Correction to: European Journal for Philosophy of Science (2024) 14:29

The original version of this article unfortunately contained mistakes introduced during the production process. The following sections were missing:

  • Acknowledgements This work has been adapted from the thesis ‘Understanding the role of value in coral reef science’. It would not have been possible without the support of a large number of people and organisations. Special thanks to Sabina Leonelli, Rose Trappes, John Dupré, Leighton Jones, Ian Burton, Sam Wilson, Joseph Rouse, Fabio de Sio, Heiner Fangerau, and everyone at the KLI during my visit in 2022. The work was presented at the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research, the International Conference on Engaging Ethics and Epistemology in Science 2022, EASPLS 2022, ISHPSSB 2023, Exeter Perspectives on Scientific Practice Workshop 2023, and the Department for the History, Philosophy, and Ethics of Medicine at Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf. I am very grateful to organisers and attendees of these events for their time and thoughts.

  • Funding This work was funded by the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council and University of Exeter via the South West Doctoral Training Partnership. Additional support was provided by Offenham Old School Trust and the Konrad Lorenz Institute for Evolution and Cognition Research. Funding for conference travel related to this paper was provided by the British Ecological Society, the International Committee for the History of Oceanography, and the International Society for the History, Philosophy and Social Studies of Biology.

  • Conflict of interest None.

  • Ethical approval This project was reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Committee at the University of Exeter (Reference number 201819-057).

  • Informed consent All interview participants were provided with information about the study before interviews took place, given an opportunity to ask any questions about the project, and gave their consent to take part in the study.

  • Author contributions N/A.

  • Data availability The interview data used here is not currently available open access.

Also, the following references were missing:

  • International Coral Reef Society. (2023). About the society. Accessed 1 July 2023.

  • Morrison, T. H., Adger, N., Barnett, J., Brown, K., Possingham, H., & Hughes, T. (2020). Advancing coral reef governance into the Anthropocene. One Earth, 2(1), 64–74.

Lastly, reference ‘Sanches de Oliveira et al., 2023’ was incorrect. This was corrected to ‘de Oliveira et al., 2023’:

The original article has been corrected.