AI: [Logon 20:00] ‘Good morning James. Nice to see you today, 9 February 2035, 20:01, for your student evaluation meeting. Time to evaluate the last four weeks of your schoolwork. How are you doing with your studies?’

James: ‘I am doing pretty good, thanks. I need some help in planning though…’

AI: ‘How can I be of help?’

James: ‘The problem is French. I can’t get enough time in the lab to use the simulator. I am supposed to walk the streets of Paris, but it’s always fully booked. I need to finish up to start the next course.’

AI: ‘Thanks, James, I will check this… Post-pandemic six rules… single simulator use… scanning… maximum 5 students per pass… next unscheduled session Wednesday 14.00 -15.00… checking James’ schedule… booking… rescheduling History workshop 14.00–15.15 Wednesday…’

‘Advanced French (Level 6) booked and changes confirmed for consecutive weeks. Course completion estimated 15 March 2035.’

James: ‘Thanks, AI. What about Maths… do I really have to continue with the same group?’

AI: ‘Thanks, James, I am checking this. Maths advanced course 25… max 10 students per group… change of group. Course completion estimated 30 March 2035.’

[Delay warning] ‘Sorry, James, change of group means that your course completion date will be delayed for two months. This is not in line with your general study plan. My suggestion is that you continue with your group as agreed.’

James: ‘Ok, AI, but the kids in the group are so much older than me…’

AI: ‘Point taken. Age is not of interest in your individual study plan. Learning is optimized for time efficiency and motivation. Do you understand?’

James: ‘Yes. But I feel…’

AI: ‘Thanks, James. Feeling is not important here. Remember, study level is assessed for proper placement, course- and program- planning. Age is only of interest in curricular activities. You meet students of the same age every week in Physical Education Advanced 951 and Art and Design 253.’

James: ‘I know…’

AI: ‘Good, James. Do you have other issues to discuss with me today?’

James: ‘Is it ok to continue the English literature workshop on Thursday evenings?’

AI: ‘Thanks James, I am checking this… Literature workshop… place 10 of 12… attendance 6 of 10… completion date estimated 15 May 2035. Yes, James, continue this on Thursday evenings until completion. Estimated date of completion will not affect estimated university studies.’

‘James, do you have other issues to discuss with me today? Other changes in your study plans?’

James: ‘No, I think everything is ok. Thanks, AI!’

AI: ‘Thanks, James. Keep up the good work. Next scheduled meeting is on 6 February 2035. Evaluation plan will be sent to mentor, teachers, and parents.’ [Logoff 20:34]