Correction to: Ther Innov Regul Sci (2022)

Analysis and results, paragraph 1 - the phrase “$2415 billion” should read “$2.415 billion”. The phrase “$50,671 billion” should read “$50.671 billion”. The phrase “$91,256 billion” should read “$91.256 billion”. Discussion Section, 1st paragraph, second to last sentence states: “Conversely, when public funding takes its minimum sample value and private funding takes its maximum sample value our model predicts the probability of FDA approval to be 97.3%” The value 97.3% should be 99.3%. Discussion section, 1st paragraph, 1st sentence begins: “Out study’s findings show no statistically significant relationship …”. “Out” should be “Our”. The dataset titles in Fig. 3 were reversed. The corrected Fig. 3 follows:

Figure 3.
figure 3

Funding by Highest Phase of Development Reached, for Projects not Resulting in an FDA-Approved Medicine ($US Million).