1 Introduction

The architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) industry is one of the leading sectors that contributes to economic stability in the world. The construction industry is known as a complicated, risky, and uncertain industry that of course contributes to project delays, cost overruns, low product quality, and other problems [1].

The construction industry has faced a paradigm shift to (i) increase productivity, efficiency, and value of infrastructure, quality and sustainability and (ii) reduce life cycle costs, lead times, and duplication through effective collaboration and communication of stakeholders in construction projects [2]. The AEC industry has long sought techniques to reduce project costs, increase productivity and quality, and reduce project delivery times [3]. Building information modeling (BIM) offers a chance to achieve this goal [4].

Several studies have been conducted worldwide on the benefits of BIM in the life cycle of construction projects. The construction project life cycle can be seen as a process by which a project is executed from the moment the idea appears to the completion of the project. This process is often very complex but can be decomposed into several stages [5]. According to Ballard and Koskela [6], as cited in [7], each stage requires intense communication between interested parties to channel important information related to the construction project. Building Smart [8], as cited in [7], states that traditionally, the parties in the construction project life cycle generally use a linear process to deliver project requirements where communication and information exchange occur sequentially from one party to another. Furthermore, each party, according to its function and authority, produces and adds information to all drawings in the construction project design to fulfill their respective responsibilities. That is, when an idea is conveyed until it reaches the construction stage, the idea has usually been communicated seven or more times. The regeneration of the data explains the reasons for the possible disputes and miscommunication that are common problems in the construction industry [7].

The development of information and communication technology such as BIM is a solution and advantage for construction companies to overcome information and communication problems in carrying out construction projects. Construction projects are made easier with the use of these technologies [9]. The exciting potential of BIM could turn the building construction industry into a large industry [10]. There is a growing interest among practitioners to measure the benefits of BIM and demonstrate the impact of BIM on projects. BIM is becoming part of the management tool in modern construction companies that process a large amount of information, including design, construction time and cost parameters, economic efficiency, and sustainability. BIM is a tool for progressive information and communication technology that supports cost management and construction project management [11]. According to [12], in the last decade, several studies have used illustrative case studies to show how adopting BIM for specific uses can improve construction project performance.

In Indonesia, a study on the benefits of BIM in the life cycle of construction projects at the preconstruction stage, which is finally realized at the construction stage, has been carried out by [13] who state that the preconstruction stage has a significant contribution to the sustainability of the process construction and is a challenge that can be answered with alternative BIM technology. The results of [14] show that BIM is able to detect conflict early and is able to prevent it. BIM helps in making decisions during planning, design and implementation. BIM builds the synergy between construction stakeholders. Nugrahini and Permana [15] shows that the use of BIM facilitates the design process that is realized at the construction stage. However, the challenges that exist are human resources that are not fully supported, management, and readiness for the use of BIM. The results of [16] show that in general, the level of BIM adoption by construction participants in Indonesia is still low, and the main challenges faced are in the process aspect, lack of experts (specialists), changes in work culture and lack of knowledge and understanding. Meanwhile, [17], based on data from contractors and planning consultants in Jakarta, stated that the use of BIM can make it easier for stakeholders involved in construction project work teams to communicate and coordinate. There is a regulation of the [18] regarding the obligation to implement BIM in the construction project life cycle, and based on the results of several studies about the benefits and challenges of development using BIM, the purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that can address the challenges in the sustainability of BIM implementation in construction projects in Indonesia for success in its life cycle.

2 Literature review

2.1 Successful construction project life cycle management using BIM

The construction industry in many countries has been criticized for inefficiencies in results such as time and cost overruns, low productivity, poor quality, and inadequate customer satisfaction [19]. The results of [20] show that project efficiency is quite strongly correlated with overall project success.

Project success means different things to different people [21]. Traditionally, success is defined as the extent to which project goals and expectations are met [22]. The conventional measure of the iron triangle of time, cost, and quality has become the dominant performance indicator in construction projects [23]. The successful achievement of cost, time, and quality objectives is considered to indicate successful project management [24]. The criteria for the success of construction projects are viewed from two perspectives. The short-term perspective (efficient) consists of cost, time, quality, safety, and cash flow management. The criteria included in the long-term perspective (effective) are environmental performance, client satisfaction, employee satisfaction, profitability, and learning and development [25]. Similarly, [26] conveyed that the success of projects depends on more than just meeting the goals of time, cost, and quality; the most important success criterion is meeting the needs of the owner.

The pursuit of providing good service to customers/owners to anticipate the high level of competition in the construction market and rapid technological advances has driven major changes toward the use of innovative methodologies in the construction industry. There is a consensus among scholars and practitioners that construction organizations should exploit the constant trend of industrial digitization as an opportunity to modify current practices and implement new ways of delivering construction project services. BIM is currently considered the most innovative methodology in the construction sector. At its core, BIM provides an intelligent digital representation of buildings to support various activities throughout the project life cycle, providing multiple benefits for various aspects of the delivery process [27]. The utilization of BIM, such as coordination, construction planning, and prefabrication, makes construction projects more efficient. That is, BIM provides time and cost savings and produces construction products with better quality [28]. Although the initial cost of BIM is quite high at the platform level of development, in the long term, profitability may be expanded by BIM [1].

2.2 Building information modeling

The definition of BIM has been put forward by many researchers; among others, the Associated General Contractors of America (AGC) Study Foundation, 2005, as cited in [4], stated that BIM is not a proprietary product or software. It is an integrated process built on consistent and reliable project information from design to construction and operation. BIM modeling has resulted in dramatic changes in the AEC industry in technology and processes.

The National Committee for Building Information Modeling Standards (NBIMS) in the United States (USA) defines BIM as a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of an object [29, 30]. BIM is collaboratively generated and maintained data, a rich source of information for the life of the design process and beyond, and BIM principles apply to everything that is built; the advantages of BIM are used by civil engineers as well as architects [31]. BIM is an approach to building design, construction, and construction management. BIM simulates construction projects in a virtual environment. With BIM technology, an accurate virtual model of a building, known as a building information model, is built digitally, where the building information model contains the exact geometry and relevant data needed to support the required design, procurement, fabrication, and construction activities to realize the building [32]. This model can be used for operation and maintenance purposes. BIM involves the integration of technology and solution organizations. Solutions can not only improve interorganizational and multidisciplinary collaboration but also improve the efficiency and quality of planning, design, construction, and building management [33,34,35,36,37]. According to [18], BIM is a digital representation of the physical and functional character of a building that contains all information about building elements that are used as a basis for decision making in the planning process, construction implementation, and building operation period to form a digital asset that is a twin of the actual physical condition (digital twin). Thus, the typical application of BIM can describe various things at this stage of the project life cycle [3].

While many construction projects in developed countries are gradually implementing BIM, the development of this technology in developing countries is still lagging behind [30]. According to [38], BIM is widely seen as a catalyst for innovation and productivity in the construction industry. BIM can contribute to a more sustainable construction process, which in turn can help alleviate poverty in developing countries. In this regard, further study results show that the volume of studies on BIM and its use in developing countries is increasing because BIM is an important asset for construction projects from the preconstruction to operation stage. Recently, the benefits of BIM for infrastructure development have begun to be realized [39]. According to [40], the benefits of using BIM for infrastructure management include documentation detailing each maintenance operation, which can provide records for each component related to costs and maintenance history.

The first documented use of BIM in the Indonesian construction industry was in 2012 [41]. Digital adoption in the construction sector in Indonesia is slower than that in other sectors, especially the use of BIM, and the use of BIM in the construction industry can be said to be immature, which is reinforced by the statement of [42]. The research of [43] found that in the design collaboration process in Central Java, there was no evidence of the use of digital systems. In fact, when people are not afraid of the complexity of a technology, it increases the effectiveness of BIM adoption [44]. According to [45], regarding the adoption, activation and expansion of engineering technology in the Indonesian construction industry, there is a dearth of experts to start the migration from traditional management to BIM. Although the level of awareness of Indonesian engineers about BIM is actually quite good, with 67.5% of respondents already familiar with BIM, most of them have limited or basic knowledge. BIM not only assists in geometric modeling of the performance of a building but also can assist in managing construction projects, especially in terms of communication. The use of BIM can make it easier for stakeholders of construction project work teams to communicate and coordinate based on the results of studies with large companies, both contractors and technical consulting companies in the capital city of Jakarta [17].

The results of the literature review imply that there are still wide barriers, constraints and gaps that result in the slow implementation of BIM technology in Indonesia. Based on this, the benefits, obstacles, and solutions proposed for the sustainability of BIM implementation in the life cycle of construction projects in Indonesia are mapped in Table 1. The solutions suggested by several researchers became the basis for compiling questionnaires about the sustainability factors of BIM implemented for a successful construction project management life cycle in Indonesia. Thus, the conceptual framework of this study is shown in Fig. 1.

Table 1 Benefits, barriers and proposed solutions to BIM implementation and sustainability
Fig. 1
figure 1

The conceptual framework of the study

3 Research method

The main objective of this study is to analyze the relationship between the sustainability factors of BIM implementation and the successful management of construction projects in their life cycles in Indonesia. Therefore, data collection and data analysis are important parts of this research flow. Data collection is useful because the research process requires valid data from valid sources that will produce valid conclusions. The data analysis process is useful for providing new information and solutions that require follow-up and decisions.

3.1 Data collection

The process of collecting data is important because it affects the achievement of goals that have been set [50]. An online survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire format that was systematically developed to investigate the professional perception of AEC, which contains three main parts. The first part focuses on identifying the identities of the 50 respondents/selected institutions, that is, owners, consultants, contractors/subcontractors, private companies, and state-owned enterprises, with the hope of representing the population of the construction industry in Indonesia. These experts or institutions have applied BIM or other digital technologies in the management of construction projects without being limited to certain types of construction. Part two of the survey concentrated on ascertaining expert perceptions of the sustainability factors of BIM implementation and their impact on the success of the construction project life cycle to investigate the perceptions of the sustainability factors of BIM implementation and their impact on the success of construction projects, with questions developed through a critical review of the literature and supplemented by interviews regarding the relationship between BIM implementation and sustainability factors such as competence and skills; effective leadership; understanding and awareness of the importance of BIM; commitment and consistency; monitoring and evaluation; establishment of BIM standards, codes, rules, and regulations; stakeholder motivation; work/organizational culture; and early involvement of project teams on success in managing the construction project life cycle. In the third part of the survey, AEC professionals were asked to rank the sustainability factors of BIM implementation according to the second part. Thus, it is hoped that this process yielded valuable input for this study and would have a positive impact on the construction industry in Indonesia.

3.2 Data analysis

3.2.1 Sample size

Yamane [51], as cited in [52], provides a simplified formula to calculate sample size:

$$n\, = \,{N \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {N {\left( {1 + Ne^{2} } \right)}}} \right. \kern-0pt} {\left( {1 + Ne^{2} } \right)}}$$

with n = sample size, N = population size, and e = desired margin of error = 5%.

3.2.2 Questionnaire measurement

Likert scales can be included for larger groups and are sometimes referred to as summed (or aggregated) rating scales because they are based on the idea that some underlying phenomenon can be measured by combining individual judgments about feelings, attitudes, or perceptions related to a series of statements or individual items. Each item is a declarative statement [53]. In this study, the level of agreement referred to in the Likert scale consists of three scale options that have a gradation from unimportant (UI) to important (VI) for the measurement of factor independent (X), which answers the question of how to implement sustainability factors of BIM in the construction project life cycle. The three options are shown in Table 2. Five scale options that have a gradation from absolutely unnecessary (AU) to urgently required (UR) for the measurement of factor dependent (Y), which answers the question of how the need for the implementation sustainability factors of BIM to the successful use of construction project life cycle management. The five options are shown in Table 3. These sustainability factors are shown in Table 4.

Table 2 Measurement of factor X level of sustainability of BIM
Table 3 Measurement of factor Y level of successful construction project life cycle management
Table 4 BIM implementation sustainability factors

3.2.3 Multiple linear regression

Multiple linear regression was used to analyze the relationship between the sustainability factors of BIM implementation and the success of construction project life cycle management using the following formula [54]:

$$\hat{Y} = \beta 0 + \beta 1xi1 + \beta 2xi2 + \beta 3xi3+ \ldots + \beta nxin$$


i is the number of respondents.

Xi1, xi2, and so on are the BIM implementation sustainability factors (independent factors).

\(\hat{Y}\) a is the regression coefficient (dependent factor).

The regression parameter, \(\beta 0,\beta 1,\beta 2\) and so on are unknown.

$${\text{R}}^{2} {\mkern 1mu} = {\mkern 1mu} {\text{ }}\frac{{S_{{xy}}^{2} }}{{S_{{xx}} S_{{yy}} }}$$


R2 = the strength of a linear relation.

\(\mathop S\nolimits_{yy}\) = total variability of y.

\(\frac{{\mathop S\nolimits_{xy}^{2} }}{{\mathop S\nolimits_{xx} \mathop {}\nolimits_{{}} }}\) = variability explained by linear relation.


$${\text{F ratio}}/{\text{stat}}{\mkern 1mu} = \frac{{{{r^{2} } \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{r^{2} } k}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} k}}}{{{{\left( {1 - r^{2} } \right)} \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {{\left( {1 - r^{2} } \right)} {df}}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {df}}}}$$


r2 = the strength of a linear relation.

k = the number of different groups (independent factor).

df = degrees of freedom = n-k-1.


$${\text{T statistic}},{\text{ t}}{\mkern 1mu} = {\mkern 1mu} \,\frac{{\hat{\beta }}}{{{S \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {S {\sqrt {S_{{xx}} } }}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {\sqrt {S_{{xx}} } }}}}$$


t is the T statistic.

\(\hat{\beta }\) are regression coefficients of factor/factors.

S is the standard deviation.

\(s_{xx}\) is the total variability of x.

In multiple linear regression, if there are many predictors, it is more efficient to use a matrix to determine the regression model and subsequent analysis. Matrices can be used to write and work compactly with multiple linear equations. With matrix multiplication, these equations can be written as follows [55]:

figure a

where: ai and b are scalars, ai is the coefficient and b is the constant of the equation. xi: × 1, × 2, …, xn are undeterminants or factors/factors.

4 Results and discussion

4.1 Summary of survey respondent characteristics

The survey was completely anonymous and voluntary and was completed by construction professionals working on civil projects in most areas of Indonesia. Participants were selected based on the criteria that they worked at one or more construction sites and had a supervisor. Using these criteria, 50 questionnaires were distributed online in 2021. Based on formula (1), the 44 returned questionnaires can be analyzed. Figure 2 reveals that 43% of respondents had worked in the construction industry for 11–15 years and 23% had worked in the construction industry for more than 15 years. In general, most respondents know the construction industry based on their long tenure, which improves the quality of the survey data and the persuasiveness of the following analysis results to some extent.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Summary of survey respondent characteristics

4.2 Validity test

Testing the validity of multiple regression models to determine the overall regression equation model obtained based on data analysis using the distribution of F in the F table. The individual test is used to determine whether the regression coefficient in the model is valid against Table "t”.

Based on Table 5 above, the calculated F value is greater than the Table F value, indicating that the 10 sustainability factors of BIM implementation are simultaneously related to the success of construction project management in its life cycle. The individual or partial test shows the opposite result.

Table 5 Overall and individual validity tests

After eliminating the sustainability factors of BIM implementation with t values smaller than the t table, a reanalysis is carried out on the five sustainable factors of BIM implementation that meet the requirements, and the results are shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Overall and individually Re-validity test

The elimination of EL (X2), Fb (X6), MofS (X8), W/Oc (X9), and EIofPT (X10) as sustainability factors of BIM implementation was contrary to the expectations of this study. These five factors play an important role in the sustainability of the implementation of BIM for the successful management of construction projects in their life cycle, in line with previous findings [30, 42, 46, 47]. This is one of the limitations of the current research.

4.3 Multiple linear regression

With matrix multiplication, the equations of formula (6) can be written as follows:

Thus, in this study, the multiple linear regression model is written as the equation below:

$$\hat{Y} = 0.444 + 0.216X1\,(C\& S) + 0.493X3\,(U\& AofBIM) + 0.237X4\,(C\& C) + 0.211X5\,(M\& E) + 0.390X7\,(EofBIMs)$$

The prediction is based on formula (7) by changing the independent factors (X) to the average score of each X based on the data and simulating the score of each X to a higher level, that is, a score of 3.000 (Table 2, Gradation: Important).

The predicted score of each X factor in Table 7 explains that if there is an increase in the value of the five sustainability factors of BIM implementation, then there is an increase in the management of construction projects in their life cycle.

Table 7 Simulation independent factors (X)

4.3.1 Modeling of BIM implementation sustainability factors

Before modeling the sustainability factors of BIM implementation, it is necessary to rank these factors. The results of the analysis will provide information to stakeholders so that they can determine effective and structured steps to develop the project team in the sustainability of BIM implementation. Thus, the management of construction projects in their life cycle will be successful.

The results of the analysis based on the respondents' answers are shown in Table 8.

Table 8 Sustainability factor implementation of BIM

The results of data processing show that more than half, 68%, of the respondents chose U&AofBIM (X3), with the first order being 30 respondents, followed by EofBIMs (X7) with a total of 27, 61.36%, of the respondents amounting to and EIofPT (X10) in third, with 25, 56%, of the respondents. C&S (X1) and MofS (X8) rank fourth with 24, 54.55%, of the respondents, and C&C (X4) is ranked fifth, with 52.23, 27%, of the respondents. Furthermore, half, 50%, of the respondents chose M&E (X5), putting it in sixth place. The seventh factor is W/Oc (X9), with 43.18%; followed by EL (X2), 40.91%, and then by Fb (X6), 34.10%.

Interestingly, from the data processing results, the X10 factor, which is in third place, is actually eliminated in the validity test. Likewise, the X8 factor is in fourth place. Thus, it can be concluded that in answering the questions in the second part, it is possible that the respondents did not synchronize with the questions in the third part. This is a limitation of the current research.

Based on the test data validated by the multiple regression method and the results of data processing based on ranking, the sustainability factors for BIM implementation for successful project life cycle management can be mapped in Table 9 and modeled in Fig. 3.

Table 9 ISFofBIM rankings
Fig. 3
figure 3

Modeling of BIM implementation sustainability factors

5 Discussion

The research framework that was originally postulated in this study (see Fig. 1 and Tables 1, 4, 5 and 6) is needed to explain the factors needed for the sustainability of BIM implementation in the management of the construction project life cycle. Then, these factors are rearranged, as shown in Fig. 3, based on the respondents' answers in Tables 8 and 9 as empirical findings from data analysis for the construction industry in Indonesia.

These data explain in more detail the respondents' reasons for choosing the answers given to the questions in the questionnaire. Each explanation of the five factors needs to be explored in more detail to understand the model formed (Fig. 3).

5.1 X3: Understanding and awareness of the importance of BIM (U&AofBIM)

The results showed that the existing relationship was positive and significant based on p value = 0.00 < \(\alpha\) = 0.05, which means that sustainable BIM implementation can be maximized if the interests of every party, especially the project team, have the ability to know, understand and realize that now is the time. Thus, it is important to use BIM. BIM will accelerate collaboration within the project team for the successful management of construction projects in their life cycles. This is in line with previous findings [56] that greater adoption of BIM in Indonesia would be possible if stakeholders had a better understanding of BIM and its use through education, regulation, protocols and standardization. To ensure that all employees know and understand how the BIM mindset affects all project processes, it is important to educate the entire organization.

This related to the survey results of the study by Hanifah [57], as cited in [58] investigating the awareness and benefits of BIM in Indonesia. Respondents showed good understanding of the implementation of BIM in the construction industry, but the use of technology in this country is still low. BIM implementation and awareness of BIM should be encouraged in the construction industry to increase productivity, improve coordination, and minimize errors and repetition of work in construction implementation [59].

5.2 X7: Establishment of BIM standards, codes, rules, and regulations (EofBIMs)

The government plays a role as a regulator in developing the industrial sector and the construction sector. The government is not only limited as a regulator but also can act as an initiator, educator, funder, demonstrator, and researcher [60].

In 2017, Willis et al. [61] showed that there are no standards and regulations for the implementation of BIM in Indonesia, where large projects have started to use BIM but mostly only at the design and engineering stage. However, in 2017, the Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing made a BIM Roadmap, formed a BIM Team, and issued a ministerial regulation mandating the use of BIM in state-owned buildings [62]. The regulations were finally released in 2021 [18].

The results of the study are directly proportional to the need for a BIM standard. This is shown in the results of the empirical analysis that the existing relationship is positive and significant based on p value = 0.00 < \(\alpha\) = 0.05, which means that the setting of standards for the application of sustainable BIM in the project life cycle is essential as an indicator to assess the performance of the project team in operating BIM for the successful implementation of the project.

Chan [46] conducted research in Hong Kong, but the results can contribute practical insights to the same subject in other countries, that is, suggesting that the government cooperate with industry, professional institutions and educational institutions to set clear standards and guidelines for the use of BIM and to provide more tailored training for practitioners and prospective students to overcome some of the barriers to BIM adoption, including lack of qualified internal staff, lack of training education, lack of standards and lack of client demand.

5.3 X1: Competence and skill (C&S)

The study of Zhabrinna et al. [45] describes the progress of BIM adoption in Indonesia, where data show that the number of engineers in Indonesia who have competence in using BIM is still low. Therefore, the current study wants to know the importance of competencies and skills related to BIM in the management of construction projects.

The results of this current study indicate that the relationship is positive, where p value = 0.005 < \(\alpha\) = 0.05, meaning that the project team must have the competencies and skills needed to deal with environmental changes by implementing BIM in the project life cycle.

The research of Lee et al. [63] on the assessment of BIM competencies and correlation analysis between competencies and career characteristics of fabrication facility (FAB) construction project participants showed that the level of competence possessed by project participants varies depending on the accumulated work experience and competencies required by the project where they work. According to [64], using appropriate interpersonal skills helps project leaders harness the strengths of all team members. Project leaders use a combination of technical, human, and conceptual skills to properly analyze situations and interact with team members.

To improve competence and skills, team members need training so that they can contribute and participate in a changing work environment [65]. Wong and Fan [66] and Chan [46] also claimed that more training is recommended for various people in the construction industry, and it would be helpful if there were more programs devoted to construction that incorporate BIM into the degree curriculum significantly. The same finding was conveyed by Yakami et al. [67]

To ensure that all employees know and understand how the BIM mindset affects all project processes, it is important to educate the entire organization. Training should be related to the function each employee has or the role they have, both in the company and on the project [68].

5.4 X4: Commitment and consistency (C&C)

The project team's consistency in its commitment to implementing BIM in the management of the construction project life cycle is a good process for the success of the construction project. In other words, the willingness to work with BIM requires commitment and consistency in its application.

The results showed that the relationship was positive and significant, where p value = 0.008 < \(\alpha\) = 0.05, which means that commitment and consistency are important as a form of agreement and dedication in thinking and acting in the implementation of BIM for the quality and success of the construction project life cycle. In line with previous research findings [69] that state that although the value of BIM is now widely recognized compared to traditional practices, it is not possible to fully utilize it without awareness, commitment, and application of BIM as well as a realistic view of the status of BIM adoption. Realizing the benefits of BIM is the greatest opportunity for the construction sector, so consistency is needed in the process [70].

5.5 X5. Monitoring and evaluation (M&E)

The last factor in this research is monitoring and evaluation. It is essential to monitor the development of BIM implementation in the management of the construction project life cycle within a certain period to measure, assess, and finally provide recommendations if there are changes.

The results showed that the relationship was positive and significant, where p value = 0.03 < \(\alpha\) = 0.05, which means that M&E is important because it can help project leaders assess whether the desired progress has been achieved so that they can determine what changes should be made to the project. It improves project organization management. This is in line with the results of a previous study [71] that showed that M&E practice had a statistically significant positive relationship with the construction project success criteria. Practically, the findings of this study are useful for organizations in determining M&E techniques that are relevant and contribute highly to project success. This will probably greatly increase the productivity and increase the success rate of project delivery.

Consistent with previous findings [12], when controlling for project conflict using BIM based on ME reports, facilities such as delivery speed, perceived quality, and group cohesion within the project team had significant positive relationships. In other words, conducting M&E on the sustainability of BIM implementation can significantly contribute the management of the construction project life cycle.

M&E has been found to be a key management function to ensure that the objectives set for projects are successfully achieved and that projects meet stakeholder expectations. Projects that have not been properly monitored and evaluated may end up not being successfully completed.

5.6 Limitations and future research

Although this study obtained important findings, there are still broad limitations in the results of the current study that serve as input for further research. First, based on the results of the current study, it can be stated that the relationship between BIM implementation sustainability factors that contribute to successful construction project management in its life cycle does not cover all factors. For example, EL (X2); Chan [46] and Ahn et al. [47] claim that leadership traits, including strong character; being responsible for the successful implementation of projects; having clear communication, showing honesty, integrity, trustworthiness, and ethics; and acting according to what is said are relevant to the sustainable implementation of BIM in construction projects for life cycle success. The other is W/Oc (X9) [42, 46, 47]. An organizational culture that supports openness and adaptability is essential to support the implementation of BIM. Of course, this is against the expectations of this study.

Second, the current study obtained contradictory results based on respondents' answers to factors X8 and X10, which were ranked third and fourth, respectively, while the multiple linear regression validity test did not meet the criteria. Thus, these factors deserve to be studied for future research in a comprehensive manner.

Third, the respondents who contributed to the research did not fully represent the parties in the construction industry, including suppliers, who play an important role in the construction supply chain, or the resources needed by the project. If the sustainability factor of BIM implementation is carried out in an integrated manner with suppliers, project implementation will be effective and efficient.

Fourth, this study leaves questions because the results of the study have not examined how the results of monitoring and evaluating the implementation of BIM can contribute to changes in construction organization and organizational assets.

Fifth, it is possible to study the application of BIM in each construction phase separately in its life cycle so that it can be continued for future learning.

6 Conclusion

The importance of implementing BIM in the management of construction projects throughout their life cycle in Indonesia is well understood by engineers, but there are still many obstacles due to the low competence of the project parties. Although there are still many obstacles to adopting BIM, solutions have been proposed regarding action on the part of interested parties and their organizations. Therefore, this study examines the factors that need to be applied for the sustainability of BIM implementation related to the successful management of construction projects in their life cycle.

The results of the study show that for the success of construction project management in its life cycle, each project party, based on ranking order, must understand the sustainability factors of BIM implementation, i.e., U&AofBIM, understanding and realizing the importance of comprehensive BIM implementation in the life cycle. To implement BIM responsibly, EofBIMS needs to be defined and released. Furthermore, each party must have C&S to be able to operate and interpret what is displayed by BIM. Each participant or project team has C&C so that BIM implementation can be sustainable. Last and most importantly, M&E needs to be carried out at every stage to provide feedback and solutions for subsequent decision making.

BIM provides many benefits that can be utilized by every stakeholder involved in projects with diverse characteristics and interests. Developments in BIM have resulted in new work processes and new ways of interacting with projects throughout their life cycles. The future of BIM is exciting and challenging. Increased use of BIM is expected to increase collaboration and reduce fragmentation within the AEC industry and ultimately lead to improved performance and reduced project costs [68]. The Government of Indonesia is well aware of this, so Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia [18] has been issued concerning the obligation to apply BIM in the life cycles of construction projects.