1 Introduction

Maintaining complex systems has become more complicated over the past few decades. This is because systems are made up of many components that are interdependent. Each component of the system is important to its optimal function. A complex system may cease to function when a component is removed for maintenance. This can result in partial or complete failure. The failure of a component in a complex system, however, is expensive because of system downtime and the unplanned shutdown of other components, as well as the expense of urgently replacing it. It is possible to reduce the number of failures and increase the availability of complex systems by applying a good preventive maintenance (PM) scheme. For a system to run effectively, reliability must also be considered, as it determines the system's availability and therefore impacts the continuity and safety of the process.

Many scholars have studied maintenance optimisation problems and employed various approaches to determine the best PM schedule. However, the results were generally not ideal [1]. PM schedules are typically designed by engineers based on manufacturer recommendations and managers' experience [2]. From a conceptual perspective, component replacement should be delayed for as long as possible to realise the maximum benefit of the component. However, due to aging components and excessive wear, operation poses a high risk of unexpected failure [3]. Therefore, the operation and requirements of a system should be considered when planning preventive maintenance to ensure the continuity of its outputs.

This paper explores the use of failure modes to design preventive maintenance schedules as a maintenance service strategy for complex engineering systems. A system can be modelled as a series of subsystems and components such that failure of different components of the system can be determined from their life expectancy. Not all failures will cause stoppage of production. By analysing failure modes that cause only partial system failures, production can be sustained during preventive maintenance. Using the failure mode model and corresponding data on the analysis of component reliability by Weibull distribution, a preventive maintenance regime can not only improve system reliability and minimise cost of replacement components, but also maintain the continuity of the system’s outputs. This holistic approach can be applied to any form of complex system and at every step of the process.

The organisation of the paper is as follows. Section 2 provides a review of literature relevant to this research. Section 3 represents notations and abbreviations. Section 4 describes system reliability. The preventive maintenance strategy is discussed in Sect. 5. Section 6 introduces a case study to illustrate the proposed FMEA block replacement strategy. Results and discussion are in Sect. 7. Section 8 explains managerial implications. In the last section, we discuss the conclusions drawn from this study.

2 Literature Review

The continuity of production outputs has always been identified as a major problem in the manufacturing systems. The focus of this paper is on the continuity of complex production system outputs that have a high level of reliability. The complex system includes a variety of components in series and parallel configuration. A minor failure in any one of these components can have a partial impact on the performance of the entire system since they work continuously. In order for a whole system to be available, components’ safety and reliability are most important. Therefore, for any industrial system to meet its objectives, it is essential to maintain continuity of its production systems.

Maintaining the continuity of production outcomes is the primary objective for preventive maintenance. To examine what methodologies can be used in maintenance scheduling and how they are used, this literature review will focus on two areas: (a) preventive maintenance and systems reliability driven by policies and (b) preventive maintenance with focus on potential failure modes.

2.1 Scheduling of Preventive Maintenance

A maintenance optimisation method is one that determines an efficient maintenance schedule. This method balances maintenance costs with the risks associated with unplanned maintenance [4]. A preventive maintenance approach that focuses on understanding the nature of failure modes and the work of complex systems during the planning phase can guarantee the continuity of production outputs. In addition to reducing the number of failures, and improving reliability, maintenance can substantially reduce costs [5].

An optimal maintenance policy is proposed for sets of interdependent components in multi-component maintenance models [6]. Economic dependence is a characteristic of continuous operating systems such as production lines [7]. Single shutdowns of multi-components system are typically much more expensive than component replacements. It is possible to realise significant savings when maintenance policies are implemented properly. However, the failure of a single component does not always cause a full system shutdown. In some cases of failure, parts of the system can continue to function in a reduced capacity [8].

2.1.1 Scheduling for Continuity

Complex production systems need to be run continuously and have minimal periods of downtime [9,10,11]. To ensure the continuity output of a system, its reliability and requirements should be considered when planning preventive maintenance. Essentially, reliability is the probability of all the system components functioning correctly at all times. System reliability is an important consideration in complex engineering applications with multiple components or multiple failure mechanisms [12]. The performance of the overall system is influenced by each component in some way. In the event of a failure of any system component, the overall performance of the system will be affected partially, or the system will be shut down entirely. To achieve adequate reliability levels for a complex system, it is essential to consider the preventive maintenance intervals for components [13].

The reliability of components needs to be estimated for maintenance optimisation. Several published papers have focused on group preventive maintenance strategies tailored to the reliability of multi-component systems; however, maintenance activities such as repairs or replacements require the whole system to be shut down. The researchers have chosen Weibull distribution for describing failure rates. For example, by using three models, Tam et al. [14] determined the optimal maintenance intervals for multi-identical component systems. Under regular downtime conditions, maintenance can be performed given a minimum acceptable level of reliability and at a minimum total cost. In this research, cost and reliability are considered simultaneously for multi-component series systems. In complex systems, Hou et al. [15] presented the relationship between component reliability and system performance. A model for determining the optimal timing and cost of preventive maintenance was developed for series and parallel systems. A preventive, corrective, and opportunistic maintenance approach has been proposed by [16] to address multi-identical components with high production losses and economic dependence. A conditional information-based search method was proposed concerning reliability analysis for components. In the authors' study, however, when one component fails, the entire system, which is made up of several components connected in series, fails. Another study based on series–parallel systems and their reliability [17] developed a preventive maintenance decision model that evaluated the restriction of system reliability on maintenance considerations. For multi-identical component systems subject to multiple dependent and competing failure processes, Song et al. [18] designed a reliability model and maintenance policy for an identical-component system. A fixed inspection interval and an age replacement policy were both considered in the research. During their study, the system failed when a minimum of one parallel subsystem failed. In another study for the optimisation of multi-component maintenance strategies, Guo et al. [19] designed a numerical analysis method. Each different component was estimated to have a different maintenance time, cost, and failure rate. The authors considered a series–parallel structure for a system with only four components. Under different system reliability conditions, the cost rate and availability of the maintenance system are optimised. Moreover, by using statistical analysis, Fallahnezhad et al. [20] presented a method for identifying the best preventive maintenance strategy for parallel, series, and single-item replacement systems. A balance between total cost and reliability is used to determine the values of decision variables. Their system is based on a specific number of equipment items, and as they deteriorate in terms of their function, the system will fail. For multi-component systems with serially connected subsystems that are subject to reliability requirements, Shi et al. [21] developed a condition-based maintenance decision framework. The authors assumed that the maintenance process needed to be performed by shutting down the system during the maintenance of any identical component over a finite planning horizon to minimise the overall maintenance cost while ensuring the reliability of the system complies with the predefined requirement. In a multi-level approach incorporating structural and economic dependencies, Dinh et al. [22] proposed opportunistic predictive maintenance for multi-identical component systems. The replacement of components can be opportunistic if their predicted reliability dips below the threshold for opportunistic maintenance. The system can be caused to shut down by a component failure or a preventive maintenance procedure, as all of its components are integrated in hierarchical series. For production system availability, an optimisation model based on a preventive maintenance policy was presented by [23] for flexible scheduling of a flow-shop in a series–parallel production system of disposable appliances.

Some of the literature considered a reliability-analysis-based maintenance policy for multi-non-identical component systems. For instance, Shen et al. [24] dealt with the reliability of a multi-non-identical component system involving components that are subjected to continuous degradation processes and categorised shocks. Based on their recursive analysis, the authors developed a simulation method to approximate the failure time of k-out-of-n systems. If at least k components fail, the system fails. Using reliability analysis, Martinod et al. [25] developed an optimisation strategy to optimise the cost of preventative and corrective maintenance for complex multi-component systems. The authors studied complex systems based on non-identical components, where the failure of any one component would affect the performance of the system. Recently, Kamel et al. [26] presented a model for maintenance that minimises total maintenance costs for series–parallel systems consisting of nonidentical components under the consideration of reliability constraints. Based on the grouping maintenance approach, Vu et al. [27] developed a method for managing systems composed of multiple non-identical components. The method can be used to consider a variety of maintenance opportunities when making a decision about maintenance. In their research, they presented the reliability block diagram of a power plant system formed from six main components connected in a redundant configuration. The authors emphasised that the system must be shut down in order to maintain critical components in the proposed models. In order to minimise maintenance costs for a series of multi-component systems, Wang et al. [28] developed opportunistic maintenance models for each component based on the optimal reliability threshold. The replacement of the component can only be implemented when the component's reliability meets the PM reliability threshold. Failure distributions between the components obey a two-parameter Weibull distribution and the failure of any component in the series multi-nonidentical component system leads to system failure.

2.1.2 Observation of Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Approaches

A variety of scheduling approaches have been stated in the previously mentioned studies for achieving the specific target of system performance. When a system fails, most approaches do not consider the underlying causes. The effect of failures, e.g. the severity of the machine faults was regarded as trivial, and able to be resolved with ‘normal’ maintenance schemes. When complex engineering systems are involved, this assumption is not always true.

2.2 Failure Analysis

Among the best processes used for analysing potential failures and system performance is failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA). It is used at the design stage to identify potential failure modes during the development process [29]. As a method, FMEA allows for identifying and analysing all the faults in a system and evaluating their effect on the system's reliability.

2.2.1 FMEA in Maintenance

Identification of potential failure modes is important during the analysis process. Failure modes can have various effects on a system, however not all will lead to a complete system failure. Whether a failure mode produces one or more failures depends on the configuration of the system. Therefore, to identify risks associated with a potential failure mode and understand what happens to a system when a failure mode occurs, identifying the effects of failure modes and understanding dependency maps between components are important steps in the FMEA process. In this way, preventive maintenance of components can be planned more effectively to ensure that the system does not have to shut down completely during maintenance. The literature review shows that most studies used the development of the FMEA concept to support planning and provide recommendations for maintenance actions in accordance with the risk priority number (RPN), which is a fundamental component of any FMEA.

For example, using a reliability model to test the reliability of PM planning, Cicek et al. [30] proposed a flexibility interval between maintenance interventions based on failure analysis. To attain the highest safety standards at the lowest cost, the authors analysed failures and accidents. Feedback, brainstorming, and expert judgement were used in the FMEA to generate PM plans that increased system reliability. Puthillath et al. [31] evaluated a preventive maintenance schedule that would reduce downtime and improve performance using the FMEA method. Based on reliability information for aircraft indicators, Guo et al. [32] improved preventive maintenance intervals through the optimisation of the long-term cost of operation. FMEA reports from two suppliers were used to identify the major failure modes in two applications of the indicator. Saleem et al. [33] employed the FMEA method to identify the causes of failures in tyre-curing presses to increase efficiency by implementing the priority risk number RPN, and reduce maintenance and downtime costs. Moreover, Piechowski et al. [34] used the FMEA method to analyse failures, scheduling, and planning processes. According to the concept of sustainable production, they evaluated failure based on different perspectives, such as operator safety and environmental impact.

In other recent studies, the FMEA method has also been used to identify failure types and to recommend preventative maintenance of some components of a machine so that they can function as expected and minimise the impact of failures [35]. Using the FMEA approach, Rahmania et al. [36] reduced potential failure opportunities, thus enabling resources to be directed to components with multiple or more critical failures. Sudadiyo et al. [37] proposed a classification method for the first group of centrifugal pump subcomponents using FMEA to determine maintenance level criteria. As part of a preventive maintenance strategy, Palei et al. [38] analysed failure-mode effects with real-world operational data. At the earliest mean time to failure (MTTF) in their study, reliability-centred maintenance was implemented on a cluster of critical-failure components. In an attempt to evaluate the failure potential of aircraft wings, Gholizadeh et al. [39] proposed an analysis based on failure modes and failure analysis in criticality. An optimal design can be achieved when reliability, maintenance, and repair factors are considered in a risk assessment model. A method for preventing unplanned downtime incidents was described by [40]. Using FMEA, they made maintenance schedules that reduced unexpected downtime by predicting the conditions of each component in the production line. The system takes a break if one of its components or parts fails or is undergoing maintenance. Moreover, a maintenance planning and production scheduling tool was developed by [41] using FMEA analysis. In this study, a machine was considered with matching components, however, if one component failed, the entire machine might also fail, therefore halting production.

2.2.2 Different Structures in Maintenance

For system reliability analysis, there are different structures available in the literature that can be used to analyse reliability and maintenance, for example, a fault tree structure. It is used for analysing failures caused by various factors based on their representation in the form of a tree [42]. The fault tree structure is used to measure a system's reliability, where a top-down approach is used to identify the root causes of any system failure [43,44,45]. Fault Maintenance Trees (FMTs) are discussed in reference [46, 47] as structures that allow managers to manage total maintenance costs and reliability while maintaining the availability of a system. While the fault tree is commonly used for the analysis of systems failure modes, it is a complicated process and the data flow is not represented.

Another structure to assess the reliability of continuous systems under fatigue and corrosion failure conditions [48] used structural health monitoring data. In their study, A Bayesian inference method was applied to determine the structural reliability. The concept of graph structure was used by [49] to develop new models and algorithms for assessing the reliability of a system composed of multiple components. By using the Hasse diagram, these developments exploit a graphic representation of the order relation between the states of the system components. Despite using graphical representations of functional requirements, this approach does not use them for safety analysis because they are not detailed.

Although all these methods are a good, readily available structure to evaluate the reliability and maintenance of complex systems, the continuity of system outputs is not taken into account. Thus, to refine the approach that has been previously proposed, this paper uses the FMEA structure.

2.2.3 The Role of FMEA in Maintenance

The FMEA method for failure analysis has been used in the previously mentioned studies. However, the studies have not used the FMEA block-based PM concept to maintain the continuity of the system outputs. Furthermore, the procedure used in the system analysis is not effective for understanding how the system works, or the impact of failure on the whole system. For example, the work safety risk analysis is carried out and recommendations of ideal maintenance actions to be taken are detailed in a report to control the risks identified during the failure process observation in the production system, which is completely different to our approach in this paper. In other words, they did not consider the FMEA block concept to keep the system's output continuous during maintenance activities. This concept is to model and identify the components that have the same failure effect and then group them into blocks based on failure modes and the impact of these failure modes on the rest of the components. Through this technique, we can avoid the replacement of unnecessary components, which may affect the other components in the system, causing production system stoppages, lost production costs, and high total maintenance costs.

Given the above discussions, an interesting avenue for the current study is to maintain production outputs even partially during maintenance activities with a high level of reliability. Focusing on failure mode modelling of the production system, Alamri et al. [50] have proposed a method to determine the preventive replacement intervals using the meantime-to-failure values for groups of components as blocks in the complete system to prevent frequent breakdown failures. Based on the FMEA block concept, the proposed method was shown to arrive at a satisfactory solution where continuous production outputs are maintained and the system maintenance costs are optimised. This is achieved by exponential failure distribution, which also enables further investigations with more reliability-oriented distribution functions instead of the exponential failure function.

In this paper, we propose failure-modes-based preventive maintenance scheduling using the FMEA method. The objective is to maintain continuity of the complete production system while optimising maintenance costs and achieving a maximum level of system reliability.

The novelty and contributions of this work can be summarised as follows:

  1. 1.

    Developing a holistic preventive maintenance schedule using FMEA for a complete complex system.

  2. 2.

    Using the FMEA modelling, it is then possible to determine, for the complete complex system, multiple nonidentical series–parallel component relationships governing production capacity in the case of component failure (FMEA block concept).

  3. 3.

    With respect to the constraint of reliability, this research work analyses the reliability of a complete complex system consisting of multi-nonidentical components using Weibull distribution.

  4. 4.

    Unlike the above literature review, we use a group replacement strategy in the form of matrices to treat the components separately and then we have to integrate them according to the FMEA block.

  5. 5.

    The results are validated from an illustrative example of a real case.

3 Notations and Abbreviations

Before giving the description of our strategy, we introduce the following notations and abbreviations that will be used throughout the paper.


Cost of a failure replacement


Cost of a preventive replacement


Weibull shape parameter for component i


Weibull scale parameter for component i


Preventive maintenance PM interval


Optimum value of T


Spare parts

\(R_{i} \left( t \right)\):

Reliability function of component i

\(F_{i} \left( t \right)\):

Cumulative distribution function of component i


Block downtime


Labour cost at CM


Cost of lost production

\(R_{{{\text{se}}_{i} }} \left( T \right)\):

Reliability function of the i components in series configuration at \(T\)

\(R_{{{\text{pa}}_{i} }} \left( T \right)\):

Reliability function of the i components in parallel configuration at \(T\)

\(R_{{B_{z} }} \left( T \right)\):

Reliability function of the z FMEA Blocks

\(R_{{{\text{sys}}}} \left( T \right)\):

System reliability


Number of labours


Required time to replace components at PM


Person cost per hour for PM


Affected components by failure


Shutdown cost of rest components


Lost production for qth components


Required time to replace components at failure

\({\mathbf{T}}_{{{\mathbf{cost}}}} \left( {T^{ } } \right)_{ }\):

Total maintenance cost of FMEA Block

\(A_{{{\text{cost}}_{z} }}\):

Annual total maintenance cost of FMEA Block


Total number of PM during the planning period t


Total maintenance cost of the system

4 System Reliability

In order to maintain the continuity of production system outputs, the analysis and improvement of the entire system’s reliability should be taken into account. The reliability of a system is determined by how probable it is to perform a needed function under a given set of conditions during a given time period, t. By choosing the right parameters, the Weibull distribution can provide a great deal of flexibility for modelling various types of failure rate behaviours [51]. In this study, the reliability function is determined by the Weibull analysis. Based on Eq. (1), the reliability of components in system is determined as:

$$ R_{i} \left( t \right) = \exp \left[ { - \left( {\frac{t}{{\eta_{i} }}} \right)^{{\beta_{i} }} } \right] $$

The shape parameter \(\beta_{i}\) (aging property) plays a key role in determining what strategies should be used for part replacement and maintenance in addition to modelling different situations. Let t be the lifetime of each i component, where t is a Weibull distribution with the shape parameter, \(\beta_{i}\), and the scale parameter, \(\eta_{i}\).

The reliability function of the i components in series configuration is considered, which can fail at the failure of any one of the components. At the interval of preventive maintenance, the reliability can be calculated as follows:

$$ R_{{se_{i} }} \left( T \right) = e^{{ - \left[ {\left( {\frac{T}{{\eta_{1} }}} \right)^{{\beta_{1} }} + \left( {\frac{T}{{\eta_{2} }}} \right)^{{\beta_{2} }} + \cdots , \left( {\frac{T}{{\eta_{n} }}} \right)^{{\beta_{n} }} } \right]}} $$

where \( i\left( {i = 1, \ldots ,w} \right),\) \(w\) represents the number of series arrangements.

In this research, at least one series of components must succeed in a parallel arrangement to ensure the block successfully works. Thus, the reliability at \(T\) for components connected in parallel connection is calculated as:

$$ R_{{pa_{i} }} \left( T \right) = \left[ {1 - \left( {1 - R_{{se_{1} }} \left( T \right)} \right) \left( {1 - R_{{se_{2} }} \left( T \right)} \right) \left( {1 - R_{{se_{w} }} \left( T \right)} \right) } \right] $$

where \( i\left( {i = 1, \ldots ,v} \right),\) \(v\) represents the number of parallel configurations.

In order to analyse the effect of PM interval of the FMEA block on the reliability, Eqs. (2) and (3) can be combined into Eq. (4), where \(R_{{B_{z} }} \left( T \right) \) corresponds to the reliability function for the block whether in series, or series–parallel arrangement. Therefore, if the block only consists of one type of configuration, for example series, in this case the \(R_{{pa_{i} }} \left( T \right)\) is equal to 1. This means only the \(R_{{se_{i} }} \left( T \right)\) will be calculated.

$$ R_{{B_{z} }} \left( T \right) = \left[ {R_{{se_{i} }} \left( T \right)} \right] R_{{pa_{1} }} \left( T \right) R_{{pa_{2} }} \left( T \right) \ldots ,R_{{pa_{v} }} \left( T \right) $$

where \( z = 1, 2 \ldots ,z,\) represents the number of blocks.

A component's failure probability is defined by the cumulative distribution function for a Weibull distribution. In this case, the reliability at replacement time can be evaluated by subtracting the probability of failure from 1 and given by:

$$ F_{i} \left( t \right) = 1 - R_{i} \left( t \right) $$

Therefore, the system reliability \(R_{{{\text{sys}}}} \left( T \right)\) can be defined as Eq. (6).

$$ R_{{{\text{sys}}}} \left( T \right) = 1 - \left( {1 - R_{B1} \left( T \right)} \right) \left( {1 - R_{B2} \left( T \right)} \right) \ldots , \left( {1 - R_{Bz} \left( T \right)} \right) $$

The above equation is for blocks in parallel to determine the reliability of the whole system. Assuming the minimum allowable reliability value for system is \(RR\), the reliability constraint of the optimisation model is

$$ R_{{{\text{sys}}}} \left( T \right) \ge RR $$

5 Preventive Maintenance Scheduling Optimisation

In the previous section, we examined the concept of reliability for a complete system. The aim of this section is to establish a preventive maintenance schedule, which will help optimise the maintenance costs while meeting the reliability requirements. The maintenance scheduling problem consists in defining when to stop the FMEA block for preventive replacement while maintaining system continuity. For a complete system consisting of N number of non-identical components the system will not stop completely if any of these components is under maintenance or fails. The replacement of all components is applied simultaneously when the preventive maintenance of a group of components (FMEA block) reaches its optimal interval \(T^{x}\). This is based on understanding a potential failure mode of system components. When a component has a failure, it might affect the other components in the same production line system. The information will be provided in FMEA models that describe components and their configurations. In this way, component maintenance can be planned more effectively.

5.1 General Assumptions

It is important to simplify the system because the system components are complex and there are many variables.


  • Replacement maintenance does not stop the entire production system.

  • A Weibull distribution is assumed for production system components.

  • Planned maintenance costs occur when a group of components are replaced at the optimal time, and the reliability of such replacement is R%.

  • The time measured is in hours, and all system components are replaced preventively in groups at an optimal time.

  • Any component is new at the start (t = 0).

  • After each replacement, each component in the system will be as good as new.

5.2 Total Maintenance Cost

The purpose of this section is to develop a multi-mode mathematical model in the form of matrices for calculating the cost of maintaining a production system using a group preventive maintenance schedule. Maintenance costs are divided into many categories. The following sub-sections provide an explanation of the constituent maintenance costs.

5.2.1 Mathematical Model

The general block replacement strategies for a single component and identical components have been widely detailed in literature [52]. The model assumes that replacement of components will take place at regular intervals of time with failure replacements performed as necessary. The component becomes as good as new after each replacement. Whenever a failure occurs during a cycle, it is immediately replaced. The goal is to minimise the total replacement cost per unit of time by optimising the interval between the replacements. With system complexity, the replacement policy for a single component is insufficient to support complex systems maintenance. In this research, the mathematical model is used as a group replacement strategy. The cost of replacing a group of non-identical components under preventive replacement conditions is assumed to be lower than replacement costs under failure conditions. The matrix model considers an optimal interval which minimises the average cost rate and guarantees reliability by controlling the failure rate to a certain extent within acceptable limits. By considering the above two goals, we aim to calculate the replacement for the FMEA blocks based on system failure modes, where \(T^{x}\) is the optimal time interval between group replacements in preventive maintenance events.

In this model, preventive replacement means that components in one FMEA block are replaced simultaneously at the end of each maintenance cycle length T. Thus, the expected replacement cost is given by:

$$ {\mathbf{T}}_{{{\mathbf{cost}}}} = \left[ {{\mathbf{PM}} + \left( {{\mathbf{F}}\left( T \right) .{\mathbf{CM}}} \right) } \right]{ }\frac{1}{T},\quad T > 0 $$

5.2.2 Model Analysis

The optimal preventive maintenance interval \(T^{x}\) is reached when the breakdown costs are more costly than the cost for planned replacement for all group components with an increasing failure rate. In order to achieve the most economic balance between replacement costs and failure costs, the optimal preventive maintenance interval is determined.

A preventive maintenance cost is computed by using the first expression PM during the interval \(T^{ }\), so that components are returned to a good-as-new state. Downtime costs of PM are incurred when components need to be replaced as a preventative measure. It includes the number of labourers needed \({\mathbf{PN}}\), cost, and a required time to replace components \(PR_{time}\). Thus, the matrix can be represented as follows:

$$ {\mathbf{PM}} = {\mathbf{PC}} \cdot {\text{PN}} \cdot {\text{PR}}_{{{\text{time}}}} $$

where \({\mathbf{PC}}\) denotes person cost per hour and is defined as a matrix of column \(n \times 1\). \({\text{PN}}\) and \({\text{PR}}_{{{\text{time}}}}\) are defined as a constant value.

For the second expression, F(T) represents the expected failure time during interval (0, T) at the assumption of Weibull distribution, and can be given by diagonal matrix:

$$ {\varvec{F}}(T) = {\text{diag}}\left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {1 - e^{{ - \left( {\frac{T}{{\eta_{1 } }}} \right)^{{\beta_{1} }} }} } & 0 & { \ldots \quad \quad 0} \\ 0 & {1 - e^{{\left( {\frac{T}{{\eta_{2} }}} \right)^{{\beta_{2} }} }} } & { \ldots \quad \quad 0} \\ \vdots & \vdots & \ddots \\ 0 & 0 & {1 - e^{{\left( {\frac{T}{{\eta_{n} }}} \right)^{{\beta_{n} }} }} } \\ \end{array} } \right] $$

CM is the cost of a failure replacement including spare parts, labour cost, downtime cost and shutdown cost, and is expressed as Eq. (11):

$$ {\mathbf{CM}} = \left( {{\mathbf{S}} + {\mathbf{LC}} + {\mathbf{DTC}} + {\mathbf{SH}}} \right) $$

The maintenance model is based on the assumption that spare parts are available at all times. In order to define the spare parts variable, we must acknowledge that spare parts have various costs, and that storage and delivery are not additional costs. Thus, \({\mathbf{S}}\) as \(n \times 1\) column matrix can be represented as follows:

$$ {\mathbf{S}} = \left[ { \begin{array}{*{20}c} {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {s_{1} } \\ {s_{2} } \\ {s_{3} } \\ \end{array} } \\ \vdots \\ {s_{n} } \\ \end{array} } \right] $$

System components fail unexpectedly after they begin operating at T > 0. A component must be replaced when it fails. The failure will have a significant impact on other components in the same line. When a failure occurs, downtime is shown as DTC, including replacement time, labour cost LC, and cost of lost production PLs (n × 1). Calculating the cost of labour and downtime can be done by using the following formulas:

$$ {\mathbf{LC}} = {\mathbf{P}} \cdot C \cdot CR_{{{\text{time}}}} $$

where C is the hourly cost of a person (constant) and P is the number of workers in (n × 1) column matrix. Then,

$$ {\mathbf{DTC}} = \left( { \left[ { \begin{array}{*{20}c} {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {PLs_{1} } \\ {PLs_{2} } \\ {PLs_{3} } \\ \end{array} } \\ \vdots \\ {PLs_{n} } \\ \end{array} } \right] . CR_{{{\text{time}}}} } \right) + {\mathbf{LC}} $$

In some cases, the shutdown may affect some system components due to their dependency. Whenever one component in a series configuration fails, for example, all other components in the same arrangement are shut down.

In this model the Q matrix components are those that are affected by the failure of another component. Components are defined by the rows of the matrix. For example, row-1 is component A, row-2 is component B, and so on. These columns represent the influence one component's failure has on the other components in the system. It takes the value 1 if the failure of one component affects the functioning of another, otherwise it takes the value 0 and can be obtained as:

$$ {\varvec{Q}} = {\varvec{w}}^{\left( i \right)\left( q \right)} $$

Since all components of the matrix \({\varvec{w}}\) are unaffected by their own failure, all the diagonal elements are zero. If ith component failure affects qth component, the matrix elements will contain value 1, otherwise the matrix elements will contain value 0. Thus:

$$ {\mathbf{PLr}} = {\mathbf{Q}} \cdot {\mathbf{PLs}} $$

where the sum of lost production for qth component is represented by \({\mathbf{PLr}}^{}\) per hour, and \({\mathbf{SH}}\) denotes the shutdown cost of rest components. Once \({\mathbf{PLr}}\) is computed, SH can be calculated as:

$$ {\mathbf{SH}} = \left[ { \begin{array}{*{20}c} {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {PLr_{1} } \\ {PLr_{2} } \\ {PLr_{3} } \\ \end{array} } \\ \vdots \\ {PLr_{n} } \\ \end{array} } \right] . CR_{{{\text{time}}}} $$

Therefore, maintenance costs are evaluated for each FMEA block, and all costs are given in AUD. Based on the configuration of the production system and the previously formulated equations, the optimisation matrix model with the total maintenance costs can be presented as:

$$ \varvec{min}\,{\mathbf{T}}_{{{\mathbf{cost}}}} \left( {T^{ } } \right) = \left[ {{\mathbf{PC}} *PN {*}R_{time} + \left[ {{\mathbf{F}} \left( {T^{ } } \right)\left( {{\mathbf{S}} + {\mathbf{LC}} + {\mathbf{DTC}} + {\mathbf{SH}}} \right)} \right]} \right]\varvec{* }\frac{1}{{T^{ } }}\left( {18} \right) $$

To find the optimal maintenance time, it is necessary to minimise the expected cost per time unit.

Identify: \(T^{x}\).

minimising: \({\mathbf{T}}_{{{\mathbf{cost}}}} \left( T \right)\).

subject to: \( R_{{{\text{sys}}}} \left( T \right) \ge RR { } { }\).

According to the two equations for maintenance cost and system reliability, there is an optimal maintenance replacement interval, \(T^{x}\), that meets the objective of preventive maintenance subject to reliability. The total cost of the system is calculated by adding up all the cost components, and the overall reliability is determined by the reliability of individual blocks.

5.2.3 Exhaustive Search Optimisation Method

\({\mathbf{T}}_{{{\mathbf{cost}}}} \left( T \right)\) is a function of a single variable T, therefore the algorithm following the exhaustive search method has been developed to determine an optimal preventive maintenance interval for each FMEA block. This method searches the entire design space and the minimum value of objective function obtained among these evaluations is declared as the minimum of the function [53]. In a degradation case when \(\beta > 1\), the preventive term decreases while the corrective term increases. This results in a convex cost function. An illustration of the procedures appears in Fig. 1. Details are described below.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Flowchart for the optimisation procedures

Step 1 Give the preventive replacement cost PC, PN and \(PR_{{{\text{time}}}}\) as well as the breakdown replacement cost S, P, C, \(CR_{{{\text{time}}}}\), Q, and PLs for every component in system. Allocate the η and β parameters of the Weibull distribution for each component.

Step 2 Determine FMEA block z. In this step we define the FMEA block to be examined in the simulation model.

Step 3 \({\text{Calculate}}\;{\text{ the}}\;{\text{ expected }}\;{\text{total }}\;{\text{cost }}\) \({\mathbf{T}}_{{{\mathbf{cost}}}} \left( T \right)\). Based on the FMEA block, Eq. (18) is applied to calculate the total PM cost for components. At this point, the iteration process is used to optimise the time for a block by computing the total cost of several different preventive maintenance schedules at every time value during the specific period time t. Then, the maintenance interval of the block of components is optimised based on the sum of maintenance cost.

Step 4 Determine the configuration type of block z, whether series or parallel, or both.

Step 5 Calculate overall system reliability \(R_{{{\text{sys}}}} \left( T \right)\) from Eq. (6). In this step, reliability is calculated based on individual FMEA blocks. It depends on the arrangement of the components in the production line, for example, series or series parallel.

Step 6 Determine an optimal interval \(T^{x}\).

Step 7 Find the annual total maintenance cost for the block. Where \(T^{x}\) is the optimal maintenance interval, let f be the total number of preventive replacements during the planning period t, which can be obtained as following:

$$ f = \frac{t}{{T^{x} }},\quad {\text{an}}\;{\text{ integer}} $$

Thus, the annual total maintenance cost for each FMEA block is:

$$ A_{{{\text{cost}}_{z} }} = {\mathbf{T}}_{{{\mathbf{cost}}}} \left( T \right)*f $$

Step 8 Update z = z + 1 and repeat steps (2)–(9) until z = Z.

Step 9 Calculate the total maintenance cost of system. Using Eq. (23), the total maintenance cost of the system is calculated based on the sum of annual maintenance costs for number of blocks z as follows:

$$ TS_{{{\text{cost}}}} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i = 1}^{z} A_{{{\text{cost}}_{z} }} $$

6 Case Study

This article illustrates the proposed method by examining a real case of a production line system. The production system consists of ten production lines. Each line contains a set of machines and straws that are linked in series with power converters and shrink units.

The entire production system operates in a series and parallel arrangement. All parts of the system should be running to sustain its necessary operation, but the failure of any of the system's components will not cause the entire system to fail.

To capture the FMEA models of the production system, we used Maintenance Aware Design environment (MADe) software, which is an engineering decision support tool that produces a system model composed of functions, modules, components, and their interactions. In particular, the main benefit of this software lies in its ability to produce a detailed functional model of the system that can be used to investigate failure propagation [54]. The components of the production system are modelled using blocks, and any functional connections between them are represented using the lines between the blocks. The purpose of this description is to assess the impact of a functional failure using functions and flows in a functional model. The functions of each component, as well as its connections to other model elements, are used to detect causal relationships and propagate failure consequences throughout the model. As a result, potential failure modes can be identified, and their failure effects are documented. The red, green, and blue connections represent functional connections between system components, as seen in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Production system FMEA model captured in MADe

This research examines a production system that consists of 40 components. It is composed of ten subsystems, numbered 1–10. Each machine in the production line contains a series of two components; see Fig. 3. If any component stops, whether for maintenance or failure, the machine will stop immediately, and thus the production line will stop. In the production line, the remaining components complement each other.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Machines 1–10 elements—FMEA model captured in MADe

6.1 System Data

In this case study, the reliability requirement for the system is set at RR% = 99%. A component's characteristic life can be enhanced significantly with planned maintenance. The system blocks B1, B2, B3, B4 and B5 were organised based on characteristic life values; see Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Characteristic life of components of the production system

Table 1 presents the data of spare parts cost (in AUD) and β on the system components example, which have been used for this analysis. Maintenance activities and downtime are included in the total cost of simultaneous preventive maintenance actions of FMEA blocks. Maintenance costs include the cost of spare parts and labours. At the time of the planned maintenance execution, it is assumed that there will be enough maintenance workers available. Based on the assumption that labour costs $500, the total cost of preventive replacement is determined (3 people, 1 h each). For purposes of calculating the corrective maintenance cost, labour costs are assumed to be $500 (5 workers—5 h each—25 h total). The lost production cost is also assumed to be $900.

Table 1 Shape parameter of system components

The algorithm method described in Sect. 5.2.2 can be used to compute the total maintenance cost. To implement the proposed mathematical model for obtaining the optimal PM schedule, MATLAB software was used to simulate the cost model and optimise the replacement time for a group of components.

7 Results and Discussion

Once the production line system is modelled in MADe, a functional block diagram is used to specify the function and failure mode for each component. As a result of failure analysis, a propagation analysis is performed on the modelled system, and over time each component is assessed for its transient response to failure potential that can arise during the production system. Afterwards, they are sorted by their criticality. The failure propagation indicates how many components of the production system are affected, whether by partial or complete failures.

7.1 Complete Failure of the System

Failure propagation is simulated in this system to determine the negative effects that failure has on a given system. Injection of low or high responses by a single component can propagate failure throughout the entire system (see Fig. 5). Therefore, this will provide enough picture of how this system works and how it will fail. Based on FMEA, the components that fail together are identified in blocks. Each block describes how a failure due to one component affects the other components in the same arrangement.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Production system FMEA model simulated with complete faults captured in MADe

7.2 Partial Failure of the System (FMEA Block 1)

The approach presented in this section simulates the partial failure propagation to assess how failure modes will affect the system. FMEA block 1 contains components that work together in series arrangement, and any failure of one component leads to the line of Machine 1 to stop completely. Because of this, it is not reasonable to shut down all of block 1 to replace just one component and then restart it. In this case, the maintenance replacement for the group of components is applied. This implies that when maintenance begins, the other machines in the system will continue to function.

It can be seen from the FMEA model (Fig. 6) that failure of Power Converter A negatively impacts only block 1. As the simulation model is run, the numbers in the model show where the fault began and where it ended in the defined sequence. Therefore, the system still contains some working components so that means it can continue to function.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Production system FMEA model simulated with partial faults of B1 captured in MADe

7.2.1 Block 1: Optimal PM Schedule

By minimising the total expected replacement cost per unit of time, the optimal preventive replacements interval is determined using Eq. (19). In Fig. 7 the curve graphs illustrate how PM and reliability have changed over time. The rate of cost decreases as time increases until the minimum cost of $18.20 per hour at \(T^{x}\) = 619 h with reliability of 90%, where the rate then increases again. Preventive replacement occurs for this group of components every 688 h during the given period of 2000 h (one year), which means that the components are replaced twice. Thus, by using Eq. (21) the \(A_{{{\text{cost}}}}\) is $54.59. The reliability of this block starts to drop significantly after optimal time. This means that replacing the components as a group once at the specified optimum time will contribute to maintaining the reliability of the block at an acceptably high level.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Maintenance costs and reliability per PM interval for block 1

7.3 Partial Failure of the System (FMEA Block 2)

The failure of the first or last components, in contrast, will stop the block 2 line completely, as they are arranged in series. In this block, Power Converter B and Shrink Unit B are considered more critical compared to the other components in the middle, because they can affect other components in the event of scheduled preventive maintenance stops or a sudden failure (see Fig. 8). If Power Converter B fails, the failure will affect the other components in the same arrangement, for example Machines 2 and 3. This means that the system will not stop working completely, and therefore the effect of failure on the system will be partial.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Production system FMEA model simulated with partial faults of B2 captured in MADe

7.3.1 Block 2: Optimal PM Schedule

By using Eq. (19), Fig. 9 illustrates the optimum replacement time for block 2 components at \(T^{x}\) = 608 h with minimum cost of $37.77 per hour. Based on \(T^{x}\), the reliability of this block is 91.2%. Preventive replacement occurs for this group of components every 608 h during the given period of 2000 h (one year), which means that the components are replaced twice. Thus, by using Eq. (21) the \(A_{cost}\) is $113.31. After the optimal time, the reliability of this block starts to decline significantly. Therefore, replacing all components in this block at the specified optimum time will increase the block's reliability.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Maintenance costs and reliability per PM interval for block 2

7.4 Partial Failure of the System (FMEA Block 3)

Another failure mode that shows the partial impact of failure on the system is when failure occurs at Shrink Unit C or Power Converter C. The work of block 3 is very similar to the previous block, but with a different number of machines, as one line in block 3 runs simultaneously with three other lines (see Fig. 10). In this case, the whole configuration of the line such as Machines 4, 5 and 6 will stop working. Thus, there is no significant impact on the block itself if any of the components in the middle fail, as there is still a high level of reliability. However, the failure of a component like Power Converter C or Shrink Unit C would stop the block from functioning completely. Thus, the replacement of all components is carried out at the same time.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Production system FMEA model simulated with partial faults of B3 captured in MADe

7.4.1 Block 3: Optimal PM Schedule

Based on FMEA block 3, it can be seen that stopping to carry out maintenance will not affect the rest of the components in the system, so it will not affect the overall system’s operation. It will continue to operate, and the outcome will not be affected by the reduction in operational capacity. Figure 11 shows a rapid decline in the cost rate at the beginning. At this point, it has reached the minimum cost value of $59.29 per hour at the optimal interval of \(T^{x}\) = 542 h. As time passes, cost values gradually increase and approach a certain number. The annual cost for this block is $177.87, while the reliability based on \(T^{x}\) is 91.2%.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Maintenance costs and reliability per PM interval for block 3

7.5 Partial Failure of the System (FMEA Block 4)

In Fig. 12, block 4 has no differences from block 3 in how it is designed or in how it responds to the failure of one of its components. The failure effect of component Power Converter D will affect the rest machines in the same block such as 7, 8 and 9. Depending on their location on the production line, we can see this effect extends to the rest of all components. When any component fails, however, such as Power Converter D or Shrink Unit D, the only block 4 will stop completely, and the system won't be affected.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Production system FMEA model simulated with partial faults of B4 captured in MADe

7.5.1 Block 4: Optimal PM Schedule

Based on the reliability in this block, it is reasonable to replace the components as a group simultaneously. In this case, the other machines will continue working but the system capacity will be lower than before. The tendency in Fig. 13 is the same as Fig. 11, with the minimum cost value of $56.53 per hour and with reliability of 92.4% at optimal \(T^{x}\) = 901 h. The replacement of this block takes place twice annually at a cost of $169.58.

Fig. 13
figure 13

Maintenance costs and reliability per PM interval for Block 4

7.6 Partial Failure of the System (FMEA Block 5)

The components in this block are all critical components, as the failure of any of them will result in the complete shutdown of the block. The failure of this block does not affect the operation of the system, which operates in parallel (see Fig. 14). As part of the FMEA model, we understand how these components will function together and how they are coupled to facilitate maintenance planning. For example, if Straw Unit-V10 fails, Machine 10 will stop running since it works in one line. However, the other machines in the system will not be affected. In this situation, the system will lose some of its capacity.

Fig. 14
figure 14

Production system FMEA model simulated with partial faults of B5 captured in MADe

7.6.1 Block 5: Optimal PM Schedule

In Fig. 15, the optimal time for a replacement of group of components in this block is 740 h with minimum cost of $15.24 per hour, while at the same time the reliability is 90%. According to this optimal time and period of operation t = 2000, the annual cost is $30.48, assuming replacement occurs twice a year.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Maintenance costs and reliability per PM interval for block 5

7.7 Sensitivity Analysis

From previous Figs. 7, 9, 11, 13 and 15 we can see that there is a significant difference between preventive maintenance costs compared with corrective maintenance costs when no maintenance is performed at \(T^{x}\) as they are impacted by the downtime cost and shutdown of other components in the same line. For example, the event of failure in the groups of components that operate in series, such as blocks 1 and 5, will result in the shutting down of other components, thereby raising the cost of failure. While the situation is totally different from those which operate in series but have internal parallel structures, such as blocks 2, 3 and 4, where the impact is limited because the failure of one component, for example, Straw Unit 7, only affects those within the same group and thus the cost of the failure is low. However, if the failure occurs on one of the critical components such as the Power Converter or Shrink Unit, the cost of shutdown will be much greater due to the number of components that will be affected in the same block.

Sensitivity analysis is conducted to see the sensitivity of the optimal results to the change of parameter values. The analysis was carried out for the production lost cost PLs of block 3. Based on different PLs values from $200 to $2500, the optimal FMEA block replacement interval \(T^{x}\), reliability and expected cost are presented in Table 2. With an increase in PLs from $200 to $2500, both cost and reliability increase, but the optimal replacement interval decreases. This is reasonable since a breakdown cost depends on the expected number of failures, which highly depends on the maintenance period. That means the solution conforms to the actual interval in that \(T^{x}\) is increasing as the expected failure time increases. In other words, the FMEA block replacement interval decreases as corrective maintenance costs increase.

Table 2 Sensitivity analysis result on PLs for Block3

According to Fig. 11, the reliability decreases during time until the last point, which indicates a deterioration of the block's reliability. This means the reliability continues for a long period of time without any preventive maintenance intervention, which means that the risk of production system failure increases without maintenance activities during the specified period of time.

In block 3, the reliability level starts to decrease as the failure cost increases, indicating that an optimal \(T^{x}\) will be lower when the reliability level is high. Therefore, the duration of block replacement will decrease as PLs increase, resulting in increased maintenance costs. Furthermore, longer preventive maintenance durations reduce expected maintenance costs. With an increase in corrective maintenance costs, a block’s reliability decreases (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16
figure 16

Sensitivity analysis: corrective maintenance cost and reliability for block 3

7.8 Complete System

Based on the previous results, the total maintenance cost \(TS_{{{\text{cost}}}}\) for the complete system obtained using Eq. (21) is $545.83 per year. By using Eq. (6), the overall system reliability is 99.9%. Thus, the system remains reliable and available as well as its outputs being almost continuous throughout all intervals of FMEA block replacements.

In Fig. 17, it can be noted that the optimal intervals for implementing preventive replacements on each block do not coincide with other blocks. For instance, when carrying out maintenance on block 1, the only group of components that will be shut down is block 1, while blocks 2, 3, 4, and 5 continue to operate. Further, when maintenance is performed on one of blocks 2, 3, 4 or 5, the other blocks will continue to operate. Therefore, we can conclude that under our maintenance scheme, there will be a guarantee of more than half production capacity if any block is under maintenance.

Fig. 17
figure 17

The maintenance schedule of the complete system

8 Managerial Implications

Our method in this study meets requirements and takes into account a variety of conditions associated with complex engineering systems. For example, the failure behaviour among components within a complex system must be understood in the light of different failure modes. Thus, a major advantage of this method is not only its theoretical significance, but its practical applicability. To support the continuity of complex systems, the method provides the theoretical basis for reliability engineering and preventive maintenance plans. Moreover, reliability analysis may contribute to a reduction in total maintenance costs as well as reduce the risk of system breakdowns.

The findings from this study indicate that using the FMEA method to determine how the complex production system functions and how its failure impacts the other components is an important step in identifying the failure modes of the whole system. In order to achieve the best possible system reliability at the lowest maintenance cost, maintenance managers should introduce preventive maintenance intervals for each block on the basis of the FMEA model. During maintenance activities on the system, the manager does not need to replace all of the components that are not necessary or still working. In this way, the system can continue to operate partially due to the replacement of specific components without having to shut down the entire system.

9 Conclusion

The FMEA block-wise optimisation methodology presented in this study will ensure, first of all, continuity of output of the system. The optimisation of blocks will also automatically ensure the reliability of the complete system corresponding to the minimum total maintenance cost. The production system's failure distributions are analysed using Weibull distributions. The production system has been modelled as a series and parallel arrangement of subsystems and components. The failure of different components of the system was determined based on their life expectancy. The simple and effective optimisation algorithm is developed to find optimal PM intervals of each FMEA block. This is very useful, and makes it computationally easy to understand and implement. A case study with a multi-nonidentical component system was conducted to verify the viability of our preventive maintenance approach in the real case of a production system. The results demonstrate the importance of an optimised maintenance strategy for a complete production system based on understanding failure modes to assure system reliability and reduce maintenance costs, as well as ensuring the continuity of production system output. The new practical optimisation method in this research is necessary, beneficial, and easy to apply to many complex systems such as water supply systems, production systems, and other continuous systems.

The proposed approach can be further extended for a complex system having n components. A significant amount of time will probably be needed to replace some components, whereas others can be replaced more quickly. A large part of this depends on the availability of spare parts prior to the scheduled maintenance period. Furthermore, determining the optimal quantity of spare parts based on failure modes should be considered.