Erratum to: Environ Earth Sci (2013) DOI 10.1007/s12665-013-2945-3

The authors would like to draw attention to a typographical error and an omission in the original publication.

In Eqs. (1), (2), (6) and (7), the curl symbol (×) had been introduced by the copy editors instead of the divergence symbol (.). This correction does not in any way affect the developments, results and conclusions presented in the paper.

In the introduction the following addendum is needed after Selvadurai and Suvorov, 2012, 2014). Isothermal permeability and permeability evolution in granite have been investigated by Selvadurai et al. (2005) and Massart and Selvadurai (2012).

At the end of the section dealing with Thermo-hydro-mechanical experiment, the following should be added. “Further details can be found in Najari (2013)”.