
Gallium nitride is III–V semiconductor with a direct band gap of 3.4 eV at room temperature. It is an ideal material for UV or blue emitters, detectors, high-speed field-effect transistors, and high-temperature/high-power electronic devices. In the past few years, extensive research has been focused on the study of hexagonal GaN nanostuctures, such as nanowires (nanorods) (Duan and Lieber 2000; Li et al. 2000a; Chen et al. 2000; Chen et al. 2001), nanotubes (Li et al. 2001a), nanoribbons (Li et al. 2000b), nanorings (Li et al. 2001b), and so forth. The study on nano-GaN continues at a rapid pace to understand the fundamental optical properties. Semiconducting materials in which a fraction of the host cations can be replaced by magnetic ions are known as diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS), or sometimes referred to as semimagnetic semiconductors. To have practical applications in spintronics devices, these DMS materials must exhibit ferromagnetism, with a critical temperature above room temperature [Curie temperature (Tc)]. Mn-doped GaN (GaMnN) was predicted by Dietl et al. (2000) to be ferromagnetic with a high Curie temperature and therefore could have a possible use in spintronics. Several experimental studies were reported on the magnetic properties of GaMnN (Pearton et al. 2004; Liu et al. 2005; Reed et al. 2001; Thaler et al. 2002; Overberg et al. 2001). Several groups have reported Curie temperatures near or above the room temperature for Mn-doped GaN (Reed et al. 2001; Theodoropoulou et al. 2001). There are not much detailed study on the synthesis of cobalt (Co)-doped GaN nanocrystals. Previous reports on Co-doped GaN have shown ferromagnetic (hysteresis) behavior at 5 K and below room temperature (Sawahata et al. 2005; Dhara et al. 2006; Kim et al. 2006a). The present article shows the synthesis of pure and cobalt (Co)-doped GaN nanocrystals by nitridation of Ga–EDTA and Co-doped Ga–EDTA complexes and the existence of ferromagnetic behavior at room temperature. Furthermore, the structure, morphology and optical properties of the pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals were studied and discussed.


Ga–EDTA.NH4 complex was prepared from the mixture of gallium trichloride (GaCl3), ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) and liquid ammonia in an aqueous solution at a pH of 9. The solution was stirred for 6 h and dried in an oven at 343 K to yield a Ga–EDTA.NH4 complex. Complex was loaded in to the quartz reactor which is purged with nitrogen till the synthesis temperature of 1,173 K. Ammonia was introduced at the synthesis temperature. The synthesis was carried out for a reaction period of 8 h at 1,173 K to obtain pure GaN nanocrystals. After the synthesis, the flow of NH3 is stopped when the temperature drops down to 773 K; however, N2 purging continued until the room temperature. Cobalt chloride was used as a source of cobalt doping in GaN. 5 and 8 mol% of CoCl2 was added to the Ga–EDTA complex and nitridated as mentioned above at 1,173 K for a period of 8 h.

The synthesized samples were analyzed using various techniques. Powder X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) of GaN crystals were recorded using Cu–Kα radiation of wavelength 1.5418 Å at a scan speed of 1 degree per minute. The morphologies of GaN were studied using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the dimension of the crystals was estimated from the TEM data using the standard software (Image-J). The optical properties of the pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals were analyzed by cathodoluminiscence (CL) spectroscopy at a temperature of 20 K. Samples were excited with an electron beam of energy 2 keV, at a current of 6 nA. The Renishaw Ramascope system–model 1,000 with an excitation of He–Ne laser (514 nm) was used for Raman experiments. Magnetic measurements of Co-doped GaN were carried out using a MPMS–SQUID (Superconducting Quantum Interference Device). Magnetization versus magnetic field (MH curve) was measured for doped samples between −20,000 and 20,000 Oe. The temperature versus magnetization measurements were carried out for doped samples between 10 and 300 K at applied field of 1 KOe. The X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements were carried out using an electron spectrometer PHI 5000 Versa Probe Scanning ESCA Microprobe, with a monochromatic X-ray beam Al Kα (1,486.6 eV) source. The X-ray diameter employed had 100 μm spot on a square area of 400 × 400 μm; this area was chosen to have good average information of powder behavior. The sensitivity range of XPS instrument is 0.1–1 at%.

Results and discussion

X-ray diffraction

Figure 1 shows XRD pattern of pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals. Pure and 5 mol% Co-doped GaN spectrums show diffraction peaks associated with the single phase wurtzite structure of GaN. Although XRD spectrum of 8 mol% Co-doped GaN shows secondary phase and assigned as cobalt oxide (Co3O4). The lattice parameters were evaluated from the XRD data for pure GaN is a = 3.19 Å, c = 5.19 Å, respectively, which are in good agreement with the reported values (Iwata et al. 1996). The lattice parameters for 5 mol% Co-doped GaN were calculated as a = 3.23 Å, c = 5.25 Å. The XRD peaks of 5 mol% Co-doped GaN shift towards a lower angle implying an increase in lattice parameters as compared to pure GaN. This is because of the larger ionic radii of Co3+ (0.54 Å) as compared to that of Ga3+ (0.47 Å). An increase in lattice parameters confirms that Co ions are substituted in the Ga sub-lattice generating tensile strain, the changes in lattice parameters are similar to the previous reports (Ramachandran et al. 2004; Ueda et al. 2001). Significant change in lattice parameter was not observed in the 8 mol% of Co-doped GaN due to the formation of secondary phase.

Fig. 1
figure 1

XRD patterns of pure and doped GaN nanocrystals

Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectra of pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals are shown in Fig. 2. The undoped GaN nanocrystals exhibit five phonon modes observed at 419, 535, 556, 568 and 728 cm−1. The 419 cm−1 phonon mode correspond to the acoustic overtone of GaN, and the other four phonon modes corresponds to A1 (TO), E1 (TO), E2 (High) and A1 (LO) modes, respectively (Perlin et al. 1992; Harima 2002). For Co-doped GaN samples, all the modes broaden and shift to the lower frequency as compared to pure GaN. The nonpolar E2 (High) mode is a good choice to understand the disorder-induced phenomena in GaN upon doping. Its pronounced red shift, broadening, and weakening for the doped GaN samples, as compared to pure GaN shows that structural defects and local lattice distortions are high in these samples induced by doping. This behavior was observed in Co-doped ZnO by previous authors (Hasuike et al. 2007; Wang et al. 2007). The A1 (LO) phonons signal sharply peaked for pure sample, whereas the A1 (LO) phonon mode becomes strongly asymmetric in 5 mol% Co-doped sample. The strong asymmetric broadening is due to the lattice distortion and strain induced by the doping. For higher doping levels, the long range lattice ordering is seriously deteriorated. The additional phonon modes are observed for 8 mol% Co-doped GaN at 472 and 670 cm−1 are assigned to Eg and A1g modes of Co3O4 phase (Wang et al. 2006, 2008), whereas for 5 mol% Co-doped GaN, no secondary phase phonon modes were observed. The Raman results are well consistent with the XRD results.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Raman spectra of pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals

Transmission electron microscopy

Figure 3a–c shows a TEM micrograph for the pure and Co-doped GaN sample. It has been clearly observed that the average crystal size increases in nanometric regime with the increase in dopant concentration. Figure 3d shows the particle size distribution of pure and cobalt-doped GaN nanocrystals. The diameter range is between 10 and 140 nm for pure and doped samples. The average diameter of pure GaN nanocrystals is 20 nm. In 5 mol% Co-doped GaN nanocrystals, the increase in size is due to the lattice expansion because of the larger ionic radii of Co as compared to Ga and similar behavior was reported earlier by Mandal et al. (2006). Although in 8 mol% Co-doped GaN nanocrystals, the size variation is larger when compared with pure GaN and this may be due to the agglomeration of Co3O4 phases on the surface of GaN nanocrystals, which may also counted during particle size analysis.

Fig. 3
figure 3

TEM images of pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals. a Pure GaN, b 5% Co-doped GaN and c 8% Co-doped GaN. d Particle size distribution of pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals


Pure and 5 mol% Co-doped samples exhibit the bandedge emission of GaN at 3.49 eV is shown in Fig. 4. The CL spectrum shows the progressive reduction in intensity of band-edge luminescence with increasing Co concentration. The decrease in the intensity of band-edge luminescence with Co doping seems to be due to the presence of traps or defect states in the band gap originated by the doping of Co (Yang et al. 2008; Lvill et al. 2008). The band at 3.263 eV for undoped and the bands at 3.21 eV for Co-doped GaN were observed, these emissions were also identified by previous authors and assigned as donor–acceptor pair emission (DAP) for doped and undoped GaN (Lagerstedt and Monemar 1974; Loan et al. 2009). For 8 mol% Co-doped GaN, the band-edge emission becomes weaker as compared to the DAP emission. Thus, decrease in band-edge emission can be attributed to an increase in impurity levels or traps in the Co-doped GaN samples with increasing Co concentration. CL spectrum shows tails toward longer and shorter wavelengths. This implies the existence of (1) small GaN nanoparticles that exhibit the quantum confinement effect and (2) crystallized (bigger in size) GaN emits light at the band-edge region.

Fig. 4
figure 4

CL spectra of pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals measured at 20 K

Magnetic measurements

Figure 5a–c shows the variation of magnetization (M) with magnetic field (H) measured at 10 and 300 K for Co-doped samples and at 300 K for pure samples. Pure GaN exhibits diamagnetic behavior as shown in Fig. 5a, whereas 5 and 8 mol% Co-doped GaN exhibit a hysteresis loop at both the temperatures which is shown in Fig. 5b, c, respectively. The measurements were made as such (in powder form) without substrates. The ferromagnetism at 10 and 300 K is clearly shown by the coercivity and remanence suggesting that the Curie temperature (Tc) is at least 300 K. The magnetization values are well saturated for both the samples indicating room temperature ferromagnetism. The observed magnetic behavior may be attributed to the exchange interaction between the localized magnetic dipole moments of the magnetic ions (the localized d-spins of Co ions) and the free delocalized charge of current carriers (holes or electrons from the valence band).

Fig. 5
figure 5

ac Magnetization loops for pure, 5 and 8% of Co-doped GaN, c temperature-dependent ∆M = MFC − MZFC measured with H = I kOe for 5 mol% of the Co-doped GaN nanocrystals

The saturation magnetization (Ms) values increase with increasing Co concentration. The M versus T curve was recorded for 5 mol% Co-doped GaN nanocrystals by measuring the magnetization difference of field cooled (FC) and zero-field-cooled (ZFC) conditions with an applied field of 1,000 Oe as shown in Fig. 5d. The difference ∆M = MFC − MZFC subtraction is particularly effective when there are small amounts of ferromagnetic material in the presence of a large diamagnetic and/or paramagnetic background. This subtraction simultaneously indicates the presence of hysteresis if the difference is non-zero. The data indicate that the ferromagnetism persists to ~300 K for both the samples (Han et al. 2005). The M versus T curve was also recorded for 8 mol% Co-doped GaN nanocrystals, which are not shown here because of the observation of impurity phases by XRD and Raman analysis. In 8 mol% Co-doped sample, the increase in saturation magnetization is due to the Co containing impurity phases, but in 5 mol% Co-doped sample, it may be due to diluted magnetic behavior of GaN.

X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

To understand the origin of magnetic property in the Co-doped samples, the XPS analysis was performed for the synthesized samples. The spectra were referred to C1s photoelectron peak at 284.8 eV. Figure 6a–c shows the XPS spectra of Ga 3d, N 1s and Co 2p, respectively. XPS measurements of 5 and 8 mol% doped samples show that the energy difference between the Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2 core level is 15.3 and 15.9 eV, respectively. If the cobalt atoms in the sample were all surrounded by oxygen, the energy difference between Co 2p3/2 and Co 2p1/2 peak should be 15.5 eV which confirm the Co is surrounded by oxygen (Martínez et al. 2005). If the cobalt atoms in the sample exist as metal clusters, the energy difference should be 14.8 eV (Park et al. 2004). From these results, the possibility of metallic Co clusters in the doped samples is very less. The difference in binding energy shifts towards the Co–O bond with increasing Co concentration; these results are also supported by XRD and Raman analysis which shows that the formation of cobalt oxide at higher cobalt concentrations. The Ga 3d spectrum of the pure sample consists of Ga–N and Ga–O bonds whereas the Co-doped samples shows only a Ga–N bond and the binding energies of Ga–N is closely matched to the reported values (Lee et al. 2002; Kim et al. 2006b; Xiao et al. 2005). The N 1s spectrum shows the typical bond of nitrogen with Ga and also at the lower binding energy side observed the overlapping of Ga LMM Auger peak with N.

Fig. 6
figure 6

XPS spectra of pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals


Pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals were prepared by nitridation of Ga–EDTA and Co-doped Ga–EDTA complexes at 1,173 K. The crystalline structure of pure and Co-doped GaN nanocrystals were confirmed by XRD and Raman analysis. The shift in the XRD and Raman peaks proved the incorporation of Co into the GaN lattice. The TEM micrographs showed a broad crystal size distribution ranging from 10 to 140 nm of pure and doped GaN nanocrystals. The decrease in band-edge emission with increasing dopant concentration was observed by Cl spectrum. The hysteresis curves measured at 10 and 300 K, and the temperature-dependent curves ∆M = MFC − MZFC with H = 1 kOe, provide evidence for the room temperature ferromagnetism in Co-doped GaN nanocrystals.