Geroscience, translational, clinical and health service research in aging, nutrition, frailty, and sarcopenia has seen remarkable growth due to its potential to revolutionize aging-related health outcomes. Investigating the interplay between aging, nutrition, frailty, and sarcopenia offers insights into prolonging healthy lifespan. These interdisciplinary fields explore how nutritional, exercise, lifestyle and other interventions, impact aging, intrinsic capacity, muscle health, resilience, and overall well-being in older adults. Advancements can inform targeted interventions, preventive strategies, and policy decisions, aiming to mitigate age-related health challenges, enhance quality of life, and redefine the aging experience. As this research area burgeons, it holds promise for innovative approaches to promote healthy aging and improve the lives of the older population.

However, for busy healthcare professionals trying to assimilate this rapidly growing body of information seem unwieldy and unpractical. Blaise Pascal once said, «I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had the time to make it shorter.» This quote highlights the importance of brevity in writing and how it can often take more time and effort to convey a message concisely than it does to write at length. Brief synthesis of this growing body of research hold relevance for the emerging generation of healthcare professionals. In an era characterized by information abundance and rapid medical advancements, concise summaries may serve as indispensable tools for efficient knowledge acquisition and dissemination. Busy healthcare professionals, burdened with multiple responsibilities, can leverage brief reviews to efficiently access critical insights, empowering them to make informed clinical decisions or embark in innovative research endeavors. These succinct syntheses of information not only save time but also cultivate the skill of extracting essential data from ever growing sources of healthcare information. Moreover, as healthcare becomes increasingly interprofessional, brief reviews facilitate effective communication across specialties, enabling seamless collaboration and holistic patient care for our older adults. The ability to rapidly grasp key concepts from diverse domains is invaluable for a cadre of professionals seeking to navigate complex healthcare landscapes.

We are delighted to introduce a new section in the Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging that focuses on invited mini reviews of cutting-edge research and advancements in the fields of aging, nutrition, frailty, and sarcopenia. As the global population ages, the importance of proper nutrition, exercise, lifestyle and other interventions in maintaining health and wellbeing in older adults is becoming increasingly recognized. This new section will provide a platform for leading experts including researchers, educators, healthcare professionals, and policymakers in the intersection of nutrition, frailty, and sarcopenia to share their latest findings and insights in these areas. This new section will showcase brief review articles that explore new frontiers in the fields of nutrition, frailty, and sarcopenia in older adults. The aim of this new section is to provide a platform for experts to timely share their findings and insights with the wider community of healthcare professionals dedicates to the care of older adults. We believe that by highlighting the latest research and clinical developments, we can encourage collaboration and innovation in the field, ultimately leading to improved patient outcomes.

We’re dedicated to promoting top-notch research that helps us better grasp how nutrition, sarcopenia and frailty impacts healthy aging and guides policies and practices. The Mini-Reviews section features invited reviews handpicked by the JNHA Editorial team, but we’re open to non-invited pre-submissions through the JNHA Editorial Manager. We’re excited to publish engaging topics that will enhance the well-being of older adults worldwide.