Special section: Articles expressly submitted by authors that address an issue that is pertinent to:

Medical Imaging and Insights into the Mechanics of Heart and Circulatory Physiology and Dysfunction (some articles that were submitted for the special section did not complete the peer review process in time to be included. They will appear in the March 2017 issue).

Guest Editors:

Kelvin Wong1, Barry Doyle2

1School of Medicine, Western Sydney University, Sydney, Australia

2Vascular Engineering, School of Mechanical and Chemical Engineering, The University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia

The aim of this Special Section is to source and publish high quality articles that involve heart mechanics and circulatory physiology. They fall within the area of interest of the Journal and/or the boundaries of the Special Section as they have a cardiovascular application.

(All articles were subject to final review and acceptance by the APESM Editor in Chief.)