Correction to: Protein Cell 2018, 9(3):298–309

In the original publication, the label of Fig. 2C should be read as “GFAP/lectin/DAPI” not “DMP1/GFAP/lectin/DAPI”.

Figure 2
figure 2

S89G-DMP1 inhibits astrocytes to locate to and wrap around blood vessels. (A) Transmission electron microscope showed loosened cell adhesion between astrocytes and vascular endothelial cells in the retrosplenial granular cortex (RSG) of S89G-DMP1 mice; and between astrocytes themselves (B); (C) Representative images of GFAP/lectin in the RSG, indicative of attenuated targeting of astrocytes to blood vessels in S89G mice; (D) Quantification plot for (C). ***, P < 0.001. At least 23 random captures from 7 mice per genotype were quantified. (E) Dmp1 mRNA decreased in different brain regions at embryonic Day 18.5 (P ≤ 0.05 vs. WT) and (F) at postnatal Day 7 (P ≤ 0.01 vs. WT). n = 3–4 mice per genotype