
Choice rules are widely used in cognitive modeling in many domains of psychology, including decision making under risk (e.g., Bhatia & Loomes, 2017; Zilker et al., 2020), categorization (Kruschke, 1992; Love et al., 2004; Nosofsky, 1984), intertemporal choice (Wulff & Bos, 2018), fairness preferences (Olschewski et al., 2018), memory (Brown et al., 2007), and reinforcement learning (Erev & Roth, 1998). As link functions, they map decision variables that quantify the evidence in favor of different response options onto predictions about observable choice behavior. Because choice rules are typically not considered part of the core model but assumed to complement it (e.g., Kellen et al., 2016; Krefeld-Schwalb et al., 2022), the same core model can often be paired with various choice rules. However, inferences drawn in cognitive modeling are not necessarily robust to the use of different choice rules: For instance, parameter estimates for the same core model may differ substantially when different choice rules are used (see Blavatskyy & Pogrebna, 2010), and the combination of specific choice rules (e.g., parameterized logit) with specific core model components (e.g., a parameterized value function) can lead to parameter interdependencies (Broomell & Bhatia, 2014; Krefeld-Schwalb et al., 2022; Stewart et al., 2018). Moreover, it has been recognized that different choice rules can have differential effects on model fit and performance (e.g., Blavatskyy & Pogrebna, 2010; Loomes et al., 2002; Rieskamp, 2008; Stott, 2006; Wulff & Bos, 2018). This article demonstrates that implementing otherwise identical models using different choice rules can affect not only which model is inferred to perform best in a model comparison, but also the strength of the evidence obtained. In other words, the selection of choice rule can systematically affect the informativeness of model comparisons.

In this paper, a model comparison is considered informative to the extent that it changes the researcher’s beliefs about the relative plausibility of the competing models. Informativeness thus refers to the relative strength of evidence obtained for the competing models, which can be quantified using Bayes factors. For instance, if the data yield equal amounts of evidence for two models, the model comparison is uninformative.Footnote 1 How informative a model comparison is depends on whether and how the competing models’ predictions for a given set of choice problems differ (e.g., Broomell et al., 2019). If they do not differ, observed behavior is consistent with both models or with neither—either way, it is undiagnostic. The distinctiveness of competing models’ predictions depends not only on the experimental designs and stimulus materials used to collect data (e.g., Broomell et al., 2019; Glöckner & Betsch, 2008; Jekel et al., 2011; Myung & Pitt, 2009; Scheibehenne et al., 2009; Schönbrodt & Wagenmakers, 2018), but also on the assumptions made when implementing and estimating the models themselves, including the choice rule selected. This is because different choice rules make slightly different predictions about choice consistency. For instance, the deterministic choice rule and the trembling hand choice rule assume a constant probability of choosing the option that is deemed more attractive according to the core model (i.e., constant choice consistency). The logit choice rule and the probit choice rule instead assume that the probability of choosing the higher valued option (and thus choice consistency) increases as a function of the options’ difference in attractiveness according to the core model. Therefore, pairing the same core model with a different choice rule can produce different predictions about choice consistency. As will be shown, these seemingly subtle differences can determine whether competing models’ predictions for a given set of choice problems can be distinguished, thus rendering a model comparison substantially more (or less) informative.

In what follows, this argument is developed and illustrated with reference to four common choice rules and tested in a series of simulations and model comparisons between several variants of two influential models of decision making under risk: expected utility theory (EUT; Bernoulli, 1954) and cumulative prospect theory (CPT; Tversky & Kahneman, 1992). The informativeness of each model comparison is quantified using Bayes factors. The results demonstrate that combining the same pair of core models with the logit or probit choice rule, as opposed to the trembling hand or deterministic choice rule, can generate a systematic advantage in terms of informativeness (even when using the same stimuli). All else being equal, the selection of choice rule can thus determine the strength of the evidence obtained in a model comparison. Selecting a choice rule may be a powerful tool for enhancing diagnosticity, especially in situations where researchers lack complete control over experimental stimuli. For instance, in paradigms where participants learn about the options by sampling from noisy payoff distributions (e.g., in decisions from experience; Hertwig & Erev, 2009; Wulff et al., 2018), the encountered sampled distribution typically deviates from the ground truth payoff distribution in ways that are beyond the researcher’s control. Control over stimuli may also be limited in re-analyses of archival data or field experiments. More generally, the present analyses highlight the importance of systematically testing whether inferences in cognitive modeling are robust in the face of changes in seemingly secondary assumptions (Lee et al., 2019), and they showcase how this can be achieved. The insight that choice rules can considerably shape models’ predictions—sometimes more than core assumptions do—blurs the conventional distinction between core and auxiliary assumptions in cognitive modeling.

An Exemplary Pair of Core Models

This article uses two prominent models of decision making under risk, EUT (Bernoulli, 1954) and CPT (Tversky & Kahneman, 1992), as exemplary core models.Footnote 2 Both EUT and CPT describe preferences between options with probabilistic outcomes—for instance, a choice between an option offering an 80% chance to win $4, otherwise nothing, and an option offering a safe gain of $3. Both EUT and CPT can be paired with various choice rules. For the sake of the argument, they can be viewed as competing models of risky choice. Therefore, these models are well suited to illustrate how the choice rule used to derive predictions from competing core models can affect the distinctiveness of those predictions.

Both EUT and CPT compute subjective valuations for the options in risky choice problems. To keep formal complexity to a minimum, this article focuses on choice problems where each option j in each choice problem i offers one nonzero outcome xi,j from the domain of gains (xi,j > 0), which can be obtained with an associated probability p(xi,j) > 0, and an alternate outcome of zero, which can be obtained with probability 1 − p(xi,j). In safe options, p(xi,j) equals 1. In both EUT and CPT, objective outcomes are transformed into subjective values according to a value function v:

$$v\left({x}_{i,j}\right)= {x}_{i,j}^{\alpha }.$$

The outcome sensitivity parameter α can vary in the range [0,2]. For outcomes from the domain of gains, values of α < 1 indicate a concave value function, α = 1 indicates a linear value function, and values of α > 1 indicate a convex value function. In both EUT and CPT, the value function for the domain of gains is typically assumed to be concave (α < 1).Footnote 3 In EUT, each subjective value v(xi,j) is then weighted by its objective probability p(xi,j), and all weighted subjective values are summed up within each option. This yields the option’s overall valuation, VEUT,i,j, which, given only one nonzero outcome per option, simplifies to

$${V}_{EUT,i,j}=p\left({x}_{i,j}\right)\cdot v\left({x}_{i,j}\right).$$

When applying CPT to such choice problems, the probability of each option’s nonzero outcome is transformed according to a probability-weighting functionFootnote 4w:

$$w\left(p\right)= \frac{{p}^{\gamma }}{{({p}^{\gamma }+[1-{p}^{\gamma }])}^{{~}^{1}\!\left/ \!{~}_{\gamma}\right.}}$$

before weighting the corresponding subjective values v(xi,j) to obtain each option’s overall valuation:

$${V}_{CPT,i,j}=w(p\left({x}_{i,j}\right))\cdot v\left({x}_{i,j}\right).$$

The probability-weighting function w has a curvature parameter γ in the range [0,2]. For γ < 1 the probability-weighting function is inverse S-shaped—the shape commonly assumed in CPT. Under an inverse S-shape, small probabilities are overweighted, whereas mid-range and high probabilities are underweighted. For γ > 1, the probability-weighting function is S-shaped. For γ = 1, the probability-weighting function is linear, constituting weighting by objective probabilities, such that w(p) = p. Note that EUT is nested in CPT and can be expressed as CPT with a linear probability-weighting function—that is, with γ = 1.

Based on the valuations in EUT and CPT, it is possible to compute a decision variable Vdiff  capturing the difference in valuation between the options A and B on each choice problem i:

$${V}_{diff,EUT,i}= {V}_{EUT,i,A}-{V}_{EUT,i,B}$$

These decision variables Vdiff can be understood as indicating both direction and strength of preference in the respective core model. The sign of Vdiff captures the direction of preference. If Vdiff is positive, A is preferred over B; if Vdiff is negative, B is preferred over A. Vdiff = 0 indicates indifference. The absolute value |Vdiff| measures strength of preference. The larger the absolute difference in valuation between the options, |Vdiff|, the more strongly the core model that generated those valuations prefers the option with the higher valuation.

Four Choice Rules for Deriving Predictions From Core Models

To derive predictions about choice behavior from EUT and CPT that can be compared in the light of choice data, both models need to be paired with a choice rule. A choice rule maps the models’ latent preferences, captured in the decision variables, onto predictions about choice probabilities. To predict manifest choices, one can draw from a Bernoulli distribution, using the probability of choosing option A over option B on a given choice problem, p(A ≻ B), yielded by the choice rule, as the probability of success. This section describes four choice rules that can be used for this purpose: the deterministic choice rule, the trembling hand choice rule, the probit choice rule, and the logit choice rule.

Deterministic Choice Rule

The deterministic choice rule predicts that the option with the higher valuation according to the given core model is always chosen. This can be formalized in terms of a step function which yields a probability of choosing option A over option B, p(A ≻ B), of either 0 or 1:

$$\mathrm{p}\left(\mathrm{A}\succ \mathrm{B}\right)= \left\{\begin{array}{@{}ll@{}}1,& if \; {\mathrm{V}}_{\mathrm{diff}}\ge 0\\ 0,& if \;{\mathrm{V}}_{\mathrm{diff}}<0.\end{array}\right.$$

Figure 1A illustrates p(A ≻ B) under this choice rule. As can be seen, deterministic predictions depend only on the sign of Vdiff and not on its absolute value |Vdiff|. That is, deterministic predictions reflect direction of preference, but not strength of preference (see Busemeyer & Townsend, 1993).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Schematic illustration of the link between the decision variable Vdiff, capturing latent preference, and predicted choice probabilities under four choice rules. Note. For choice rules with free parameters, example settings of these parameters are color-coded.

The deterministic choice rule is typically considered overly simplistic. After all, people often behave differently when responding to the same choice problem more than once (Bhatia & Loomes, 2017; Hey, 2001; Mosteller & Nogee, 1951; Rieskamp et al., 2006; Wilcox, 2008). Stochastic choice rules make it possible to better account for such variable human behavior (Rieskamp, 2008) by predicting choice probabilities that can deviate from 0 and 1. They therefore allow for some inconsistencies—that is, choices of the option with the lower valuation according to the core model.

Trembling Hand Choice Rule

The stochastic choice rule that most closely resembles the deterministic choice rule is the trembling hand choice rule (Harless & Camerer, 1994). This choice rule implies that the option with the lower valuation is chosen with a constant error probability perr in the range [0,0.5]. Accordingly, the choice probability p(A ≻ B) is given by

$$\mathrm{p}\left(\mathrm{A}\succ \mathrm{B}\right)=\left(1-{\mathrm{p}}_{\mathrm{err}}\right)\cdot \mathrm{s}\left({\mathrm{V}}_{\mathrm{diff}}\right)+ {\mathrm{p}}_{\mathrm{err}}\cdot \mathrm{s}\left({-\mathrm{V}}_{\mathrm{diff}}\right),$$

where s denotes a step function

$$\mathrm{s}(\mathrm{x})= \left\{\begin{array}{@{}ll@{}}1,& if \; x\ge 0\\ 0,& if \; x<0\end{array}\right.$$

analogous to the one constituting the deterministic choice rule (Eq. 6). As a consequence, and in analogy to deterministic predictions, the choice probability predicted by trembling hand also depends only on the direction (the sign of Vdiff) and not on the strength (the absolute value |Vdiff|) of preference in the core model. The trembling hand choice rule is illustrated in Fig. 1B. Note that the deterministic choice rule can be viewed as a special case of trembling hand, with perr = 0.

Logit Choice Rule

The logit (or softmax) choice rule specifies the probability that option A is chosen over option B as

$$\mathrm{p}\left(\mathrm{A}\succ \mathrm{B}\right)= \frac{1}{1+ {\mathrm{e}}^{-\rho \cdot {\mathrm{V}}_{\mathrm{diff}}}}$$

This choice rule has a choice consistency parameter ρ ≥ 0. Under ρ = 0, the choice probability is 0.5—that is, behavior is random and independent of Vdiff. With increasing values of ρ, the probability of choosing the option with the higher valuation according to the core model increases. Under very high values of ρ, the probability of choosing the option with the higher valuation approaches 1 (i.e., deterministic behavior).

Moreover, note that in Eq. 9 p(A ≻ B) also depends on Vdiff. For instance, the probability of choosing A over B, p(A≻B), increases under higher positive values of Vdiff—that is, if option A is more strongly preferred over option B, option A is predicted to be chosen more consistently. More generally, stronger preferences (higher absolute values |Vdiff|) imply choice probabilities closer to 0 or 1 (more consistent behavior), whereas weaker preferences (lower absolute values |Vdiff|) imply mid-range choice probabilities closer to 0.5 (more inconsistent behavior). Probabilistic predictions derived from the logit choice rule thus depend on both direction and strength of preference (see Busemeyer & Townsend, 1993). The logit choice rule is illustrated in Fig. 1C.

Probit Choice Rule

The probit choice rule (Thurstone, 1927) is defined as

$$\mathrm{p}\left(\mathrm{A}\succ \mathrm{B}\right)=\Phi \frac{{\mathrm{V}}_{\mathrm{diff}}}{\upbeta }$$

where Φ denotes a probit transformation of the subsequent term, scaling values on the real line to the range between 0 and 1 (see Rouder & Lu, 2005). It has a choice consistency parameter β > 0. For lower values of β, the probability of choosing the option with the higher valuation increases. As Fig. 1D shows, the sigmoidal shape of the probit choice rule closely resembles that of the logit choice rule. The choice probability predicted by probit depends on both the choice consistency parameter and the difference in valuation between the options. Thus, like the choice probabilities predicted by the logit choice rule, choice probabilities predicted by the probit choice rule covary with both direction and strength of preference.

How Might Different Choice Rules Affect Model Distinguishability?

The distinguishability of competing models’ predictions is a crucial precondition for informative model comparisons. If the competing models’ predictions for a given set of choice problems do not differ from each other, then the observed behavior is consistent with both models or with neither—either way, it is undiagnostic.

How and under what circumstances can the choice rule used to derive predictions from competing models affect the distinguishability of those predictions? Two exemplary choice problems illustrate this point. Choice problem 1 offers option A1, an 80% chance to gain $4, otherwise nothing; and option B1, a 100% chance to gain $3. Choice problem 2 offers option A2, a 20% chance to gain $4, otherwise nothing; and option B2, a 25% chance to gain $3. These problems are based on classical experiments by Kahneman and Tversky (1979) and were used more recently by Broomell et al. (2019) to illustrate issues of model distinguishability. Table 1 displays the decision variable Vdiff for EUT and CPT as well as the corresponding choice probabilities, derived using each of the four choice rules, for these two choice problems. The rightmost column for each choice problem specifies whether the predictions of EUT and CPT derived from each choice rule are distinguishable from each other.

Table 1 Decision variables Vdiff and predicted choice probabilities p(A ≻ B) derived from EUT and CPT for two exemplary choice problems

As can be seen, in choice problem 1, the predicted choice probability p(A ≻ B) derived from EUT can be distinguished from the corresponding choice probability derived from CPT under each of the four choice rules. However, this is not the case for choice problem 2; here, the predicted choice probabilities p(A ≻ B) are indistinguishable when the deterministic choice rule or the trembling hand choice rule is used. This simple example illustrates that the distinguishability of the same pair of competing core models’ predictions can indeed depend on the choice rule used. But why is that the case?

Note that in choice problem 1, EUT and CPT differ in both direction and strength of preference (both the sign and the absolute value of Vdiff differ between EUT and CPT). As established earlier, the predictions of all four choice rules depend on the direction of preference. Hence, under all four choice rules, the predictions of competing models can be distinguished whenever their decision variables imply different directions of preference. More specifically, in choice problem 1, EUT predicts that option A1 is more likely to be chosen than option B1, and is thus distinguishable from CPT, which predicts that option B1 is more likely to be chosen than option A1—under all choice rules.

In choice problem 2, however, EUT and CPT differ only in strength, not direction of preference (only the absolute value, not the sign, of Vdiff differs between EUT and CPT). Therefore, under all choice rules, both EUT and CPT predict that option A2 is more likely to be chosen than option B2. Because the choice probabilities predicted by the deterministic choice rule and the trembling hand choice rule depend only on direction of preference, not on strength of preference, predictions derived using either of these choice rules cannot be distinguished when the core models’ decision variables differ only in strength of preference (as is the case for EUT and CPT in choice problem 2).

By contrast, the choice probabilities predicted by logit and probit do depend on strength of preference. Predictions derived from competing models using logit or probit can therefore be distinguishable even if the core models’ decision variables differ only in strength of preference. For instance, in choice problem 2, the absolute value of Vdiff is higher for CPT than for EUT. Therefore, choice consistency is predicted to be higher (i.e., p(A ≻ B) is closer to 1) for CPT than for EUT under both logit and probit. The two models can therefore be distinguished on the basis of differences in observed choice consistency.

To summarize, whether or not competing models’ predictions for a given set of choice problems can be distinguished can depend systematically on the choice rule used to derive them. For choice problems where the core models compared differ in direction of preference, the predictions can be distinguished under all of the choice rules considered. For choice problems where the core models compared differ in strength, but not direction of preference, the predictions can be distinguished only if they were derived using logit or probit.

The capacity of logit and probit to predict differences in choice consistency on the basis of differences in strength of preference alone might therefore render model comparisons using these choice rules systematically more informative than model comparisons using the deterministic or trembling hand choice rule. Arguably, however, the choice probabilities predicted for competing models that differ only in strength of preference can be quite similar (under both logit and probit). For instance, in choice problem 2, the choice probabilities predicted by probit for EUT and CPT differ by just 0.07. It is not clear whether such small differences in predicted choice probabilities noticeably increase the informativeness of model comparisons and, if so, by how much. Therefore, the next sections explicitly test and quantify how the informativeness of model comparisons is affected by (potentially small) differences in predictions about choice consistency caused by using logit or probit rather than the trembling hand or the deterministic choice rule. To this end, data are generated from different variants of EUT and CPT, paired with the four choice rules. For each data set, several model comparisons between EUT and CPT are conducted, based on predictions derived using each of the four choice rules. Bayes factors are used to quantify how the informativeness of these comparisons differs depending on the choice rule used.


Choice Problems

A pool of 10,000 choice problems, each offering a risky option A and a safe option B, were constructed using the following procedure: The nonzero outcome of the risky option, xi,A, was uniformly sampled from the range from 1 to 10 and rounded to two digits. The second outcome of the risky option was set to zero. The probability p(xi,A) of the nonzero outcome of the risky option was sampled uniformly from the range 0.01 to 0.99 (thus also yielding the probability of the zero outcome 1 − p(xi,A)). The safe outcome xi,B was sampled from a uniform distribution ranging from the smaller to the larger risky outcome of the same choice problem and rounded to two digits. This procedure prevents dominated choice problems (i.e., problems where all outcomes of one option are larger than all outcomes of the other option). The probability of the safe outcome was set to p(xi,B) = 1.

From the pool of 10,000 choice problems, 30 smaller subsets were sampled, each consisting of 100 choice problems for which EUT (with α = 0.88) and CPT (with α = 0.88, γ = 0.61)Footnote 5 imply the same direction, but different strengths of preference (analogous to choice problem 2 in the “Introduction” section). These problems make it possible to isolate and measure the potential gain in informativeness of model comparisons when predictions are derived using choice rules that can predict differences in choice consistency on the basis of strength of preference, relative to choice rules that cannot.Footnote 6 Repeating the analyses for various sets of choice problems helps to ensure robustness—that is, to ensure that the results obtained are not merely an artefact of a particular set of stimuli.


In separate runs of the simulation, eight generative models were used to simulate data, each consisting of either EUT or CPT as the core model, complemented by one of the four choice rules. These generative models can be written as EUTdeterministic, EUTtrembling hand, EUTlogit, EUTprobit, CPTdeterministic, CPTtrembling hand, CPTlogit, and CPTprobit. The choice rule used to simulate data is henceforth referred to as the generative choice rule. The parameters of the generative choice rules were set to perr = 0.1, ρ = 5, and β = 0.5 for the simulations. The parameters of the generative core models EUT and CPT were set to α = 0.88 and γ = 0.61. The “Discussion” section and Appendix B demonstrate how varying the parameter settings of both core models and choice rules can affect the distinguishability of competing models’ predictions. Each of the eight generative models was used to simulate 100 responses to each of the 30 sets of choice problems. In total, this procedure yielded 8 (generative models) × 30 (sets of choice problems) = 240 data sets, each consisting of 100 (choices per problem) × 100 (problems per problem set) = 10, 000 choices.

Each of the 240 data sets was subjected to four model comparisons between EUT and CPT. The four model comparisons for each simulated data set differed with respect to the choice rule used to derive predictions from the compared core models—henceforth referred to as the recovered choice rule. That is, for each data set, one model comparison was conducted between EUTdeterministic and CPTdeterministic, one between EUTtrembling hand and CPTtrembling hand, one between EUTlogit and CPTlogit, and one between EUTprobit and CPTprobit. Running these four model comparisons for each data set made it possible to test whether and to what extent the recovered choice rule affects the informativeness of model comparisons, all else being equal (i.e., with the same choice problems and data). Note that the procedure achieves a full crossover of choice rules used in data generation and model comparison. This also implies that in some model comparisons, the variants compared include the true generative model (e.g., when EUTlogit and CPTlogit are compared based on data generated in EUTlogit), whereas in other model comparisons, they do not (e.g., when EUTlogit and CPTlogit are compared based on data generated in EUTdeterministic). In the former case, it is possible to assess both whether the true generative model could be successfully identified and how informative the model comparison was. In the latter case, it is not meaningful to ask whether the true generative model was successfully identified (because it was not among the candidate models compared), but it is nevertheless possible to evaluate how informative the model comparison was. This is because a set of data may be more likely under one of the models than the other, even if neither is the true generative model—at least as long as the candidate models make distinguishable predictions. The “Discussion” section further elaborates implications of this notion of informativeness in model comparisons in which the true generative model is not among the compared models.

Quantifying the Informativeness of Model Comparisons Using Bayes Factors

Bayes factors (Jeffreys, 1961; Kass & Raftery, 1995; Raftery, 1995) are an intuitive and well-established tool for comparing models. They measure how much evidence a given set of data, D, provides in favor of one competing model relative to another. Put differently, they make it possible to assess how much D changes one’s beliefs about the relative plausibility of the competing models (Morey et al., 2016)—that is, how informative a comparison of the models based on D is. The Bayes factor for comparing EUTc and CPTc (where c stands for a given recovered choice rule used to derive the compared predictions) for a data set D is given by

$${\mathrm{B}}_{{\mathrm{EUT}}_{\mathrm{c}},{\mathrm{CPT}}_{\mathrm{c}}}= \frac{\mathrm{p}(\mathrm{D}|{\mathrm{EUT}}_{\mathrm{c}})}{\mathrm{p}(\mathrm{D}|{\mathrm{CPT}}_{\mathrm{c}})}$$

The marginal likelihoods p(D|EUTc) and p(D|CPTc) capture how likely the data set D is under EUTc and CPTc, respectively. For instance, a Bayes factor \(B_{{EUT}_{c},\; CPT_{c}}\) = 10 indicates that D is 10 times more likely under EUTc than under CPTc. More generally, if D is equally likely under EUTc and CPTc—that is, if the model comparison is undiagnostic—the Bayes factor is \(B_{EUT_{c}, \; CPT_{c}}\) = 1. If the model comparison provides evidence in favor of EUTc over CPTc, the Bayes factor is \(B_{EUT_{c}, CPT_{c}}\) > 1, and if the model comparison provides evidence in favor of CPTc over EUTc, the Bayes factor is \(B_{EUT_{c},\; CPT_{c}}\) < 1. The Bayes factor can be rendered symmetric at 0 by applying a log transformation. Table 2 offers suggestions for interpreting Bayes factors, adapted from Lee and Wagenmakers (2013) and Schönbrodt and Wagenmakers (2018).

Table 2 Guidelines for interpreting Bayes factors

The Savage–Dickey density-ratio method (Wagenmakers et al., 2010) was used to estimate Bayes factors \(B_{EUT_{c},\; CPT_{c}}\) in the current analyses. This method makes it possible to compute Bayes factors for comparisons between nested models. In the current implementation, each EUTc with a given choice rule c is nested in the corresponding variant of CPTc with the same choice rule. Whereas in EUTc, the parameter γ is fixed to the value of 1, constituting weighting by objective probabilities, in CPTc, the parameter γ can vary in the range [0, 2]. The Bayes factor \(B_{EUT_{c},\; CPT_{c}}\) can be obtained by fitting a data set in CPTc, with γ as a free parameter, and dividing the height of the posterior density of γ at the value of γ = 1 by the height of the prior density of γ at the value of γ = 1:

$$\frac{{p}({D}|{EUT}_{c})}{{p}({D}|{CPT}_{c})}= \frac{{p}(\upgamma =1|{{D},{CPT}}_{c})}{{p}(\upgamma |{CPT}_{c})}$$

A more detailed introduction to the Savage–Dickey density-ratio method is provided by Wagenmakers et al. (2010).

To obtain the posterior densities p(γ = 1|D,CPTc), each simulated data set was fitted in the various variants of CPTc with the different recovered choice rules c. Each variant of CPTc was implemented in a nonhierarchical manner, because the simulations assumed no individual differences in the generative parameters. All model variants were implemented in JAGS and estimated using the R2jags package for R (Su & Yajima, 2015) by running 30 parallel chains of 35,000 samples each. The first 5000 samples from each chain constituted the burn-in period and were discarded from analysis. The posterior samples for the parameters α and γ and the parameters of the different stochastic choice rules were monitored. In models that pair a parameterized value function with a parameterized choice rule (e.g., CPT), these functions’ parameters often trade off against each other. These structural parameter interdependencies can make it difficult to reliably identify appropriate parameter estimates, but this problem can be resolved by retransforming the options’ valuations to their original scale according to


before subjecting their difference, Vdiff,CPT,i = VtCPT,i,A − VtCPT,i,B, to the choice rule (see Krefeld-Schwalb et al., 2022; Stewart et al., 2018). This retransformation was applied to each estimated variant of CPT.

If the potential scale reduction factor (Gelman & Rubin, 1992) was \(\widehat{\mathrm{R}}\) ≤ 1.01 for all parameters of the fitted model (indicating good convergence), the obtained estimates were included in the further analyses. Table 3 provides an overview of the proportion of models that failed to converge. As can be seen, convergence did not depend much on whether EUT or CPT was used as the data-generating core model. Convergence tended to be better when fitting models equipped with the deterministic or trembling hand choice rule as the recovered choice rule than when fitting models equipped with logit or probit. Convergence also depended on the choice rule assumed in the generative process. Specifically, 0% of models failed to converge when the trembling hand choice rule was used as the generative choice rule, whereas a higher proportion of models failed to converge when other choice rules were used as the generative choice rule. Appendix C provides more detailed results on convergence for individual model parameters.

Table 3 Percentage of models that failed to converge

For the converged models, the posterior densities p(γ = 1|D,CPTc) were obtained based on kernel density estimation on the posterior samples of γ using the KernSmooth package in R (Wand, 2020). In some cases, this density estimation yielded values for the posterior density at p(γ = 1|D,CPTc) that were extremely close to zero but negative (i.e., impossible) or that equaled zero (making log transformation of the Bayes factor intractable). These estimates were excluded from further analyses. Appendix D reports the results when these density estimates are replaced by arbitrarily small positive values instead, showing that this does not sway the qualitative pattern of results. A noninformative uniform prior on the interval [0,2] was used for γ, yielding a prior density of p(γ = 1|CPTc) = 0.5. The detailed prior specification for the remaining model parameters is reported in Appendix E. Entering the posterior densities p(γ = 1|D,CPTc) and the prior density of p(γ = 1|CPTc) = 0.5 into Eq. 12 yields Bayes factors. These Bayes factors were log-transformed. Finally, for each set of model comparisons between EUTc and CPTc with a particular choice rule c and for each generative model g, the median μc,g across the individual log-transformed Bayes factors was calculated and rounded to three digits. As a measure of the central tendency, μc,g quantifies the expected informativeness of the respective set of model comparisons.


Figure 2 displays the results for all model comparisons between EUTc and CPTc for the four recovered choice rules c used to derive predictions from the core models. Each small gray triangle indicates the log-transformed Bayes factor obtained in an individual model comparison for one of the 30 data sets simulated using each generative model. The larger colored triangles represent μc,g for each generative model g and recovered choice rule c. The strength of evidence indicated by μc,g—that is, the expected informativeness of this set of model comparisons—is color-coded according to Table 2. The values of μc,g, rounded to three digits, are summarized in Table 4. Comparing these values provides insights into whether and how much the recovered choice rule c used to derive compared predictions from the core models affects the informativeness of the model comparisons.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Bayes factors for model comparisons between EUTc and CPTc with the four recovered choice rules c, and based on data generated using different generative models g (y-axis). Note. Each small gray triangle indicates the log-transformed Bayes factor obtained in an individual model comparison based on one of the 30 data sets for each generative model g. Larger colored triangles indicate the median μc,g across the individual log-transformed Bayes factors for each combination of a generative model g and a recovered choice rule c. The strength of evidence indicated by μc,g is color-coded. EUT = expected utility theory; CPT = cumulative prospect theory.

Table 4 Results of model comparisons between EUTc and CPTc based on various recovered choice rules c and data generated in various generative models g

Model Comparisons Based on Deterministic Predictions

Figure 2A displays the results obtained for the comparisons between EUTdeterministic and CPTdeterministic—that is, when the deterministic choice rule was used as the recovered choice rule. Because EUT and CPT differ in strength but not direction of preference in the choice problems used for simulations, the predictions of EUTdeterministic and CPTdeterministic are indistinguishable from each other in the current choice sets. Consistently, μdeterministic,g varied between 0.527 and 1.034 across the eight generative models g, indicating anecdotal evidence. That is, even if one of the models compared (EUTdeterministic or CPTdeterministic) was the true generative model, it could not be successfully identified. The  model comparisons based on data generated using other variants of EUT and CPT were also largely uninformative.

Model Comparisons Based on Trembling Hand Predictions

A similar picture emerged for the comparisons between EUTtrembling hand and CPTtrembling hand (Fig. 2B). Because EUT and CPT differ in strength but not direction of preference in the choice problems used for the simulations, the predictions of EUTtrembling hand and CPTtrembling hand were again indistinguishable from each other in these problems. Consistently, the values of μtrembling hand,g varied between 0.564 and 1.027 across the eight generative models g. This indicates that the model comparisons between EUTtrembling hand and CPTtrembling hand were largely uninformative, and this held across the generative models. That is, even when one of the models compared (EUTtrembling hand or CPTtrembling hand) was the true generative model, it could not be successfully identified.

These uninformative model comparisons between EUTdeterministic and CPTdeterministic and between EUTtrembling hand and CPTtrembling hand establish a baseline against which it is possible to gauge how much informativeness increases when predictions are derived using a choice rule that is able to predict differences in choice consistency on the basis of differences in strength of evidence (logit, probit). Can using logit or probit rather than the trembling hand or the deterministic choice rule noticeably increase the informativeness of model comparisons?

Model Comparisons Based on Logit Predictions

Figure 2C displays the results for the comparisons between EUTlogit and CPTlogit. Although EUT and CPT differ only in strength, not direction of preference in the choice problems used for the simulations, the predictions of EUTlogit and CPTlogit can be distinguished. The absolute difference between the choice probabilities predicted by EUTlogit and CPTlogit across the various sets of choice problems was, on average, 0.0503. Did these subtle differences between the models’ predictions under the logit choice rule noticeably enhance the informativeness of the model comparisons?

First, consider the results when one of the models compared (EUTlogit or CPTlogit) was the true generative model: The model comparisons based on data generated in EUTlogit yielded μlogit,EUTlogit = 3.203, indicating strong evidence for EUTlogit over CPTlogit. The model comparisons based on data generated in CPTlogit yielded μlogit,CPTlogit =  − 34.158, indicating extreme evidence for CPTlogit over EUTlogit. In both cases, the true generative model was successfully identified, and the model comparisons were highly informative. Next, consider the model comparisons for data generated in models other than EUTlogit or CPTlogit—that is, where the true generative model was not among the models compared. Although it is not meaningful to ask whether the true generative model could be identified in these cases, the Bayes factors still make it possible to evaluate how informative the model comparisons were. Notably, the model comparisons based on data generated in EUTdeterministic, CPTdeterministic, EUTtrembling hand, CPTtrembling hand, and CPTprobit also yielded extreme evidence. Only when data was generated in EUTprobit was evidence merely moderate. That is, the model comparisons between EUTlogit and CPTlogit were also considerably more informative than the corresponding model comparisons between EUTdeterministic and CPTdeterministic and between EUTtrembling hand and CPTtrembling hand.

Model Comparisons Based on Probit Predictions

The results for the model comparisons between EUTprobit and CPTprobit are displayed in Fig. 2D. The absolute difference between the choice probabilities predicted by EUTprobit and CPTprobit across the various sets of choice problems was, on average, 0.0595, comparable to the differences between the choice probabilities predicted by EUTlogit and CPTlogit.

First, consider the results for the comparisons where one of the models compared was the true generative model: The model comparisons based on data generated in EUTprobit yielded μprobit,EUTprobit = 2.749, indicating strong evidence for EUTprobit over CPTprobit. The model comparisons based on data generated in CPTprobit yielded μprobit,CPTprobit =  − 34.400, indicating extreme evidence for CPTprobit over EUTprobit. That is, in both cases, the true generative model was successfully identified, and the model comparisons were highly informative. These results further support the idea that deriving predictions using a choice rule such as probit (or logit) that can predict differences in choice consistency on the basis of differences in strength of preference can increase the informativeness of model comparisons.

Next, consider the model comparisons for data generated in models other than EUTprobit or CPTprobit, that is, where the true generative model was not among the models compared. Whereas some of these model comparisons also yielded strong (for data generated in EUTlogit) or even extreme evidence (for data generated in EUTtrembling hand, CPTtrembling hand, and CPTlogit), others yielded only anecdotal evidence (for data generated in EUTdeterministic and CPTdeterministic). These results add the important insight that relying on a choice rule that makes it possible to derive distinguishable predictions does not necessarily entail an increase in informativeness. Instead, whether such an increase manifests also depends on the data. Specifically, it depends on whether the data are indeed more likely under one of the models compared (see Eq. 11)—which may or may not be the case when the true data-generating model is not among the models compared. A given set of data may still be similarly likely (or unlikely) under both models, even if they make different predictions. Therefore, relying on a choice rule such as logit or probit alone does not guarantee informativeness, especially if the true data-generating model is unknown. Navarro et al. (2004) offer an in-depth discussion of the relationship between competing models, their distinguishability, and the data used to compare them.


The present analyses provide evidence that the capacity of the logit and probit choice rules to predict differences in choice consistency on the basis of differences in strength of preference can render model comparisons more informative than model comparisons using the deterministic or trembling hand choice rule, whose predictions only depend on direction of preference. Seemingly subtle differences in predictions about choice consistency can noticeably (and even substantially) increase the distinctiveness of compared models’ predictions and the informativeness of model comparisons. The analyses here highlight that building blocks of models that are often portrayed as auxiliary, and considered secondary to assumptions that supposedly constitute the core of a model, can fundamentally shape predictions and inferences.

The following sections discuss the impact of parameter settings on the distinguishability of models’ predictions, the notion of informativeness when true data-generating models are unknown, the impact of stimuli and data on informativeness, the generalizability of the results to other domains and types of core model, and in which situations it might be particularly useful to maximize model distinguishability by selecting an appropriate choice rule.

Model Distinguishability Depends on Parameter Settings

The simulations reported in this manuscript relied on a fixed set of parameters for the core constructs of EUT and CPT, as well as for the diverse choice rules. Varying these parameters may modulate the results. For instance, if CPT’s parameter γ were set closer to 1, the probability-weighting function would become more linear—that is, more similar to the assumption of objective weighting in EUT. As a consequence, the two models’ predictions would become more similar, and less distinguishable, even given a choice rule such as logit or probit. This is demonstrated in more detail in Appendix B.

Likewise, the choice rules themselves could be equipped with parameter values under which they mimic each other’s predictions to a higher degree. For instance, when the parameter ρ of the logit choice rule is set to a very high value, the shape of the sigmoid approaches a step function—rendering the predictions less distinguishable in terms of strength of preference. The same holds when assuming extremely low values for the parameter β of the probit choice rule. The predictions of a given model—and their distinguishability from predictions of other models—may vary considerably when assuming different parameter settings of its choice rule. Appendix B demonstrates how the similarity of predictions derived from the logit choice rule and the trembling hand choice rule depends on their parameter settings. It also showcases that in some cases, varying the parameter settings of a choice rule may even impact a model’s predictions more drastically than would reliance on different core assumptions.

Overall, it is important to acknowledge that the distinguishability of model predictions—and hence informativeness—depends not only on the specific functional form of the employed choice rules or core models, but also on their parameter settings. Moreover, the substantial impact of choice rules’ parameter settings on model predictions, which can sometimes be more severe than the impact of core assumptions (see Appendix B) calls into doubt whether it is reasonable to distinguish between auxiliary and core assumptions in the first place.

Comparing Models When the True Generative Process is Unknown

In some of the conducted model comparisons the true generative model was not among the compared models. These cases resemble many applications of model comparisons to empirical data, where the true generative model is typically unknown and an exact representation of it is unlikely to be among the candidate models. Such model comparisons provide instructive examples that showcase how drawing a distinction between auxiliary and core assumptions may lead researchers’ intuitions astray, and they highlight some crucial aspects of the current notion of informativeness.

Distinguishing Between Core and Auxiliary Assumptions Can Be Misleading

In a model comparisons based on data generated using EUTtrembling hand, the evidence strongly favored CPTlogit over EUTlogit—although EUTlogit relies on the same core assumptions as the true generative model, EUTtrembling hand, and might thus intuitively be considered the better model to account for the data. Did the model comparison fail because it pointed in the apparently wrong direction by favoring CPTlogit? To address this question, consider that the intuition that EUTlogit might be a better model for data generated in EUTtrembling hand than CPTlogit is based purely on the matched core assumptions. However, both compared models deviate from the true generative process—at least if one takes into account their choice rules as well. In this light, the results here indicate that the predictions of EUTtrembling hand deviate more strongly from those of EUTlogit than from those of CPTlogit. This highlights that core assumptions may not necessarily be the key determinant of a model’s predictions (and thus the evidence it obtains), and that in some cases, auxiliary assumptions may be similarly if not more important. This point is also demonstrated in Appendix B, which shows that varying the parameter of choice rules can have a more substantial impact on model distinguishability compared to relying on a different set of core assumptions. Crucially, the obtained Bayes factors are informative regarding the entirety of the models. Interpreting them with an exclusive focus on core assumptions while disregarding auxiliary ones can give rise to misconceptions—such as the notion that the model comparison might have failed because the core assumptions of the nonfavored model match the generative process better than do those of the favored model. Instead of casting doubt on the results of the model comparison, the example above highlights how the artificial distinction between core and auxiliary assumptions may lead intuition and the interpretation of results astray.

How can Model Comparisons be Informative When All Compared Models are Wrong?

Informativeness, as defined and quantified here in terms of Bayes factors, does not refer to the ability to identify the true model. Such a narrow definition would imply that most empirical investigations, in which an exact representation of the true model is typically unknown and unlikely to be among the candidate models, are bound to be uninformative. Instead, model comparisons can be considered informative to the extent that they help refine the researchers’ beliefs about the relative plausibility of different hypotheses—regardless of whether the true generative model is one of them. In this sense, the model comparison between CPTlogit and EUTlogit based on data generated in EUTtrembling hand discussed above can be considered highly informative, since it shows that the data are much more plausible under one of the compared models than the other. One might even argue that the impression that CPTlogit being favored over EUTlogit is counterintuitive—arguably itself an indication of prior beliefs about the relative plausibility of the data given the models—is a sign that the model comparison is highly informative.

Bayes Factors as a Measure of Informativeness

Some features of using the Bayes factor as a measure for informativeness also warrant further discussion.

Punishment of Model Complexity

When interpreting the results of the presented simulations, it is helpful to note that the Bayes factor implicitly punishes model complexity. Given a more complex model whose prior predictions cover a larger range of eventualities, data consistent with the model’s predictions provide weaker evidence in favor of the model than if the model had been more parsimonious and made more informed predictions (Wagenmakers et al., 2010). If the data are uninformative regarding the compared models, the Bayes factor will favor the more parsimonious model. For instance, take a comparison between EUTdeterministic and CPTdeterministic in choice problems where both models predict the same choices—that is, where data are uninformative. The two models are identical, except that the parameter γ is fixed to 1 in EUTdeterministic, whereas the prior for γ in CPTdeterministic is spread out across the range [0, 2]. This difference makes CPTdeterministic more complex than EUTdeterministic. Consistently, the Bayes factors for this model comparison slightly favor EUTdeterministic (see Table 4). The same is true for other model comparisons between EUTdeterministic and CPTdeterministic, and between EUTtrembling hand and CPTtrembling hand. While this is a rather intuitive assessment of model complexity, additional analyses presented in Appendix F more rigorously corroborate that each variant of CPT included in the current comparisons is more complex than the nested variant of EUT; this is achieved by quantifying the flexibility of their prior predictive distributions. Overall, the impact of model complexity explains why the Bayes factors computed for uninformative model comparisons (i.e., where the deterministic or trembling hand choice rule are used as the recovered choice rule) slightly but consistently favor EUT (see Table 4).

Relative Versus Absolute Evidence

Defined as the ratio of marginal likelihoods of competing models, the Bayes factor is an inherently relative measure of evidence. Therefore, similar Bayes factors—in the current context indicating similarly informative model comparisons—can result from very different constellations of marginal likelihoods. For instance, a Bayes factor close to 1, indicating an uninformative model comparison, could reflect that the data provide either strong or weak support for both of the compared models. Moreover, a model with a low marginal likelihood can be favored by a highly decisive Bayes factor, as long as the alternative model performs even worse. Therefore, in principle, Bayes factors—and thus informativeness—could be hacked by intentionally entering an abysmal model into the comparison. This illustrates that maximizing informativeness alone and at all costs does not guarantee that a model comparison will ultimately be useful (see also the section “Choosing Model Assumptions to Maximize Informativeness at All Costs?” below). Sometimes it may be helpful to quantify not only the relative but also the absolute evidence for considered models, by computing their individual marginal likelihoods. While the Savage–Dickey density-ratio method evades the computation of marginal likelihoods, other powerful methods exist that can be used for this purpose (e.g., bridgesampling; Gronau et al., 2017, 2020).

Choosing Model Assumptions to Maximize Informativeness at All Costs?

Informativeness is an important objective when designing and conducting model comparisons, but it is not the only one. Identifying which (core and auxiliary) assumptions of models are reasonable to implement also depends on the substantial research question that the model comparison is intended to address. This implies that in some situations, there may be a trade-off between maximizing the distinctiveness of compared models’ predictions and formalizing one’s hypotheses about the data-generating processes in a veritable, undistorted manner. For instance, if an essential, psychologically meaningful aspect of the hypotheses to be tested is that the error term conforms to a trembling hand, it may not be sensible to implement models using a logit or probit choice rule for the sole purpose of rendering the models’ predictions more distinctive. Although the model comparison might be informative, it might be informative for a different hypothesis. In such a case, the researcher might prefer to pragmatically bypass the described trade-off by maximizing informativeness using other available tools, such as the designing stimuli and experimental designs, to the extent possible.Footnote 7 Another possibility to increase the distinctiveness of competing models is to consider predictions regarding various dependent variables, such as choice data and response times (Evans et al., 2019).

Overall, choosing model assumptions with an exclusive focus on informativeness may defeat the purpose of conducting a given model comparison in the first place if it comes at the cost of addressing the substantial research question. The present work should not be interpreted as a general recommendation to use the logit or probit choice rules for this sole purpose at all costs. Rather, it highlights an important facet of how choice rules can modulate model predictions, thus enabling researchers to select choice rules and other auxiliary assumptions in a more informed manner—while keeping in mind the research question at hand.

Generalizability to Comparisons of Different Types of Core Models

The analyses reported here relied on exemplary models of risky choice, EUT and CPT, to illustrate and test how choice rules affect the informativeness of model comparisons. Choice rules are common not only in models of decision making under risk (e.g., Bhatia & Loomes, 2017; Zilker et al., 2020), but also in models of categorization (Kruschke, 1992; Love et al., 2004; Nosofsky, 1984), intertemporal choice (Wulff & van den Bos, Wulff & Bos, 2018), fairness preferences (Olschewski et al., 2018), memory (Brown et al., 2007), reinforcement learning (Erev & Roth, 1998), and other domains of psychology. Choice rule selection may therefore also affect model distinguishability in these domains.

However, not all models lend themselves to being complemented by (all of) the stochastic choice rules discussed here. Consider, for example, heuristics, a prominent class of mostly deterministic models (Gigerenzer & Todd, 1999). Many heuristics do not compute a decision variable that quantifies the evidence in favor of different response options and that could be subjected to a choice rule such as logit or probit (cf. He et al., 2022). It is possible to render heuristics probabilistic by using a constant implementation error (analogous to trembling hand). However, like deterministic predictions, predictions based on trembling hand performed relatively poorly in terms of model distinguishability in the present analyses. This limited potential to complement heuristics with different stochastic choice rules may create a systematic disadvantage in terms of diagnosticity for model comparisons including models from this class. For instance, Brandstätter et al. (2006) proposed the priority heuristic, a noncompensatory strategy for risky choice, as a competitor to the compensatory calculus of CPT. It was later pointed out that a comparison between these models based on deterministic predictions was largely uninformative (Glöckner & Betsch, 2008). The lack of diagnosticity was primarily attributed to undiagnostic choice problems (Broomell et al., 2019; Glöckner & Betsch, 2008). The present results suggest that the problems might equally be viewed as rooted in the implausible assumption of deterministic behavior. While it is generally advisable to assess diagnosticity before running model comparisons, it may be especially important to be alert to the higher risk of model indistinguishability when comparing models that can be complemented only by the deterministic choice rule or by a constant error term.

The Impact of Stimuli

Along with core and auxiliary assumptions of the compared models, experimental stimuli can also crucially shape the distinguishability of models’ predictions.

How Choice Problems Modulate Informativeness

The present analyses relied on choice problems in which the compared core models, EUT and CPT, differed in strength but not direction of preference. Since in such choice problems the predictions derived using the deterministic or trembling hand choice rule are indistinguishable, whereas predictions derived using the logit or probit choice rule are distinguishable, this selection of stimuli provides proof of concept that choice rules can crucially modulate informativeness. Appendix A presents analogous analyses in which the stimuli were randomly sampled from the total set of 10,000 choice problems, without the constraint of equivalent direction of preference. These analyses show that in such cases, the model comparisons using the deterministic or trembling hand choice rule become more informative, and make it possible to identify the true generative models to a higher degree. When data were generated using logit or probit, the model comparisons using the logit or probit choice rule remained more informative than those using the deterministic or trembling hand choice rule. Otherwise, employing these more diverse sets of stimuli rendered informativeness comparable across model comparisons employing different choice rules. These analyses provide further evidence that the capacity of logit and probit to predict differences in choice consistency, based on differences in strength of preference, is the critical factor driving their advantage in terms of informativeness. Moreover, they show that concurrently relying on both diagnostic stimuli and an appropriate choice rule—as far as possible—can lead to higher informativeness than either of these approaches alone.

Enhancing Model Distinguishability When Stimuli are Difficult to Control

Elegant and powerful methods exist to identify experimental designs and stimuli for which the candidate models make maximally distinct predictions, such as optimal and adaptive experimental design (Cavagnaro et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2014; Myung & Pitt, 2009; Pitt & Myung, 2019) and Bayes factor design analysis (Schönbrodt & Wagenmakers, 2018). These methods are arguably most useful when researchers have full control over the experimental stimuli and design. This may, however, not always be the case—for instance, if the stimuli are inherently stochastic. Consider decisions from experience, where participants learn about risky options by repeatedly sampling from their payoff distributions (Hertwig et al., 2004). Stimulus diagnosticity can be an obstacle in model comparisons for decisions from experience (e.g., Broomell et al., 2019) because participants encounter an “experienced” sampling distribution of each option, which may be but a coarse representation of the underlying “ground truth” payoff distribution—especially when samples are small (Fox & Hadar, 2006). Thus, even if ground truth choice problems are carefully designed to distinguish competing models of decisions from experience, researchers cannot be sure that the sampling distributions of these problems are equally diagnostic (Broomell & Bhatia, 2014; Broomell et al., 2019).

Selecting an appropriate choice rule may help to combat this problem: A model comparison based on predictions derived using a choice rule whose predictions are invariant to strength of preference (e.g., deterministic, trembling hand) may remain diagnostic after sampling only if the competing core models differ in direction of preference for the experienced variant of a choice problem. However, a model comparison based on predictions derived using a choice rule whose predictions can covary with both direction and strength of preference (e.g., logit, probit) may also remain diagnostic if the competing core models differ only in strength, not necessarily in direction, of preference for the experienced variant of a problem. Therefore, the lack of control over stimuli encountered by participants and the mismatch between ground truth and experienced choice problems in decisions from experience may pose a lesser threat to model comparisons when the predictions of the choice rule used covary with both direction and strength of preference compared to just direction of preference. Beyond such paradigms with inherently stochastic stimuli, control over stimuli may also be limited in re-analyses of archival data and in field experiments.


Although choice rules are arguably among the most widely used building blocks in cognitive modeling, the reasons for or against using a particular choice rule are not often spelled out explicitly. However, in many cases, conclusions may not be robust to the use of different choice rules. Pairing otherwise identical models with different choice rules can affect not only which model is deemed the best-performing (as shown by, e.g., Wulff & van den Bos, 2018), but also the strength of the evidence in support of such conclusions. As the current analyses show, the choice rule used to derive predictions from the core models can determine whether it is possible to obtain compelling evidence for either of the models compared, or whether the model comparison is bound to be uninformative. The analyses showcase that assumptions that are conventionally considered auxiliary can shape predictions and inferences to a similar or even higher degree than assumptions that are conventionally thought to constitute the core of formal models. These insights cast doubt upon the conventional division between core assumptions and auxiliary assumptions in computational modeling and emphasize the potential pitfalls.

In light of these observations, computational modeling may benefit from adopting systematic robustness analyses more widely. The issue that inferences may strongly hinge on seemingly minor analytic decisions has spawned substantial interest and debate in many areas of psychological research in recent years (e.g., Gelman & Loken, 2013; Silberzahn et al., 2018; Simmons et al., 2011; Steegen et al., 2016; Wagenmakers et al., 2011), and powerful approaches have been developed to explore and expose the impact of analytic decisions (e.g., multiverse analysis and specification curve analysis; see Harder, 2020; Orben & Przybylski, 2019; Rohrer et al., 2017; Simonsohn et al., 2020; Steegen et al., 2016). Such sensitivity analyses could also help to systematically explore the consequences of specific assumptions in computational modeling. Adopting them may result in a better grounded, more systematic understanding of which constructs truly have little effect on predictions and inferences and can thus be deemed auxiliary.