1 Introduction

Consider a committee that has to compare several risky positions on a financial market. One obvious example from the recent past would be a panel of various supervisory authorities and public financial institutions, assessing various government bonds by means of several continuous convex risk measures. We ask the question whether it is possible to find a mechanism for merging, in a rational and systematic manner, the resulting differing risk assessments into a single risk assessment, one financial position at a time. It will turn out that for finite electorates, this is not the case; hence, a panel as in the above example should agree on a single risk measure from the outset. In the case of infinite electorates, however, we shall see that rational and systematic aggregation rules for preferences representing convex risk measures do exist; this observation entails a microfoundation for macroeconomic models with, for example, Hansen’s and Sargent’s (2001) multiplier preferences.

What is needed to arrive at these results is a theory of collective decision making with respect to (continuous) convex risk measures. The main clue will be to identify (negated) continuous convex risk measures with their decision-theoretic counterparts, viz. variational preferences, (via their maxmin-expected-utility-plus-penalty representation) and to apply recent results from abstract aggregation theory. Convex risk measures can be represented as negated maxmin expected utility functions with additive convex lower semi-continuous penalty (Föllmer and Schied 2002, 2004), which in turn are in a one-to-one correspondence with the set of so-called variational preference relations (Maccheroni et al. 2006). Given such an individual decision-theoretic foundation for convex risk measures, it is only natural to study the aggregation problem for convex risk measures as an aggregation problem for variational preference relations.

The original, Arrovian preference aggregation theory [originating with Arrow’s (1963) famous impossibility theorem; for concise proofs, cf. Fishburn (1970) and Yu (2012)] does not provide suitable methods to study the aggregation of variational preferences. Even the assumptions in the rich literature on Arrovian social choice on economic domains—cf. e.g. Maskin (1976, 1979), Kalai et al. (1979) or Moulin (1980) for important early contributions as well as Le Breton and Weymark (2002, 2010) and Bossert and Weymark (2006) for more recent work and surveys—are too restrictive for the purposes of the present paper. [For instance, many contributions in this body of literature require the alternatives to form a non-negative orthant and the population to be finite; the only theorem in this literature that might be considered a special case of our results in this paper is the analogue of Arrow’s impossibility theorem for expected-utility preferences which Le Breton proved in his habilitation thesis Le Breton (1986), cf. also Le Breton and Weymark (2010).]

That said, there is also a (“non-Arrovian”) literature on the aggregation of (generalisations of) expected-utility preferences. This body of literature originated with Harsanyi’s (1955) paper on the aggregation of von Neumann and Morgenstern (1944) expected-utility preferences and has seen numerous contributions by diverse other authors. For example, the Paretian aggregation of subjective expected-utility preferences has been studied (motivated by a Bayesian view of probabilities) by, e.g. Hylland and Zeckhauser (1979), Seidenfeld et al. (1989), and Mongin (1995). Gilboa et al. (2004) even generalise Harsanyi’s (1955) and Mongin’s (1995) characterisations (of social welfare functions as convex combinations of individual utility functions) to a setting where both the utility functions and the probability measures are subjective. Furthermore, Mongin (1998) investigated the aggregation of state-dependent expected-utility preferences, while the aggregation of an even richer class of preference orderings [that includes the Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989) maxmin expected-utility preferences] has been studied quite recently by Gajdos et al. (2008). For all its merits, this body of literature generally does not impose Arrow’s (1963) axiom of independence of irrelevant alternatives (let alone systematicity) and, therefore, should not be considered a branch of Arrovian aggregation theory; in addition, the contributions in this literature typically only consider the case of finitely many individuals. In contrast, the present paper does assume the systematicity axiom (a stronger sibling of the independence axiom), thus placing itself more firmly within the Arrovian current of aggregation theory, and studies the case of infinite electorates as well.

The scope of Arrovian aggregation theory has developed considerably during the past decade. It now encompasses aggregation problems of very general form, including even the aggregation of general logical propositions. This area, known as judgment aggregation theory or abstract aggregation theory, has seen seminal contributions by List and Pettit (2002), Dietrich and Mongin (2007), Nehring and Puppe (2007), Dokow and Holzman (2010), Dietrich and List (2007, 2008, 2010); for a survey, see List and Puppe (2009). A very recent development in this area is the investigation of the aggregation of more general propositional attitudes which allows for a unified treatment of both judgment aggregation and probabilistic opinion pooling (cf. McConway (1981) for a seminal contribution to the latter area), cf. Dietrich and List (2010).

One of the recent and less well-known generalisations of classical (Arrovian) preference aggregation theory within judgment aggregation theory is concerned with the aggregation of relational structures (model aggregation). This approach can best be seen as a continuation of Lauwers and Van Liedekerke’s far-sighted paper Lauwers and Van Liedekerke (1995) and was elaborated systematically recently by Herzberg and Eckert (2012a, b).Footnote 1 It is a rather natural methodological choice to employ model aggregation theory in our analysis of variational preference aggregation, on account of the intrinsic emphasis which model aggregation theory lays on semantics (in comparison with most of the judgment aggregation literature) and also because of its historical roots in preference aggregation theory through the work of Lauwers and Van Liedekerke (1995).

In the present paper, the methodology of model aggregation theory will enable us to prove variational analogues of two of the most important (im)possibility theorems of Arrovian social choice theory—those of Arrow and Fishburn—, and to propose a potential analogue of Campbell’s theorem in a generalised variational setting. Moreover, it may well be possible to apply the same proof methodology to obtain similar results for multiple priors preferences (which can be represented by coherent risk measures) and perhaps ultimately even for dynamic variational or multiple priors preferences.

The paper is structured as follows: Sect. 2 reviews the axioms and the representation theorem of variational preferences and relates them to convex risk measures. Section 3 proposes a formal framework for an Arrovian aggregation theory of variational preferences, within which Sect. 4 formulates the main (im)possibility results of this paper. Section 5 then describes briefly the ideas behind the proof methodology (model aggregation theory), while Sect. 6 discusses possible extensions and future research.

In an Appendix, we also apply Dietrich and List (2010) account of majority voting to the problem of variational preference aggregation. The fruit is a possibility theorem, but at the cost of considerable and—at least at first sight—rather unnatural restrictions on the domain of the variational preference aggregator.

2 Variational preferences and convex risk measures

Consider a finite set \(S\), called the set of states of the world, let \(X\) be a convex subset of a vector space \(Y\) with more than one element, called the set of consequences, let \(\mathcal{F }\) be the set of all functions from \(S\) to \(X\). Then, \(\mathcal{F }\) is a convex subset of the vector space \(Y^S\). Let \(\mathcal{F }_\mathrm{c}\) be the set of all constant functions from \(S\) to \(X\). Every element \(x\in X\) can be identified with the constant function \(s\mapsto x\) in \(\mathcal{F }\) and, thus, with an element of \(\mathcal{F }_\mathrm{c}\).

Let us now introduce axioms for a binary relation \(\succsim \) with symmetric part \(\sim \) (i.e. \(f\sim g\) if and only if \(f\succsim g\) and \(g\succsim f\)) and asymmetric part \(\succ \) (i.e. \(f\succ g\) if and only if \(f\succsim g\) but \(g\not \sim f\)); our formulation of the axioms is borrowed from Maccheroni et al. (2006, p. 1453).

Definition 1

A binary relation \(\succsim \) on \(\mathcal{F }\) with symmetric part \(\sim \) and asymmetric part \(\succ \) is a variational preference ordering or convex risk-preference ordering if and only if it satisfies all of the following axioms:

  1. (A1)

    Weak order properties For all \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }\), either \(f\succsim g\) or \(g\succsim f\) (completeness); for all \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\), if \(f\succsim g\) and \(g\succsim h\), then \(f\succsim h\) (transitivity).

  2. (A2)

    Weak certainty independence For all \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }, x,y\in \mathcal{F }_\mathrm{c}\) and \(\alpha \in (0,1)\), if

    $$\begin{aligned} \alpha f+(1-\alpha )x \succsim \alpha g+(1-\alpha )x, \end{aligned}$$


    $$\begin{aligned} \alpha f+(1-\alpha )y\succsim \alpha g+(1-\alpha )y. \end{aligned}$$
  3. (A3)

    Continuity For all \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\), the sets

    $$\begin{aligned} \{ \beta \in [0,1]\ : \ \beta f + (1-\beta )g \succsim h\} \end{aligned}$$


    $$\begin{aligned} \{ \beta \in [0,1]\ : \ h \succsim \beta f + (1-\beta )g \} \end{aligned}$$

    are closed.

  4. (A4)

    Monotonicity For all \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }\), if \(f(s)\succsim g(s)\) for all \(s\in S\), then \(f\succsim g\).

  5. (A5)

    Uncertainty aversion For all \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }\) and \(\alpha \in (0,1)\), if \(f\sim g\), then \(\alpha f+(1-\alpha )g\succsim f\).

  6. (A6)

    Non-degeneracy There exist \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }\) such that \(f\succ g\).

Remark 2

Let \(\succsim \) be a binary relation on \(\mathcal{F }\) with symmetric part \(\sim \) and asymmetric part \(\succ \).

  1. 1.

    If \(\succsim \) satisfies completeness (A1a), then

    $$\begin{aligned} f\succsim g\Leftrightarrow f\not \prec g \end{aligned}$$

    for all \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }\).

  2. 2.

    If \(\succsim \) satisfies completeness (A1a), then \(\succsim \) satisfies continuity (A3) if and only if for all \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\) and all \(\beta \in [0,1]\), there exist \(\alpha ,\gamma \in [0,1]\) such that

    • \((\alpha ,\gamma )\subseteq \{ \delta \in [0,1]\ : \ \delta f + (1-\delta )g \succsim h\}\) if \( \beta f + (1-\beta )g \succsim h\), and

    • \((\alpha ,\gamma )\subseteq \{ \delta \in [0,1]\ : \ h \succsim \delta f + (1-\delta )g \}\) if \( h \succsim \beta f + (1-\beta )g \),

    while either

    • \(0\le \alpha <\beta <\gamma \le 1\) or

    • \(0=\alpha =\beta <\gamma \le 1\) or

    • \(0\le \alpha <\beta =\gamma =1\).

The identification of variational preference relations with convex risk-preference orderings can be justified as follows: on the one hand, Maccheroni et al. (2006, pp. 1453, 1456) have extended the previous work by Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989) and established that a relation \(\succsim \) satisfying axioms (A1–A6) allows for a representation in terms of a maxmin expected utility function with additive convex lower semi-continuous penalty: a binary relation \(\succsim \) on \(\mathcal{F }\) is a variational preference relation if and only if there exists a non-zero linear function \(u:X\rightarrow \mathbb{R }\) and a convex lower semi-continuous function \(c:\Delta \rightarrow [0,+\infty ]\) (\(\Delta \) being the set of all probability measures on \(S\)) whose infimum is \(>-\infty \) such that for any \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }\), one has

$$\begin{aligned} f\succsim g\Leftrightarrow \min _{p\in \Delta }\left( \int u\circ f \ \mathrm d p+c(p)\right) \ge \min _{p\in \Delta }\left( \int u\circ g \ \mathrm d p+c(p)\right) . \end{aligned}$$

On the other hand, Föllmer and Schied (2002, 2004) have demonstrated that continuous convex risk measures can be represented as negated maxmin expected utility functions with additive convex lower semi-continuous penalty and “real consequences” (i.e. \(X\subseteq \mathbb{R }\)), and vice versa. Therefore, variational preference relations are the ordinal equivalents of continuous convex risk measures.

In our investigation of aggregation of variational preference orderings (i.e. convex risk-preference orderings), it will be helpful to have a more “quantitative” notion of continuity at hand, to distinguish degrees of continuity. For this purpose, we introduce the notion of a witness to continuity. The following definition of being a “witness to continuity” is motivated by the role which the scalars \(\alpha ,\gamma \) play in the equivalent characterisation of continuity in Remark 2.

Remark 3

Preference orderings that satisfy all variational axioms except continuity nevertheless represent convex risk measures; for such preference orderings, most of the analysis in the present paper still goes through, even in simplified form. Analogues of Arrow’s impossibility theorem and Fishburn’s possibility theorem still hold in that setting, which corresponds to the aggregation of (not necessarily continuous) convex risk measures. If one is only interested in aggregating (not necessarily continuous) convex risk measures, one may ignore the continuity conditions that follow—at the price of relinquishing an analogue of Campbell’s impossibility theorem.

Definition 4

Let \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\) and \(\beta \in [0,1]\). A pair of real numbers \((\alpha ,\gamma )\in [0,1]^2\) is called a witness-pair to the continuity of \(\succsim \) along \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\) in \(\beta \) if and only if for all \(\delta \in (\alpha ,\gamma )\), one has

  • \(\delta f + (1-\delta )g \prec h\) if \(\beta f + (1-\beta )g \prec h\) and

  • \(h \prec \delta f + (1-\delta )g \) if \(h \prec \beta f + (1-\beta )g\),

whilst either

  • \(\alpha <\beta <\gamma \) or

  • \(0=\alpha =\beta <\gamma \) or

  • \(\alpha <\beta =\gamma =1\).

A real number \({\varepsilon }\in [0,1]\) is called a witness to the continuity of \(\succsim \) along \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\) in \(\beta \) if and only if there exists some \(\alpha \in [0,1]\) or \(\gamma \in [0,1]\) such that either \((\alpha ,{\varepsilon })\) or \((\gamma ,{\varepsilon })\) is a witness-pair to the continuity of \(\succsim \) along \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\) in \(\beta \).

With this definition, we can now rephrase Remark 2:

Remark 5

If \(\succsim \) satisfies completeness (A1a), then \(\succsim \) satisfies continuity (A3) if and only if for all \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\) and all \(\beta \in [0,1]\) there exists a witness to the continuity of \(\succsim \) along \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\) in \(\beta \).

3 Aggregation of variational preferences

Consider a set \(N\) (finite or infinite), which we shall call population or electorate. Elements of \(N\) are called individuals, subsets of \(N\) are called coalitions. Suppose that each individual \(i\in N\) is endowed with a variational preference ordering \(\succsim _i\) (as defined in Sect. 2), any such resulting \(N\)-sequence \(\underline{\succsim }=(\succsim _i)_{i\in N}\) is called a variational preference profile. In various circumstances—for instance, in the course of making certain policy choices—the question will arise whether one can aggregate the individual variational preference orderings and obtain a social variational preference ordering (i.e. an aggregate of the individual variational preferences \(\succsim _i\) which itself happens to be variational preference relation). And if so, are there any rules, satisfying certain rationality conditions, which can be used to assign a (social) variational preference ordering to all variational preference profiles—or at least to a large class of variational preference profiles?

We shall show that any such rule whose domain encompasses a rich class of variational preference profiles must be dictatorial in the case of finite \(N\) and, thus, establish an equivalent of Arrow’s (1963) impossibility theorem for variational preference aggregation. For the case of infinite \(N\), we shall prove a possibility result for infinite \(N\) under the assumption that the aggregator domain contains only equicontinuous variational preference profiles; this result can be seen as an variational-preference analogue of Fishburn’s (1970) possibility theorem. We shall also outline how a potential analogue of Campbell’s impossibility theorem may be obtained.

As we shall see in an appendix, on certain restricted domains of profiles for finite electorates, the majority voting rule—which also satisfies two important rationality axioms—can be used to obtain a social variational preference ordering.

4 Main results: variational preference aggregation for rich aggregator domains

Denote the set of all variational preference relations on \(\mathcal{F }\) by \(\mathcal{P }\).

In this paper, a pre-variational preference aggregator is a map \(F\) with domain \(\mathrm dom (F)\subseteq \mathcal{P }^N\) whose range is a set of complete binary relations on \(\mathcal{F }\). A strictly variational preference aggregator or convex risk-preference aggregator is a map \(F\) from a subset \(\mathrm dom (F)\subseteq \mathcal{P }^N\) to \(\mathcal{P }\). A pre-variational preference aggregator \(F\) is said to be

  • universal if and only if \(\mathrm dom (F)=\mathcal{P }^N\) (so that \(F:\mathcal{P }^N\rightarrow \mathcal{P }\));

  • weakly universal if and only if \(\mathrm dom (F)\) is a rich aggregator domain. Herein, a subset \(\mathbb{D }\subseteq \mathcal{P }^N\) is called a rich aggregator domain if and only if there are \(f,f^{\prime },g,g^{\prime }\in \mathcal{F }\) and variational preference orderings \(\succsim _1,\succsim _2,\succsim _3\) such that

    • \(f\succsim _1 g,\ f^{\prime }\succsim _1 g^{\prime },\quad f\succsim _2 g,\ f^{\prime }\prec _2 g^{\prime },\quad f\prec _3 g,\ f^{\prime }\succsim _3 g^{\prime },\) and

    • \(\{\succsim _1,\succsim _2,\succsim _3\}^N\subseteq \mathbb{D }\);

  • systematic if and only if for every \(\underline{\succsim }\in \mathrm dom (F)\) and all \(f,f^{\prime },g,g^{\prime }\in \mathcal{F }\) with \(\{i\in N \ : \ f\succsim _i g\}=\{i\in N \ : \ f^{\prime }\succsim _i g^{\prime }\}\) one has

    $$\begin{aligned} f \, F(\underline{\succsim }) \, g\Leftrightarrow f^{\prime } \,F(\underline{\succsim }) \,g^{\prime } ; \end{aligned}$$
  • Paretian if and only if for every \(\underline{\succsim }\in \mathrm dom (F)\) and all \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }\), if \(f\succsim _i g\) for all \(i\in N\), then \(f \, F(\underline{\succsim }) \, g\);

  • dictatorial if and only if there exists some \(i\in N\) (called dictator) such that for every \(\underline{\succsim }\in \mathrm dom (F)\) and all \(f,g\in \mathcal{F }\),

    $$\begin{aligned} f \, F(\underline{\succsim }) \, g\Leftrightarrow f\succsim _i g. \end{aligned}$$

The modification “weakly” in “weakly universal” is justified:

Remark 6

If \(S\) contains at least two elements, then \(\mathcal{P }^N\) is a rich aggregator domain, and every universal aggregator is also weakly universal.

(All proofs can be found in Appendix C.) Clearly, every dictatorial \(F\) can be extended to a universal, systematic and Paretian aggregator. It is remarkable that even the converse holds true.

Theorem 7

Let \(N\) be finite and let \(F\) be a pre-variational preference aggregator. \(F\) is weakly universal, systematic and Paretian if and only if it is dictatorial.

(Theorem 7 is the variational preference analogue of Arrow’s (1963) possibility theorem.)

One can obtain a possibility result for infinite \(N\) by demanding equicontinuity of all variational preference profiles in the aggregator domain—rather than mere continuity of the preferences in all variational preference profiles. A profile \(\underline{\succsim }=(\succsim _i)_{i\in N}\) is said to be continuous if and only if \(\succsim _i\) is continuous for all \(i\in N\); it is said to be equicontinuous if and only if for all \(f,g,h\in \mathcal{F }\) and all \(\beta \in [0,1]\), there exist \(\alpha ,\gamma \in [0,1]\) which for all \(i\in N\) are a witness-pair to the continuity of \(\succsim _i\) along \(f,g,h\) in \(\beta \).

Theorem 8

Let \(N\) be an infinite set, and let \(\mathbb{D }\subseteq \mathcal{P }^N\) be a rich aggregator domain such that all profiles in \(\mathbb{D }\) are equicontinuous. Then there exist non-dictatorial, weakly universal, systematic and Paretian strictly variational preference aggregators \(F:\mathbb{D }\rightarrow \mathcal{P }\).

(Theorem 8 is the variational preference analogue of Fishburn’s (1970) possibility theorem. The condition of equicontinuity means that every profile in the aggregator domain consists of preferences that have the same modulus of continuity.)

Remark 9

For the case of infinite electorates, one can obtain an analogue of Campbell’s (1990) impossibility theorem as follows. Let \(\mathcal{Q }\) denote the set of Monotonic Bernoullian Archimedean (MBA) preferences recently introduced by Cerreia-Vioglio et al. (2011). Note that the Archimedean property is of the form \(\forall f,g,h\exists \alpha ,\beta \ldots \) where \(\ldots \) is a quantifier-free formula, therefore, any aggregator from \(\mathcal{Q }^N\) to \(\mathcal{Q }\) will have to preserve a \(\forall \exists \) formula. Now, for infinite \(N\), it will—in non-degenerate cases—not be difficult to construct profiles for which the witnesses \(\alpha ,\beta \in (0,1)\) of the Archimedean property for fixed acts \(f,g,h\) will converge to the extreme values \(1\) and \(0\), respectively. This implies—by a reasoning analogous to that in Herzberg and Eckert (2012b, Theorem 4.1)Footnote 2—that any universal and Paretian aggregator from \(\mathcal{Q }^N\) to \(\mathcal{Q }\) will be a dictatorship.

Again using the model-theoretic approach to aggregation [cf. Herzberg and Eckert (2012b)], one can also obtain an analogue of Arrow’s impossibility theorem for the aggregation of finite profiles of MBA preferences. In addition, it might be possible to establish an analogue of Fishburn’s possibility theorem which asserts the possibility of aggregating infinite profiles of MBA preferences if one admits in the aggregator domain only—what may be called—equi-Archimedean profiles, viz. sequences of preference relations that have a uniform pair of witnesses to the Archimedean property.

The details of this proposal are worked out in a paper in preparation.

5 Proof idea

The shortest route in proving the above theorems is to invoke recent results from model aggregation theory, due to Herzberg and Eckert (2012a) who generalised previous findings by Lauwers and Van Liedekerke (1995). To employ these results, one needs to reformulate the variational preference aggregation problem as a model aggregation problem (see Appendix B); thereafter, the proofs follow relatively easily from the model aggregation theory in Herzberg and Eckert (2012a) (see Appendix C). In this section, we briefly describe model aggregation theory and its application to the aggregation of variational preferences; a rigorous review can be found in Appendix A.

Model aggregation theory studies the aggregation of first-order structures (in the sense of mathematical logic). An aggregator in this setting is then just a map from a set of \(N\)-sequences of structures of a certain type to a set of structures of such type. It is not difficult to formulate analogues of Arrow’s (1963) rationality assumptions in this framework.

Of utmost importance is the notion of a decisive coalition with respect to an aggregator \(F\). A coalition \(D\) is said to be decisive with respect to an aggregator \(F\) if and only if it can be written in the form \(D=\{i\in N \ : \ (\mathcal{F },\succsim _i)\models \phi \}\) for some profile \(\underline{\succsim }\in \mathrm dom (F)\) and some quantifier-free formula \(\phi \) such that \((\mathcal{F },F(\underline{\succsim }))\models \phi \).

Denoting the set of all decisive coalitions with respect to \(F\) by \(\mathcal{D }_F\), one can next prove the following key lemma:

Lemma 10

If \(F\) is a weakly universal, systematic and Paretian strictly variational preference aggregator, then \(\mathcal{D }_F\) is an ultrafilter on \(N\).Footnote 3

The proof of Lemma 10 uses a slight generalisation of the main lemma in Lauwers and Van Liedekerke (1995, Lemma 2):Footnote 4 In the proof of that lemma, the ultrafilter properties (non-triviality, closure under supersets and intersections, dichotomy) are verified by constructing appropriate profiles through exploiting the richness of the aggregator domain.

Since ultrafilters on finite sets are always principal (i.e. systems of supersets of singletons), Lemma 10 quickly leads to a proof of the “only if” part in Theorem 7. The proof of the “if” part in Theorem 7 is straightforward.

Using the ultrafilter property of the set of decisive coalitions, Theorem 8 can now be proved through applications of Łoś’s theorem: for, one can apply Lemma 10 to show that any weakly universal, systematic and Paretian pre-variational preference aggregator \(F\) maps every variational preference profile to the restriction (to the original domain \(\mathcal{F }\)) of its ultraproduct (with respect to the ultrafilter \(\mathcal{D }_F\) of decisive coalitions), and conversely, Łoś’s theorem implies that every pre-variational preference aggregator \(F\) which assigns to each variational preference profile in \(\mathrm dom (F)\) the restriction of its ultraproduct with respect to a fixed ultrafilter \(\mathcal{D }\) constitutes a systematic Paretian pre-variational preference aggregator (which is weakly universal if \(\mathrm dom (F)\) is a rich aggregator domain). Now, since—again by Łoś’s theorem—restricted ultraproducts preserve universal formulae (also sometimes called \(\Pi _1\) formulae) that hold in all factor structures, it is clear that the aggregate of an equicontinuous variational preference profile under a weakly universal systematic Paretian pre-variational preference aggregator must again be continuous and, thus, a variational preference profile. Hence, every weakly universal, systematic, Paretian pre-variational preference aggregator whose domain only consists of equicontinuous variational preference profiles is actually a strictly variational preference aggregator. Now, for infinite \(N\), there exist non-principal ultrafilters \(\mathcal{U }\) on \(N\). Choose such a \(\mathcal{U }\) and let \(F:\mathbb{D }\rightarrow \mathcal{P }\) be a map whose domain only contains equicontinuous variational preference profiles and which assigns to each element of \(\mathbb{D }\) the restriction of its ultraproduct with respect to \(\mathcal{U }\). This \(F\) will then be a strictly variational preference aggregator which is not dictatorial, establishing Theorem 8.

6 Possible extensions and future research

Using the methodology of the present paper, one can also study the aggregation of coherent risk measures for a finite set of states of the world. For, coherent risk measures can be written as negated maxmin expected utility functions, which in turn represent multiple priors preferences, as shown by Gilboa and Schmeidler (1989). (For recent results on maxmin expected utility functions, see e.g. de Castro and Chateauneuf (2011) and the references therein.) Hence, the aggregation of coherent risk measures can be reformulated as an aggregation problem for certainty-independent, continuous, monotonic, uncertainty-averse and non-degenerate weak orders, and the theory of model aggregation can again be used to prove impossibility and possibility results. It might perhaps even be possible to employ the methodology of the present paper to study the Arrovian aggregation of Choquet expected utility preferences [cf. Chateauneuf et al. (2003)] or neo-additive Choquet preferences [cf. Chateauneuf et al. (2007) and for more recent work e.g. Dominiak and Lefort (2012)].

Also, variational preferences or Choquet expected utility preferences (let alone multiple priors preferences) do not exhaust all possibilities of modelling Ellsberg (1961) ambiguity (i.e. uncertainty in the sense of Knight (1921); see Ellsberg et al. (2011) as well as Nau (2011) for some history of the literature on ambiguity). Even though this would mean leaving aside the original motivation of aggregating risk measures, a systematic aggregation theory for preferences from more general classes of preferences encoding ambiguity, in particular the MBA class of Cerreia-Vioglio et al. (2011), is an interesting research project and will be addressed in the future.

Another possible domain of application of the approach in this paper might be an Arrovian aggregation theory of dynamic variational preferences and, thus, of dynamic convex risk measures. For, the representation theorem of Föllmer and Schied (2002, 2004) has been extended to a dynamic setting by Detlefsen and Scandolo (2005) in a paper on dynamic convex risk measures which builds upon on Riedel (2004) seminal article on dynamic coherent risk measures. Moreover, Maccheroni et al. (2006) have recently developed a dynamic generalisation of their axiomatisation of variational preferences Maccheroni et al. (2006). Combining their theorem with Detlefsen and Scandolo’s result, one obtains a decision-theoretic foundation of dynamic convex risk measures in terms of dynamic variational preferences.

Furthermore, the systematicity condition can possibly be relaxed. For, systematicity is equivalent to the weaker aggregator condition of independence if the conditional entailment relation among the set of test sentences has full transitive closure.

Finally, it would be desirable to allow for infinitely many, not just finitely many, states of the world. However, a straightforward generalisation of our arguments to this infinitary setting would then need to refer to conjunctions of infinitely many propositions. This might be achieved by a generalisation of our present methodology (model aggregation) based on the model theory for infinitary logic, cf. e.g. Keisler (1971) (possibly the work of Waszkiewicz and Weglorz (1969) might also be employed to formulate analogues of the ultraproduct construction for infinitary logic, cf. the review of that work by Feferman in Mathematical Reviews 41 \(\#\)8220).

An entirely different approach to the aggregation of variational preferences would be the analysis of the (in general inconsistent, cyclical) aggregates of variational preferences which an application of the majority rule would yield. Results about utility representations of certain binary relations on topological vector spaces (cf. Neuefeind and Trockel (1995)) might prove useful for that purpose.

7 Conclusion

We have formulated Arrow-type aggregation problems for convex risk measures or variational preferences. Choosing a methodology inspired by Lauwers and Van Liedekerke (1995), one can prove analogues of Arrow’s impossibility theorem and Fishburn’s possibility theorem (and with some modifications even a potential analogue of Campbell’s impossibility theorem). The proof method is sufficiently general to be applied to Arrow-type aggregation of coherent risk measures or multiple priors preferences, and perhaps even dynamic convex or dynamic coherent risk measures and their variational counterparts.

The results can, for instance, be used for the constitutional design of panels consisting of several risk managers. In light of the variational analogue of Arrow’s impossibility theorem, the panel should not assess financial risks ad hoc; rather, it should agree on a joint risk measure from the outset.

Another application is in the area of macroeconomic theory: the variational analogue of Fishburn’s theorem provides a microfoundation for social preferences that are variational, e.g. Hansen’s and Sargent’s (2001) multiplier preferences.