification may be possible or suggested for certain risk types, there is currently no mature methodology for comparing different risk dimensions or aggregating their scores.

In this section, we presented the findings from the overview of all twelve frameworks in relation to the four characteristics derived in Sect. 3.2. In order to interpret these findings and draw conclusions from them, we carried out additional in-depth analyses of selected frameworks (see appendix). On the basis of these analyses, the following section discusses the findings from the comparative overview in detail and explores challenges of risk aggregation as well as solution approaches.

4.2 Discussion on the basis of in-depth analyses

A. Outline of the in-depth analyses (see appendix)

Based on the overview in the previous section, we conducted in-depth analyses of a reduced sample of frameworks. Some approaches clearly stand out from the table, such as the NIST AI Risk Management Framework [54] (see appendix A.4), which is the only approach with “neutral” risk notion. Also, [11, 28, 33, 35] set themselves apart as they do not require or include risk quantification, and we decided to look in detail into the first one, the Criticality Pyramid by the German Data Ethics Commission [11], due to its connection with the European AI regulation (see appendix A.1). In addition, we chose the Human Rights, Democracy, and the Rule of Law Framework by the Alan Turing Institute [47] (see appendix A.2), as well as the Fraunhofer IAIS AI Assessment Catalog [62] (see appendix A.5), since they contain different types of comprehensive guidance for risk mitigation and quantification, particularly including objectively measurable risk indicators. While the first covers impacts on individual rights and societal risks, the latter has a stronger focus on the AI system itself i.e., regarding the emergence of undesirable system properties. Finally, we completed our sample with the VCIO based Description for AI Trustworthiness Characterization [68] (see appendix A.3), which provides a scoring system and concise aggregation rules while barely considering the application context for evaluation. For each of these frameworks, we provide a detailed description in view of the four characteristics (risk notion, application context, quantification, aggregation guidance, see Sect. 3.2) in the appendix. In the following, we discuss our key learnings from the deep-dive and outline recommendations for the further operationalization of risk aggregation.

B. Findings

One finding from looking at the frameworks in more detail is that risks are analyzed and assessed at different levels of discourse, starting from a baseline assessmentFootnote 10 of possible impacts of a use case, up to the in-depth examinationFootnote 11 of the (technical) risk sources or triggers for the specific AI system. Figure 1 illustrates the possible reference points of these levels in terms of two stages of risk materialization: first, the occurrence of technical malfunction or undesired system properties/behavior, and second, the occurrence of impact such as material and immaterial damage (or realization of benefits, depending on the risk notion subject to the assessment). This general distinction between technical failures in the first place and their (potential) propagation to further effects in the second stage is inspired from safety engineering [39]. Notably, it enables taking into account mitigation measures and safeguards (in the embedding) of a system component when assessing the residual risks. Extending this safety concept to a broader notion of impact (compared with physical harm),Footnote 12 the two stages shown in Fig. 1 generally differentiate the depth and scope of system-specific analysis required for the assessment of trustworthy AI. In particular, potential (negative) impacts at the second stage can be evaluated on a use case-level i.e., without looking at the specific design and development of the AI system but rather on its context of use. Assessment methodologies that consider the first stage must, in contrast, involve detailed technical examinations. For example, risk factors or indicators may depend on the type of data and model used, the interaction of different components within the AI system, and the potential disturbances in the application environment. Certainly, an assessment at the second stage can still become arbitrarily complex, as the impact of AI systems can relate to various stakeholders and objectives (as indicated by the different risk dimensions of the current frameworks, see Table 1). In fact, the impacts we summarize under the second stage in Fig. 1 are neither on the same level nor equally important in each AI application. For example, damage to individuals can in turn have repercussions for the organization. Such interrelationships must be recognized by the responsible organization and the relevant risk layers addressed, ideally through dedicated roles (e.g., safety engineer, financial controller, etc.). Lastly, in addition to technical precautions, organizational measures can also be taken to mitigate or prevent undesired system behavior from materializing. Overall, analysis of the first stage, particularly metrics or testing methods, depend more strongly on the specific design, implementation, and application environment of the AI system (in terms of factors that influence or may be reflected in the input data), while an assessment of the second stage needs to be technically less deep but requires a thorough understanding of the AI application context and stakeholders.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Two stages of risk materialization. Given a technical malfunction, its propagation to negative impact can still be mitigated or prevented by technical and organizational measures

From the in-depth analysis, we also recognized that there is a trade-off between (i) including the application context and the specific design and development of the AI system in the assessment vs. (ii) objectivity and effort reduction. This trade-off is particularly reflected in the extent of quantification as well as the granularity of the assessment methodology. As mentioned in Sect. 4.1, none of the considered frameworks achieves a complete, holistic mathematical risk-modeling off all aspects related to trustworthy AI, which is also consistent with current literature [61]. Instead, the approaches considered are on a spectrum between classic “cost-utility analysis" (with fixed categories, weights, and aggregation schemes) on the one hand, and a totally individual assessment on the other which must be newly determined for each specific AI application. The VCIO model (see appendix A.3) and the AI Assessment Catalog (see appendix A.5) are two examples from each end of this spectrum. A comparison reveals similarities in their top-down approaches. At the highest level, the division into ethically relevant values in the VCIO model is similar to the six dimensions of trustworthiness in the AI Assessment Catalog. In addition, the subdivision into criteria and indicators in the VCIO model is comparable to the risk areas, objectives, and criteria of each trustworthiness dimension in the AI Assessment Catalog. Still, a direct mapping is not possible. The bottom-up approaches both start with documenting measures and then gradually evaluate and aggregate them across the various levels. In the AI Assessment Catalog, a structured definition of measures takes place at the lowest level. Then, an application-specific safeguarding argumentation is developed, where the Catalog provides potential metrics for certain aspects, but the assessor needs to select the metrics and argue their suitability with respect to the specific application. In the VCIO model, the measures and their effects are captured rather superficially by the observables which are assigned fixed scores. From then on, the evaluation is completely determined by aggregation rules – independent from potential trade-offs or priorities in the specific application. While such a static aggregation is of course in the interest of comparable results, feasibility and reasonable effort, it does not do justice to the dynamics of AI applications as illustrated in the following paragraph. This might explain why the VCIO model is labeled as a „value compliance model” and does not claim to assess the specific risk of an AI system. Process-level frameworks, on the other hand, are more strongly influenced by the individual interpretation and weighting of the assessors and require a lot of effort in each application (e.g., [54, 62]).

As mentioned, the range and variety of possible AI-based applications pose a challenge when it comes to defining uniform metrics that would allow to compare the degree of risk among all use cases in a standardized way. In the following, we exemplarily consider the transparency dimension to further explain this issue. Although a uniform structuring of different risk dimensions is not yet achieved, we can see from Table 1 that AI risk assessment frameworks mostly take this dimension into account. For example, there are well known-risks of blind trust or emotional bindings between humans and AI-systems, lack of appropriate ways to interrupt and control systems operations, and of insight into the system’s functioning. With respect to these risk types, the frameworks provide guidance by systematically listing risk indicators (e.g., in the form of questionnaires or templates) or qualitative evaluation scales, rather than specifying metrics or standardized schemata for measuring the risk. In addition, evaluation standards (e.g., standards specifying when an AI system is “transparent enough”) are still missing that may enable generally recognized and comparable assessments. One major reason is that transparency requires by its very nature human evaluation, as it refer to the way humans interact with or understand the AI system. Regarding the extent to which people are “being made aware”, for example, there may be applications in which a visible alert sticker is appropriate (e.g., “the estimated charging time for a full charge is based on an AI-model” in the case of a public charging station for an electrical car). Here, the size, color, and positioning of the alert sticker could be the basis of a metric. In contrast, considering an AI application that supports doctors in classifying cerebral strokes based on MRT results, at least a detailed documentation of the operational domain and limitations of the system should be provided. Here, length of documentation could be a metric, which, however, might be of limited expressiveness. In summary, we conclude that human- and context-related aspects of the use of AI-systems are particularly ill-suited for quantification. A solely quantitative and mathematical modeling of AI risk may even lead to over-simplification and misinterpretation. Therefore, the assessment of transparency-related risks should use qualitative evidence in addition. Lastly, also in the overall assessment of an AI system that aggregates individual risk dimensions, context and purpose play an important role. As explained in the introduction (see Sect. 1), different dimensions can have different weights and priorities in different contexts. There can be trade-offs between distinct risk dimensions [63] and often, (negative) impacts have to be balanced and weighted against benefits, again depending on the context and purpose of the application. These varying and complex interdependencies cannot be reflected in a once-fixed static aggregation scheme that attempts to be valid for all kinds of applications.

C. Recommendations

Overall, we conclude that a combination of horizontal (i.e., application-independent) and vertical (i.e., domain-specific) operationalization approaches is needed (see Fig. 2), given the trade-off between application-specific assessment vs. objectivity and practicality described above.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Recommendations for further operationalizing risk aggregation, from both horizontal and vertical perspectives

Since we have argued that both the application context and the specific AI system need to be considered in a holistic risk assessment, the only way to specify evaluation or aggregation standards at a more concrete level is to further restrict their scope i.e., focus on certain domains or AI use cases (e.g., the ISO/IEC technical report on AI use cases may serve as a starting point [40]). This approach can also be found in European legislation [15] and some national activities [35, 56], which initially provide horizontal frameworks that will be complemented by compatible vertical guidance or “use case profiles”. Using the two stages of risk materialization (see Fig. 1), we can distinguish a baseline impact assessment (stage 2) from the in-depth analysis of an AI application (stage 1). As the former is mostly independent of the specific technical design or implementation of the AI system, we consider it suitable to be determined from a vertical perspective e.g., by an interdisciplinary team of ethical, legal and domain experts. For instance, starting from the list of high-risk systems specified in the European AI Act [18, 19, 22], the general risk classification of these use cases could be broken further down to individual risk dimensions (i.e., in the sense of a specified protection requirement for the dimensions fairness, reliability, explainability, etc.) for each domain. Inspired from [54], we also recommend including potential benefits in such a baseline assessment (e.g., as one dimension), since these have a decisive impact on the acceptance of trade-offs. For example, benefits realized in medical use cases might lead to different trade-offs than benefits by solely commercial applications. In summary, a specified assessment of each dimension (e.g., in the form of fixed weights for a particular use case) provides indication for prioritizing mitigation measures and influences trade-offs and the overall assessment of the AI system. We therefore consider vertical operationalization at this level of abstraction to be a promising way to increase the objectivity and comparability of assessments of different AI systems used for the same purpose and domain. Of course, deviations from the specified baseline assessments/prioritizations may be permitted, but these would have to be justified.

Independently of the specific AI use case, in contrast, the deep dive shows that more granular guidance is needed on the identification and analysis of technical malfunction or failure of the AI system (see stage 1 in Fig. 1). This can be approached from a horizontal perspective by developing standardized lists of risk sources and indicators (e.g., metrics and tests), among others, specifically by AI functions or even for each ML model class (e.g., transformer models, decision trees). Clearly, breaking high-level risk dimensions and respective quantification and implementation guidance down to distinct AI functions or models requires further research. In addition, the effectiveness of technical mitigation measures needs to be further investigated that might prevent certain behavior or failures of AI components (e.g., an ML model) from propagating through the entire AI system. As outlined in the appendix, the risk areas described in the AI Assessment Catalog [62] (which in its current stage aims to be broadly applicable for different ML techniques and application contexts) provide a potential starting point for further operationalization. Each risk area bundles such (possibly undesirable) system properties within a dimension that can be addressed by a similar safeguarding approach. In addition, the lifecycle of an AI application is an important reference for identifying potential threats, and respective safeguarding approaches in the AI Assessment Catalog are structured along a simplified version of the AI lifecycle. Notably, there are further and more detailed lifecycle models available [43, 47]. The potential of lifecycle-assessment, among other risk management techniques, has not been fully harnessed yet [5] and breaking down the methodology described in the AI Assessment Catalog further along the AI lifecycle might be a promising next step. In our view, horizontal operationalization in this way is complementary to the vertical approach, in the sense that it works towards a standardized input to risk aggregation, where the individual inputs can be weighted using the vertical baseline assessment.

5 Conclusion and outlook

In this paper, we argued that aggregation of individual risk dimensions is a major challenge in evolving AI quality standards. We presented a comparative analysis of twelve internationally representative risk assessment frameworks, focusing on their respective risk aggregation schemes. For structuring the comparison, we derived the risk notion, application context, extent of risk quantification, and instructions on aggregation and trade-offs as four distinctive characteristics of AI risk aggregation. Our comparison of the specific aggregation approaches in the selected frameworks yields two key findings. Firstly, current frameworks predominantly provide high-level guidance on risk aggregation and mostly support consideration of the application context. In particular, the AI Assessment Catalog [62] (see detailed discussion in appendix A.5) uses a protection requirements analysis that allows for a basic weighting of the individual dimensions, though this does not lead to a fully quantitative aggregation formula. In the in-depth analysis, we additionally found that detailed guidance on risk aggregation (e.g., through specific rules or calculation schemes) within a general framework cannot sufficiently take into account the dynamics and application-dependency of AI risk assessment. Secondly, we have seen that risk quantification is widely advocated, but there is a lack of objectively measurable risk indicators that could approximate a mathematical risk modeling and aggregation of technical failures or hazards. A weighted risk aggregation formula that takes application-specific dependencies into account needs further research. Therefore, it is currently not practicable to dispense with qualitative evidence and assessment criteria. At the same time, it is desirable to have a standardized procedure for risk aggregation in order to make the assessment of different use cases comparable and reduce the effort of individual consideration (particularly in terms of practicability and scalability). We therefore propose that further operationalization be performed using a combination of vertical and horizontal approaches. On a vertical level, we recommend the development of use case profiles that define the domain-specific relevance of the individual risk dimensions of an AI application. On a horizontal level, there is a need for further research into the systematic recording of AI properties and behavior. This can be substantiated by a finer subdivision, for example between different model classes or functionalities (see [13] and Sect. in [12]), along which potential (negative) effects can be broken down into more specific risk indicators. These could then be used as a basis for standardized system analysis and specifically weighted and evaluated based on their use case-specific relevance.

These findings and recommendations are particularly relevant with regard to current AI standardization needs. A major challenge in the near future will be the successful implementation of harmonized standards in support of the European AI Act. However, guidance is currently still missing for several aspects of risk and conformity procedures along the AI lifecycle. Among others, quality standards concerning the design, development, testing, deployment, and monitoring of trustworthy AI systems will be needed, as well as guidance on how to resolve tensions between conflicting mitigation objectives [51]. Moreover, it should be noted that the pre-market evaluation may include different stakeholders in different roles, ranging from a simple self-evaluation (and declaration) to a certification process including accredited third-party auditing bodies. (Contextual) conditions and the evaluation of risks can change over time, so that monitoring and re-assessments during operation are important elements of an organization’s risk management, as well as third-party audits schemes. Scope, tools and timeframes of AI (re-)assessment along the lifecycle still need to be determined, and, as possible, harmonized with international standards and future developments regarding AI assessment (e.g., from ISO/IEC SC 42). Correspondingly, the European Commission issued a Standardization Request to CEN-CENELEC that lists ten standardization deliverables to be drafted (e.g., on transparency, robustness, data quality) [17]. According to our findings, an overall trustworthiness assessment cannot be achieved if these would be developed independently from each other. Remarkably, a conformity assessment deliverable is requested separately from the other nine deliverables [17]. According to our analysis, it is important that the AI risk aggregation scheme should be part of the conformity deliverable standard and be applied consistently in the other nine standards. In addition, while defined in a horizontal approach, the risk aggregation scheme should interact with the requested standards in a way that enables the integration of domain-specific weighting. Only this way the current dynamics and trade-offs between different dimensions can be taken account of, and compatibility with upcoming vertical standards facilitated.

Another major challenge is posed by so-called “general purpose” systems i.e., large language and foundation models. These are typically not designed for a specific task or domain but can be used in a wide range of application areas, bearing systemic risks that might manifest in various downstream uses. The European AI Act imposes regulatory requirements on respective providers, including the assessment of systemic risks for certain “high-impact” foundation models [18, 19, 22]. Our analysis shows, however, that the specific application context has a major influence on risk analysis and aggregation in state-of-the-art frameworks. Especially given that the application of a general-purpose AI system is undefined in the first place, the necessity for novel, application-agnostic assessment standards becomes evident. By their very nature, risk assessment of general-purpose systems focuses on the (technical) capabilities and limitations of the underlying ML model (see stage 1 in Fig. 1) and, possibly, additional safeguards for alignment. Recent works on generative AI and large language models show that benchmarking, evaluation of generally dangerous capabilities (e.g., deception, AI development, self-proliferation [67]), and adversarial testing may serve as main approaches for application-independent assessment at the current stage [52, 70]. At the same time, it points out gaps and a need for research in the availability and implementation of corresponding methods. Overall, general capability tests are only one layer of risk assessment and are insufficient in themselves for a complete evaluation, since only the specific application context determines whether a risk of harm actually exists [52, 70]. In our recent work [50], we present an approach for risk assessment of AI applications that are based on foundation models. Regarding systemic risks of general-purpose models on the other hand, further clarification is needed on how various general capabilities can be aggregated for an overall evaluation and how such an assessment is connected to the risks of downstream applications.