FormalPara Key Points for Decision-Makers

Various methodological challenges may exist when conducting trial-based economic evaluations, including missing data, correlated costs and effects, baseline imbalances, and skewness of costs and/or effects.

Using inappropriate methods to handle the aforementioned methodological challenges can bias results and mislead healthcare decision-making.

This tutorial provides step-by-step guidance on how to combine appropriate statistical methods for handling the aforementioned methodological challenges in trial-based economic evaluations using a ready-to-use R script.

1 Introduction

As healthcare costs are increasing, healthcare decision-makers around the world face tough decisions regarding the allocation of already scarce healthcare resources [1]. To inform such allocation decisions, healthcare decision-makers more and more call upon researchers to demonstrate that healthcare interventions are not only effective but also cost-effective. In other words, researchers are asked to conduct economic evaluations to assess whether a healthcare intervention provides ‘good value for money’ compared with other interventions that could be reimbursed with the same resources. As a consequence, many grant organizations (e.g. the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) in the United Kingdom and ZonMw in the Netherlands) require that economic evaluations are conducted along with clinical studies that they fund [2, 3].

Economic evaluations can either be conducted on the basis of decision-analytic models or alongside clinical trials. Model-based economic evaluations are conducted on the basis of multiple sources of information from the literature (e.g. clinical trials, cohorts, systematic reviews and metanalyses). In this tutorial, we focus on trial-based economic evaluations, which are economic evaluations conducted alongside randomized controlled trials (RCTs), also referred to as ‘piggyback’ studies [4,5,6]. Within such studies, the additional costs and effects of a new healthcare intervention are compared with control or usual care which can also be an active intervention [4, 5]. An important advantage of trial-based economic evaluations is that random allocation increases the internal validity of results, which allows for making inferences about the cost-effectiveness of healthcare interventions [7,8,9]. To increase the external validity of results, pragmatic trial-based economic evaluations are preferably conducted, meaning that they resemble daily practice as much as possible. Moreover, the marginal cost of conducting an economic evaluation alongside an already funded clinical trial is relatively low, thereby increasing research efficiency.

Several studies indicate, however, that the methodological quality of published trial-based economic evaluations is generally suboptimal [9,10,11,12,13]. Poor methodological quality may lead to biased results, wrong conclusions and, eventually, a waste of already scarce healthcare resources. Therefore, improvement in the statistical analysis of trial-based economic evaluations is much needed. When analysing trial-based economic evaluation data, different methodological challenges may be encountered, including (i) missing data [14, 15], (ii) correlated costs and effects [16, 17], (iii) baseline imbalances [18,19,20], and (iv) skewness of costs and/or effects [21, 22]. Although well-established statistical methods are available in the literature for handling these challenges in effectiveness studies, they may not always be directly applicable in trial-based economic evaluations in which costs and effects are analysed jointly, and more than one methodological challenge typically needs to be addressed simultaneously.

Therefore, this tutorial aims to provide step-by-step guidance on how to combine statistical methods available in the literature to handle the abovementioned methodological challenges in the context of trial-based economic evaluations using a ready-to-use R script. It is presented in two parts. In Part 1, the reasoning behind the choices made regarding the statistical methods is explained. In Part 2, step-by-step guidance is be provided to illustrate how to implement the discussed statistical methods in R using a simulated trial-based economic evaluation.

2 Part 1: Statistical Methods to Handle Methodological Challenges

2.1 Missing Data

Missing data are oftentimes unavoidable in clinical research and are a particular concern in trial-based economic evaluations [15]. This is because total costs and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) are typically the sum of numerous cost components and utility values, respectively [15]. Hence, one missing cost component or utility value will already result in an incomplete case. A distinct type of missing data is censoring, which occurs when time-to-event outcomes, such as survival time, are only partially observed [23]; for example, we know that a participant survived until 9 months follow-up, but due to missing data at 12 months, we do not know whether they died between 9 months and 12 months.

Simply excluding incomplete cases from the analysis can produce invalid cost-effect estimates if excluded cases are systematically different from the included ones [15, 24]. Naïve methods, such as mean imputation of missing values and last observation carried forward, are discouraged because they do not account for the uncertainty in the imputed observations [15]. More robust methods for handling missing and/or censored data are multiple imputation (MI), inverse probability weighting (IPW), likelihood-based models and Bayesian models [25]. Of them, MI is most frequently used [25, 26] and is a valid method when missing data are related to observed data (e.g. missing at random, MAR) in economic evaluations [27,28,29].

In this tutorial, we opted for MI for a number of reasons. First, MI allows for a separate specification of the imputation and analysis models [14]. Such a separate specification avoids the inclusion of unnecessary variables in both models, thereby providing more precise imputed values and cost-effective estimates [30]. Another reason is that MI allows for missing data to be imputed at a disaggregate level (e.g. resources consumed, utility value), avoiding loss of information that may occur when data are imputed and/or analysed at the total cost and QALY level [14]. To illustrate, MI allows for the inclusion of partially missing cases in the analysis model. When using IPW, for example, partially observed cases are discarded after the weighting, which leads to a loss of information and power [24]. For this reason, MI is generally more efficient than IPW [24]. Moreover, despite MI being shown to be unnecessary when using likelihood-based models for analysing effects [31], for analysing costs MI has been shown to produce more accurate estimates [32]. A detailed description of the MI procedure is available in ESM_1.

2.2 Skewness of Costs and Effects

Cost data are typically heavily right-skewed because costs are naturally bounded by zero and there are typically relatively few patients with (very) high costs. QALY values can also be skewed; for example, when there are relatively few patients with a (very) low health-related quality of life. Consequently, the distributional assumptions of standard parametric tests are not met in smaller samples, while in larger samples statistical efficiency may be negatively impacted. In a recent scoping review, various methods were identified as appropriate for handling skewed cost and/or effect data, including non-parametric bootstrapping, generalized linear models (GLM), hurdle models and Bayesian models with a gamma distribution [25]. In this tutorial, we opted for non-parametric bootstrapping as it allows for comparing arithmetic means without making any distributional assumptions while accounting for the correlation between costs and effects [33, 34]. Advantages of bootstrapping are that it retains the correlation between costs and effects even when separate models are used for analysing costs and effects and it can be nested within a MI procedure to get a valid estimate of uncertainty around cost-effectiveness estimates [33, 35]. A detailed description of the non-parametric bootstrapping procedure is available in ESM_1.

2.3 Correlated Costs and Effects

Costs and effects are typically correlated, because—depending on the disease and/or intervention under study—better health outcomes can be associated with higher costs, or vice versa. In a recent scoping review, various methods were identified as appropriate for handling this correlation between costs and effects, including seemingly unrelated regressions (SUR), bootstrapping costs and effects in pairs, and Bayesian bivariate models [25]. We opted for SUR combined with bootstrapping costs and effects in pairs, because besides both accounting for the correlation between costs and effects, bootstrapping can provide valid estimate of uncertainty around cost-effect estimates [33, 35]. The two SUR regression equations (i.e. one for costs and effects) can be run simultaneously in combination with bootstrapping, which makes the analyses more efficient than an analysis in which two separate regressions equations need to be run [e.g. in case of using ordinary least square (OLS) regressions or GLMs] [16, 36]. Other options to analyse cost-effect data include combining SUR and IPW which would account for the correlation between costs and effects and missing data and/or censoring simultaneously without the need for bootstrapping [36]. In this case, the uncertainty around cost-effect estimates would not be considered if bootstrapping is not applied [33, 35], and information and/or power would be lost if MI is not applied [24]. This tutorial, therefore, focuses on applying SUR in combination with bootstrapping and MI to analyse cost-effect data.

2.4 Baseline Imbalances

In economic evaluations alongside RCTs, the random allocation of participants across study groups theoretically ensures that patient characteristics are similar in both groups. As RCTs do not have infinite samples, however, patient characteristics might still be imbalanced. If these patient characteristics are associated with costs and/or effects, trial-based economic evaluation results may be imprecise and biased if the characteristics are not accounted for in the analysis model. In a recent scoping review, various methods were identified as appropriate for handling such baseline imbalances, including regression-based adjustment, propensity score adjustment and matching [25]. Of them, we opted for regression-based adjustment, as it is easiest to combine with SUR, MI and non-parametric bootstrapping.

3 Part 2: Implementation in R: An Illustrative Example

In this section, we will demonstrate how to implement the statistical methods described above in R. The steps of the tutorial are illustrated using data from a simulated hypothetical trial-based economic evaluation. To run this illustrative example in your computer, please follow the steps provided in ESM_2. All materials used in this tutorial can be downloaded from

3.1 Trial-Based Economic Evaluation Data

A hypothetical trial-based economic evaluation was simulated using RStudio (dataset.xlsx can be found in ESM_3). The dataset.xlsx includes 200 participants (106 in the control group, 94 in the intervention group), and several variables at baseline and follow-up. Baseline variables include age, sex, utilities (E) and costs (C). Treatment allocation is represented by variable Tr (Tr = 0 if a participant was randomized to the control group and Tr = 1 if randomized to the intervention group). Follow-up variables include utilities and costs at four time points (3 months, 6 months, 9 months and 12 months). We simulated missing values according to the MAR mechanism [15], that is, missing values were introduced into the follow-up variables conditionally on the baseline variables age and sex. An overview of the variables included in the dataset.xlsx is provided in Table 1.

Table 1 Description of the variables included in the dataset.xlsx
Box 1 Multiple imputation procedure
Box 2 Bootstrapping combined with adjusted seemingly unrelated regressions model
Box 3 Extract statistics of interest obtained from combining MI procedure, bootstrapping and adjusted seemingly unrelated regressions model
Box 4 Pooling cost-effectiveness results using Rubin’s rules
Box 5 Cost-effectiveness plane
Box 6 Cost-effectiveness acceptability curve

3.2 Multiple Imputation Procedure

Prior to imputing missing values, a descriptive analysis of missing data is usually carried out to identify whether the proportion of missing data is evenly distributed between treatment groups, and whether the missingness of data is associated with baseline variables and/or observed outcomes [14]. On the basis of this information, an imputation model is specified. Detailed information on how to specify an imputation model can be found elsewhere [14, 37, 38]. For this illustrative example, we assumed that a missing data analysis was performed, indicating that missingness in the outcomes was related to two baseline variables, namely age and sex.

For the implementation of the MI procedure, the mice function provided by the mice R package [39] is used (Box 1). The first step is to split the dataset by Tr (#1) to ensure that data are imputed separately by treatment groups as recommended by Faria et al. [14]. Subsequently, a predictor matrix, including all variables of the dataset, is automatically generated by the make.predictorMatrix function and stored in the predMat object (#2). In the predictor matrix, variables in the columns are used to impute missing values of the variables in the rows [38, 39]. A 0 indicates that a certain predictor is not included in the imputation model, while a 1 indicates that it is. In the illustrative example, we attributed zeros to Tr (predMat[,'Tr'] <- 0) because the MI procedure is already stratified by treatment group (#2). Additional information on how to customize and imputation model can be found in Heymans and Eekhout [38].

Box 1 (#3) also shows how to implement the imputation procedure in R. Using the mice function, the PMM procedure (i.e. method = "pmm"), and the prediction matrix (i.e. predictorMatrix = predMat), five imputed datasets are generated (i.e. m = 5). A seed, that is, a specific starting point for the procedure, is specified to ensure that the exact MI procedure can be replicated. The default number of complete donor observations in the mice function is used (i.e. 5) [37].

The rbind function is then used to combine the imputed datasets, after which the complete function stacks all imputed datasets under each other in a data frame format, which is then stored in the impdat object (#4). We also extract the number of imputations, because this information is required at a later stage of the analysis process to pool the results over the imputed datasets using Rubin’s rules (#5).

Total costs (Tcosts) are then calculated as the sum of the costs per time point using all imputed data stored in the impdat object (#6). Similarly, QALYs are calculated using the linear interpolation method (#7) [40], meaning that the mean utility value for two consecutive time points is multiplied by the time between the two time points in expressed in years, after which the results of all periods are summed to calculate total QALYs [19, 40]. Lastly, all imputed datasets are stored separately in a list (#8) to allow for simultaneously implementing the non-parametric bootstrap procedure and SUR analysis to each imputed dataset in the next steps.

3.3 Cost-effectiveness Analysis

For the implementation of the non-parametric bootstrapping procedure (Box 2), we use the boot function provided by the boot R Package [41]. The boot function is used to resample the data, after which a SUR model is fitted on each bootstrap sample using the systemfit function [42]. In doing so, we first need to define the function fsur (#9). In the example, Tcosts are regressed upon Tr, C, age and sex (r1), while QALYs are regressed upon Tr, E, age and sex (r2). Subsequently, the boot function (#10) is used to fit the SUR model on each bootstrap sample and to return the estimated adjusted regression coefficients of the independent variable Tr, namely \({\beta }_{1c}\) and \({\beta }_{1e}\). This is done for each of the five imputed datasets stored in the list impdta. The non-parametric bootstrapping procedure is set to result in 5000 bootstrap samples per imputed dataset, after which the statistics of interest estimated per bootstrap sample are stored in the object bootce (#10).

In Box 3, we illustrate how to extract statistics of interest stored in the bootce object. The lapply function is used to extract \({\beta }_{1c}\) (cost_diff) and \({\beta }_{1e}\) (effect_diff) from each of the five imputed datasets before bootstrapping, and subsequently store these coefficients in a new list named imputed (#11). We also extract the 5000 bootstrapped regression coefficients for costs (bootcost_diff) and effects (booteffect_diff) from each of the five imputed datasets and store these in a new list named postboot (#12).

In Box 4, we illustrate how Rubin’s rules are applied to pool \({\beta }_{1c}\) and \({\beta }_{1e}\) over the imputed datasets. The pooled \({\beta }_{1c}\) and \({\beta }_{1e}\) are calculated as the mean of \({\beta }_{1c}\) and \({\beta }_{1e}\) in each imputed dataset before bootstrapping (#13). The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER\()\) is then calculated by dividing the pooled \({\beta }_{1c}\) by the pooled \({\beta }_{1e}.\)

Subsequently, a covariance matrix per imputed dataset is computed, including variances and covariances between bootstrapped samples for the parameters of interest stored in the postboot list (#14). The covariance matrix is stored per imputed dataset in a list named cov. Variances stored in cov are pooled using Rubin’s rules (#15, and #16). The pooled covariance is estimated on the basis of the within- and between-variances and stored in a matrix named cov_pooled (#17). Pooled variances stored in cov_pooled are then used to compute the pooled lower and upper limits of the 95% CIs for costs and effects (#18). The FMI for costs and effects is also calculated using their respective within- and between-imputation variances and used to estimate loss of efficiency (#19). In the illustrative example, the losses of efficiency for both costs and effects are below 5%.

3.4 Cost-effectiveness Plane

The cost-effectiveness plane (CE-plane) shows the statistical uncertainty surrounding the ICER. Box 5 shows how the CE-plane is plotted using the ggplot function provided by the tidyverse R package (#18) [43]. The bootstrapped cost differences (\({\beta }_{1c})\) are plotted on the y-axis and the bootstrapped effect differences (\({\beta }_{1e})\) on the x-axis, that is, the blue dots in the plot (Fig. 1). The point estimate representing the pooled cost and effect differences (\({\beta }_{1c}\) and \({\beta }_{1e}\)) is shown as a red dot (i.e. the ICER) (Fig. 1). The axes of the CE-plane can be customized by changing the values specified in the arguments geom_vline, geom_yline, scale_x_continuous, and scale_y_continuous.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Cost-effectiveness plane showing the bootstrapped cost-effective pairs (blue dots) and incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (red dot).

3.5 Cost-effectiveness Acceptability Curve (CEAC)

In Box 6, the net benefit approach is used to estimate the probability of an intervention being cost-effective given a willingness-to-pay (WTP) per additional QALY gained through the intervention [44,45,46]. In the example, WTPs are specified as a sequence from 0€ to €80,000 per additional QALY gained, with increments of €1000 (#21).

The net benefit (NB) is defined as \(NB=\lambda \times {\beta }_{1e}-{\beta }_{1c}\), where λ is the WTP and \({\beta }_{1e}\), \({\beta }_{1c}\) are the differences in effects and costs between the intervention and control, respectively. We can then use the pooled variance stored in the covariance matrix (#14) to estimate the probability of the NB being positive conditional on \(\lambda\) using the formula of Löthgren and Zethraeus [47]. Probabilities of cost-effectiveness for each \(\lambda\) stored in CEAC are then used to plot the cost-acceptability curve (#22) (Fig. 2). Of note, a NB > 0 represents that an intervention is cost-effective.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Cost-acceptability curve plot. The probability of cost-effectiveness is plotted on the y-axis and the willingness-to-pay values on the x-axis.

4 Discussion

This tutorial illustrates how to implement available statistical methods to simultaneously handle four methodological challenges that are typically encountered in trial-based economic evaluations using a step-by-step R script. We used MI combined with non-parametric bootstrapping and an adjusted SUR to account for missing data, correlated costs and effects, baseline imbalances, and skewed costs and/or effects. Although we expect that the provided R script is suitable for use in most trial-based cost-effectiveness analyses, there may be specific methodological challenges that need to be added. We will discuss some of these extensions here.

4.1 Linear Mixed Model

The R script can be adapted to implement other statistical models, for example, a linear mixed model (LMM) [48]. This can be done by replacing the SUR equations by LMM equations using R packages such as the lme4 R package [49] or nlme [50]. LMMs are recommended in situations in which observations are clustered, such as in cluster-randomized clinical trials, where patients are randomized at the cluster level (e.g. a hospital) rather than on the individual level [51, 52]. Unlike SUR, however, the LLM must be implemented separately for costs and effects [53]. As a consequence, it does not explicitly account for the correlation between costs and effects when estimating \({\beta }_{1c}\) and \({\beta }_{1e}\), while SUR does. However, if the LLM is combined with bootstrapping cost and effects in pairs, the correlation is maintained. LLM can also be used to analyse cost and effect data longitudinally, with time (i.e. measurement points) clustered within individuals. An advantage of such an approach is that it allows for the estimation of cost and effect differences per measurement point, and hence total costs and QALYs do not need to be estimated prior to the analyses. This effectively reduces the amount of missing data, since partially observed costs and QALYs over the course of the study’s follow-up can still be used [53].

4.2 Multi-arm Trials

The R script can also be adapted for situations in which more than two study arms are being compared. Suppose that the variable Tr has three different treatment arms (0 = A, 1 = B, 2 = C)—then three pairwise comparisons are required (e.g. A versus B, A versus C, and B versus C) [54, 55]. These comparisons can be implemented in the R script by generating dummy variables for the variable treatment and adding those to the SUR regressions or to the LLM as covariates.

4.3 Limitations

4.3.1 Pooling Estimates

In this tutorial, MI is performed first, after which the M complete datasets are bootstrapped (i.e. bootstrapping nested in MI) to handle skewed and missing data simultaneously [35, 56]. Alternative approaches are bootstrapping first and then performing MI (MI nested in bootstrapping) and bootstrapping first followed by single imputation (SI nested in bootstrapping). However, it is still not clear in the literature what the best approach is to combine both statistical methods and pool the results to produce valid confidence intervals [35, 56].

A second limitation is that we now used a normal-based approach to estimate pooled 95% confidence intervals. We judged this to be sound as the sampling distribution of the bootstrapped parameter estimates are approximately normal in our case. However, this might not always be the case, particularly with very small datasets. Alternative options are the percentile method [56] and the bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) percentile method, which do not rely on the normality assumption [57]. However, the main drawback of this approach is that it is not clear how the variance between imputed datasets should be pooled.

4.3.2 Bayesian Framework

Literature suggests that Bayesian models might be even more flexible than the frequentist methods presented in this R tutorial [58]. For example, a Bayesian bivariate mixed model can account for missing data, correlated costs and effects, baseline imbalances and skewed costs and/or effects, and can more easily be extended to also account for multilevel and longitudinal data than frequentist models [59]. It is important to realize, however, that when researchers rely on the same underlying model of the data, a Bayesian analysis with non-informative priors results in similar estimates as a frequentist analysis. Moreover, the use of Bayesian methods requires a good understanding of probability theory and statistical modelling, since models must often be specifically tailored to the analysis at hand and cannot be implemented in standard statistical software. The R script provided in this tutorial cannot be adapted to include the Bayesian framework. For this, the reader is referred elsewhere [60].

4.3.3 Handling of Skewed Costs and/or Effects

Previous simulation experiments suggest that when the appropriate (skewed) form of cost and/or effect data is known, a degree of efficiency can be gained by using the estimator appropriate for that distribution [33]. This can, for example, be done using a GLM, where various link functions (e.g. logit, identity) and distributions (e.g. gamma, Gaussian) can be specified [61]. Research suggests, however, that even with moderately sized samples drawn from known distributions, the form of the distribution can often not reliably be determined from the data alone, and that estimates based on incorrect distributional assumptions can lead to misleading conclusions [33]. We therefore opted for using non-parametric bootstrapping instead, as it allows for comparing arithmetic means without making any distributional assumptions while accounting for the correlation between costs and effects. If researchers prefer to use a GLM, they can use the codes provided in ESM_2, in which a GLM with a gamma distribution and a log link is combined with MI, regression-based adjustment and non-parametric bootstrapping to get a valid estimate of uncertainty around the model estimates.

5 Conclusion

This tutorial provided step-by-step guidance on how to combine statistical methods available in the literature to handle methodological challenges inherent to trial-based economic evaluations using a ready-to-use R script. We explained the theoretical background of the described methods and illustrated them using a simulated trial-based economic evaluation. Additionally, we presented possible ways to adapt the provided annotated R code and discussed the limitations of the approach chosen in this tutorial.