Correction to: Journal of Nephrology

The following discrepancies were noted between the published article and the actual final iteration of revisions provided by the authors for the journal:

  1. 1.

    Fig. 2A, the error bar is missing. The updated figures are copied below.

figure a
  1. 2.

    Tables 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are all missing pair-wise comparisons. These pairwise comparisons were specifically requested as the final revision for acceptance of the manuscript, and were completed and included by the authors in the final revision draft. Unfortunately, the tables included in the published manuscript do not include any of these pair-wise comparisons. Additionally, we note errors in Table 4, which does not include ICU duration with IQR, however does still include the p values associated with this data point, thereby resulting in completely mis-aligned and incorrect p values as well as missing data (the p value of 0.004 corresponds to hospital mortality, 0.009 to ICU mortality, 0.862 to ICU duration (which was erroneously deleted from this table between revision and publication), and 0.194 to hospital duration). Below are the correct versions of the Tables.

    Table 1 Baseline characteristics
    Table 2 Characteristics and outcomes by the timing of AKI and ARDS onset
    Table 3 Hospital and ICU outcomes for patients with ARDS, AKI, or ARDS and AKI
    Table 4 Characteristics and outcomes by ARDS severity in patients with both AKI and ARDS
    Table 5 Characteristics and outcomes by AKI stage in patients with both AKI and ARDS

The original article has been corrected.