Correction to: The Australian Educational Researcher

In the original publication of the article, “senior english” is corrected as “Senior English”.

The sentence “These are represented in the extracted Figure below.” is corrected as “These are represented in Fig. 2”.

The citation “Figs. 2 and 3” is moved from the sentence “Thus, the report….. structure of institutionalised school curriculum.” To “This is clearly the case in NSW.”

The sentence “In the following graphs, the data for English are extracted from the overall findings given in Fig. 1 above.” is corrected as “In Figs. 3 and 4, the data for English are extracted from the overall findings given in Fig. 1 above.”

The sentence “The following locational indicators are also applied in 2017:” is removed.

The sentence “Fig. 6 is read as follows: “49% of English students… were in ‘Outer regions” etc.).” is corrected as “Fig. 6 shows the locational indicators applied in 2017. Figure 6 is read as follows: “49% of English students… were in ‘Outer regions” etc.).”

The sentence “The seeds of the later High School Certificate… would be English” (Hughes with Brock, 2008, p. 52).” is corrected as “The seeds of the later Higher School Certificate… would be English” (Hughes with Brock, 2008, p. 52).”

The reference “Newbolt, H. [Chair] (1921). The Teaching of English in England. The Departmental Committee appointed by the President of the Board of Education to inquire into the position of English in the educational system of England (1921). London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office “is corrected as “Newbolt, H. (Chair), The Departmental Committee appointed by the President of the Board of Education to inquire into the position of English in the educational system of England (1921). The Teaching of English in England. London: His Majesty’s Stationery Office.”

The reference “Zyngier, D. (2009). Doing it to (for) Boys (Again): Do we really need more books telling there is a problem with boys’ underachievement in education? Gender and Education, 21(1), 111–118.” is corrected as “Zyngier, D. (2009). Doing it to (for) Boys (Again): Do we really need more books telling us there is a problem with boys’ underachievement in education? Gender and Education, 21(1), 111–118.

The reference section is corrected to maintain consistency with the journal house style.

The book titles in the author biographies are italicized.

The original article has been corrected.