Correction to: Applied Water Science (2024) 14:55

In Table 1 of this article, data in last row second column was incorrectly published as “\(KG{E}_{Q}/(1-{R}_{{\text{SCA}}({\text{MODIS}})}^{2})+RS{R}{_{{\text{SCA}}({\text{MODIS}})}}\)” and it should have been read as \(KG{E}_{Q}/((1-{R}_{{\text{SCA}}({\text{MODIS}})}^{2})+RS{R}{_{{\text{SCA}}({\text{MODIS}})})}\). The correct table is given below:

Table 1 Applied objective functions based on three defined calibration schemes for calibrating the FLEXG

The original article has been corrected.