FormalPara Key Summary Points

Sufficiently high analytical quality of blood glucose monitoring systems is a prerequisite for efficient diabetes therapy.

Accuracy analysis of the two BGMS, CareSens S Fit and CareSens H Beat (i-SENS, Korea), was conducted on the basis of ISO 15197:2013/EN ISO 15197:2015 requirements.

Both systems exhibited a sufficient level of performance in the hands of professional and lay users. There was no significant effect of hematocrit in the labeled range.

The investigated requirements of ISO 15197:2013/EN ISO 15197:2015 were fulfilled for both BGMS and all reagent system lots tested.


High analytical quality of blood glucose monitoring systems (BGMS) for self-monitoring is a prerequisite for efficient diabetes therapy. Many patients with diabetes measure their blood glucose levels frequently and base their therapy and insulin dosing on the measurement result obtained with the BGMS. Accurate blood glucose measurements and adequate insulin dosing are important to prevent short-term hypo- or hyperglycemia and long-term complications.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has provided in their directive ISO 15197:2013 harmonized procedures and guidelines to ensure international high-quality standards for BGMS [1]. These test procedures include the assessment of accuracy in the hands of both professional (clause 6.3) and lay users (clause 8), the analysis of measurement precision (clause 6.2), and the influence of hematocrit (clause 6.4.3).

In this study, we assessed the analytical performance of two BGMS, namely CareSens™ S Fit and CareSens™ H Beat from i-SENS, Inc., Korea, on the basis of these criteria.

Self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) is typically performed with capillary whole blood; therefore, assessment of system accuracy and user performance evaluation were also performed with capillary blood. The BGMS CareSens H Beat is also labeled for additional sources of blood such as venous, arterial, and neonatal blood, and therefore measurement accuracy analysis was additionally performed with venous blood.


This study was conducted at the Institut für Diabetes-Technologie, Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH an der Universität Ulm (IfDT) in Germany in November and December 2022.

IfDT is a testing laboratory accredited according to DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2017 in terms of several test procedures according to DIN EN ISO 15197:2015 by the Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle GmbH, the national accreditation body for the Federal Republic of Germany. These test procedures include assessments of system accuracy, measurement repeatability, intermediate measurement precision, influence of hematocrit, and interference testing. The study was approved by the responsible ethics committee prior to subject recruitment and subjects gave written informed consent prior to any study procedures. This study was exempted from approval by the competent authority by national law. All local regulations and requirements of Good Clinical Practice were followed and the study was performed following the Declaration of Helsinki.

Investigational Blood Glucose Monitoring Systems

In the study, two different BGMS were used: CareSens S Fit and CareSens H Beat, both manufactured by i-SENS, Inc., Seoul, Korea. The systems are designated as system A and system B, respectively, and characteristics of the systems can be found Table 1. The systems were procured from the manufacturer and both are CE-marked.

Table 1 Blood glucose monitoring system characteristics

Study Procedures

Study procedures were based on requirements and procedures of ISO 15197:2013/EN ISO 15197:2015 (“ISO 15197”). Studies with similar methodologies have been conducted in the past for other BGMS [2,3,4]. ISO 15197:2013 was harmonized with the regulations of the European Union as EN ISO 15197:2015. This harmonization had no impact on the requirements and procedures in ISO 15197:2013; changes were made to the foreword and an informative annex. All measurements, except for the evaluation of user performance, were performed by trained study personnel in a laboratory setting with controlled room temperature and humidity. All assessments except for venous accuracy assessment were accredited testing services. For all study parts, subjects were recruited by consecutive sampling from the study site’s subject database.

User Performance Evaluation

Participants were allowed to read the instructions of use and to familiarize themselves with the system by performing up to three measurements with control solution. No additional instructions, training, or assistance by study personnel were provided.

After the familiarization period, participants performed BG measurements under supervision of the study personnel who documented any handling errors on the basis of the system-specific instructions for use. Prior to measurements with the BGMS, all participants washed their hands; in case they did not remember on their own, they were reminded to do so. Following the BGMS measurement, the participants were asked whether they thought they had performed the measurements correctly. Participants were allowed to repeat the measurement up to three times if they thought the performance was incorrect or if they obtained an error message or no result at all. Handling errors, based on the instructions of use from the manufacturer, which were only observed by the study personnel did not lead to exclusion of measurements from accuracy analysis. Two blood samples for comparator measurements were subsequently collected by the study personnel and hematocrit values were determined. Comparator values were determined in duplicate measurements with a YSI 2300 STAT PLUS (YSI Inc, Yellow Springs, OH) analyzer using the glucose oxidase method on separated plasma samples. A secondary analysis was done using measurement results from the hexokinase-based Cobas Integra 400 plus (Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Mannheim, Germany) (see supplementary material). Demographic data of the 102 subjects included in the evaluation of user performance can be found in the supplementary material (Table S1).

System Accuracy Assessment

Each BGMS was tested on the basis of ISO 15197 with three different reagent systems lots (test strip lots). A total of 115 subjects were recruited to obtain 100 evaluable datasets per BGMS. Demographic data of the subjects is found in Table S1 in the supplementary material. Subjects were asked to wash and dry their hands before capillary samples were collected by skin puncture on the fingertip. The glucose concentrations in the samples were determined in duplicate with two test meters using test strips from the same vial. This step was repeated with three reagent system lots per BGMS. Comparator measurements were performed with the laboratory analyzers in separated plasma. Stability of glucose concentration was checked by calculating the difference between blood samples for comparator measurements collected before and after the measurements with the BGMS. Hematocrit values, temperature, and humidity were tested to be in the range of the manufacture’s labelling.

According to ISO 15197, BG concentrations of samples were distributed over the clinically relevant concentration range between ≤ 50 mg/dL and > 400 mg/dL (5% ≤ 50 mg/dL, 15% > 50 to 80 mg/dL, 20% > 80 to 120 mg/dL, 30% > 120 to 200 mg/dL, 15% > 200 to 300 mg/dL, 10% > 300 to 400 mg/dL, and 5% > 400 mg/dL). Samples were allowed to be altered through glycolysis or glucose supplementation to achieve glucose concentrations ≤ 50 mg/dL or > 400 mg/dL, respectively. Additionally, up to seven samples between 50 and 80 mg/dL and up to five samples between 300 and 400 mg/dL could be altered but unaltered samples were preferred. In altered samples, partial pressure of oxygen was checked to be comparable to unaltered samples.

Venous Accuracy Assessment

Accuracy evaluation of venous samples was only performed for system B since it is labeled for venous blood samples in addition to capillary samples. Accuracy analysis was performed similar to system accuracy, except for using venous blood samples, collected in lithium-heparin tubes which were applied to the test strip using a syringe. Glucose concentrations were distributed as follows: 5% ≤ 50 mg/dL, 90% > 50 to 400 mg/dL, and 5% > 400 mg/dL. Manipulation of samples was only allowed for samples ≤ 50 mg/dL or > 400 mg/dL. Demographic data of the analyzed subjects is given in Table S1 in the supplementary material.

Intermediate Measurement Precision

To assess the intermediate measurement precision, ten meters, three reagent system lots, and three control solution samples representing glucose concentrations from 30 to 50 mg/dL, 96 to 144 mg/dL, and 280 to 420 mg/dL were used. Each sample was measured once daily with each combination of meter and reagent lot. Measurements were performed on ten subsequent days by two different users. Comparator measurements with YSI 2300 STAT PLUS (YSI Inc, Yellow Springs, OH) to assess sample stability were performed before and after the daily measurement procedure. Sample temperature was checked to be within 23 ± 5 °C and was not allowed to differ more than ± 2 °C from the starting value.

Measurement Repeatability

For the analysis of measurement repeatability, ten meters and three reagent system lots were used on five venous blood samples collected in lithium-heparin tubes. Samples were taken from five different subjects in the following glucose concentration ranges: 30–50 mg/dL, 51–110 mg/dL, 111–150 mg/dL, 151–250 mg/dL, and 251–400 mg/dL. Glucose concentrations of a sample could be adjusted to verify that each concentration range is covered. For each BGMS, 10 measurements were performed with each combination of meter and reagent lot on each sample. Aliquots for plasma separation and subsequent duplicate measurement with a glucose oxidase-based comparator method (YSI 2300 STAT PLUS) were collected before and after the BGMS measurements.

Sample temperature before and after measurements was checked to differ by no more than ± 2 °C. Stability of glucose concentrations within the samples was verified in the same way as for system accuracy.

Influence of Hematocrit

Venous blood samples from different subjects were used to generate samples in three glucose concentration intervals: 30–50 mg/dL, 96–144 mg/dL, and 280–420 mg/dL. Samples were assigned to the respective glucose concentration category depending on the mean measurement result of the laboratory method. Glucose concentrations of the sample could be adjusted as described above. From each glucose concentration interval, five samples with different hematocrit levels were generated. Hematocrit levels that were tested were 15%, 30%, 42 ± 2%, 55%, and 65% (system A) or 70% (system B). The highest and the lowest hematocrit levels represented the upper and lower limit of the system’s acceptable hematocrit range as indicated in the manufacturer’s labeling. To adjust for different hematocrit values, an aliquot of samples was centrifuged and then plasma and packed cells were separated. Defined volumes of plasma, cells, and whole blood were then mixed to generate the individual hematocrit levels. Each sample was measured within 36 h of sample collection and the sample temperature was confirmed to be 23 ± 5 °C and differing no more than ± 3 °C in between the measurements. Ten measurements were performed on each individual sample with each reagent lot. Partial pressure of oxygen in each sample was determined and checked to be comparable to capillary blood (55–96 mmHg) [5].

Data Analysis

Data management and evaluation was performed on the basis of requirements of ISO 15197 at the study site.

User Performance Evaluation

Accuracy of measurement results obtained by subjects was determined by comparison to the mean of the respective duplicate comparator measurements in the first blood sample. The second sample was only used for quality control to ensure sample stability. Acceptance criteria based on ISO 15197 were applied which request that ≥ 95% of the individual measured glucose values must be within ± 15 mg/dL (glucose concentrations < 100 mg/dL) or ± 15% (glucose concentrations ≥ 100 mg/dL) of the comparator measurement. For system A one sample had to be rejected from analysis since the acceptance criteria for sample stability were not fulfilled. For system B, one sample was rejected because there was no valid quality control (QC) measurement result of the comparator method.

System Accuracy Assessment

ISO 15197 requires as first criterion that ≥ 95% of capillary measurement values per reagent system lot must fall within ± 15 mg/dL of the measured comparator glucose values at glucose concentrations < 100 mg/dL or within ± 15% at glucose concentrations ≥ 100 mg/dL. Differences between each of the 200 BGMS measurement results per reagent lot and the corresponding mean comparator results were calculated. Data was only included if the difference between the comparison samples taken before and after the measurements with the BGMS was ≤ 4 mg/dL at glucose concentrations ≤ 100 mg/dL and ≤ 4% at glucose concentrations > 100 mg/dL. For each concentration category, the first valid samples taken were included and the category was closed as soon as the required number of samples was achieved. Accuracy results were visualized in a difference plot. As a second criterion which requires ≥ 99% of data points to be in the clinically acceptable zones A and B of the consensus error grid (CEG) [6] for diabetes, the relative number of data points was calculated for all three reagent lots taken together. In addition, for each reagent system lot, the relative bias of the measurement results was determined according to Bland and Altman [7]. A total of 22 measurements were not included in the analysis as a result of the following reasons: the concentration category was filled already (n = 12), sample stability could not be ensured (n = 6), no valid QC result of the comparator measurement (n = 3), and hemolysis in plasma sample for comparator analysis (n = 1).

Venous Accuracy Assessment

Data for venous accuracy assessment was analyzed and is presented the same way as described above for capillary blood in system accuracy assessment. Here, nine samples were excluded from analysis because of the following reasons: concentration category already filled (n = 6), no valid QC result of the comparator measurement (n = 1), glucose concentration of a manipulated sample was < 400 mg/dL (n = 1), and comparator sample was outside the borders used for CEG analysis (n = 1).

Intermediate Measurement Precision

For each combination of glucose concentration range and reagent system lot, the mean glucose value, the standard deviation (SD) for samples with mean BGMS result < 100 mg/dL, and the coefficient of variation (CV) for samples ≥ 100 mg/dL were calculated. Variance components analysis was performed for meter, reagent system lot, user, day, reagent system vial, and control solution vial.

Measurement Repeatability

The mean BGMS result and the SD (for samples with mean BGMS result < 100 mg/dL) or the CV (samples ≥ 100 mg/dL) were calculated for each glucose concentration and each test strip lot separately.

Influence of Hematocrit

Mean glucose values determined by the laboratory analyzer, SD, and the bias between the mean glucose value of the BGMS and of the laboratory comparator method were determined for each combination of glucose concentration and hematocrit value. The effects of hematocrit were determined by calculating the difference (normalized bias) of the bias at high and low hematocrit levels and the bias at the mid-level.


User Performance Evaluation

Accuracy criteria of ISO 15197 were met by the two BGMS in the hands of lay users. For both systems, 98% of measurement results compared to the YSI comparator method fell within ± 15 mg/dL or 15% (Fig. 1). Results from the secondary analysis are shown in Supplemental Fig. S1. A total of two and three measurements by the participants had to be repeated for systems A and B, respectively (n = 1, no result (both systems); n = 1 (system A) or n = 2 (system B) error message with non-quantitative result). Handling errors as observed by the study staff are documented in Table 2. More than half of the participants removed the test strip prematurely from the blood drop for both systems, meaning they did not wait for an acoustic signal before doing so as indicated in the instructions of use. Another common mistake was to press the test strip against the finger. One subject viewed the meter upside down when reading the result and read 58 instead of 85.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Difference plots for the two investigated blood glucose monitoring systems. a, b System accuracy analysis (SAA) in green and user performance evaluations (UPE) in blue of system A and B, respectively. c Accuracy analysis of venous samples (VAA) for system B is depicted. The three investigated lots are displayed with different icons

Table 2 Number of handling errors as documented by study staff

System Accuracy Assessment

Glucose concentrations measured by the laboratory analyzer ranged from 35 to 453 mg/dL. For both systems between 97.5% and 100% of BGMS results were within ± 15 mg/dL or ± 15% of comparator method results, fulfilling the ISO criteria (Table 3). Results are visualized in Fig. 1. Results from the secondary analysis are shown in Supplemental Fig. S1. The threshold to change from absolute to relative deviations is a glucose concentration of 100 mg/dL. For system A, 90.7% of results were within the more stringent criteria of ± 10 mg/dL or ± 10% while 62.3% were within ± 5 mg/dL or ± 5% of YSI comparator results. For system B, the numbers were 91.7% and 51%, respectively (Table 3). Although there was on average an overestimation of the glucose concentration (positive bias), all measurement results fell in the clinically acceptable zone A of the CEG analysis. The positive bias ranged from 1.7% to 4.9% for system A and from 3.0% to 4.8% for system B for system accuracy across all test strip lots. The bias is the difference between the BGMS results and the comparator results divided by the mean of all.

Table 3 System accuracy results and measurement bias for the investigated BGMS

Venous Accuracy Assessment

In venous accuracy analysis of system B, glucose concentrations ranged between 34 and 497 mg/dL. Depending on the tested reagent lot, 97.5–99.5% of results were within the accuracy criteria of ± 15 mg/dL or ± 15% of the comparator method results. Difference plots are given in Fig. 1. Results from the secondary analysis are shown in Supplemental Fig. S1. Similar to system accuracy assessment, all measurement results from venous samples for system B fell in the clinically acceptable zone A of the CEG analysis.

Intermediate Measurement Precision

Glucose concentration < 100 mg/dL in control solution samples resulted in SD ≤ 2.2 mg/dL with system A and SD ≤ 1.1 mg/dL with system B. For control solution samples with glucose concentrations ≥ 100 mg/dL, CV was ≤ 2.5% with system A and ≤ 2.6% with system B (Table 4).

Table 4 Intermediate measurement precision results for the investigated BGMS

Variance components analysis revealed that for system A the reagent system vial had a relatively large effect for glucose concentrations from 96 to 144 mg/dL and 280 to 420 mg/dL. Additionally, there was also an effect seen for the meter in the highest concentration interval. In system B the reagent system vial had a relatively large effect on the total variance for glucose concentrations from 30 to 50 mg/dL and 96 to 144 mg/dL. But for both systems and all intervals, residual effects were a big or the biggest contributor of variance.

Measurement Repeatability

Repeated measurement of the same sample with system A led to a SD ≤ 4.1 mg/dL for glucose concentrations < 100 mg/dL and to a CV ≤ 4.2% for glucose concentration ≥ 100 mg/dL. For system B, corresponding results were SD ≤ 4.0 mg/dL (glucose concentration < 100 mg/dL) and CV ≤ 3.9% (glucose concentration ≥ 100 mg/dL) (Table 5).

Table 5 Measurement repeatability results for the investigated blood glucose monitoring systems

Influence of Hematocrit

Both systems fulfilled the study criteria, showing with the tested reagent lots ≤ 10% difference between the bias compared to the reference results at each hematocrit level and the bias at the mid-level at glucose concentrations ≥ 100 mg/dL. For glucose concentrations < 100 mg/dL, the difference between the bias and the bias at the mid-level was ≤ 10 mg/dL (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Influence of hematocrit. For each test strip lot, the normalized bias (difference between the bias at each hematocrit level and the bias at the midlevel [42% ± 2%]) was calculated for each of the three glucose concentration categories. Low (blue lines) means 30–50 mg/dL, middle (green lines) means 96–144 mg/dL, and high (light blue) means 280–420 mg/dL glucose. Each line represents one individual reagent lot. Dotted gray lines represent the ± 10 mg/dL or ± 10% limits at glucose concentrations < 100 mg/dL and ≥ 100 mg/dL, respectively


In this study, the analytical performance of two BGMS was assessed on the basis of ISO 15197:2013/EN ISO 15197:2015 (“ISO 15197”). System accuracy indicates how well measurement results from a given system compare to the glucose value which is simultaneously assessed via a comparator method of higher metrological order. Differences can affect therapeutic decisions of insulin dosing and can therefore be clinically relevant. Both systems complied with the accuracy criteria of ISO 15197 with all reagent lots tested. In CEG analysis pairs of BGMS values and their pertaining comparator results are distributed into five different risk zones [6]. Although there was, on average, an overestimation of glucose concentrations (i.e., a positive bias), both investigated BGMS showed 100% of results falling in the clinically acceptable zone A.

System A showed a slightly higher variability between the three lots than system B; the bias difference was 3.2% for the former and only 1.8% for the latter. Lot to lot variations are an important aspect to consider for accuracy of a BGMS and it is important to evaluate each released test strip lot in a standardized manner to ensure adherence to established standards.

Reliability of a given system is also dependent on precision which in this study was assessed through repeated measurements of the same sample under similar conditions over a short time (measurement repeatability) and repeated measurements under varying conditions over a longer time period (intermediate measurement precision). For precision analysis, there are no established guidelines either by the ISO or the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) which a BGMS has to fulfill. However, the SD of ≤ 4.1 mg/dL and CV ≤ 4.2% for measurement repeatability reported here are within the range reported from other studies [2, 8,9,10,11].

System accuracy analysis was done by trained study personnel in a controlled environment as required by ISO 15197. This is not representative for real life of patients with diabetes and it is well established that BGMS are often more accurate in the hands of trained professionals than in the hands of lay users [2, 12,13,14,15,16,17,18]. However, in this study the level of accuracy with respect to the deviation limits of ± 15 mg/dL or ± 15% was comparable between the two groups; 98% of measurements performed by lay users were within ± 15 mg/dL of comparator results for glucose concentration < 100 mg/dL and within ± 15% for glucose values ≥ 100 mg/dL compared to approximately 99% of measurements conducted by professional users. Even though a considerable number of incorrectly performed measurement steps were documented by study personnel, this only slightly affected the accuracy of the BGMS. The most common mistake was that the test strip was removed prematurely from the blood drop meaning the lay users did not wait for an acoustic signal before doing so as indicated in the instructions of use, followed by the mistake of pressing the test strip against the finger. The measuring reliability of both BGMS seemed to be robust against these handling errors. However, this emphasizes the need for manufactures to produce BGMS that are not only accurate but also easy to use.

Another aspect of this study was to determine the influence of hematocrit values on the measuring accuracy. Hematocrit affects the viscosity of blood and can therefore impact the speed of diffusion into the reaction chamber of the test strip [19,20,21]. The range of hematocrit which does not influence BGMS measurement accuracy is given in the respective manufacturer’s labeling. The two investigated systems differed slightly in their labeled range, both starting at 15% and system A having a maximum hematocrit value of 65% as compared to 70% for system B. At very low or very high hematocrit values, systematic differences were seen with some of the samples. However, the hematocrit influence did not exceed the specified limits (≤ 10 mg/dL and/or ≤ 10%) from ISO 15197.

When evaluating the results of this study one should consider the limitations of the study and be aware that a study can never fully represent the analytical performance under everyday conditions. All measurements were performed in a controlled environment with a certain temperature and humidity as required in ISO 15197. These conditions do not reflect real-world usage and it is well known that environmental conditions can affect analytical performance [22, 23]. Regarding user performance evaluation, it would be valuable to see whether training of the subjects would lead to a significant reduction of handling errors. Since ISO 15197 suggests only limited self-training, we did not explore this in the present study.

Accurate BGMS are of utmost importance to guide insulin therapy for patients with diabetes and inaccurate blood glucose measurements are associated with increased health care costs [24] and have a relevant effect on clinical decision-making. While both systems in this study have fulfilled ISO 15197 accuracy criteria, this is not the case for all systems available on the market [2, 4]. Independent evaluation of analytical performance of BGMS performed before and also after market introduction is a prerequisite to ensure patient safety [25].


The two evaluated BGMS complied with ISO 15197 accuracy requirements in the hands of professional and lay users. Measurement performance was robust against the documented handling errors since the accuracy obtained by lay users was comparable to the accuracy obtained by professional users. Precision of measurement was in the range reported for other BGMS and the influence of hematocrit was within the specified limits for both systems.