1 Introduction

Social media platforms (e.g., Twitter) have become a medium for rapidly spreading rumors along with emerging events Vosoughi et al. (2018). Those rumors may have a lasting effect on users’ opinion even after it is debunked, and may continue influence them if not replaced with convincing evidence Nyhan and Reifler (2015). Existing studies for rumor verification in social media exploited the propagation networks as a source of evidence, where they focused on the stance of replies Wu et al. (2019); Kumar and Carley (2019); Chen et al. (2020); Yu et al. (2020); Bai et al. (2022); Roy et al. (2022), structure of replies Ma et al. (2018); Bian et al. (2020); Choi et al. (2021); Song et al. (2021); Haouari et al. (2021); Bai et al. (2022), and profile features of retweeters Liu and Wu (2018). Recently, Dougrez-Lewis et al. (2022) proposed augmenting the propagation networks with evidence from the Web, and Hu et al. (2023) proposed exploiting both text and images retrieved from the Web as sources of evidence. A large body of existing studies in the broader literature have examined exploiting the stance of conversational threads Zubiaga et al. (2016); Derczynski et al. (2017) or news articles Ferreira and Vlachos (2016); Alhindi et al. (2021) towards claims as a signal for verification.

However, to our knowledge, no previous research has investigated exploiting evidence from the timelines of trusted authorities for rumor verification in social media. An authority is an entity with the real knowledge or power to verify or deny a specific rumor Haouari et al. (2023); Haouari and Elsayed (2023). Therefore, we believe that detecting stance of relevant authorities towards rumors can be a great asset to augment the sources of evidence utilized by existing rumor verification systems. It can also serve as a valuable tool for fact-checkers to automate their process of verifying rumors from authorities.

In this work, we address the problem of detecting the stance of authorities towards rumors in Twitter, defined as follows: Given a rumor expressed in a tweet and a tweet posted by an authority of that rumor, detect whether the tweet supports (agrees with) the rumor, denies (disagrees with) it, or not (other). Figure 1 presents our perception of the role of detecting the stance of authorities in a typical pipeline of rumor verification over Twitter. Given a rumor expressed in a tweet, both the reply thread and the corresponding authority Twitter accounts are retrieved. The replies structure, the replies stance, and the authorities stance in addition to other potential signals will then be exploited by the rumor verification model to decide the veracity of the rumor. In our work, we assume that the authorities for a given rumor are already retrieved Haouari et al. (2023), and we only target the detection of the stance of those authorities towards the rumors. In particular, our model is supposed to do so over the tweet timelines of the corresponding retrieved authorities. While being very important source of evidence for rumor verification, it is worth mentioning that stance of authorities can complement other sources, especially if authorities are automatically retrieved, thus not fully accurate.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Positioning the stance of authorities detection task (highlighted in yellow) in the rumor verification pipeline (color figure online)

A closer look at the literature on Arabic rumor verification in Twitter in particular reveals that utilizing signals for verification is under-explored; most existing studies relied on the tweet textual content to detect its veracity Hasanain et al. (2020); Elhadad et al. (2020); Mahlous and Al-Laith (2021); Al-Yahya et al. (2021); Alqurashi et al. (2021); Sawan et al. (2021). Some notable exceptions are the work done by Albalawi et al. (2023) (who exploited the images and videos embedded in the tweet), the study done by Haouari et al. (2021) (who used the reply thread structure and reply network signals), and the work done by Althabiti et al. (2022) (who proposed detecting sarcasm and hate speech in the replies for Arabic rumor verification in Twitter).

To fill this literature gap, we first introduce the problem of detecting the stance of authorities towards rumors in Twitter. We then construct the first dataset for the task and release it along with its construction guidelines to facilitate future research. Moreover, we investigate the usefulness of existing Arabic stance datasets towards claims for our task. Finally, we explore the mitigation of the traditional class-imbalance issue in stance datasets by experimenting with various loss functions. Our experiments show that training a model with our dataset solely, despite being relatively very small, exhibits a performance that is (at least) on bar with training with other (combinations of) existing stance datasets, indicating that existing stance datasets are not really needed for the task. The contributions of this paper are as follows:

  1. 1.

    We introduce and define the task of detecting the stance of authorities towards rumors that are propagating in Twitter.

  2. 2.

    We release the first Authority STance towards Rumors (AuSTR) dataset for that specific taskFootnote 1 targeting the Arabic language.

  3. 3.

    We explore the adequacy of existing Arabic datasets of stance towards claims for our task, and the effect of augmenting our in-domain data with those datasets on the performance of the model.

  4. 4.

    We investigate the performance of the models when adopting variant loss functions to alleviate the class-imbalance issue, and we perform a thorough failure analysis to gain insights for the future work on the task.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. We present our literature review in Sect. 2 and define the problem. We are targeting in this work in Sect. 3. In Sect. 4, we present our dataset construction approach. Our experimental approach is presented in Sect. 5. We discuss the experimental setup in Sect. 6 and thoroughly analyze the results and answer the research questions in Sect. 7. We conduct a failure analysis to gain insights for future directions and discuss the limitations of our study in Sect. 8. Finally, we conclude and suggest some future directions in Sect. 9.

2 Related work

In this section, we briefly review the related studies to our work. Specifically, we review rumor debunking in social media studies in Sect. 2.1, we give an overview of studies for stance detection for claim verification in Sect. 2.2, and we review authorities for rumor verification studies in Section. 2.3.

2.1 Rumor debunking in social media

Several studies on rumors debunking in Twitter suggested exploiting online debunkers, i.e., users who share fact-checking URLs to stop the propagation of a circulating rumor Vo and Lee (2018, 2019, 2020a, 2020b); You et al. (2019); Mu et al. (2022). To encourage online debunkers in Twitter remain engaged in correcting rumors, some studies proposed fact-checking URLs recommender systems Vo and Lee (2018); You et al. (2019). Vo and Lee (2019, 2020b) proposed a fact-checking response generator framework to stop the propagation of fake news, and exploited the replies of users who usually debunk rumors in Twitter to implement their model. Vo and Lee (2020a) on the other hand introduced a multimodal framework to retrieve fact-checking articles to be incorporated into rumor spreaders conversations threads to discourage propagating rumors in social media.

Differently, in our work we consider authorities as credible debunkers who may post tweets supporting or debunking a specific rumor circulating in Twitter.

2.2 Stance detection for claim verification

A myriad of studies have investigated detecting the stance towards claims to identify its veracity Hardalov et al. (2022). Some focusing on detecting the stance of conversation threads in social media Zubiaga et al. (2016); Derczynski et al. (2017); Gorrell et al. (2019), and others on the stance of news articles Ferreira and Vlachos (2016); Pomerleau and Rao (2017); Baly et al. (2018); Alhindi et al. (2021). Existing studies either considered the stance as an isolated module in the verification system Zubiaga et al. (2016); Ferreira and Vlachos (2016); Derczynski et al. (2017); Gorrell et al. (2019), or considered the stance of the evidence towards the claim as the veracity label Thorne et al. (2018); Hanselowski et al. (2018); Guderlei and Aßenmacher (2020); Slovikovskaya and Attardi (2020). Multiple approaches were proposed recently considering verification as stance detection, mainly targeting stance of articles towards claims, by either exploiting transformer-based models Slovikovskaya and Attardi (2020); Khouja (2020); Alhindi et al. (2021), or graph neural networks Zhou et al. (2019); Liu et al. (2020); Si et al. (2021). In the other hand, studies considering stance detection as a standalone component in the verification pipeline are mainly targeting the stance of conversation threads towards rumors in social media. A plethora of models were proposed to detect the stance of conversation threads such as tree and hierarchical transformers proposed by Ma and Gao (2020) and Yu et al. (2020), respectively.

A few studies addressed stance detection for Arabic claim verification recently, where the evidence is either news articles Baly et al. (2018); Alhindi et al. (2021) or manually crafted sentences from articles headlines Khouja (2020). In contrast, in our work, we define the task of detecting the authorities stance towards Arabic rumors where we consider it as a standalone component in the rumor verification pipeline, and we release the first dataset for the task. We study the usefulness of existing Arabic stance towards claims datasets for the task, and we evaluate the performance of the stance models when incorporating in-domain data for training the models. Finally, we investigate two loss functions who showed promising results to alleviate the class-imbalance issue identified as a major challenge for stance detection for rumor verification Li and Scarton (2020).

2.3 Authorities for rumor verification

A closer look to the literature on rumor verification in social media reveals that no study to date has examined exploiting evidence from authorities. Existing studies for rumor verification in social media exploited evidence from the propagation networks Liu and Wu (2018); Bai et al. (2022); Roy et al. (2022); Song et al. (2021); Haouari et al. (2021), Web Dougrez-Lewis et al. (2022), and stance of conversational threads Zubiaga et al. (2016); Derczynski et al. (2017); Gorrell et al. (2019).

Recently, Haouari et al. (2023) introduced the task of authority finder in Twitter which they define as follows: given a tweet stating a rumor, retrieve a ranked list of authority accounts from Twitter that can help verify the rumor, i.e., they may tweet evidence that supports or denies the rumor. The authors released the first Arabic test collection for the task and proposed a hybrid model that exploits both lexical, semantic, and user networks signals to find authorities. The authority finder task was then introduced as part of the CheckThat! 2023 lab shared tasks Barrón-Cedeño et al. (2023); Haouari et al. (2023), and it was deployed as a system component as part of a live system for Arabic claim verification Sheikh Ali et al. (2023). Differently, in our work we assume that the authority is already retrieved, and the task is to detect the stance of her tweets towards a given rumor.

3 Overview of our work

Figure 2 shows an example of a rumor about an establishment of a new railway to connect the Sultanate of Oman and the United Arab of Emirates (UAE). We assume that the authorities for this rumor are retrieved by an “authority finding” model (here some of the highly relevant authorities are the ministry of transport in Oman, the Omani government communication center, and both Oman’s and UAE’s rails projects). The figure shows an example tweet from each of the timelines of the authorities that actually supports the rumor.Footnote 2

Fig. 2
figure 2

An example of a rumor along with its corresponding authorities and a set of supporting tweets detected from the authorities timelines (The example is from our constructed AuSTR dataset)

In this work, we introduce the task of detecting the stance of authorities towards rumors in Twitter. Due to the lack of datasets for the task, we construct and release the first Authority STance towards Rumors (AuSTR) dataset (Sect. 4). We exploit both fact-checking articles and authority Twitter accounts to manually collect debunking, supporting, and other (rumor tweet, authority tweet) pairs. Additionally, we propose a semi-automated approach utilizing the Twitter search API to further expand our debunking pairs.

Due to the limited size of our dataset, we investigate the usefulness of existing datasets of stance towards Arabic claims (Sect. 7.1 and Sect. 7.2). Adopting a BERT-based stance model, we perform extensive experiments using five variant Arabic stance datasets, where the target is a claim but the context is either an article, article headline, or a tweet, to investigate if the stance model trained with each of them is able to generalize to our task. We then explore the effect of augmenting our in-domain data with each of the Arabic stance datasets on the performance of the model (Sect. 7.3). To mitigate the class-imbalance issue, we explore variant loss functions replacing the cross-entropy loss (Sect. 7.4). Finally, we conduct a thorough error analysis to gain insights for the future improvements (Sect. 8.1).

4 Constructing AuSTR dataset

To address the lack of datasets of authority stance towards rumors, in this work, we introduce the first Authority STance towards Rumors (denoted as AuSTR) dataset. Our focus is on Arabic, as it is one of the most popular languages in Twitter Alshaabi et al. (2020), yet it is under-explored for rumor verification. Our dataset consists of 811 pairs of rumors (expressed in tweets) and authority tweets related to 292 unique rumors. Tweets of authorities are labeled as either disagree, agree, or other, as defined earlier. To construct AuSTR, we collected the debunking pairs manually (details in Sect. 4.1) by exploiting fact-checking articles and adopting a semi-automated approach. Supporting pairs were collected by manually exploring authority accounts and the Twitter search interface, in addition to utilizing the fact-checking articles (details in Sect. 4.2). Finally, to collect our other pairs we manually examined the timelines of the authorities of our debunking and supporting pairs to select tweets that are neither agreeing nor disagreeing with the rumor, in addition to exploiting fact-checking articles (details in Sect. 4.3).

4.1 Collecting debunking pairs

Figure 3 depicts an overview of our approach to construct the debunking pairs of AuSTR. We leveraged both the fact-checking articles and a semi-automated approach which we propose in this work.

4.1.1 Exploiting fact-checking articles

Fact-checkers who attempt to verify rumors usually provide, in their fact-checking articles, some examples of social media posts (e.g., tweets) propagating the specific rumors, along with other posts from trusted authorities that constitute evidence to support their verification decisions. For AuSTR, we exploit both examples of tweets: stating rumors and showing evidence from authorities as provided by those fact-checkers. Specifically, we used AraFacts Ali et al. (2021), a large dataset of Arabic rumors collected from five fact-checking websites. From those rumors, we selected only the ones that are expressed in tweets and for which the fact-checkers provided evidence in tweets as well.Footnote 3 For false rumors, we selected a single tweet example of the rumor and all provided evidence tweets for it, which are then labeled as having disagree stances. Adopting this approach, we ended up with 118 debunking pairs.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Our approach for collecting AuSTR debunking pairs

4.1.2 Exploiting Twitter  search

Additionally, we adopted a semi-automated approach to collect more debunking pairs using Twitter search. First, we used the Twitter Academic APIFootnote 4 to collect potentially debunking tweets, i.e., tweets with denying keywords and phrases such as “fake news”, “fabricated”, “rumors”, and “denied the news”. Specifically, we used 21 keywords/phrasesFootnote 5 to search Twitter to retrieve Arabic tweets from the period of July 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. To narrow down our search and reduce the noisy tweets, we excluded retweets and the tweets of non-verified accounts. Given that fact-checkers usually use most of these keywords to debunk rumors, we also excluded tweets from verified Arabic fact-checking Twitter accounts. By adopting this approach, we were able to collect either debunking tweets from authorities themselves, or just pointer tweets from journalists or news agencies. For both types, we retrieved the rumor tweets by searching Twitter user interface using the main keywords in the debunked rumor by the authorities. For the later type, we manually examined the timelines of authorities to get the debunking tweets.

Table 1 presents examples of debunking tweets from authorities along with the search keywords used to retrieve them. An example of automatically retrieved pointer tweet and the manually collected disagree pair is presented in Table 2.

Table 1 Examples of debunking authority tweets (and their English translations) collected using the semi-automated approach along with the search keywords
Table 2 An example of an automatically collected pointer debunking tweet along with its manually collected debunking pair (with their English translation)
Table 3 An example of manually collected supporting authority tweet and a relevant rumor tweet expressing the same claim
Fig. 4
figure 4

Collecting AuSTR supporting pairs approach

4.2 Collecting supporting pairs

To collect supporting pairs, we adopted two approaches as presented in Fig. 4. Given that fact-checkers focus more on false rumors than true ones, exploiting fact-checking articles was not sufficient to collect supporting tweets, as adopting this approach, we were able to collect only 4 agree pairs as opposed to 118 disagree pairs. Thus, we manually collected a set of governmental Arabic Twitter accounts representing authorities related to health and politics, such as ministries and ministers, embassy accounts, and Arabic sports organizations accounts (e.g., football associations and clubs). Starting from 172 authority accounts from multiple Arabic countries,Footnote 6 we manually checked the timelines of those authorities from the period of July 1, 2022, to December 31, 2022. We selected check-worthy tweets, i.e, tweets containing verifiable claims that we think will be of general interest Shaar et al. (2021), and consider them as authority supporting tweets. We then used the main keywords in each claim to search Twitter through the user interface and selected a tweet propagating the same claim while avoiding near-duplicates. We ended up with 148 agree pairs in total. Table 3 shows an example of a supporting authority tweet along with a relevant rumor.

4.3 Collecting other pairs

For some rumors, fact-checkers provide the authority account in their fact-checking article, but they state that no evidence was found to support or deny the rumor. For this case, we selected one or two tweets from the authority timeline posted soon before the rumor time, and assigned the other label to those pairs.

In reality, most of the tweets in authority timelines are neither supporting nor denying a given rumor. To get closer to that real scenario, for each agree and disagree pair, we manually examined the timeline of the authority within the same time period of the rumor, and selected at most two tweets, where we give higher priority to tweets related to the rumor’s topic or at least have an overlap in some keywords with the rumor. A tweet of those is then labeled as other if it is either relevant to the rumor but is neither disagreeing nor agreeing with it, or it is completely irrelevant to it. We ended up with 466 other pairs.

It is worth noting that the evidence from authorities is not always expressed in the textual body of the tweet. We considered the case when some authorities may post evidence as an announcement embedded in an image or video.

4.4 Data quality

Table 4 AuSTR statistics

We present our dataset statistics in Table  4. Our data were annotated by one of the authors, a PhD candidate and native Arabic speaker working on rumor verification in Twitter. To measure the quality of our data, we randomly picked 10% of the pairs and asked a second annotator, a PhD holder and native Arabic speaker, to label them. The computed Cohen’s Kappa for inter-annotator agreement Cohen (1960) was found to be 0.86, which indicates “almost perfect” agreement Landis and Koch (1977).

5 Experimental design

Due to the limited size of AuSTR, one of the main objectives of this work is to study the adequacy of using existing datasets of stance towards claims in training models for our task. Specifically, the goal is to first study whether models trained with existing stance datasets perform well on detecting the stance of authorities in particular, then investigate whether augmenting them with AuSTR improve the performance of those models. Moreover, since a major challenge of stance classification is the class-imbalance problem in the data Li and Scarton (2020), we also aim to explore whether incorporating different loss functions can mitigate that issue to further improve the performance of the models.

Accordingly, we aim to answer the following research questions:

  • RQ1: To what extent will stance models trained with existing stance datasets be able to generalize to the task of detecting the stance of authorities?

  • RQ2: What is the effect of combining all existing stance datasets for training?

  • RQ3: Will training a stance model with AuSTR solely be sufficient? Will augmenting AuSTR with existing stance datasets for training improve the performance?

  • RQ4: Will adopting different loss functions mitigate the class-imbalance problem thus improve the performance?

To address those research questions, we design our experiments as follows:

  • Cross-domain experiments denote the case where existing datasets of stance towards claims are exploited for training. Each of the stance datasets is first used solely for training our models, then all datasets were aggregated and used for training. We refer to the datasets of stance towards claims as cross-domain datasets in the rest of the paper.

  • In-domain experiments denote the case where AuSTR is used solely for training. We refer to AuSTR as in-domain dataset.

  • In-domain-augmented experiments denote the case where AuSTR is augmented with existing datasets of stance towards claims. In those experiments, we study the effect of augmenting AuSTR with each of the cross-domain datasets separately, in addition to augmenting it with all of them.

  • Class-Imbalance experiments denote the case where we adopt different loss functions that showed promising results earlier in the literature, to alleviate the class-imbalance problem.

6 Experimental setup

In this section, we present the setup we adopted to conduct our experiments.


To study the adequacy of existing Arabic datasets of stance detection towards claims for the task of detecting the stance of authorities, we adopted the following five existing datasets in training:

  • ArCOV19-Rumors Haouari et al. (2021) consists of 9,413 tweets relevant to 138 COVID-19 Arabic rumors collected from 2 Arabic fact-checking websites.

    We considered the tweets expressing the rumor as supporting (agree), the ones that are negating the rumor as denying (disagree), and the ones discussing the rumor but neither expressing nor negating it as other.

  • STANCEOSAURUS Zheng et al. (2022) consists of 4,009 (rumor, tweet) pairs. The data cover 22 Arabic rumors collected from 3 Arabic fact-checking websites along with tweets, collected by the authors that are relevant to the rumors. The relevant tweets were annotated by their stance towards the rumor as either supporting (agree), refuting (disagree), discussing, querying, or irrelevant. In our work, we considered the last three labels as other.

  • ANS Khouja (2020) consists of 3,786 (claim, manipulated claim) pairs, where claims were extracted from news article headlines from trusted sources, then annotators were asked to generate true and false sentences towards them by adopting paraphrasing and contradiction, respectively. The sentences are annotated as either agree, disagree, or other.

  • ArabicFC Baly et al. (2018) consists of 3,042 (claim, article) pairs, where claims are extracted from a single fact-checking website verifying political claims about the war in Syria, and articles collected by searching Google using the claim. The articles are annotated as either agree, disagree, discuss, or unrelated to the claim. In our work, we considered the last two labels as other.

  • AraStance Alhindi et al. (2021) consists of 4,063 (claim, article) pairs, where claims are extracted from 3 Arabic fact-checking websites covering multiple domains and Arab countries. The articles were collected and annotated similar to ArabicFC.

Figure 5 presents the per-class statistics for each dataset (including AuSTR), and Table 5 shows an example of a debunking text from each of them.

Table 5 Debunking examples (and their English translations) from the cross-domain datasets
Fig. 5
figure 5

Per-class statistics of cross-domain datasets adopted in our work, as well as AuSTR for comparison

Data splits

Given that AuSTR constitutes only 811 pairs, we adopt cross-validation for evaluating our models. We randomly split it into five folds while assigning all pairs that are relevant to the same rumor to the same fold to avoid label leakage across folds.

For all of our models, whether AuSTR is exploited for training or not, we both tune and test only on folds from AuSTR; a single AuSTR fold (dev fold) is used for tuning the models and another (test fold) was used for testing. If AuSTR is used for training, the remaining three folds (training folds) are used for that purpose. When the cross-domain datasets are used for training, they are fully used for that purpose (and none of them is used for tuning nor testing). For each experiment, we train five models to test on the five different folds of AuSTR, and finally report the average performance of the five models.

Stance models

To train our stance models, we fine-tuned BERT Devlin et al. (2018), following recent studies that adopted transformer-based models for stance detection Alhindi et al. (2021); Alturayeif et al. (2022); Zheng et al. (2022); Ng and Carley (2022) to classify whether the evidence agrees with the claim, disagrees with it, or other. We feed BERT the claim text as sentence A and the evidence as sentence B (truncated if needed) separated by the [SEP] token. Finally, we use the representation of the [CLS] token as input to a single classification layer with three output nodes, added on top of BERT architecture to compute the probability for each class of stance.

Various Arabic BERT-based models were released recently Antoun et al. (2020); Safaya et al. (2020); Lan et al. (2020); Inoue et al. (2021); Abdul-Mageed et al. (2021); we opted to choose ARBERT Abdul-Mageed et al. (2021) as it was shown to achieve better performance on most of the stance datasets adopted in our work Alhindi et al. (2021). All models were trained with a maximum of 25 epochs where 5 was set as an early stopping threshold. We tuned our models by adopting three variant learning rates (1e-5, 2e-5, 3e-5). The sequence length and batch size were set to 512 and 16, respectively.


We processed all the textual content by removing non-Arabic text, special characters, URLs, diacritics, and emojis from the tweets. For STANCEOSAURUS, we extended the tweets with their context as suggested by the authors Zheng et al. (2022) who showed that extending the tweets with parent tweet text and/or embedded article titles can improve the performance of the stance models.Footnote 7

Loss functions

We adopted the cross-entropy (CE) loss in all our experiments. However, due the imbalanced class distribution, we also experimented with the weighted cross-entropy (WCE) loss, and class-balanced focal (CBF) loss Cui et al. (2019) adopted by Baheti et al. (2021) and Zheng et al. (2022) to mitigate the issue for stance detection. For CBF, we set the hyper-parameters \(\beta\) and \(\gamma\) to 0.9999 and 1.0, respectively, as suggested by Baheti et al. (2021).

Evaluation measures

To evaluate our models, we report the average of macro-\(F_1\) scores across the five folds of AuSTR, in addition to average per-class \(F_1\). Macro-\(F_1\) is recommended to evaluate stance models Hanselowski et al. (2018) due to the class-imbalance nature of stance datasets.

7 Experimental evaluation

In this section, we present and discuss the results of our experiments that address the research questions introduced in Sect. 5.

7.1 Leveraging cross-domain datasets for training (RQ1)

To address RQ1, we used the five cross-domain datasets listed earlier for training. For each of them, we train on the full cross-domain dataset, then fine-tune five stance models; each is tuned on one fold from AuSTR and tested on another fold. We report the average performance on testing on the five folds of AuSTR in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The performance of models trained using cross-domain vs. in-domain datasets

The figure reveals several observations. First, the performance on the Disagree class is notably worse than the other two classes in four out of the five training datasets. This indicates that detecting the disagreement is generally more challenging than the agreement or irrelevance.

Second, comparing the performance across the individual cross-domain datasets, it is clear that we have two categories of performance. The first, including AraStance and ArCOV19-Rumors, is performing much better than the other one, including the remaining three datasets. Among the superior category, the model trained on AraStance exhibits the best performance.

As for the inferior category, we speculate the rationale behind their performance. We note that ArabicFC is severely imbalanced, where the disagree class represents only 2.86% of the data, yielding a very poor performance on that class. Moreover, it covers claims related to only one topic, which is the Syrian war, making it hard to generalize. A similar conclusion was found by previous studies that used ArabicFC Baly et al. (2018); Alhindi et al. (2021). As for ANS, evidence was manually/artificially crafted, which is not as realistic as tweets from authorities. As for STANCEOSAURUS, it covers tweets relevant to only 22 claims.

As for the superior category, we observe that AraStance and ArCOV19-Rumors achieved the highest \(F_1\) on the disagree class compared to the other cross-domain datasets. ArCOV19-Rumors covers 138 COVID-19 claims in several topical categories. AraStance covers 910 claims, which are extracted from three fact-checking websites, covering multiple domains and Arab countries, similar to AuSTR, and the evidence is represented in articles written by journalists, not manually crafted. To further investigate their performance, we manually examined 20% of AraStance and ArCOV19-Rumors disagreeing training pairs. We found that about 68% and 59% of the examined examples of AraStance and ArCOV19-Rumors, respectively, share common debunking keywords, such as “rumors,” “not true,” “denied,” and “fake;” similar keywords appear in some disagreeing tweets of AuSTR.

To further investigate the relation between the datasets and the performance of the corresponding models, we analyzed the lexical similarity between the datasets. We first constructed a 2-gram vector representation for each dataset (including AuSTR) using the preprossessed contextFootnote 8(excluding the claims), then we performed a pairwise cosine similarity between the vectors to get insights about the similarity between the corresponding datasets. Figure 7a, b presents heatmaps of similarity between the debunking contexts and overall contexts of the datasets, respectively. It is clear that the performance of the cross-domain models is strongly related to the dataset similarities. In particular, AraStance has the highest similarity with AuSTR on debunking context (0.20) and overall context (0.25), respectively. That resulted in the best performing cross-domain model achieving a macro-\(F_1\) of 0.771 and \(F_1\)(disagree) of 0.687. Moreover, ArCOV19-Rumors has the second highest similarity with AuSTR on debunking context (0.10) and the second best performing cross-domain model achieving \(F_1\)(disagree) of 0.621. It is worth noting that although ArabicFC has the second highest similarity on the overall context, the model trained on it did not perform well especially on the disagree class, with \(F_1\) of 0.332, due to the severe imbalance as mentioned earlier.

In summary, we found that AraStance is the best existing stance dataset for training a model for the task, as it covers a large number of fact-checked claims spanning multiple Arabic countries and topics compared to the other datasets. To answer RQ1, we conclude that some cross-domain stance datasets are somewhat useful for detecting the stance of authorities. However, motivated by the findings of Ng and Carley (2022) who highlighted the potential benefit of aggregating datasets to enhance the stance detection, we were encouraged to conduct our subsequent experiments, in which we combine all cross-domain datasets for training.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Dataset pairwise similarity using a debunking contexts, and b overall contexts

7.2 Combining cross-domain datasets for training (RQ2)

To address RQ2, we combined all cross-domain datasets and adopted the same setup mentioned previously, where we tune and test on AuSTR folds.

As presented in Fig. 6, we note that, overall, the combined model achieved a very slightly better performance in terms of macro-\(F_1\) over the best individual model, i.e., the model trained with AraStance only. However, considering the individual classes, it exhibited the best performance for the agree class with a big margin compared to AraStance model, but it fell short for the disagree class. We speculate the reason is that some of the datasets, namely ANS and ArabicFC, achieved low performance on the disagree class, thus when combined with other datasets it affected negatively the overall performance on the same class.

Finally, we observe that there is a clear discrepancy in the performance across different classes; considering the combined model, \(F_1\)(agree) is 0.793, while \(F_1\)(disagree) is 0.653. Moreover, it is clear that detecting the disagree stance is still challenging, for which we expect to benefit from introducing our in-domain data. We believe that one of the major reasons behind such results is the imbalanced nature of the combined data, where only 14.24% are disagree examples vs. 27.66% agree examples.

To answer RQ2, we found that combining all cross-domain datasets can slightly improve the overall performance compared to the best performing individual model (AraStance), but could not beat it on detecting debunking tweets.

7.3 Introducing in-domain data for training (RQ3)

To address RQ3, we first trained a stance model with in-domain data only, i.e., AuSTR. We then trained a model with in-domain data augmented with each of the cross-domain datasets separately and also with all cross-domain datasets combined.

As expected, the model trained with AuSTR only outperforms all models trained with cross-domain datasets across all evaluation measures, as shown in Fig. 6. More specifically, it outperforms their best (i.e., the model trained with AraStance) by 15.3%, 7.1%, and 7.9% in \(F_1\)(disagree), \(F_1\)(agree), and macro-\(F_1\) , respectively, showing a clear need to in-domain data.

What if we augment AuSTR with the cross-domain datasets in training? Fig. 8 illustrates that effect. For every single cross-domain dataset, when augmented with AuSTR, the resulted model outperforms the model trained only on the cross-domain data by a big margin, ranging from 6.8–35.6% in macro-\(F_1\). This re-emphasizes the effect of in-domain data. However, only the model trained on AuSTR+AraStance was able to outperform the AuSTR-only model in macro-\(F_1\) and \(F_1\)(agree), but not \(F_1\)(disagree). It turned out that augmenting AuSTR with AraStance made the disagree class minority, constituting only 13.3% of the training examples compared to 24.3% of AuSTR training examples, which negatively affects the performance on that class.

Contrary to the results presented in Fig. 6, augmenting AuSTR with all cross-domain datasets achieved the lowest macro-\(F_1\) compared to augmenting AuSTR with individual cross-domain datasets. In fact, the combined training data become clearly dominated with the cross-domain data (24,313 vs. 811 examples), which leads to negligible effect of the in-domain data.

To answer RQ3, we conclude that in-domain data are needed for better detecting the stance of authorities. Moreover, augmenting AuSTR with AraStance improved the overall performance but at the expense of degrading the performance on detecting debunking tweets, which, we argue, is more crucial for the task.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Performance of models trained using in-domain vs. in-domain-augmented data

7.4 Addressing the class-imbalance problem (RQ4)

To address RQ4, we selected the best two models presented in Fig. 8, namely the one trained with AuSTR only and the one trained with AuSTR augmented with AraStance. We then fine-tuned the stance models with the same previous setup but with two other loss functions, WCE and CBF, as described in Section 6.

As presented in Table 6, we observe that adopting WCE loss function could not improve the performance of the models compared to adopting CE. However, for the model trained with AuSTR, adopting CBF notably improved the performance over CE with about 4.2% on the agree class, which is the minority class in AuSTR data. However, it slightly degraded the performance on the disagree class. Overall, it improved macro-\(F_1\) performance getting it closer to the performance of the model trained on AuSTR augmented with AraStance (0.843 vs. 0.845).

Surprisingly, that positive effect of CBF was not extended to the model trained on AuSTR augmented with AraStance; in fact, the performance degraded in all measures. We will leave the investigation of such result to future work.

To answer RQ4, we conclude that adopting CBF in addition to training on AuSTR solely is on bar with the model trained on both AuSTR and AraStance, nullifying the need for augmenting AuSTR with any cross-domain data for training.

Table 6 Training with different loss functions. Boldfaced and underlined numbers are the best and second best, respectively, per measure

8 Discussion

In this section, we discuss our evaluation results in terms of failure cases (Sect. 8.1) and limitations (Sect. 8.2).

Table 7 Sample examples failed to be predicted correctly by our best model. Failure types are implicit stance, writing style, misleading debunking keywords, misleading relevant keywords, lack of context, and non-MSA Arabic in order

8.1 Failure analysis

We conducted a detailed error analysis on the 113 examples (constituting 14% of the data) that failed to be predicted correctly by the model trained with AuSTR and adopting CBF loss. We categorize the reasons behind these errors based on a thorough examination of the failed pairs. We found that the failures can be attributed to six main reasons which we discuss below. Some failed examples are presented in Table 7.

  1. 1.

    Implicit stance: When an authority indirectly agree or disagree with the rumor. For example, \(P_1\) is an example of a rumor about the infection of Mahmoud Al-Khatib, the director of Al-Ahly Egyptian football club, with COVID-19, and an authority tweet implicitly debunking the rumor mentioning that he is attending the training session of the team in the stadium. This failure type is the cause of 30.09% of all failures, which motivates the need to address this challenge using stance models that take this into consideration.

  2. 2.

    Writing style: Where an authority is speaking about herself, e.g., \(P_2\). Based on our examination, 12.39% of the failures are due to this reason.

  3. 3.

    Misleading debunking keywords: When an authority is either debunking another rumor that is relevant to the topic of the target rumor, or just including some debunking keywords in his tweets even when supporting a rumor. For example, in \(P_3\), the authority tweet mentions that the “information being posted on it today is false,” although it is agreeing with the rumor. We found that this constitutes 10.62% of the failures.

  4. 4.

    Misleading relevant keywords: When an authority posts tweets relevant to the topic of the rumor, the model may fail to predict the stance correctly, e.g., in \(P_4\). This constitutes 25.66% of the failed examples.

  5. 5.

    Lack of context: When an authority debunks or supports a rumor by an announcement embedded in an image or a video, e.g, in \(P_5\). This motivates the need to consider the tweet multi-modality Jing et al. (2023); Albalawi et al. (2023) at the processing step. Moreover, some rumors may need additional context in order to be considered relevant to the authority tweet. We observed that 6.19% of the failures are of this type.

  6. 6.

    Arabic MSA by authorities vs. dialects by normal users: As opposed to English, working with Arabic language is very challenging as different dialects, i.e., informal languages, are used in different Arabic countries Abdelali et al. (2021). These dialects may have different vocabulary than the Modern Standard Arabic (MSA) which is usually used in formal communications Mubarak and Darwish (2014). Authority tweets are usually in formal language and written in MSA Arabic, while normal users may use their informal Arabic with variant dialects, e.g, in \(P_6\), which make detecting the stance more challenging.

We also observed other reasons, such as having multiple claims in the same tweet, which is causing the stance model to predict the authority tweet as other. Moreover, we noticed that some failures can be attributed to one or more of the reasons mentioned above. These challenges motivate further work on tweet preprocessing to consider embedded content within the tweets, and the need to propose stance models specific for the task.

8.2 Limitations of our study

The limitations of our work are related to both our data and the adopted stance models. We discuss these limitations below.


For a portion of our data, we adopted a semi-automated approach, where we collected the disagree pairs starting from a collection of tweets containing debunking

keywords. Although most of the debunking tweets automatically collected where just used as pointers to collect implicit debunking tweets, some were already posted by authorities themselves and hence were considered as part of our data. This may cause some kind of bias towards these keywords. Moreover, although AuSTR with its relatively small size yielded good performance, we believe enlarging the data with more rumors covering more topics can help the models generalize better on new emerging rumors.

Stance models

In our work, we adopted a BERT-based stance model, but we did not experiment with other models, e.g., Hardalov et al. (2021) which might improve the performance we achieved. Moreover, we only experimented with ARBERT Abdul-Mageed et al. (2021) as it showed to perform well for Arabic stance detection on most of our adopted cross-domain datasets Alhindi et al. (2021); however, we did not experiment with other Arabic BERT models Abu Farha and Magdy (2021).

9 Conclusion

In this work, we introduced the task of detecting the stance of authorities towards rumors in Twitter, which can be leveraged by automated systems and fact-checkers for rumor verification. We constructed (and released) the first Arabic dataset, AuSTR, for that task using a language-independent approach, which we share to encourage the construction of similar datasets in other languages. Due to the relatively limited size of our dataset, we explored the adequacy of existing Arabic datasets of stance towards claims in training models for our task and the effect of augmenting our data with those datasets. Moreover, we tackled the class-imbalance issue by incorporating variant loss functions into our BERT-based stance model. Our experimental results suggest that adopting existing stance datasets is somewhat useful but clearly insufficient for detecting the stance of authorities. Moreover, when augmenting AuSTR with existing stance datasets, only the model trained with AuSTR augmented with AraStance outperformed the model trained with AuSTR solely, except on detecting the debunking tweets. However, when adopting the class-balanced focal loss instead of the cross-entropy loss, the model trained with AuSTR solely achieved comparable results to that augmented model, indicating that AuSTR solely, despite the limited size, can be sufficient for detecting the stance of authorities.

Finally, out of our extensive failure analysis, we recommend further work on tweet preprocessing to consider context expansion, and exploring other stance models that can detect the implicit stance and take the authorities writing style into consideration. Since our study focused on Arabic data, examining the task in other languages is clearly a potential path for future work.