1 Introduction

Hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) has preventive and therapeutic properties for many ailments such as different types of cancer, rheumatism, stiff joints, bronchitis and chest colds with cough and headache, arthritis, heart arrhythmias and many other ailments [1, 2]. In this regard, Pawar, Bharude [3] found chilies to hold all the best properties to be considered as a food.

Despite the benefits of pepper and the increasing demand in Ethiopia particularly in Amhara region, generally hot pepper production both in green and dry forms is low due to lack of improved varieties, poor cultural practices, lack of application of adequate fertilizer and the prevalence of diseases and insect pests [4]. According to Malhotra, Cheriyan [5] report, 4,164,594-tons dry pepper was produced in the world with an average productivity of 2.34 t ha−1 and 36,771,482-tons green pepper with an average productivity of 18.47 t ha−1. According to CSA [6], the annual production of dry and fresh pepper in Ethiopia is about 307,457.11 tons and 62,247.56 tons respectively. The national average yield of green pod was 5.9 t ha−1 whereas it was 1.8 t/ha for the dry pod. In Amhara region, about 149,993.44 tons of dry pepper was produced with an average productivity of 1.72 t ha−1 [6]. On the other hand the average productivity of green pepper in Amhara region is 5.92 t ha−1 [6]. As the above data shows that, the production and productivity of dry and fresh pepper in Ethiopia particularly in Amhara region are very low, compared to the international average.

Application of fertilizers, which depends on soil fertility status, environmental conditions and expected yields of the crop, improves the growth and development of the crop and thus higher yield of pepper [7]. According to Bekele, Lulie [8], most of the crop nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur and others are exhausted.

With rapid increasing in population, the demand for green pepper has significantly increased leading to extensive use of inorganic fertilizers. However, over application of inorganic fertilizers may lead to reduction of fertilizer efficiency, environmental hazards and imbalances of nutrients [9]. According to Sankar Ganesh, Sundaramoorthy [10], increasing the use of inorganic fertilizers under intensive cultivation has not only contaminated the ground and surface water, but also it disturbs the harmony existed among the soil, plant and microbial population. Public concern about adverse impacts of pesticides and chemical fertilizers on the environment and on the safety and quality of food is also growing. On the other hand, insufficient application of nutrients and poor soil management has contributed to the soil fertility depletion in most of developing countries and reduction of crop yield including hot pepper [11].

Mineral fertilizers decrease biological activities in the soil and its aggregate stability. Moreover, prevailing higher prices and lack of proper supply system of inorganic fertilizers calls for more efficient use of organic fertilizer along with the inorganic fertilizers to sustain the crop yield [12]. Organic fertilizers are cost effective and renewable sources of plant nutrients to supplement chemical fertilizers. A wise use of organic matters like eco-green and bio-fertilizers are effective in sustaining crop productivity and soil health and reduction of environmental pollutions. Several reports showed that the combined and/or sole application of organic matters and bio-fertilizers have increased yield and quality attributes in vegetables [13].

Application of organic fertilizers positively affected plant growth parameter though improving growth of pepper plant [14]. Plant height, numbers of branch, numbers of leaves and canopy diameter are affected by the application of organic fertilizer. Treatment with application of vermi-compost shows the highest plant height, numbers of branch, numbers of leaves and canopy diameter than the untreated plot with organic fertilizer of hot pepper [15].

On the other hand, the efficiency of chemical fertilizer is also increased when they are applied together with organic manures. This might be due to the improvement in soil physical condition for the plant growth along with increased availability of N, P and K at the early stage of crop growth [16]. Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contained in organic fertilizer have great effects in plant growth and development.

Plant need high concentration of these primary nutrients as any deficiency of these essential nutrients will cause reduced plant growth [17]. Application of organic fertilizer to soils increased the microbial biomass and dehydrogenase activity [18]. This increase in microbial mass and dehydrogenase activity improves nitrogen fixation and its availability which in turn in improving the growth and development of plants. Rehman, Nawaz [19] reported that organic fertilizer improves soil structure and increases its water holding capacity.

According to Cen, Guo [20], the application of organic fertilizer increased growth and yields more likely due to the generation of plant growth regulators by microorganisms or the effects of humates [21]. Therefore, application of optimum type and rates of soil nutrients is critical for sustainable agriculture and maintains the necessary increases in crop production while minimizing waste, economic loss and environmental impacts [22]. However, there had been no previous research findings about the effects of using eco-green as organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizers or using eco-green alone in Ethiopia in general, or in the study district in particular. In light of this, the present study was initiated with the aim of improving production and productivity of hot pepper by combined application of inorganic and bio-fertilizers in the study area.

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Description of the study area

The experiment was conducted at the farm land of Tana Flora Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Farm P.L.C in Bahir Dar Zuria District, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia. Geographically, the site is located at 11° 38ʹ N to 11° 44ʹ N latitude and 37° 15ʹ E to 37° 19ʹ E longitude with the altitude of 1850 m above sea level (Fig. 1). According to Mesfin, Adem [23], the location received annually on average about 1250 mm rainfall. The minimum and maximum temperatures are about 10.5 ℃ and 27 ℃, respectively. The sunshine hour and wind speed are 10.5 h and 1 m/s, respectively. Major crops grown in the study area are maize and finger millet during the main cropping season and onion, hot pepper and tomato during the irrigation season. Vegetables like onion, hot pepper and different flowers are produced by Tana flora PLC.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Maps of the study area

2.2 Soil sampling and analysis

To analyze the soil physicochemical properties, soil samples at 0–20 cm depth were collected randomly from the entire experimental field in a diagonal pattern before transplanting. The soil sample were mixed and composite soil was used for the analysis of selected properties of the experimental soil in Soil Laboratory of Amhara Design and Supervision Service.

Accordingly, the textural classification of the soil was clay soil which is conducive for hot pepper production [24, 25]. The experimental soil was slightly acidic with a pH value of 6.01 [26]. Total nitrogen and available phosphorous contents of the experimental soil (Table 1) were medium as indicated in Olsen [27] and Tadesse, Haque [26]. Total available K and Cation exchange capacity of the soil was high [28]. Generally, the soil of the experimental site has relatively medium organic carbon, organic matter, total nitrogen and available phosphorus, which indicates the necessity for application of external sources of nutrients in the form of fertilizer (Table 1).

Table 1 Physio-chemical properties of the experimental soil

2.3 Experimental materials used in the study

Urea (46% N) and eco-green were used in the present study as a source of nitrogen and organic fertilizer, respectively.

Eco-green is a highly concentrated liquid solution containing plant macro, micronutrients and minerals that are available for plants (Table 2). Eco-green has no negative impact on the environment [32]. It has optimum pH and EC values and contains amino acids and vitamins, growth hormones, including cytokines, auxins and gibberellins, which stimulate cell division and thus growth promotion. It improves fruit quality, drought and frost tolerance, disease resistance and stress recovery. Eco-green can be applied as a foliar spray or as a soil soak and are excellent as a root dip for reducing transplant shock [32].

Table 2 Nutrient contents of eco-green fertilizer

Mareko Fana hot pepper variety was used as test crop, which was released in 1976 from Melkasa Agricultural Research Center. The variety is characterized by dark red pod color, mild pungency and long pod size. It is widely cultivated over a wide range of agro ecologies in Ethiopia, mostly at altitude ranges of 1200–2100 m.a.s.l. and annual rainfall of 900–1300 mm [33].

2.4 Experimental treatment and design

The total experimental area was divided in to three equal sized blocks, which had 41.5 m length, and 3.5 m width with the spacing of 1 m between blocks. Each block was divided in to 16 plots with the spacing of 0.5 m between plots. The experimental treatments consisted of four levels of N fertilizer (0, 59, 82 and 105 kg ha−1) and four different level of eco-green (0, 75, 125 and 175-L ha−1) which were laid out in factorial based on Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. The base for setup of the nitrogen levels was the national blanket recommendation, which was 100 kg ha−1 urea and 200 kg ha−1 DAP. The bases of eco-green was company recommendation that is 125 L ha−1 for green pepper production (Working Manual of the Company, 2017).

2.5 Data collection

2.5.1 Phenological parameter

Days to 50% flowering (Days) The number of days elapsed from date of transplanting up to the date when 50% of the plants in plot were flowered and the mean values were used for further analysis.

Days to 50% pod setting (Days) The number of days elapsed from date of transplanting up to the date when 50% of the plants in plot produced pods were and the mean values were used for further analysis.

Days to first harvest (Days) Green pods of pepper are matured when they are firm to touch, thick walled and deep green in color [35]. Accordingly, the number of days elapsed from date of transplanting up to the date when 90% of the plants in plot contained at least a matured pod was recorded and the mean values were used for further analysis.

2.5.2 Growth parameters

Plant height (cm) Heights of six randomly selected plants in net plot area were measured by using ruler from the ground level to the apex at first harvest and the mean values were used for further analysis.

Number of branches per plant (no) The primary, secondary and tertiary branches of six randomly selected plants in net plot area were counted at first harvest and mean values were used for statistical analysis.

2.5.3 Yield of hot pepper

Marketable green pod yield (t ha−1) Pods which are uniform in color, shape and size, free from damages of insect pest and disease and physiological disorder like blemish were considered as marketable pods [36]. Such pods harvested from the net plot area during each successive harvest were weighed using digital balance. The summations of each harvest were converted in to hectare basis.

Unmarketable green pod yield (%) Diseased, damaged and physiologically disordered pods are considered as unmarketable yield [36]. Such pods harvested from the net plot area during each successive harvest were weighed using digital balance and expressed in percentage to the total pod weight and the mean value was computed and used for further analysis.

Total green pod yield (t ha−1) It was recorded as the sum of the weight of marketable and unmarketable pod yields.

2.5.4 Data analysis

All the collected data were subjected to analysis of variance using SAS version 9.2 statistical software following the procedures described by Gomez and Gomez (1984). Whenever treatment effects were significant, mean separations were conducted using Least Significant Difference (LSD) at 5% probability depending on ANOVA results as indicated by Gomez and Gomez (1984). Correlation analysis was performed to evaluate the relationships of selected parameters of pepper as influenced by application of different nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer.

2.6 Economic analysis

Partial budget analysis and marginal rate of return were done based on the procedures described by CIMMYT [37]. Only fertilizer (nitrogen and eco-green) and labor costs were considered as a variable cost. Costs that were similar for all treatments were considered as fixed costs and were not considered in the analysis of marginal rate of return as described by CIMMYT [37]. Dominance analysis was carried after arranging the treatments in their ascending order of total variable costs. Treatments were considered as dominated if it has higher total varialbe costs (TVC) but lower  net benefits (NB) than a previous treatment with lower TVC and higher NB (Table 7). Non-dominated treatments were taken out and marginal rate of return (MRR) was computed (Table 8). According to CIMMYT [37] partial budget analysis methodology, treatments exhibiting marginal rate of return (MRR) greater than 100% were considered for the comparison of their net benefit.

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Effects of eco-green and N-fertilizers rates on phenological parameters of hot pepper

3.1.1 Days to 50% flowering

The analysis of variance revealed that the main as well as the interaction effects of nitrogen fertilizer and eco-green highly and significantly (P < 0.001) influenced days to 50% flowering of hot pepper. In this study, maximum days to 50% flowering (66.33 days) was recorded by the combined application of 105 kg N ha−1 and 175 lEG ha−1 that was statically similar with plots that received combined application of 105 kg N ha−1 and 125 l EG ha−1 (Table 4). On the other hand the shortest days to 50% flowering (38.33 days) was recorded in the control treatment where no fertilizers were applied and that were statically similar with combined application of 0 kg N ha−1 and 75 l EG ha−1 (Table 3). Plants, which received lower rates of combined N and eco-green fertilizers were flowered early which could be associated with lack of plant nutrients that affect vegetative growth of the plants. Combination of higher rate of N and eco-green fertilizers on the other hand prolonged 50% days to flowering, which may be due to the availability of plant nutrients in root zone leading to luxurious vegetative growth. The results of the present study agree with the findings of Koshale et al. [38] who reported delayed flowering with the increased rates of inorganic (NPK) and organic fertilizer.

Table 3 Effects of combined application of nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer on phenological parameters of hot pepper

3.1.2 Days to 50% pod setting

The ANOVA results showed that the main and interaction effects of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer and eco-green were highly and significantly (P < 0.001) influenced 50% pod setting of hot pepper. Accordingly, the longest days to 50% pod setting (82.33 days) was attained from plants treated with combined application of 105 kg N ha−1 and 175 l EG ha−1 which was statically similar with combined application of 105 kg N ha−1 and 125 l EG ha−1 (Table 3). The shortest days to 50% pod setting (52 days) was recorded in the combined control treatment where no fertilizers were applied, which was statically similar with plants supplied with 0 kg N ha−1 and 75 l EG ha−1 as showed in Table 3. The extended days to 50% green pod setting may be due to the effect of nitrogen from inorganic fertilizer and liquid organic fertilizer, which could extend vegetative growth of plants that delayed green pod setting consequently. Application of organic fertilizer also affect pod setting by improving soil physical condition for the plant growth along with increased availability of N, P and K and that leads to vegetative growth and delaying reproductive growth. These results are in agreement with the finding of Patil, Mohammed [16] who reported that nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium contained in organic fertilizer have great effects in plant growth and development, which delayed green pod setting. Similarly, the results are in agreement with the findings of Kassa Melese and Hadgu [39] who reported that the delay of 50% pod setting of hot pepper with increased combined application of NP and FYM.

3.1.3 Days to first harvest

The analysis of variance shows that the main and interaction effects of nitrogen and organic eco-green fertilizer highly and significantly (P < 0.001) influenced days to first harvest of hot pepper. The longest days to first green pod harvest (108.67 days) was recorded from the combined application of 105 kg N ha−1 and 175 l EG ha−1 which, was statically similar with combined application 105 kg N ha−1 and 125 l EG ha−1. The shortest days to first harvest (80.67 days) was recorded from plants without fertilizer application (control) which was statically similar with application of 0 kg N ha−1 and 75 l EG ha−1 (Table 3).

This is due to increasing amounts of mineral nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer; improve vegetative growth of pepper and consequently that delay the days of first harvest of pepper. The results agree with the findings of Bosland and Votava [40] who stated that excess application of nitrogen stimulated growth of the pepper and delayed maturity of pepper.

3.2 Growth parameter of hot pepper as influenced by eco-green and N-fertilizers

3.2.1 Plant height

The analysis of variance revealed that the main as well as the interaction effects of nitrogen fertilizer and eco-green very highly and significantly (P < 0.001) influenced plant heights of hot pepper. The longest plant height (77.655 cm) of hot pepper was recorded by the combined application of 105 kg N ha−1 and 175 l EG ha−1 whereas the shortest (25.71 cm) was obtained in the control treatment where no fertilizers were applied (Table 4). The increase in pepper plant heights with increased rates of nitrogen and eco-green observed in the present study could be associated with better availability of nutrients to pepper plants that in turn increased the growth and heights of plants. The results of the present study confirms the findings of Gonzalez, Alvarez [41] who reported that organic and inorganic fertilizer supplied most of the essential nutrients at growth stage resulting in increase of growth variables including plant height.

Table 4 Effects of interaction application of nitrogen and eco-green on growth parameters of hot pepper

3.2.2 Numbers of primary branch

Number of primary branches of pepper was highly and significantly (P < 0.001) influenced by the main as well as the interaction effects of nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer. The highest number of primary branch (10.33) was recorded for plants which were supplied with the combination of 0 kg N ha−1 and 175 l EG ha−1 (Table 4). On the other hand, average minimum primary branch (1.72) was recorded on the control plants, which were not supplied with fertilizers. The increase in primary branches of pepper along the increased combined application of organic and in organic fertilizer could be due to the supply of enough plant nutrients that leads to vegetative growth of pepper including primary branches. The results are in agreement with Gonzalez, Alvarez [41] who reported that organic and inorganic fertilizer supplied most of the essential nutrients at growth stage resulted in increase of growth variables. Yigermal, Nakachew [42] also reported that integrated application of FYM (15 t ha−1) with nitrogen (120 kg ha−1) resulted into significantly higher number of branches.

3.2.3 Number of secondary branch

Number of secondary branches was highly and significantly (P < 0.001) influenced by main as well as interaction effects of nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer. The highest number of secondary branches (12.81) was obtained from combined application of 59 kg N ha−1 and 125 l EG ha−1, which was statistically identical with branches produced from plants grown on 0 kg N ha−1 and 175 l EG ha−1 and 82 kg N ha−1 and 0 l EG ha−1 (Table 4). The minimum number of secondary branches (1.71) was obtained from plot which was not supplied with any fertilizers. This is due to the rates of inorganic and organic fertilizers are beyond the optimum level that causes toxicity to the plant, and ultimately affect the growth of the pepper including branches of hot pepper. The results of the present study are in line with of El-Tohamy, Ghoname [43] who reported that application of optimum rates of organic and inorganic fertilizer increased the growth parameter of pepper including the numbers of branches of pepper.

3.2.4 Number of tertiary branch

ANOVA results indicated that application of nitrogen fertilizer, eco-green and their interaction highly and significantly (P < 0.01) influenced tertiary branch of hot pepper. The highest number of tertiary branches (19.68) was obtained from combined application of 0 kg N ha−1 and 175 l EG ha−1, which was statistically similar with those plants grown with the combination of 59 kg ha−1 N and 125 l ha−1 EG and 82 kg N ha−1 and 0 l EG ha−1. The minimum number of tertiary branches (2.28) was obtained from plants grown without any fertilizers (Table 4).

Application of optimum organic fertilizer releases nutrient slowly and continuously for some time, so that nutrient loss due to leaching is less and improves vegetative growth of pepper. The results coincide with the results of Hayati, Mahmud [44] who reported that organic fertilizer is the sources of macronutrient N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S with essential micronutrient for plant development. Ullah, Islam [45] suggested that the application of combined organic and inorganic fertilizer at optimum range were greatly enhanced numbers of brinjal branches including tertiary branch.

3.3 Yields of hot pepper as influenced by eco-green and N-fertilizer

3.3.1 Marketable green pod yield

The analysis of variance revealed that the main as well as the interaction effects of nitrogen fertilizer and eco-green very highly and significantly (P < 0.001) influenced marketable pod yield of pepper. The highest marketable yield (16.55 t ha−1) was recorded from plants that received combined application of 59 kg N ha−1 and 125 l EG ha−1 fertilizer, which was not statistically difference with plants grown with the application of 0 kg N ha−1 + 175 l EG ha−1. On the other hand, the lowest marketable pod yield (2.76 t ha−1) was obtained from control treatment where no fertilizers were applied which was statistically similar with plot that received only 75 l EG ha−1 (Table 5).

Table 5 Integrated effects of nitrogen and eco green on yield of hot pepper

Application of optimum inorganic nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer increases vegetative growth, which in turn may develop relatively healthy and attractive pods, which are acceptable for Ethiopian markets. These results of the current study are consistent with the findings of Leghari and Oad [36] who reported that length, width and weight of pods are positively correlated with marketable green pod yield of pepper. On the other hand, results of the present study clearly showed that too much nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer resulted vigorous plants to the expense of pod production. This result is also consistent with Mebratu, Dechassa [46] who reported that increasing rate of nitrogen beyond the optimum level resulted decreased in marketable pod yield of hot pepper. Therefore, application of optimum dose of fertilizers is quite necessary to maximize the pod yield of pepper as indicated by Roy, Khan [7].

3.3.2 Unmarketable pod yield

The ANOVA result showed that main and their interaction effects of nitrogen fertilizer and eco-green very highly and significantly (P < 0.001) influenced the proportion of unmarketable yield of green pepper. The highest proportion of unmarketable yield (0.23%) was recorded from the combined application of 82 kg N ha−1 and 125 l EG ha−1 and the lowest proportion of unmarketable yield (0.00%) was obtained from plants grown with the combined application of 59 kg N ha−1 and 0 l EG ha−1 (Table 5).

This study shows that the increasing or decreasing of unmarketable yield was not correlated positively with the level of main as well as interaction effects of nitrogen and eco-green. The result agreed with the finding of Lemaga, Hailemariam [47] who suggested that unmarketable yield may be controlled more importantly through manipulating other factors such as disease incidence, pest incidence, harvesting practice, and the like rather than mineral nutrition.

3.3.3 Total green pod yield

The main and interaction effects of nitrogen and eco-green fertilizers influenced (P < 0.001) the total green pod yield of pepper. Accordingly, in the interaction effect the highest total yield (17.16 t ha−1) was recorded from the combined application of 59 kg N ha−1 and 125 l EG ha−1, while the minimum total yield (3.20 t ha−1) was recorded from control plot without application of fertilizers (Table 5).

The highest total pod yield recorded in the present study could be due to the supply of enough nutrients from the combined application of nitrogen and eco-green that was positively correlated with the results of marketable pod yield. Inorganic and organic fertilization significantly increased pod number, marketable and total pod yields compared to the control treatment in the present study. The results are in agreement with Tumbare [48] and Islam, Islam [49]. Optimum dose of fertilizers improve the proper growth and development and maximize the yield of pepper [7].

3.4 Relationships of growth and yield of hot pepper as influenced by nitrogen and eco-green fertilizers

Marketable green pod yield of hot pepper was highly significantly and positively correlated with plant height (r = 0.4**), number of primary (r = 0.6**), secondary (r = 0.82**) and tertiary (r = 0.8**) branches and total green pod yield (r = 0.99**). On the other hand marketable pod yield of hot pepper significantly and negatively correlated with unmarketable green pod yield. Days to 50% flowering, 50% pod setting and days to first harvest were not significantly correlated with marketable green pod yield (Table 6).

Table 6 Correlations between growth and yield parameter with yield

The results of correlation analysis generally indicate that improving growth and yield parameters like numbers of primary, secondary and tertiary branches through application of inorganic N and organic fertilizer like eco-green improves marketable green pod yield of pepper. In other words, improving positively correlated parameters increased marketable pod yield while improving negatively correlated parameters decreased marketable pod yield as indicated by Zelalem, Tekalign [50]. Therefore, optimization of inorganic nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer is critically important to improve yield of hot pepper.

3.5 Economic analysis of hot pepper as influenced by different rates of nitrogen and eco-green fertilizers

According to the manual of CIMMYT [37], applications of 59 kg N ha−1 combined with 125 l EG ha−1 resulted in the highest net benefit (Eth Birr 318,516.91 ha−1) (Table 7). The highest MRR (13,730%) was recorded from the treatment combination of 82 kg ha−1 N and 0 l ha−1 eco-green. However, the treatment combination of 59 kg ha−1 N and 125 l ha−1 eco-green recorded the highest net benefit (Eth Birr 318,516.91 ha−1) with acceptable level of MRR (1706%) as indicated in Table 8. As a result, this treatment combination was the most recommended and cost-effective for hot pepper production. This implies that using the best organic and inorganic fertilizers is critical for improving soil fertility and crop productivity. The result was in line with Jinwei and Lianren [51] and Lingaraju, Parameshwarappa [52] that a combined application of organic manure and inorganic fertilizer produced high net benefit income and cost–benefit ratio compared with the sole application of either organic or inorganic fertilizer on hot pepper crop. Accordingly, the stated treatment combination was thus the most profitable rate that could be recommended for hot pepper production in Bahir Dar zuria district of Amhara region.

Table 7 Partial budget analysis of hot pepper as influenced by different rates of nitrogen and eco-green fertilizers in Bahir Dar Zuria district during the 2019/2020 production season
Table 8 Marginal rate of return of hot pepper influenced by different rates of nitrogen and eco-green fertilizers

4 Conclusion

The results of this study demonstrate the significant positive impact of eco-green and inorganic nitrogen fertilizers on the growth and green pod yield of hot pepper in Bahir Dar Zuria District of Amhara Region, Ethiopia. The findings highlight the potential for improving the productivity of hot pepper through appropriate fertilization practices. Specifically, the combination of 59 kg N ha−1 and 125 L EG ha−1 emerged as the most effective treatment, resulting in the highest marketable and total green pod yields, as well as the highest net benefit with an acceptable marginal rate of return. These results emphasize the importance of balanced nitrogen and eco-green fertilizer application. Overall, this study contributes valuable insights for enhancing the sustainable cultivation of hot pepper and addressing the challenges associated with soil fertility depletion in Ethiopia. Since this study was conducted at one location for a single season, repetition of the study across different representative agro ecologies and seasons in the district both under rain fed and irrigation condition is recommended.