1 Correction to: High Blood Pressure & Cardiovascular Prevention https://doi.org/10.1007/s40292-022-00504-x

In the online version of the article Fig. 2 appears as

Fig. 2
figure a

Blood pressure of cohort according to sex, age group and job type. Box plots represent the interquartile range, whiskers are the upper and lower adjacent values, circles are outliers, the plot's x point and midline represent the mean and median, respectively. SBP: Systolic blood pressure, DBP: Diastolic blood pressure, TS: Teaching staff, NTS: Non-teaching staff. Circles are outside values

Should appear as:

Fig. 2
figure 2

Blood pressure of cohort according to sex, age group and job type. Box plots represent the interquartile range, whiskers are the upper and lower adjacent values, circles are outliers, the plot's x point and midline represent the mean and median, respectively. DBP diastolic blood pressure, NTS non-teaching staff, SBP systolic blood pressure, TS teaching staff. Circles are outside values