Correction to: Rheumatology and Therapy (2022) 9:589–608

In the original publication of the article, the authors noticed some of the values in Table 1 and Table 2 of this article, the data in the column 2 and row 67 headed “Baseline patient sociodemographic and clinical characteristics” and the data in the column 3 and row 12 headed “Number of RA treatments received prior to baricitinib treatment” were incorrectly published.

The correct values should read as given below:

Table 1


Total n/mean (SD)

Hemoglobin (g/dl)

155/12.0 (4.0)

Table 2



N (%)

Number of previous bDMARDs (TNFi)

Total with previous TNFi

120 (66%)

The original article has been corrected.