Correction To: Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials (2022) 6:51

We discovered an issue in our paper ( published in Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials. We have identified an error in Fig. 3A, where an incorrect XRD graph of LI-NG-CDs (Fig. 3A b)) was inadvertently included in the figure assembly process. We have removed this XRD graph and substituted Fig. 3A with the corrected version provided in this correction. This displacement does not impact the content, results, and conclusion of the article or its integrity since the XRD of the final product (PEGylated LI-NG-CDs) as key sample is already included in the paper. Since the XRD patterns of amorphous materials do not really provide further information and also the original Fig. 3A contains the correct XRD pattern of the initial and final CDs products, removing the XRD pattern of the intermediate product will not affect the results of the paper. Additionally, we have revised the text below in the paper:

“As shown in Fig. 3A, the XRD pattern of PEGylated LI-NG-CDs illustrates a broad peak before 2θ = 20° which demonstrates an amorphous structure.”

figure a

Corrected Fig. 3A The XRD patterns of CDs and PEGylated LI-NG-CDs

figure b

Original Fig. 3A The XRD patterns of (a) CDs, (b) LI-NG-CDs, and (c) PEGylated LI-NG-CDs