Correction to: Infection

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes.

Section “Results”, second paragraph, third sentence should read: “More women than men reported nausea (79.3% in females vs. 66.7% in males, p < 0.01), abdominal pain (91.4% in females vs. 87.3% in males, p = 0.02) and joint pain (54.1% in females vs. 45.4 in males, p = 0.02)” .

Section “Results”, third paragraph, third sentence should read: “Slightly more men than women reported illness duration of 0–3 days (17.9% vs. 13.3%, p = 0.02), 4–7 days (42.3% vs. 41.2%, p = 0.02), and ≥ 15 days (5.2% vs. 4.2%, p = 0.02), while an illness duration of 8–14 days was more common in women than men (27.7% vs. 17.5%, p = 0.02)”.

Section “Results”, fifth paragraph, sixth sentence should read: “No significant differences between the sexes were observed for consulting a doctor or hospitalisation (data not shown), whereas for medication more women than men reported use of paracetamol (65.4% vs. 58.1%, p = 0.04)”.

Section “Results”, eighth paragraph, second sentence should read: “In the adjusted regression analyses, previous depression (RR: 1.62, 95% CI 1.17–2.26) and previous peptic ulcer (RR: 1.73, 95% CI 1.00–3.00) remained significant (Table 5). Further, age 55–64 years (RR: 0.63, 95% CI 0.41–0.94) and 35–44 (RR: 0.53, 95% CI 0.36–0.78), were associated with a lowered risk of severe gastroenteritis as compared to the reference age category 45–54 years, although the RR for age 55–64 years was not significant in the unadjusted regression model” .

The presentation of Table 1, Table 5 and the Supplementary file 1 were incorrect. The corrected tables (Tables 1 and 5) are given below and the Supplementary file 1 has also been updated to reflect the corrections.

Table 1 Demographic characteristics of the study population, by cases with self-reported gastroenteritis, non-cases and the uncertain group, during the Campylobacter outbreak in Askøy
Table 5 Severe gastroenteritis by characteristics, during the Campylobacter outbreak in Askøy. Unadjusted and adjusted relative risks (RR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs)

The original article has been corrected.