Correction: Rheumatol Ther (2023) 10:1335–1348

In the sentence beginning ‘Poster prevented…’ under section ‘Prior Presentation’ in this article, the text ‘prevented previously’ should have read ‘presented previously’. The correct statement should read as follows:

Prior Presentation. Poster presented previously at European Alliance of Associations for Rheumatology (EULAR) 2020.

In Table 1 of this article, the data in the column headed FIL200 and ADA were incorrectly aligned. The down arrow in the fifth row ‘Cartilage damage and synovial proliferation’ for IL-17A was incorrect and it should be an up arrow. The corrected Table 1 is provided below.

Table 1 Significant biomarker changes by study drug treatment compared with placebo at week 12 (FDR < 0.01)

The original article has been corrected.