
As the world becomes more interconnected, web-based applications like personalized online banking [2], industrial control systems [8], Internet of things [18] and wireless sensor networks [41] are subject to various security vulnerabilities, thus raising an urgent need for effective network and information security measures [35, 39]. For this, a number of attempts have developed different defence mechanisms such as a hardware/software firewall and an intrusion detection system (IDS) to safeguard assets as well as system/device control in a cyberspace [6, 22, 67]. Making use of unpatched services is a common instance of intrusive attacks that remain one of the crucial threats to both individuals and organizations [73]. This is highly critical to the Internet-based monitoring of engineering systems in general, especially in the case of critical national infrastructure such as healthcare, manufacturing, power grid, gas and oil refineries [9]. Recently, a similar approach is proposed to detect an intrusive attack to an in-vehicle communication system, the controller-area-network bus protocol in particular [42].

As a response to this challenge, a network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS) has been continuously invented and improved to provide security by monitoring network traffics and identifying malicious connections [44]. To support a timely intervention and useful information for human operators, an NIDS is required to be resilient to new breeds of threat like polymorphism, which allows an exploit-code to avoid positive signature matching. At large, initial signature-based systems are ineffective for the detection of mutated patterns and zero-day attacks, with a common problem of high false positive rate [10, 61]. This lacking leads to a family of machine-learning-based NIDS that has proven to be more effective provided up-to-date connection samples and corresponding expert-directed labels [52, 58]. Over the years, different classification models have been investigated for this task that is sometimes referred to as an anomaly-based approach [36]. These include support vector machine or SVM [75], k-means clustering [76], artificial neural networks or ANN [63] and classifier ensemble [23]. Despite their successes reported in the literature, the aforementioned methods are capable of detecting some unknown intrusions that partly resemble those known to the NIDS, but they are still prone to adversarial attacks that exploit a variety of new obfuscation techniques [17, 30]. These attacks are branded as adversarial machine learning, which explores blind spots of a machine learning-based system [8]. In particular, slight perturbations are introduced to new connections such that the pre-trained model may incorrectly justify a decision boundary, thus a predicted class [68].

Without the knowledge of obfuscation methods, one has to develop NIDS that is more flexible to recognize modified traffic patterns. One way to achieve this is to constantly update the underlying classifier with new training instances, while the other focuses on learning more from the attack class that is commonly a minority in a training data collection [7, 20]. Specific to the latter, a number of studies have made use of techniques developed within the data science community to handle this issue, called class imbalance [36]. In general, a conventional oversampling technique like synthetic minority oversampling or SMOTE [15] and its variants have been a common choice to cope with this problem for different classification algorithms [23, 63, 75]. However, the resulting model shows signs of overfitting as it is not generalized to unseen data [45]. To this extent, an undersampling strategy has proven more robust to overfitting across different domain problems [11, 40]. Following the work of [46] that introduces an initial model of clustering-based undersampling, the multiple clustering-based approach proposed in this paper aims to explore a pool of representative candidates, which is richer than that obtained from one clustering. As such, it may better preserve useful data patterns presented in the majority class, hence the improved predictive performance [65].


Following the initial research of [30], this paper focuses on classification-based NIDS, which does not analyze payload data [17]. It considers objects of TCP connections, not at a lower level of individual packets. It is assumed that an adversary possesses knowledge about the design of the victim’s system, but can only mutate inputs to this system such that they still conform with the TCP/IP protocol specification. Based on the report of [28], this is achieved by designing non-payload-based obfuscation techniques to work at network and transport layers. These will mutate samples of known intrusions in an exploit-independent way, thus making attacks looking similar to a legitimate one. This approach is on par with evasions of the measurement phase of IDS, defined in the taxonomy of adversarial attacks against IDS [16].

Problem and Scope: Given the data collection generated within the study of [30], the current work aims to develop an effective clustering-based undersampling method, which is novel as well as more accurate than the baseline [46], other well-known methods found in the literature [60, 66] and the standard oversampling counterpart [15]. This new approach selects representative samples from multiple clusterings that are generated with various settings to promote the diversity between them. This follows the concept and success reported for the field of consensus clustering [31, 54]. In particular, this selection is designed as an optimization problem, where the best alternative is added to the target sampling set iteratively. It is applied to reduce the cardinality of instances belonging to the majority class of the binary classification problem, i.e., legitimate and attack connections are majority and minority classes. Following that, a classification model developed from the balanced training set is employed to categorize unseen and obfuscated attacks. Intuitively, the chance of recognizing these modified patterns may be improved, as the classifier is able to learn more from the smaller class, while information loss due to undersampling the majority class is minimized.

Contributions: Main contributions of this paper are summarized below.

  • This work extends the previous research of [30] to develop an accurate classification-based NIDS that is robust to adversarial attacks. It presents a new multiple clusterings-based method to handle imbalance classification through undersampling the majority class. The proposed framework allows any classification algorithm to learn better with the minority class that represents attack connections. As such, the resulting model becomes more effective in recognizing obfuscated intrusions, whose appearances partly overlap with those known direct attacks. In addition, the resulting framework is generalized to a wider range of non-payload adversarial attacks.

  • The proposed undersampling technique is based on an iterative and greedy-optimization process of selecting the best alternative from a pool of centroids that represent different clustering results or data partitions. This is inspired by the concept of ensemble or consensus clustering [31, 34], which usually provides a more accurate data partition than a single clustering. Hence, this idea is novel and may enhance the effectiveness of an initial work of [46] that makes use of only one clustering to guide the sampling procedure. For the aforementioned selection, it is designed as an optimization problem that maximizes three different objective functions of: (i) the maximum distance from the centroid under the question to other k nearest centroids in the pool, (ii) the maximum distance from the examined centroid to k nearest instances from the minority class, and (iii) the average between functions (i) and (ii), respectively.

  • The proposed model is evaluated against the single-clustering alternative of [46], RUS (Random UnderSampling [60]) as the conventional model of undersampling, other well-known ensemble-level techniques: RUSBoost [60] and IRUS (Inverse Random UnderSampling [66]), the oversampling technique of [15] and its recent extension [70]. To generalize this experimental investigation, a range of basic classifiers and classifier ensemble method are employed. Specific to the line of IDS research, a state-of-the-art model is also included as a comparison method. Furthermore, parameter analysis specific to the proposed technique is also included such that the relation between predictive performance and algorithmic variables is illustrated and discussed. Anyone tries to apply this to a future problem would find it helpful as to tailor the model for good performance.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 emphasizes related works and problem definition, with details of the dataset exploited herein. Besides, Sect. 3 presents the proposed undersampling framework, including the underlying optimization process. The performance evaluation of new and compared methods are included and discussed in Sect. 4. At the end, the conclusion with directions of future research are given in Sect. 5. In addition, Table 1 provides a description of abbreviations used in this paper.

Table 1 List of abbreviations used throughout this paper

Related works

In this section, background and related works of the proposed research regarding classification-based NIDS, traffic object of interest and non-payload-based obfuscations is elaborated to set a scene for the rest of paper. Then, the definition of NIDS as a classification problem is given as a basis for the proposed method, which is fully explained in Sect. 3.

Table 2 Summarization of related works, with respect to classification-based NIDS & treatment of class imbalance

Classification-based NIDS and handling of imbalance class problem

With an increasing demand for NIDS along with the development of Internet-of-things and network and wireless sensor networks [18, 25], a series of intelligent agents to cope with intrusive traffics have been the center of many research works. In general, these systems rely on either signature matching to determine misuse and attack patterns that are largely different from signatures of legal activities [3], or a pattern recognition modeling normally referred to as anomaly detection-based intrusion detection [47]. To get over the problem with a low recall of unseen attacks, most of NIDS instances have turned to exploit a predictive model learned from an up-to-date data collection [24, 71]. However, the major limitation is with a high false-positive rate caused by the difficulty in determining boundary between normal and abnormal cases [57]. Note that other approaches to NIDS such as watchdogs and trust models are also presented in the literature, but are beyond the scope of the current work that concentrates solely on machine learning-based implementations. Within this particular subject, a classification model has been an effective alternative that blends advantages of both signature-based and anomaly-based methods.

For instance, in the study of [36], a number of machine learning algorithms and the oversampling technique of SMOTE [15] are used to improve the detection rate for minority attack classes. This recent investigation is among some in the NIDS field that pay attention to the problem of class imbalance. It inspires the current research, with the summarization of related works being presented in Table 2 (please refer to reviews of [41, 49] for a boarder scope of NIDS research).

These representative methods point out major directions taken to improve the classification performance with the presence of class imbalance. Some such as the studies of [1, 43] deal with this problem directly by using conventional oversampling and undersampling methods like SMOTE [15] and RUS [60] to obtain a desired training dataset. On the other hand, many techniques get over this burden implicitly through the determination of feature space [4, 14, 19, 30, 62], and the ensemble methodology that learns from multiple data perturbations [23, 48]. The ability to handling the problem of class imbalance becomes even more critical as a classification-based NIDS encounters adversarial attacks, where known intrusive patterns are mutated to avoid a positive recognition. In fact, those methods listed in Table 2 are capable of detecting some unknown intrusions, but it is still prone to evasion by obfuscation techniques [17, 30]. The next section provides further details on this attack type, especially the case of non-payload-based obfuscation that is the focus of the present study.

Adversarial attack and non-payload-based obfuscation

Based on the taxonomy of evasion against machine learning models [10], two major categories of evasive adversarial attacks against IDS can be highlighted, payload-based and non-payload-based approaches. As an initial investigation into the former, the Whisker tool is developed to mutate HTTP requests such that IDS becomes confused and inaccurate [17]. Similar works have been introduced to bypass the detection of IDS through changing the payload [16, 72], using obfuscation techniques such as malware morphism [50, 51, 78]. However, those methods that are able to evade payload-based IDS mainly by morphing the payload may not be efficient for non-payload-based counterpart. Provided this, it is also necessary to recover defected patterns associating to the attack morphing at network and transport layers of the TCP/IP stack [30]. As non-payload-based IDS is usually more cost-effective as well as generalized to network and application settings than the other, it motivates a large number of research works, such as Protocol Scrubbing [74] and AGENT [59], for instance. Recently, another series of investigations [28, 30] on non-payload-based intrusion detection and obfuscation-based adversarial evasion has been reported. These assess the robustness of different ML models, based on experiments with the dataset that implements obfuscation techniques to simulate adversarial non-payload attacks. Note that a thorough feature engineering process, i.e., a wrapper method [13], is designed to deliver a set of informative features to train a classifier with both original samples and mutated ones. Despite the good result reported therein, the issue of imbalance classification has not been clarified and handled.

As mentioned earlier, the current work investigates instances of TCP connection, not network packets, which represent application data exchanges between client and server on the TCP/IP stack up to the transport layer. Of course, these are subject to connection-oriented protocol TCP at Layer 4, Internet protocol IP at Layer 3 and Ethernet protocol at Layer 2, respectively. In particular, a TCP connection \(\gamma \) can be presented by start and end timestamps, ports/IP addresses of the client and the server, sets of packets interchanged between the two ends. Given this assumption, a connection \(\gamma \) can be explained with its network connection features, thus allowing the following extraction function to map \(\gamma \) to the feature space \(\varLambda \) of d dimensions [30].

$$\begin{aligned} f(\gamma ) \mapsto \varLambda , \> \varLambda = (\lambda _1, \lambda _2, \ldots , \lambda _d) \end{aligned}$$

Each function \(f_i(\gamma )\) maps the connection to the \(i^{th}\) dimension as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} f_i(\gamma ) \mapsto \lambda _i, \> i = \{1, 2, \ldots , d\}, \end{aligned}$$

According to [28, 30], examples of these features include the standard deviation of outbound (client to server) packet sizes, modus of TCP header lengths in all traffic, the number of TCP URG flags occurred in inbound traffic, and the number of TCP FIN flags occurred in inbound traffic.

Having specified those, the next part describes the concept of non-payload-based obfuscation, which aims to modify connection characteristics or features for a remote attack. For a connection \(\gamma _a\) representing a remote attack without any obfuscation, it can be represented by the following equation.

$$\begin{aligned} f(\gamma _a) \mapsto \varLambda ^a, \> \varLambda ^a = (\lambda _1^a, \lambda _2^a, \ldots , \lambda _d^a) \end{aligned}$$

Then, let turn to the connection \(\gamma _{a^{\prime }}\) that corresponds to an intrusive communication \(\gamma _a\) to which non-payload-based obfuscations are applied. These modifications make changes to packet sets of the original connection \(\gamma _a\) by insertion, removal and transformation of the packets. As such, the previous feature space \(\varLambda ^a\) is transformed to \(\varLambda ^{a^{\prime }}\).

$$\begin{aligned} f(\gamma _{a^{\prime }}) \mapsto \varLambda ^{a^{\prime }}, \> \varLambda ^{a^{\prime }} = (\lambda _1^{a^{\prime }}, \lambda _2^{a^{\prime }}, \ldots , \lambda _d^{a^{\prime }}) \end{aligned}$$

As a result, a classifier trained without knowledge of obfuscated or modified patterns may not perform as well as it does against intrusive connections with original features. According to the study of [29], a set of techniques have been initiated as part of developing an obfuscation tool in the Unix environment. Examples of functions \(f(\gamma _{a^{\prime }})\) are listed below.

  • Spread out packets in time: constant delay of 1 and 8 s., as well as the normal distribution of delay with 5 s. mean with 2.5 s. standard deviation (25% correlation)

  • Packets loss: 25% of packets

  • Unreliable network channel simulation: 25% of packets damaged, 35% of packets damaged, and 35% of packets damaged with 25% correlation

  • Packets duplication: 5% of packets

  • Packets order modifications: reordering of 25% and 50% packets; reordered packets are sent with 10 ms. delay and 50% correlation

  • Fragmentation: MTU 1000, MTU 750, MTU 500 and MTU 250

  • Combinations of the aforementioned techniques

Fig. 1
figure 1

Overview of the undersampling process

In accordance with previous studies of classification-based NIDS [63, 75, 76], let a training dataset \(X = V \times Y\) be the space of labeled connection instances, where V denotes the feature space of n instances (\(V \in R^{n \times d}\)), Y represents the corresponding label space of size \(n \times 1\), and each entry \(x_i \in V\) is classified as \(y_i \in Y\) with the value of \(y_i\) being drawn from the domain of class \(D_X\). For a classifier that is trained on the dataset X using the algorithm \(\alpha \), the resulting model \(CF_X^{\alpha }\) estimates the class \(y_o \in D_X\) of a new instance \(x_o \in R^{1 \times d}\), i.e., \(CF_X^{\alpha }(x_o) = y_o\).

Specific to the context of NIDS as a binary classification problem, the predicted class \(y_{\gamma _a}\) of a connection \(\gamma _a\) whose feature vector is defined as \(f(\gamma _a)\), can be defined by the following [30].

$$\begin{aligned} y_{\gamma _a} = CF_X^{\alpha } \> (f(\gamma _a)) \end{aligned}$$

where \(y_{\gamma _a} \in \) {Intrusion, Legitimate}. Now with a connection \(y_{\gamma _{a^{\prime }}}\) whose features are modified through obfuscation functions, the quality of prediction \(y_{\gamma _{a^{\prime }}}\) is the subject worth investigating.

$$\begin{aligned} y_{\gamma _{a^{\prime }}} = CF_X^{\alpha } \> (f(\gamma _{a^{\prime }})) \end{aligned}$$

Without any prior knowledge regarding mutated patterns or model adjustment, any classifier \(CF_X^{\alpha }\) can often be sub-optimal. To this extent, the original work of [30] overcomes this difficulty through a feature selection approach, which iteratively add highly informative features to the desired set. This leads to an improvement towards a robust classification of adversarial intrusions but lacks an appropriate handling of the class imbalance problem. Henceforth, a new undersampling method is proposed in the next section to attend to this issue.

Proposed method

The proposed undersampling framework can be considered as an extension to the initial work of [46], which employs a single clustering to determine representative instances of original samples belonging to the majority class. At the same time, it demonstrates an organic application of consensus clustering concept [31, 32] to provide a pool of multiple clustering results from which better cluster-wise representatives can be extracted. This section provides details of different stages developed for this new method, including the creation of multiple clustering results, the selection of representatives from those data partitions, and the use of data after undersampling to train a classifier.

Generating a Pool of Multiple Clusterings. Provided the dataset X, let \(X_0\) and \(X_1\) (where \(X_0 \cup X_1 = X\)) be the set of samples belonging to the majority class and that of the minority class, respectively. An undersampling technique \(\chi \) is applied to \(X_0\) to extract the set of representative samples \(\chi (X_0) = X_0^*\), where \(|X_0^*| \ll |X_0|\) and |B| denotes the size of set B. Then, the target data \(X^*\) that can be formed as \(X^* = X_1 \cup X_0^*\) is used to create a classifier \(CF_{X^*}^{\alpha }\) using the classification algorithm \(\alpha \) (previously, this is \(CF_X^{\alpha }\) without the undersampling process). Figure 1 illustrates the overall process of undersampling the training data set. Based on the study presented by [46], the function \(\chi \) is simply represented by a set of centroids Z obtained from a clustering of \(X_0\), where the k-means technique is a common alternative for this analysis. In other words, representative samples are centroids \(z_1, z_2, \ldots , z_{\rho }\) from clustering \(X_0\) using k-means and the preferred number of clusters as \(\rho \). Note that \(\rho \) is set to the desired size of the majority class, which normally is the same as that of the other, i.e., \(\rho = |X_1|\).

Fig. 2
figure 2

The process of generating a set of representative centroids z1 and z2 from a single clustering with \(k = 2\) and \(X_0 = {x1, x2, x3, x4}\)

Fig. 3
figure 3

The process of generating a set of representative centroids from two clusterings with \(k = 2\) and \(k = 3\)

Specific to the current work, the concept ensemble or consensus clustering [31] is exploited to create a pool of multiple clusterings, from which a collection of \(\rho \) clusters are selected to generate \(X_0^*\). Let \(V_0 = \{x_1, x_2, \ldots , x_{n_0}\}\) be the matrix in the normalized domain \([0, 1]^{n_0 \times d}\) of \(n_0\) legitimate connection instances with respect to d features. It is noteworthy that the label space \(Y_0\) from a training dataset \(X_0 = V_0 \times Y_0\) will not be exploited here as a clustering process is an unsupervised model, which develop a data partition (i.e., a set of clusters) without the knowledge of class information. In addition, each sample \(x_i \in V_0\) is represented as a vector of d feature dimensions or \(x_i = (x_{i1}, \ldots , x_{id}), \forall i \in \{1, 2, \ldots , n_0\}\). Also let \(\varPi = \{\pi _1, \pi _2, \ldots , \pi _M\}\) be a cluster ensemble with M base clusterings, i.e., a clustering result or ensemble member. In particular, the \(g^{th}\) member delivers a collection of clusters \(\pi _g = \{C_1^g, C_2^g, \ldots , C_{k_g}^g\}\), where \(\bigcup _{t=1}^{k_g} C_t^g = X_0\), \(\bigcap _{t=1}^{k_g} C_t^g = \emptyset \), and \(k_g\) is the number of clusters in partition \(\pi _g\). To ensure the diversity within \(\varPi \), the following ensemble generation strategies are used together.

  • Random-k method: these clusterings are generated using k-means with a cluster number that is randomly chosen from the range \(\{2, \ldots \, \sqrt{|X_0|}\}\) or \(\{2, \ldots \, 50\}\) when \(\sqrt{|X_0|} > 50\) (see the report of [32] for relevant details).

  • Random-subspace method: each base clustering can be generated from a random feature subspace \(V_0^{\prime } \in [0, 1]^{n_0 \times d^{\prime }}\) of the feature space \(V_0\). Each of the data subspaces is created with respect to the following interval \(d^{\prime }\).

    $$\begin{aligned} d^{\prime } = d^{\prime }_{min} + \lfloor \epsilon (d^{\prime }_{max} - d^{\prime }_{min}) \rfloor , \end{aligned}$$

    provided that \(\epsilon \in [0, 1]\) is a uniform random variable, while \(d^{\prime }_{min}\) and \(d^{\prime }_{max}\) denote the lower and upper bounds of the generated subspace \(V_0^{\prime }\). Following the initial work of [33], \(d^{\prime }_{min}\) and \(d^{\prime }_{max}\) are set to 0.75d and 0.85d, respectively. With this being decided, one of d features is picked up at a time to form the desired subspace of \(d^{\prime }\) non-duplicated features is obtained. For that, the index of each randomly selected feature is determined by the following.

    $$\begin{aligned} h = \lfloor 1 + \eta D \rfloor , \end{aligned}$$

    where h denotes the \(h^{th}\) feature in the pool of d attributes and \(\eta \in [0, 1)\) is another uniform random variable. As a working example, Fig. 2 summarizes the process of generating a set of representatives from a clustering of two clusters, while Fig. 3 extends this procedure to a selection of representatives from a pool of centroids generated by multiple clusterings. Note that the underlying selection process will be explained next.

Selecting Cluster-Wise Representatives. Having obtained the ensemble \(\varPi \), a pool of centroids \(Z_{\varPi }\) is created such that each centroid \(z_a \in Z_{\varPi }\) represents a particular cluster \(C_a\) in the set \(\{C_1^1, C_2^1, \ldots , C_{k_1}^1\} \cup \{C_1^2, C_2^2, \ldots , C_{k_2}^2\} \cup \ldots \{C_1^M, C_2^M, \ldots , C_{k_M}^M\}\). Note that every centroid in this collection is represented by the original space of d features, i.e., \(z_a \in [0, 1]^{1 \times d}, \forall z_a \in Z_{\varPi }\). This processing stage is to select \(\rho \) of these centroids to form the target set of representative samples \(Z = \{z_1, z_2, \ldots , z_{\rho }\}\). It can be summarized by the following steps.

  • Step 1: To start with, the first member \(z_1\) of Z is selected from the \(Z_{\varPi }\), provided that \(z_1\) maximizes the average distance to other centroids in \(Z_{\varPi }\).

    $$\begin{aligned} z_1 = {\mathop {{{\,\mathrm{argmax}\,}}}\limits _{\forall z_a \in Z_{\varPi }}} \> \> \frac{\sum \nolimits _{\forall z_b \in Z_{\varPi }, z_b \ne z_a} \> {d(z_a, z_b)}}{|Z_{\varPi }| - 1} \end{aligned}$$

    where \(d(x_i, x_j)\) denotes the distance between two samples \(x_i\) and \(x_j\). Note that the Euclidean metric is employed in this research to estimate the distance measurement. In addition, |A| represents the size of set A. At the end of this step, |Z| is 1, while that of \(Z_{\varPi }\) is reduced by 1 as well, i.e., \(Z_{\varPi } = Z_{\varPi } - z_1\).

  • Step 2: Next, a new member is iteratively chosen from \(Z_{\varPi }\) and moved to Z. To be exact, in each iteration, a greedy optimization is exploited to determine the best centroid \(z_c \in Z_{\varPi }\) using one of three different objective functions defined below. As a result, the two sets are updated by \(Z = Z \cup z_c\) and \(Z_{\varPi } = Z_{\varPi } - z_c\), respectively. This is repeated until all \(\rho \) members are obtained, i.e., \(|Z| = \rho \). The following equation describes the first objective function, called Furthest-First-Majority or shortly as FF-Majority\((Z, Z_{\varPi })\). This is to find a centroid representing a unique feature space that is minimally overlapping with those of others in \(Z_{\varPi }\). It is leveraged with a similar assessment to existing members of Z, which is the first term in this function.

    $$\begin{aligned} z_c = {\mathop {{{\,\mathrm{argmax}\,}}}\limits _{\forall z_a \in Z_{\varPi }}} \> \left( \frac{\sum \nolimits _{\forall z_e \in Z} \> d(z_a, z_e)}{|Z|} + \frac{\sum \nolimits _{\forall z_b \in Z_{\varPi }, z_b \ne z_a} \> {d(z_a, z_b)}}{|Z_{\varPi }| - 1} \right) \end{aligned}$$

    The second objective function, called Furthest-First-Minority or shortly as FF-Minority\((Z, Z_{\varPi }, X_1)\). It finds a centroid in \(Z_{\varPi }\) that is largely different from samples of the minority class \(X_1\). This can be formally specified as follows.

    $$\begin{aligned} z_c = {\mathop {{{\,\mathrm{argmax}\,}}}\limits _{\forall z_a \in Z_{\varPi }}} \> \left( \frac{\sum \nolimits _{\forall z_e \in Z} \> d(z_a, z_e)}{|Z|} + \frac{\sum \nolimits _{\forall x_i \in X_1} \> {d(z_a, x_i)}}{|X_1|} \right) \end{aligned}$$

    And the third alternative of objective function, called Furthest-First-Overall or shortly as FF-Overall(Z\(Z_{\varPi }, X_1)\), combines the two previous functions to gain the overall justification based on samples belong to both majority and minority classes. In particular, \(z_c\) is any \(z_a \in Z_{\varPi }\) that miximize the following measurement.

    $$\begin{aligned}&\Bigg (\frac{\sum \nolimits _{\forall z_e \in Z} \> d(z_a, z_e)}{|Z|}+ \frac{1}{2}\Bigg ( \frac{\sum \nolimits _{\forall z_b \in Z_{\varPi }, z_b \ne z_a} \> {d(z_a, z_b)}}{|Z_{\varPi }| - 1}\nonumber \\&+ \frac{\sum \nolimits _{\forall x_i \in X_1} \> {d(z_a, x_i)}}{|X_1|} \Bigg ) \Bigg )\nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Application to Training a Classifier. The set of sample representatives Z acquired from the last phase corresponds to the features space \(V_0^* \in [0, 1]^{\rho \times d}\) of the majority class \(Y_0^* = \{1\}^{\rho \times 1}\), i.e., \(X_0^* = V_0^* \times Y_0^*\). The resulting training set is to aggregate this with the set of samples assigned to the minority class, or \(X^* = X_1 \cup X_0^*\). Consequently, a classifier \(CF_{X^*}^{\alpha }\) can be trained with the balanced data \(X^*\) using the choice of classification algorithm \(\alpha \). As such, the prediction \(y_{\gamma _{a^{\prime }}}\) of a connection instance whose features are altered by different obfuscation techniques is determined by the following definition.

$$\begin{aligned} y_{\gamma _{a^{\prime }}} = CF_{X^*}^{\alpha } \> (f(\gamma _{a^{\prime }})) \end{aligned}$$

It is noteworthy that other methods to handle the class imbalance problem can also be used in this way to generate the data \(X^*\). These will be included in the empirical study reported next.

Table 3 Details of connections collected from different vulnerable network services
Table 4 ASNM feature categories (with a full list available in the work of [26]) and those 14 features chosen by the study of [30]. Note that FFT denotes Fast Fourier Transformation

Performance evaluation

Having defined the problem under examination and the proposed method in the past two sections, this paper continues with an empirical study in which the new undersampling framework is assessed against the results published in the original work and other methods to handle the problem of imbalance class. In particular, details of the dataset, experimental design, results and discussion are included in this section.

Investigated dataset and experimental design

The dataset under investigation is acquired from the original study of [30], where it is used for evaluating the robustness of machine-learning-based NIDS to obfuscated attacks. In order to obtain this data collection, connections representing both legitimate and intrusive attacks are created across vulnerable network services. Note that obfuscated intrusions are also generated by applying obfuscation techniques to some direct attacks, such that their appearances partly resemble the originals. Then, the TCP-level feature extractor called ASNM: Advanced Security Network Metrics [26] is deployed to generate the corresponding feature space. After normalizing value domains, the resulting dataset \(X=V \times Y\) consists of a normalized feature space \(V\in [0, 1]^{11,445 \times 194}\), where a class of an instance \(v_i \in V\) is drawn from the domain of 3 possible connection categories, i.e., \(y_i \in Y, y_i \in \) {Legitimate, Direct attack, Obfuscated attack}. In Table 3, details of this dataset are presented with respect to number of class-specific samples that are generated using different network services. In addition, Table 4 illustrates ASNM feature categories and those 14 ones that have been selected in the report of [30] for classifying instances of legitimate connections and direct attacks (please consult [26] for a full list of 194 features). The current research focuses on this selection as not to bias a predictive model with features that are highly associated with obfuscated cases, thus reducing the feature space to \(V \in [0, 1]^{11,445 \times 14}\). Please consult the original data publication [27] for details of simulation and related settings.

For a thorough evaluation, a rich collection of compared methods are included in this empirical study, in addition to the proposed framework with three different objective functions: FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall, respectively. The ‘Baseline’ of these new models is that initially introduced by [30], i.e., a classifier is developed from the original dataset X with the presence of imbalance class problem. Another basic competitor is the single clustering technique proposed by [46], which will be referred to as ‘SingleClus’ hereafter. Also, other undersampling algorithms are investigated, including RUS or Random UnderSampling [60] and its extensions to an ensemble approach. These include RUSBoost [60] and IRUS or Inverse Random UnderSampling [66], with their hyper-parameters being set according to the comparative study of [53]. Note that the target size of the majority class after an undersampling process is the number of samples belonging to the minority one. Besides those undersampling and ensemble models, this assessment also explores the oversampling counterpart that increase the cardinality of \(X_1\) such that \(|X_1| = |X_0|\). Specific to this work, the benchmark SMOTE technique [15] and its recent variant named ‘Outlier-SMOTE’ are employed, using the parameter setting recommended in the original report of [70]. This extension is picked up as it employs a similar intuition to FF-Majority, where samples that are largely different from others will be considered more important. Other settings are summarized as follows.

  • For the proposed framework, the target size of multiple-clustering pool or M is set to 150, and each specific setting of these models is repeated for 30 trials to achieve a reliable conclusion from non-deterministic processes, based on averages across multiple runs.

  • For the classification algorithm \(\alpha \), four techniques are included here. These include decision tree (C4.5) with the maximum depth of 15, Naive Bayes (NB) with the Gaussian kernel function, support vector machine (SVM) with the Radial kernel function, and Logistic Regression (LR), respectively. These are employed with the dataset generated by those filter and wrapper techniques to create a classifier.

  • Since the current research focuses on robustness of machine-learning-based NIDS to obfuscated intrusions, a classifier is to be trained with instances representing legitimate connections and direct attacks only. Without the knowledge of those obfuscated instances, it is the aim of this study to see how well different methods recognize unseen threats. As such, the stratified 10-fold cross validation is firstly applied to the task of classifying legitimate connections and direct attacks, i.e., the examined data is the combination of instances belonging to these two classes only. The corresponding results illustrate the quality of classifiers to capture usual patterns. On top of that, the classifier trained in each fold will be used to predict 478 obfuscated intrusions, as either a legitimate or attack one. The latter experiment leads to the comparison of robustness as a classifier encounters truly new intrusive connections. At last, metrics used to assess predictive performance are TPR (True Positive Rate), FPR (False Positive Rate) and F1, respectively. Note that results with respect to Precision and Recall metrics are also provided in the Supplementary.Footnote 1 However, TPR is the only appropriate alternative for the second experiment, as all examined samples belong to the same class, i.e., obfuscated intrusion.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Comparison of F1 and TPR scores obtained by examined methods, as averages across classification models and 30 trials of 10-fold cross validation

Experimental results

To start with, the overview of results obtained for the classification of legitimate and direct attack instances are provided in Figs. 4 and 5. In particular, the former presents F1 and TPR scores for different methods investigated herein. Note that these are averages across 30 trials of tenfold cross validation and four classification algorithms. This figure shows that the proposed methods of FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall are able to improve the F1 metric of 89.00% achieved by the Baseline, with scores of 90.40%, 89.48% and 91.52%, respectively. Of course, these outperform the main competitor of SingleClus that receives a lower F1 measure of 87.31%. This suggests the more effective use of multiple clusterings for undersampling the majority class than the initial model that exploits only a single clustering. Nonetheless, SingleClus delivers more accurate classifiers than the random selection of representative samples, with RUS and its best ensemble extension getting the score of 84.17% and 86.60%. In addition to these compared methods that belong to the undersampling category, other oversampling alternatives of SMOTE and Outlier-SMOTE are also included in this experiment, where their F1 values are higher than that of the Baseline model and comparable to FF-Majority and FF-Minority. Only the FF-Overall technique performs better than these, where the highest score of 89.97% is obtained by Outlier-SMOTE. A similar trend can be observed with TPR scores acquired by those techniques, with the highest and the lowest scores of 89.35% and 81.48% are reported with FF-Overall and RUS.

In Fig. 5, FPR measures of Baseline, proposed methods and those two oversampling models appear to be comparable, with the two lowest scores of 0.08% and 0.09% being seen with FF-Overall and Baseline, respectively. Despite this positive observation, oversampling algorithms may lead to overfitting, which can be witnessed later as a classification model is applied to unseen cases of obfuscated attacks. Similar to the previous results of F1 and TPR, RUS leads to the worst FPR score of 0.17%, where an improvement can be made by its extensions of RUSBoost and IRUS, i.e., lower measures of 0.14%. It is noteworthy that all three new methods of FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall perform better than SingleClus that the score of 0.13%. Given the results depicted in both Figs. 4 and 5, the proposed framework can support a development of an accurate classifier, in addition to the application of feature subset selection employed by Baseline (further results with Precision and Recall metrics can be found in the Supplementary). However, the result discussed thus far is based on classify only legitimate connections and direct attacks, without the knowledge of obfuscated intrusions. Next, it is crucial to see predictive performance of these classification models to recognize obfuscated attacks, whose patterns are only partly represented in training samples of direct attacks.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Comparison of FPR scores obtained by examined methods, as averages across classification models and 30 trials of 10-fold cross validation

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison of TPR scores obtained by different methods for classifying obfuscated instances. These are averages across classification models and 30 trials of tenfold cross validation

Table 5 TPR scores as averages across from 30 trials of 10-fold cross validation, categorized by a combination of classifier and examined method. Note that corresponding values of standard deviation are given in (brackets)

As mentioned above, Fig. 6 provides the report of TPR scores each of which is acquired by one of investigated methods for classifying 478 obfuscated intrusions (as either legitimate or direct attack). These measures are presented as averages across classifiers and 30 runs of 10-fold cross validation. The purpose of this empirical study is to investigate predictive performance of different couplings of methods to handle the imbalance class problem and benchmark classification algorithms, with respect to the amount of unseen obfuscated attacks each of the resulting models can identify as direct attacks. Ideally, the target TPR score expected from those should be higher than 49.111% that is seen with Baseline. In particular, the clustering-based undersampling approach is apparently more effective than the random counterpart. This is concluded from the 50.0% score achieved by SingleClus, which is higher than those of RUS, RUSBoost and IRUS, i.e., 48.326%, 48.092% and 49.006%. Along this trend of improvement, all three new methods perform better than the single-clustering competitor, where average TPR measures summarized across different classifiers are 51.360%, 51.151% and 52.197% for FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall, respectively. Note that the best result is somewhat 3.086% higher than the benchmark set by Baseline. Besides these reports, it is important to point out that oversampling techniques of SMOTE and Outlier-SMOTE become less effective to classify unseen samples than Baseline, with TPR scores of 47.908% and 48.431%. These are in par with the speculation regarding the overfitting effect caused by learning from an oversampled data set. Further details are presented in Table 5, in which TPR scores have been recorded for each coupling of classifiers and those examined techniques. According to this, the three variations of proposed undersampling framework usually exhibit predictive performance superior than Baseline, SingleClus and other compared methods. In particular, the best accurate alternative among these combinations is the exploitation of FF-Overall with NB classifier, which delivers an averaged TPR score of 85.146%. This tendency is similarly observed across four classification techniques examined herein. These results suggest that the robustness of classifiers to obfuscated intrusions can well be enhanced using the clustering based undersampling scheme, especially the multiple-clustering approach introduced in this work. This observation is due to other data-level methods included in this empirical study either add new samples of the minority class or reduce those of the majority class, using the general concept of nearest neighbors. Provided that a clear border exists between classes, its application would be rather effective. However, an inter-class overlap may dampen the quality of this local approach, as compared to the clustering-oriented technique such as SingleClus. The same problem is also witnessed for the task of imputing missing values, where clustering information can be exploited to improve the accuracy of estimates of those missing ones [37, 38]. Nonetheless, the use of a single clustering seen with SingleClus may overlook patterns exhibited in data under examination. Intuitively, multiple clusterings might fill in this gap well, which is observed here as well as within the line of research called ensemble clustering [12].

Table 6 Statistical assessment of TPR scores reported in Table 5 for the classification of unseen obfuscated instances. Note that, both better and worse metrics are reported for all combinations of compared methods and classification algorithms

For the interpretation of experimental results thus far, averages across multiple trials are exploited for simplicity. This initial assessment follows the central limit theorem suggesting that the observed statistics in a controlled experiment may well be justified to the normal distribution. However, to obtain a more robust comparison between proposed models and other compared methods, the number of times that one is ‘significantly better’ and ‘significantly worse’ (of 95% confidence level) than the others are investigated next. Following the work of [33], let \(\mu (i, t)\) be the average of TPR scores, across the t-th run of n-fold cross validation (n is 10 for the current research) for a model \(i \in TC\) (TC consists of proposed and compared methods). Note that the TPR metric is the most appropriate with this second task of classifying a set of samples belonging to the same class of obfuscated attack. Formally, \(\mu (i, t)\) can be defined as follows:

$$\begin{aligned} \mu (i, t) = \frac{1}{n} \sum \limits _{\eta =1}^n TPR_{\eta } (i, t), \end{aligned}$$

where \(TPR_{\eta } (i, t)\) denotes the TPR score obtained from the \(\eta \)-th fold within the t-th run of method i. The comparison of means obtained from a single trial of cross validation may be misleading, as the difference between means may not be statistically significant at times. As such, it is more reliable to make a decision based on the 95% confidence interval for the mean \(\mu (i, t)\). Such an interval is defined by the following.

$$\begin{aligned} \Bigg [\mu (i, t) - 1.96 \frac{Std(i, t)}{\sqrt{n}}, \> \> \> \mu (i, t) + 1.96 \frac{Std(i, t)}{\sqrt{n}}\Bigg ], \end{aligned}$$

where Std(it) denotes the standard deviation of TPR measures across n-folds cross validation of the t-th trial, for a technique i. The statistical significance of the difference between any two methods \(i, i' \in TC\) is found if there is no intersection between their confidence intervals of \(\mu (i, t)\) and \(\mu (i', t)\). In particular, a model i is significantly better than the other model \(i'\) when

$$\begin{aligned} \left( \mu (i, t) - 1.96 \frac{Std(i, t)}{\sqrt{n}} \right) > \left( \mu (i', t) + 1.96 \frac{Std(i', t)}{\sqrt{n}} \right) \end{aligned}$$

Following that, the frequency that one method \(i \in TC\) is significantly better than others across all experimented trials, i.e., B(i), is calculated by the next equation.

$$\begin{aligned} B(i) = \sum \limits _{\forall t = 1 \ldots 30} \> \> \sum \limits _{\forall i' \in TC, i' \ne i} better(i, i', t), \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&better(i, i', t) \nonumber \\&\quad = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 1 &{} \text {if} \left( \mu (i, t) - 1.96 \frac{Std(i, t)}{\sqrt{n}} \right) > \left( \mu (i', t) + 1.96 \frac{Std(i', t)}{\sqrt{n}} \right) \\ 0 &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array} \right. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Likewise, the frequency that one technique \(i \in TC\) is significantly worse than others, i.e., W(i), is estimated as follows.

$$\begin{aligned} W(i) = \sum \limits _{\forall t = 1 \ldots 30} \> \> \sum \limits _{\forall i' \in TC, i' \ne i} worse(i, i', t), \end{aligned}$$


$$\begin{aligned}&worse_j (i, i', t) \nonumber \\&\quad = \left\{ \begin{array}{lll} 1 &{} \text {if} \left( \mu (i, t) + 1.96 \frac{Std(i, t)}{\sqrt{n}} \right) < \left( \mu (i', t) - 1.96 \frac{Std(i', t)}{\sqrt{n}} \right) \\ 0 &{} \text {otherwise} \end{array} \right. \nonumber \\ \end{aligned}$$

Given this assessment framework, the results reported in Table 5 is further analyzed, with the corresponding statistics being shown in Table 6. These suggest that the three variations of proposed method appear to be more accurate than other compared methods. In particular, they possess higher ‘better’ and lower ‘worse’ measures than the baseline and the state-of-the-art oversampling model of Outlier-SMOTE. Hence, the new framework can be a competitive alternative to previous works that focus on handling the class imbalance problem through data sampling and feature engineering. In addition to the evaluation against Outlier-SMOTE, two other recent methods identified earlier in the related work are also investigated, i.e., Recursive feature elimination [62] and Adaptive ensemble learning [23]. The next comparison shown in Fig. 7 depicts TPR scores of the three best models reported in Table 5, against those of the abovementioned state-of-the-art techniques. Based on this illustration, the predictive performance of proposed models are comparable to those of both Recursive feature elimination and Adaptive ensemble learning, thus putting the new method as another benchmark for developing a classifier to recognize unseen and mutated intrusive attacks.

Fig. 7
figure 7

TPR scores obtained by FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall for the classification of unseen obfuscated instances using the NB model. These are compared with those achieved by Recursive feature elimination [62] and Adaptive ensemble learning [23], where parameter settings are based on original studies

Fig. 8
figure 8

TPR scores obtained by FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall, with different ensemble sizes of \(M \in \{100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350\}\). These are summarized from 30 trials of 10-fold cross validation: A across four classifiers and B specific to NB

Discussion and implication of proposed framework

In addition to the comparative assessment presented previously, this section continues with a discussion regarding parameter analysis specific to the proposed framework and its implication as a general method for handling the class imbalance problem. At first, there are two algorithmic variables that may influence predictive performance of all three variations of FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall. One is the size of clustering results M, which determines the number of centroids in the pool and has been initially set to 150 for the results reported thus far. To disclose the association between this particular parameter and the accuracy of classifying those obfuscated intrusions, the experiment explained above is repeated for different values of \(M \in \{100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350\}\). Provided that Fig. 8A summarizes the corresponding results across four different classifiers, a bigger M usually leads to improved TPR scores witnessed with all three new techniques. In particular to FF-Overall, the highest measures around 54% is obtained as the ensemble size grows above 250. In other words, adding more clustering results to the pool will not yield any further significant improvement. This is similarly seen with the other two models, where FF-Majority performs slightly better FF-Minority across different values of M. Besides, the same comparison specific to the NB classifier is illustrated in Fig. 8B, where the score of FF-Overall increases from 85.146 to 86.673% by enlarging the ensemble size from 150 to 250. Alike trends are also observed for both FF-Majority and FF-Minority. Despite these, a tradeoff between gain in classification performance and a higher complexity is a real concern for resource-constrained applications. It is noteworthy that the complexity of generating a single base clustering is approximated to O(n) and O(nM) for an ensemble of M members. In fact, the overall complexity of a new method is the combination of O(nkM) and \(O(\rho ^2)\) for the generation of multiple clusterings and the selection of representatives, where \(\rho \) denotes the final size of the majority class and k is the averaged number of clusters in a clustering result. Since \(\rho \) tends to be much smaller than n, this complexity may usually converges to O(n). However, it is more expensive than (to the a factor of M) the baseline of clustering whose complexity is commonly O(nk). It is noteworthy that the complexity analyzed herein focuses on the data preprocessing phase as a prior to training a classification model. As such, a prediction time would not be affected by the proposed procedure but depending on a choice of algorithm used to develop the target classifier. The resulting module can be embedded in a software solution to perform an automated NIDS. A timely response may be expected from such a setting; however, its efficiency is up to hardware support. Of course, to gain a rigorous body of knowledge, matching the new undersampling framework to big training data may well require a great deal of time. In such a case, the exploitation of distributed computing might be sensible.

Fig. 9
figure 9

TPR scores obtained by FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall, with different sizes of the majority class, Q, 2Q and 3Q. These are summarized from 30 trials of tenfold cross validation: A across four classifiers and B specific to NB

Fig. 10
figure 10

TPR scores obtained by FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall, with different sizes of the minority class \(X_1 \in \{162, 122, 81, 41\}\). These are summarized from 30 trials for two specific classifiers: A NB and B C4.5

As mentioned above, another important parameter to be studied is the size \(\rho \) of reduced majority class \(X_0\), where it is set initially as the same as that of the minority counterpart \(X_1\). With the process of tenfold cross validation, it is automatically configured to be around 146 samples that will be referred to as Q hereafter. The next investigation is to discover the relation between overall as well as classifier-specific TPR scores and different values of Q: Q, 2Q and 3Q that correspond to target numbers of representative samples of the majority class being 146, 292 and 438, respectively. Based on the experiment of classifying obfuscated connections using \(M = 250\), the results summarized from all four classifiers are depicted in Fig. 9A, where the case of 2Q generally delivers a more accurate classification model. For instance, TPR scores of FF-Overall inclines from 54.079% to 54.813%, as the size of reduced majority class grows twice larger from Q to 2Q. This suggests a loss of majority-class information encountered along with the procedure of selecting a small number of representative samples. Nonetheless, having too many of these in the case of 3Q may not be as effective since the cause of imbalance problem has been re-visited. A similar tendency can be seen in Fig. 9B that illustrates the result specific to NB. In particular, FF-Overall a higher TPR of 87.246% with 2Q, compared to 86.673% with the initial setting of Q.

The issue to be clarified next regards the implication of proposed methods to an extreme case of class imbalance, in which the size of minority class gets extremely small. For this experiment, the whole training data collection, i.e., sizes of majority and minority classes are 10.805 and 162, is exploited to determine classes of those unseen obfuscated instance. Note that the experiment is repeated from 30 trials with different sizes of \(|X_1| \in \{162, 122, 81, 41\}\), while M is 250 and the target size of majority class is 2Q, i.e., twice that of the other class. According to Fig. 10A that shows TPR scores obtained by the NB classifier, the tendency of predictive performance constantly declines as \(|X_1|\) drops from 162 to 41. This is commonly observed with different methods examined here, with FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall providing the best set of measures and outperforming both Baseline and SingleClus. This is also observed with the C4.5 technique whose results are given in Fig. 10B. With these, it is possible to infer that the proposed framework can be a robust alternative to develop a classification model for a highly imbalance problem found in many real-world domains, e.g., fraud detection and cancer diagnosis. Furthermore, the application of FF-Minority tends to be less effective as \(|X_1|\) decreases, which is sensible given the fact that the underlying objective function makes use of distances from a centroid of interest to members of \(X_1\). As such, the performance of FF-Overall is also affected by this estimation, where its TPR scores become lower than those of FF-Majority as \(|X_1|\) getting to the smallest size of 41. For such a case, FF-Majority is preferred to the others, but it should be noted that accuracy of the resulting model will still be largely lower than that achieved with a bigger \(|X_1|\). To this end, it may be better to collect additional samples of the minority classes.


This paper has presented a new approach to handle the problem of imbalance class for machine-learning-based NIDS with adversarial attacks, where legitimate, direct attacks and obfuscated intrusions can be more accurately classified. As a compliment to an initial attempt of seeking a feature subset that is optimal for this classification task, the current work focuses on solving the aforementioned difficulty by extending the concept of clustering based undersampling. Instead of making a reference out of a single data partition, the target set of representative centroids is selected from a pool of multiple clustering results, which has been generated using the concept of ensemble clustering. This ensures the diversity of data partitions, hence the resulting centroids, from which some can well be chosen to represent the original set of majority class. Three variations of the proposed framework are introduced based on different objective functions used for this iterative and greedy process: FF-Majority, FF-Minority and FF-Overall.

Based on the evaluation with four different classifiers and the published dataset, those new methods usually outperform the baseline (i.e., the use of selected feature subset without handling the class imbalance problem) and the single-clustering-based undersampling. They also demonstrate the predictive performance that is in par with state-of-the-art methods included in this study. In fact, the proposed framework is generalized such that it can be coupled with any common classification model. Likewise, this applies to the exploitation of other objective functions to differentiate the goodness of a centroid as a representative of the majority class. However, the proposed models may be less effective if a more sophisticated obfuscation technique is exploited to mutate known patterns. Yet, they are more expensive than their baseline, which may not be appropriate for analyzing big data. Enriching a training set with modified instances [77] using new obfuscation methods can partly resolve the former, while applying the concept of federated learning may scale the application of proposed models up to a big security data collection [5]. Besides, another future work is to explore optimization techniques found in the literature [56] that may lead to a better selection of centroids from a pool of multiple clusterings. This is similar to the attempt to improve a greedy optimization to discretization of feature domains [64]. Finally, an introduction of fuzzy sets and vocabularies is able to support the explainability of prediction process [21]. This final remark draws a great deal of attention provided the emerging trend of explainable AI for modern applications.