1 Introduction

Rapid urbanization and economic development are present in many communities, especially in developing countries, while increased diversity in the population is seen in developed countries. However, the increase in population in a community would increase the possibility of crime, while the presence of specific business establishments may attract crime (Bernasco et al. 2017), and diversity may play a role in either the increase or decrease of crime generation and eyes on the street (Kim and Hipp 2021). Human factors such as the increased presence of citizens may also decrease crime and can be augmented with surveillance systems to enhance guardianship in the area (Long et al. 2021; Jang et al. 2018).

Automatic Violence Detection (AVD) is a specific and special field of study in the Human Action Recognition (HAR) problem in computer vision that would further improve surveillance technologies in reducing crime. Like many action recognition problems, the approach to analyzing violence in videos is sequential since actions are continuous.

However, treating violent actions the same as all other actions could lead to oversimplification of the complexity of violent motion. Further in Acar et al. (2016) that a single violence classifier may overgeneralize the representation of violent scenes, whereas different scenarios under the concept of violence may exist on separate feature subspaces. AVD, specifically for surveillance videos, is more complex than it seems, whereas not only the input data is high-dimensional and sequential, and the violence class is also complex. Atomic or simple actions such as punching, kicking, swinging bats, or stabbing with a knife are collectively considered violent actions, which makes violence a complex action. This paper further proposes that violent actions in surveillance videos are considered complex actions. Referring to Fig. 1, complex action recognition for violence detection starts with the perception of unstructured data, specifically from surveillance feeds. Each frame from the video feed would include at least one instance of a simple action identified. Herein called the decomposition phase, wherein the decomposed actions are sub-concepts of violence. In the hypothesis phase, simple actions are further classified as complex actions using various methods such as signal processing or bag-of-words (Jung and Hong 2017). Lastly, the conclusion phase interpolates actions between scenes to determine the continuity or limit of the violent action sequence.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Representation of violent actions in surveillance as complex actions

The popularity of AVDs has been increasing slowly and progressing with the improvement of deep learning. The early implementations of AVD utilized hand-crafted features for traditional machine learning methods (Bermejo et al. 2011; Hassner et al. 2012; Mahadevan et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2017; Ehsan 2018; Moreira et al. 2017) and later used deep learning techniques (Baba et al. 2019; Accattoli et al. 2020; Traoré and Akhloufi 2020; Song et al. 2019; Samuel et al. 2019; Singh et al. 2017a; Abdali and Al-Tuma 2019; Roman and Chávez 2020; Lopez and Lien 2020). Violence detection is one of the complicated challenges in HAR due to the variety and complexity of violent actions. Due to its data source's complexity and unstructured nature, deep learning techniques are sought to solve them. There is a broad implication of AVDs in real-life spanning from censorship in media (Saad et al. 2022; Khalil et al. 2021) and entertainment to public safety and surveillance. However, real-time implementation and edge AI deployment would seem rather difficult due to the hardware requirements, complexity, and size of the models recently developed in the field.

Previous works in AVD are improving in terms of accuracy, but few would focus on their operational speed. This paper proposes a novel two-stage complex action recognition framework for automatic violence detection. The advantage of the proposed work from similar efforts in complex action recognition is the operational speed needed for industrial use and shows advantage from other automatic violence detectors is that the proposed method has less risk of over-generality and concept drift since the basis of the training data is directed to the simple actions related to violence instead of the general concept of violence itself. The system focuses on the implementability and modularity of AVDs in real-time implementations balancing speed and accuracy. Specifically, the contributions of the paper are:

  1. 1.

    Demonstrating real-time violence classification using a two-stage complex action recognition; and

  2. 2.

    Implementation of variable activation caching to interpolate actions between scenes in surveillance videos.

2 Related work

Human Action Recognition (HAR), or simply action recognition, is a task in computer vision that focuses on understanding and classifying human actions in unstructured data. However, many interpretations exist regarding how actions would be perceived or represented. This may include still images (Dehkordi et al. 2022), frame sequences, skeleton graphs (Bai et al. 2022; Liu et al. 2022a), sensor data (Zhao et al. 2020; He et al. 2017; Chen et al. 2016; Wei and Kehtarnavaz 2020; Chao et al. 2022; Dawar and Kehtarnavaz 2018), and spatiotemporal features. Action recognition is commonly fed with high-dimensional sequential data. The dimensionality of the input data would then give the direction in the design of computer vision architecture to learn the feature space for the corresponding actions.

Deep learning has been widely used for learning the feature space of actions, such as the use of two-dimensional convolutional neural networks (2D CNN) (Dehkordi et al. 2022; Carreira and Zisserman 2017) for spatial features, optical flow processing (Kurban et al. 2022) for temporal features, three-dimensional CNNs (Accattoli et al. 2020; Liu et al. 2018) and two-stream networks (Ali and Taylor 2018; Saha et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2017b; Han et al. 2019; Feichtenhofer et al. 2016) for both spatial and temporal features. Recurrent neural networks (RNN) coupled with CNNs are also used to capture the spatial features of the input data in a sequential time-series manner (Traoré and Akhloufi 2020; Singh et al. 2017a; Abdali and Al-Tuma 2019). Mixed methods in implementing HARs can be extended to other methods such as interval type-3 fuzzy systems. Interval type-3 fuzzy systems are often used to predict time-series data (Castillo et al. 2022; Cao et al. 2021). HARs in deep learning oftentimes use gradient-based optimizers such as Adam and gradient descent, an alternative implementation of HARs can be employed considering non-gradient-based nature-inspired optimization algorithms (Yousefi and Loo 1509; Xu et al. 2016; Vanchinathan and Selvaganesan 2021; Vanchinathan and Valluvan 2018; Vanchinathan et al. 2021). However, given the time-series nature of actions, there can be future directions for human action classification prediction, especially with dealing with the other descriptors for action recognition, such as motion energy and spatial features.

2.1 Complex action recognition

Current action recognition models are significant in space and have high-order complexities. Such complexity is due to the high dimensionality of the input data and the effort to distinguish actions’ spatial and temporal features in unison. This action recognition problem can be rooted in the same problem in feature engineering complex concepts. Some actions can be considered complex in concept wherein it can be considered super-classes of other more atomic actions (Hussein et al. 2019; Wang et al. 2016; Yi et al. 2017; Yeung et al. 2018; Liu et al. 2016a; Bacharidis and Argyros 2020). Given that the universal action feature space is represented by the union of the simple and complex action feature spaces seen in (1):

$$S=\left\{s|s\in {\mathbb{R}}^{k}\right\}; \quad C=\left\{c|s\in {\mathbb{R}}^{k}\right\}$$

whereas \(S\) is the feature subspace of simple action given \(s\) is a single feature vector representing an action while \(C\) is the feature subspace of complex actions containing feature vectors \(c\) for a single complex action class. Complex action recognition addresses the ambiguity of action super-classes (Dehkordi et al. 2022) where the actions with broader concepts are identified by their underlying simple actions (Hussein et al. 2019; Liu et al. 2021). Liu et al. (2022b) introduced common and difference dictionaries which represent the feature space of simple and complex actions.

$$D=\left\{d|d\in S\cap C\right\};\quad{D}^{c}=\{{d}^{c}|{d}^{c}\in C\wedge {d}^{c}\notin S\}$$

whereas \(d\) and \({d}^{c}\) represented individual feature vectors of dictionaries \(D\) and \({D}^{c}\). It can then be interpreted that the common dictionary \(D\) contains features from simple actions and complex actions while the difference dictionary \({D}^{c}\) contains feature spaces exclusive only to complex actions that cannot be represented with simple action features. This supports the idea that complex actions serve as a super-class that includes the concepts of simpler actions.

Complex actions can also be described with other descriptors aside from sub-classes of simple actions. These descriptors can include temporal and spatial features (Jung and Hong 2017; Yi et al. 2017; Liu et al. 2016a) that are also generally inherent in two-stream architectures for HAR (Kurban et al. 2022; Singh et al. 2017b).

2.2 Automatic violence detection

There is a multitude of ways to tackle violence detection problems. These include the use of hand-engineered features such as Space–Time Interest Points (STIP), Histogram of Gradients (HOG), and Histogram of Optical Flows (HOF) algorithms using spatial-level matching and bag-of-words methods (Bermejo et al. 2011; Hassner et al. 2012; Mahadevan et al. 2010; Zhang et al. 2017; Ehsan 2018; Moreira et al. 2017). The work of Bermejo et al. (Bermejo et al. 2011) is one of the most notable violence detection systems using engineered features through Motion SIFT (MoSIFT) features. Another notable work in violence detection is by Hassner et al. (2012), which introduces violent flow descriptors for crowd violence classification using Support Vector Machines. Temporal analysis can also be used as a strategy to find violence in videos, such as optical flows and motion energy histograms (Mahadevan et al. 2010). Previous research achieved only fair accuracies utilizing the Histogram of Optical Flows (Ehsan 2018; Garje et al. 2018). In recent progress, deep neural networks have proven great accuracy and efficiency in violence detections such as (Bermejo et al. 2011). The use of deep learning has also improved the performance of AVD models through 2DCNNs (Baba et al. 2019) for spatial analysis and combinations of RNNs and CNNs (Traoré and Akhloufi 2020; Singh et al. 2017a; Abdali and Al-Tuma 2019; Roman and Chávez 2020; Liu et al. 2021) for sequential spatial analysis. Spatiotemporal analysis for AVDs was also achieved using two-stream architectures (Lopez and Lien 2020), 3DCNNs (Accattoli et al. 2020; Samuel et al. 2019), and transformer networks (Mazzia et al. 2022).

In the societal context, automatic violence detection increases safety and lowers the risk of harm to the public. In contrast, all the previously mentioned works focused on public safety using surveillance cameras. Another fascinating field of application is behavioral science, wherein violence and aggression are exciting topics to be married with technology. The juncture of computer vision and behavioral science leads to a mix of understanding and predicting violence and aggression using behavioral theories based on action cues such as the implementations in Khan et al. (2018); Saif et al. 2019).

3 Proposed method

The proposed framework for automatic violence detection is seen in Fig. 2, wherein it also highlights the complex action recognition phases previously discussed. The video stream is considered the input to the system as part of the perception phase. The first stage of the AVD is the simple action detection which is also the decomposition phase of the framework. The simple action detection used in this framework is a two-stream architecture that performs spatiotemporal analysis on the incoming input data. The second stage of the pipeline is the complex action detection which comprises the hypothesis and conclusion phases. The second stage implements feature fusion of the activations produced from the first stage and stores the sequential detections in a dequeue. The dequeue is then subjected to the proposed activation caching algorithm to further classify the prediction sequences as violence or non-violence.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Two-stage complex action recognition pipeline

3.1 Simple action detection

The first stage of the AVD focuses on the decomposition of actions into simple actions. The simple actions are identified using spatiotemporal analysis like many action recognition frameworks. Specifically, spatial and temporal feature extraction on frame pairs \(Z=\left({F}_{n-1},{F}_{n}\right)\) from the incoming video stream is carried out. The main architecture for the decomposition phase implements a two-stream architecture for spatiotemporal analysis. Each stream uses a YOLO backbone as the object/action detector framework. Each image \(Z\) is fed into a YOLO detector to determine the spatial features of the simple action in the frame. Consequently, action silhouettes \({I}_{\zeta }\) first obtained and then fed into a separate YOLO detector to obtain the temporal features of the simple action.

3.1.1 Spatial feature extraction

The proposed architecture integrates a single-stage CNNs as (Ali and Taylor 2018; Saha et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2017b) for action localization and classification of simple actions (i.e., run, walk, punch, or kick). Specifically, through an object detector backbone (Liu et al. 2016b; Redmon et al. 2016; Ren et al. 2017; Bochkovskiy et al. 2020). The frame \({F}_{n}\) from \(Z\) is fed into a Spatial YOLO to extract the spatial features to create the spatial activation tensor \({A}_{s}\) which has a dimension of \(\left(\mathrm{13,13},b\times C\right)\) wherein \(b\) is the number of bounding boxes after detection and \(C\) are the number of classes.

3.1.2 Temporal feature extraction

Optical flow images are considered temporal features for most two-steam action recognition architectures (Ali and Taylor 2018; Saha et al. 2016; Singh et al. 2017b). Fast Dense Inverse Search (Brox et al. 2014; Kroeger et al. 2016) is used in Ali and Taylor (2018) to achieve real-time analysis but compensates for the model's accuracy. For better accuracy, (Saha et al. 2016) used the more accurate FlowNet2 (Ilg et al. 2017). Action intensity and the variation of the direction of motion are considered primary features for determining violence. The proposed implementation has accurate and real-time modes similar to Singh et al. 2017b. The implementation’s accurate mode utilizes LiteFlowNet (Hui et al. 2018), while the real-time mode also utilizes Fast Dense Inverse Search. LiteFlowNet with the sintel model was used to generate the optical flow images \({I}_{\phi }\) obtained as:

$${I}_{\phi }={\Phi }_{LFN}\left(G\left({F}_{n-1}, {F}_{n}\right)\right)$$

whereas \(G()\) is a smoothing function with a \(3\times 3\) Gaussian filter. \({F}_{n}\) is an image frame, whereas n denotes the temporal order of the frame. \({\Phi }_{LFN}\) is the LightFlowNet function to get an optical flow image using an image pair input. \({I}_{\phi }\) is the image produced by running the for smoothing then to the optical flow estimation neural network as seen in Fig. 3. Optical flow images \({I}_{\phi }\) are then transformed as action silhouette images \({I}_{\zeta }\). The inputs for the temporal YOLO are the \({I}_{\zeta }\) to produce the temporal activation tensor \({A}_{T}\).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Action silhouette generation

3.2 Action silhouettes

Key features to be considered in violence recognition are action intensity and the variation of the direction of motion. However, optical flow estimation alone would not expose or exaggerate these intensities and variations. With this, action silhouettes generation is proposed as an image feature for violence recognition.

As shown in Fig. 3, motion exaggeration is achieved by first accepting the frame pair \(Z\) and running through preprocessing such as smoothing and getting the negated image of the absolute difference of \(Z\) before feeding it into the optical flow estimator and the silhouette overlay algorithm. The action silhouette optical flow overlay is obtained by:

$${I}_{\zeta (x,y)}={I}_{\phi (x,y)}\cdot \left|\left(L-1\right)-{Z}_{\left(x,y\right)}\right|$$

whereas \({I}_{\zeta }\) is an action silhouette image formed by overlaying each pixel of the optical flow image \({I}_{\phi (x,y)}\) by executing a point operator equivalent to a logical AND with the absolute negative transform of \({Z}_{\left(x,y\right)}\) with respect to the max value \(L\). In Fig. 4a and c, the cyan gradient indicates the leftward direction while the magenta gradient indicates the rightward movement. Both objects have solid opacity, which limits the amount of information indicating the intensity of the motion. Violent activities could be identified by exaggerated values such as the spike of motion or the variability of the movement. To produce such exaggeration, a silhouette overlay algorithm on the optical flow images was applied to produce action silhouettes adapted from Lopez and Lien (2020). The exaggeration effect is seen as a silhouette in the optical flow induced by the speed difference between running and walking actions can be seen in Fig. 4d and b respectively.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Demonstrating motion exaggeration with action silhouettes

3.3 Feature fusion

The Simple Action Detection and Complex Action Detection stages are the two main parts of the proposed framework. Simple Action Detection consists of the object detector pipelines that are processed in parallel, thus making the two-stream architecture. The activations of each pipeline are merged through an early feature fusion. In summary, the Simple Action Detection stage is used to fuse and interpret high-level features to simple actions while the Complex Action Detection stage interprets the abstraction of simple actions as low-level features of complex actions (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Feature fusion of the spatial and temporal activations using the boost-fusion algorithm

3.3.1 Boost-fusion algorithm

Early fusion was applied for the spatial and temporal activations using an approach similar to the fusion technique done by Singh et al. 2017b to obtain a combined simple action. The spatial bounding box retains the original fusion method proposed in Saha et al. (2016) and uses a boost-fusion:

$$s_{c}^{*} \left( {b_{i}^{s} } \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {s_{c} \left( {b_{i}^{s} } \right) + s_{c} \left( {b_{{{\text{max}}}}^{t} } \right) \times {\text{IoU}}\left( {b_{i}^{s} ,b_{{{\text{max}}}}^{t} } \right)} \\ {s_{c} \left( {b_{i}^{s} } \right) + s_{c} \left( {b_{i}^{t} } \right) \times {\text{IoU}}\left( {b_{i}^{s} ,b_{i}^{t} } \right)} \\ \end{array} } & {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {{\text{IoU}} \ge \tau } \\ {{\text{otherwise}}} \\ \end{array} } \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

whereas \({s}_{c}\) is the softmax augmentation of a bounding box, \({s}_{c}^{*}({b}_{i}^{s})\) is the boost-fusion softmax score of the spatial bounding box. While \({b}_{i}^{s}\) is the bounding box from the spatial object detector, \({b}_{i}^{t}\) is the bounding box from the temporal object detector, and \({b}_{\mathrm{max}}^{t}\) is the bounding box from the temporal object detector with maximum overlap with\({b}_{i}^{s}\). The softmax of \({b}_{i}^{s}\) remains while the softmax \({b}_{i}^{t}\) is weighted by the Intersection over Union of \({b}_{i}^{s}\) and \({b}_{\mathrm{max}}^{t}\) given that IoU is greater than the set threshold\(\tau =0.7\). If the IoU is less than\(\tau\), the weighted score of the temporal detection is weighted with the IoU of \({b}_{i}^{s}\) and \({b}_{i}^{t}\).This helps to maximize the fusion between detected bounding boxes.

3.3.2 Action degrees

Action detections are ranked and mapped according to their degree of violence, as seen in Fig. 6, after obtaining the fused scores and bounding boxes. The corresponding action label values for this research are pre-determined to test the effectiveness of simple action components in determining violence. Determining the level of violence in simple actions are beyond the scope of this research but is a possible development of the research.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Action degree mapping scale

4 Complex action detection

The thought process of human comprehension of complex topics involves breaking the context into more understandable parts to further analyze the actions individually and recombine their essences to deduce a key concept. Such a thought process is analogous to the proposed system, which once simple actions are obtained acting as low-level features. Further analysis of each of the activations could also be done to determine the complex actions in which each of the predicted labels underlies.

The Complex Action Detection stage in Fig. 2 is responsible for simplifying the activations further by getting their essence and performing the generalization of the concept by predicting their respective complex action class. The decomposition phase in Fig. 1 suggests the concept of action decomposition by breaking down a video into simple actions and further classifying simple actions into complex actions. Comparable with (Hussein et al. 2019) and (Wang et al. 2016), simple actions are treated as motion atoms or phrases considering the actions as a temporal label and a fundamental feature for determining complex actions.

4.1 Prediction/activation variable caching

High-level features of abstraction are further analyzed to produce more specific information. Activation cache consisting of \({n}_{c}\) fused activations from the Complex Action Detection stage were then utilized. Referring to Fig. 7, the bounding boxes of fused activations are first plotted to the current frame before being cached for complex action detection then mapped to their corresponding action degrees.

Fig. 7
figure 7

A detailed view of the complex action detection section of the architecture

The activation cache is a sliding window for the predictions to smoothen the complex prediction. A visual approximation is shown at Fig. 8 in the results section, in which a cache with size \({n}_{c}=32\) is simulated with a hypothetical signal. The ground truth degree of violence per frame is plotted against the signals wherein it marks the area that corresponds to violence in orange.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Decomposed actions plotted with the localized simple action and the violence class

Several pooling options were tested to determine suitable pooling strategies for violence detection in real-time applications. The pooling techniques in this paper are average pooling, max pooling, and median pooling.

figure a

4.2 Complex action classification

The algorithm for the complex action classification with activation caching is presented in Algorithm 1. Before getting the essence of the activation cache, the normalize the activations are obtained by getting the normalized vector using (6).

$${Y}_{norm}=2\cdot \frac{{Y}_{fused}-\mathrm{min}({Y}_{pred})}{\mathrm{max}\left({Y}_{pred}-\mathit{min}\left({Y}_{pred}\right)\right)}$$

whereas \({Y}_{norm}\) is the normalized essence tensor with values ranging between \(+1.0\) and \(-1.0\). \({Y}_{fused}\) is the activation cache consisting of fused predictions. \(\mathrm{min}({Y}_{pred})\) and \(\mathrm{max}({Y}_{pred})\) denotes the minimum and maximum of the range of the class indices. The pooling operation for detecting violent actions is further defined using (7).


whereas \(e\) is the scalar essence of the activation. The normalized activations are subjected to a 1-D pooling layer. In this implementation, average pooling layer and a max-pooling layer were tested.

Finally, a sigmoid function onto the complex action as a logistic classifier using (8). The fundamental machine learning algorithm is chosen due to the ease of separability of the complex action features contributed by the degrees of violence and to reduce the total complexity of the network.

$${Y}_{complex}=\sigma (e)$$

5 CHU surveillance violence dataset

The existing datasets at the time this research was developed for Violence Detection (Perez et al. 2019; Blunsden and Fisher 2010; Patino et al. 2016) are incompatible with violence detection using modern surveillance cameras. Most of the videos in the existing datasets are in non-RGB, moving, or recorded using mobile phones. The abrupt movement in recording would make the optical flow inaccurate or fail to capture the intensity of the motion vectors. Datasets such as ARENA (Perez et al. 2019), BEHAVE (Blunsden and Fisher 2010), and UCSD (Patino et al. 2016) would be most suitable for violence detection systems since the data are extracted or collected through actual surveillance cameras.

There is also an imbalance between violent and non-violent actions (Carreira and Zisserman 2017) in all existing datasets. To the researchers’ knowledge, no known datasets for violence detection consider violence a complex action. A custom dataset is then used for static surveillance of violent actions as the CHU Surveillance Violence Dataset (CSVD).Footnote 1 The CSVD includes RGB frames for spatial analysis and optical flow images for temporal analysis. The dataset consists of 12 simple action classes: idle, run, walk, high-five, wave, fight-pose, shove, grapple, punch, kick and melee weapon attack.

6 Experimental results

To measure the performance of the system, the experimental results for simple and complex action recognition are separated. For the complex action detector, accuracy and recall were used to measure its performance with a focus on the recall metric to determine its effectiveness for safety–critical tasks. The developed systems are compared using the BEHAVE dataset with other violence recognition efforts. The overall performance speed of the system is also measured for its operability in practical implementation by determining its inference speed in frames per second (FPS). Several variants of the framework with accurate OF only (OF), action silhouettes (ASilh), and real-time implementation (RT) were also tested. No direct comparison for the accuracy of the developed model since previous efforts do not consider violence detection as a complex action recognition specifically for static surveillance systems and no other publicly available dataset is suitable for such an approach.

6.1 Activation caching

A constant cache size of 32 to identify different detection results, as seen in Fig. 9 for all pooling techniques. In Fig. 9a, average pooling was simulated in which it could be predicted that it will slightly decrease in accuracy since it will only fully determine the violence if most of the frames in the cache have high degrees of violence. This is in contrast with Fig. 9b which has the same \({n}_{c}\) but uses max pooling wherein it determines the violence as soon as it enters the cache. The median pooling in Fig. 9c is also illustrated where it performs slightly better than average pooling. The assumed difference among the pooling techniques is that max pooling will be better at determining true positives but will have a significant number of false positives and negatives. Average pooling will have fewer false negatives and positives but has fewer true positives compared to max pooling. Median pooling can be assumed to be the better version of average pooling. However, it will still have less recall compared to max pooling. A constant cache size of 32 to identify different detection results, as seen in Fig. 9 for all pooling techniques. In Fig. 9a, average pooling is simulated in which it can be predicted that it slightly decreases in accuracy since it only fully determine the violence if the majority of the frames in the cache have high degrees of violence.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison of activation caching pooling techniques

In further detail, the activation cache is encoded as a dequeue data structure in which activations are appended from the fusion method until it reaches a size of \({n}_{c}\). Complex action can be done once the dequeue reaches the specified \({n}_{c}\).

6.2 Complex action recognition

The framework was tested with the BEHAVE dataset with variants of the developed framework. Action silhouettes (ASilh) and optical flow (OF) only in real-time (RT) and non-real-time (NRT) mode, as well as varying the 1D pooling layer between AvePooling and MaxPooling were also tested. These various configurations were tested against increasing values of cache sizes.

6.2.1 Recall performance

As seen in Fig. 10, the variant of the developed framework that produces the best recall uses MaxPooling for both real-time and not real-time modes. Accurate and not real-time framework variants have a recall score of 89.55% using action silhouettes and 89.33% using optical flow only, both at a cache size of 32. In comparison, real-time frameworks have a recall score of 84.93% and 84.05% for action silhouettes and optical flow only, respectively, both at cache size 32. The second-best option for a recall-based metric is Median which has a recall of 80.65% using action silhouettes and 80.08% using optical flow only, both at a cache size of 32. In contrast, real-time frameworks have a recall of 77.93% and 76.28% for action silhouettes and optical flow only, respectively, both at cache size 16. For all max pooling implementations, it can be seen that using action silhouettes brings improvement from using optical flows only. Increasing the cache sizes also contributes to the recall while increasing towards a cache size of 32 and decays further than 32. However, for median and average pooling implementations decay starts after \({n}_{c}= 16\). Best performances in terms of recall are in boldface in the recall column of Table 1.

Fig. 10
figure 10

AVD Recall corresponding to the activation cache size \({n}_{c}\)

Table 1 Performance Comparison on the BEHAVE Dataset

6.2.2 Accuracy performance

In contrast with the recall, using Median pooling at \({n}_{c}= 16\) is seen to be more effective for accuracy for both real-time and not real-time mode as shown in Fig. 11. Accurate not real-time framework variants have an accuracy of 83.08% using action silhouettes and 82.90% using optical flow only. While real-time frameworks have an accuracy of 80.50% and 80.13% for action silhouettes and optical flow only, respectively. Such performances are noted in bold in the Accuracy column of Table 1. The second-best pooling technique for an accuracy-based metric is Average pooling at \({n}_{c}= 32\) which has an accuracy of 80.28% using action silhouettes and 79.68% using optical flow at \({n}_{c}= 64\). While real-time frameworks have an accuracy of 76.60% and 76.08% for action silhouettes and optical flow only \({n}_{c}= 16\) at respectively. For all configurations, it can be seen that using action silhouettes brings improvement from using optical flows only. Increasing the cache sizes also contributes to the recall while increasing towards a cache size of 16 and decays further than 16 while frameworks using max pooling decay faster compared to frameworks using average and median pooling.

Fig. 11
figure 11

AVD Recall corresponding to the activation cache size \({n}_{c}\)

6.2.3 Operational speed

The operation speed was compared with (Baba et al. 2019) and (Lopez and Lien 2020) aside from the developed framework's variants, which is the only previous work that has mentioned their framework's inference time. The best operational speeds can be seen in the Operational speed column of Table 1 that all of the developed variants have competitive speeds for real-time applications specifically with the RT variants of the framework with an operational speed of 21 FPS.

7 Conclusion

Violent actions are considered complex due to numerous underlying sub-concepts and variations. The proposed approach shows that violence can still be accurately classified by first decomposing violent actions into simple actions and then re-classifying to the binary class of violence.

This paper demonstrated automatic violence detection using a two-stage complex action recognition framework. The current work has seen improvement from previous works regarding recall and accuracy by applying variable activation caching to capture violence sequences in surveillance streams while maintaining operation speeds acceptable for real-time application. Experiments show that the developed framework's best configuration for real-time and non-real-time operations is applying action silhouettes for motion exaggeration and activation caching with a median pooling operation with a cache size of 16.

Implementing complex action recognition modularly in real-time has direct uses in in-built public safety systems since it can be cost-efficient solutions for communities, especially in developing countries. Moreover, this work provides insight into a more comprehensive perspective about violent actions expanding in surveillance and censorship in general media. Improvements can be made not just in the deployment or learning architecture but also in the vector embeddings on the identity of each violent action. In engineering, this work provides a foundation for the modularity aspect of possible intelligent surveillance systems. Health and medical applications can also benefit from the work, such as for behavioral analysis of children's aggression or asylum patients.