1 Introduction

Disease diagnosis is a critical step in treating and managing various medical conditions. However, it can be challenging due to the complexity and variability of symptoms and signs. Correct disease diagnosis is essential for effective intervention and patient care [1]. Many scientists have developed machine learning algorithms that accurately identify a broad spectrum of diseases [2,3,4,5]. These algorithms can create disease prediction models, enabling early detection and intervention, which are crucial in reducing disease-related mortality [6]. As a result, most medical scientists are drawn to emerging machine learning-based predictive model technologies for disease prediction.

Diabetes, skin disease, kidney disease, liver disease and heart disease are all major chronic diseases that substantially impact health and, if left untreated, can lead to death [7]. Therefore, accurate disease prediction becomes vital in improving patient care and minimising the burden of these chronic conditions. By identifying hidden patterns and relationships in vast healthcare databases, machine learning techniques can assist healthcare professionals in making informed decisions and delivering timely interventions [8]. Ensemble learning is a machine learning technique that aims to improve prediction performance by combining forecasts from several models [1]. Ensemble models reduce the generalisation error in the forecast. The ensemble method reduces model prediction error when the fundamental models are diverse and independent [9].

Bagging, also known as bootstrap aggregating, reduces overfitting and variance by combining predictions from multiple models trained on different subsets of the data [10]. On the other hand, boosting adjusts the weights of misclassified samples iteratively, focusing on difficult-to-classify instances and improving the accuracy of the overall ensemble model. Stacking combines the predictions of multiple models using a meta-learner, which can outperform individual models and other ensemble techniques in various applications [11]. While researchers have used machine learning algorithms extensively for disease prediction, there is a lack of comprehensive studies comparing the performance measures of ensemble learning techniques, such as bagging, boosting, and stacking and their variants, against different significant chronic disease datasets.

A comparative analysis of different ensemble techniques and their variants for disease prediction is crucial in understanding the strengths and limitations of these ensemble approaches. It can help researchers identify the most effective methods for disease prediction [12]. Researchers compared supervised [13, 14] and unsupervised [15] machine learning algorithms for disease prediction. Mahajan et al. [16] conducted a literature review on applying ensemble approaches for disease prediction. However, no study in the current literature compares and contrasts ensemble approaches using multiple datasets. Therefore, the primary objective of this study is to uncover critical trends in disease prediction models based on ensemble learning techniques, specifically bagging, boosting and stacking, and their variants, using performance measures such as accuracy, precision, recall and F1 score. By comparing and evaluating these approaches across various chronic disease datasets, this research provides insights into the effectiveness of different ensemble learning methods for disease prediction.

The datasets used in this study encompass major chronic diseases, including diabetes, chronic kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, and skin cancer. These diseases were selected due to their prevalence and impact on health outcomes. This study will conduct a comprehensive performance analysis of various ensemble learning techniques by implementing and conducting experiments on 16 machine learning datasets obtained from reputable sources, including Kaggle and the UCI Machine Learning Repository.

For analyses, we considered 15 ensemble algorithms: classical bagging, decision tree, random forest (RF), extra trees, dagging, random subspace, classical boosting, AdaBoost, CatBoost, XGBoost, LightGBM, Logit Boost, Classical stacking, Two-level stacking and Multi-level stacking for disease prediction. Table 1 provides the basic idea, pros and cons for each of these 15 ensemble variants.

Table 1 Basic idea, pros and cons of different ensemble approaches and variants

2 Materials and methods

2.1 Data source

This study examines 16 datasets from Kaggle and the UCI Machine Learning Repository that are associated with five primary chronic diseases: heart disease, renal disease, liver disease, diabetes and skin cancer. The details of all 16 datasets are provided in Table 2. This table details each dataset’s source, number of attributes, total instances, and positive and negative instances. Of these 16 datasets, four are for heart disease, three for liver disease, four for diabetes, three for chronic kidney disease, and two for skin cancer. Data cleaning and preprocessing were performed before conducting the analysis to ensure the quality and integrity of the data. Normalisation was a critical step followed in this procedure since it kept all the data on the same scale and improved the accuracy of the results. While building the model, hyperparameter tuning was performed for all the classifiers to attain better performance.

Table 2 Dataset description

2.2 Relative performance index

The relative performance index (RPI) is an assessor that collects data results of any performance measure and produces a comparative result for the final assessment [43]. For a given set of performance values, the RPI value is calculated by summing up the difference between each data instance and the minimum value of that dataset. A higher RPI value for an algorithm indicates its superior predictive power compared with other candidates and vice versa [44]. RPI is useful for researchers and practitioners looking to optimise their models for specific datasets. By analysing different variants and calculating their RPI values, it is possible to identify which ones are most effective for a given task or application, improving the overall quality of the data analysis and decision-making processes. This is the formula for RPI:


where, \({a}_{i}^{*}\) is the minimum value of the list, \({a}_{i}\) is the value for the variant under consideration for dataset \(i\), and \(d\) is the number of the datasets in the analyses.

2.3 Performance measures

2.3.1 Confusion matrix

A confusion matrix is a method for measuring performance used in statistics and machine learning to evaluate the precision of a classification model [8]. In a confusion matrix, columns correspond to the anticipated class labels, and rows correspond to the true class labels. A confusion matrix is made up of four basic parts (Fig. 1): (a) true positive (TP) is the number of instances that have been correctly predicted as positive from the positive class; (b) true negative (TN) is the number of instances that have been correctly predicted as negative from the negative class; (c) false positive (FP) is the number of instances that have been incorrectly predicted as positive from the negative class; and (d) false negative (FN) is the number of instances that have been incorrectly predicted as negative from the positive class.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Confusion matrix

Four performance measures considered in this study (i.e., accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score) are calculated using these confusion matrix values [45]. These metrics can be calculated using the formulas mentioned below:

$$Recall=\frac{TP}{TP+FN}{\quad}F1 score=\frac{2\times Precision\times Recall}{Precision+Recall}$$

This study also considered two other commonly used performance measures. They are AUC (Area Under the receiver operating characteristics Curve) and AUPRC (Area Under the Precision-Recall Curve). AUC focuses on the trade-off between the true-positive rate (sensitivity) and the false-positive rate, making it appropriate for well-balanced datasets with equally distributed positive and negative examples [42]. AUPRC, on the other hand, focuses more on the precision-recall trade-off, making it appropriate for imbalanced datasets with few positive cases [43].

2.4 Experiment setup

The experimental setting for using ensemble approaches to improve binary classification task performance is described in this section. We specifically concentrated on ensemble techniques that use different basic classifiers and hyperparameter tuning techniques for bagging, boosting, and stacking. The intention was to show how various ensemble approaches can be used to increase prediction accuracy. The bagging ensemble methodology combines predictions from several base classifiers to increase performance. The process entails loading a dataset, labelling categorical features, dividing the dataset into test, validation, and training sets, and then instantiating a bagging classifier using a selected base estimator. Libraries must also be imported. GridSearchCV is used for hyperparameter tuning, and the model with the highest accuracy is chosen as the best performer. A thorough classification report is produced after the model has been trained and assessed. A similar procedure was followed for boosting and its variants. Fivefold cross-validation is used to optimise the hyperparameters of each method, improving model performance and offering a thorough evaluation of classification abilities. Both two-level and multi-level stacking are part of the experimental setting for stacking ensemble approaches. Based on the number of levels in the stacking classifier, base classifiers are trained. The predict_proba method is used to produce first-level predictions. GridSearchCV is used once again for hyperparameter tuning. The metamodel produces final predictions, and a classification report is included in the performance evaluation.

3 Results

3.1 Accuracy comparison

The accuracy outcomes of the ensemble algorithms and their variants are shown in Table 3 against all datasets considered in this study. A bold number in a cell indicates that the corresponding algorithm (column title) showed the best accuracy performance against the given dataset (row title). Interestingly, datasets D7 and D12 revealed 100% accuracy for all classification algorithms. The last row shows the number of times each algorithm revealed the best performance. Classical stacking (9) has been found to offer the best performance at most times, followed by multi-level stacking (8). Classical boosting and Logit boost performed worst against the same criteria, each revealing the best performance only three times.

Table 3 Accuracy (%) of ensemble classifiers and their different variants

Table 4 summarises the outcomes from Table 3 for the three basic ensemble approaches. In doing so, we considered all variants for a basic ensemble technique. For example, we considered all six variants while checking whether bagging produces the best result. If any of them has the best accuracy, we increase the count for the bagging technique. An “x” in a cell designates the ensemble technique that produced the best results for that dataset. For datasets D7, D11, D12, D14, and D15, all three approaches or their variants have shown the best accuracy performance. Again, stacking (14) was the best-performing method, as revealed in the last column.

Table 4 Best accuracy frequency and accuracy score against different datasets

Apart from the datasets showing the best accuracy for each ensemble technique (i.e., D7, D11, D12, D14 and D15), bagging showed the best accuracy only once (D13), and boosting showed three times (D1, D6 and D8). On the other hand, stacking performed the best nine times (D2-D5, D8-D10, D13 and D16). From this data analysis perspective, it is again stacking that performed best for disease prediction.

3.2 Precision comparison

Table 5 displays the results of precision scores for different ensemble techniques and their variants across disease datasets. All 15 ensemble classifiers considered in this study showed a 100% precision score for datasets D7 and D12. Datasets D12, D13, D15, and D16 consistently performed, giving a precision score of > 90% against each classifier. Regarding how many times a variant reveals the best precision performance (last row of Table 5), Classical Stacking (9) ranked first, followed by Two-level and Multi-level Stacking, each showing the best performance eight times. Classical boosting and logit boost were positioned the lowest in this regard, delivering the best performance four times each. Like the accuracy measure, Classical Boosting and Logit Boosting showed the worst outcome regarding the number of times revealing the best performance. They showed the best performance only four times, much lower than that of classical stacking, which showed the best performance the most times (9).

Table 5 Precision (%) of ensemble classifiers and their different variants

When variants converged to their corresponding parent ensemble approaches in terms of the number of times revealing the best precision performance, stacking appeared to be the best. The results are presented in Table 6. Stacking showed the best performance 14 times out of 16 datasets, followed by boosting (9) and bagging (8). All variants showed the best precision performance for datasets D7, D8, D12 and D14-D16. For the remaining ten datasets (D1-D6, D9-D11 and D13), stacking achieved the best precision eight times, followed by boosting (3) and bagging (2).

Table 6 Best precision frequency and precision score against different datasets

3.3 Recall comparison

For accuracy and precision, the variants of the stacking technique showed the best and second-best performance. Recall outcomes make an exception in this regard – there is a tie for the second-best recall score between random subspace and classical stacking. Each showed the best performance seven times, according to the last row of Table 7. Dataset D12 revealed 100% recall against all ensemble variants. Logit Boost led to the best performance minimum number of times (3) among all variants.

Table 7 Recall (%) of ensemble classifiers and their different variants

For the three parent ensemble approaches, there is a three-way tie for the best-performing score against datasets D7, D12, D14 and D15, according to Table 8. Stacking scored the best 12 times, followed by boosting (9) and bagging (7). For datasets D3, D7 and D12-D15, stacking showed a 100% recall score.

Table 8 Best recall frequency and recall score against different datasets

3.4 F1 score comparison

We observed a similar trend in the F1 score as what we observed for accuracy and precision. Stacking variants outperformed other candidate variants, as detailed in Table 9. Multi-level stacking appeared nine times as the best performer, followed by classical stacking (8) and two-level stacking (8). Datasets D7 and D12 showed a 100% F1 score for all variants. D16 showed the same F1 score (94%) for all variants. Classical boosting appeared minimum times (3) as the best performer.

Table 9 F1 score (%) of ensemble classifiers and their different variants

At the meta-level (i.e., basic ensemble approaches), stacking showed the best F1 score performance 13 times, followed by boosting (10) and bagging (7), according to Table 10. For datasets D7, D12 and D14-D16, all the classifiers have shown the same F1 score.

Table 10 Best F1 score frequency and F1 score against different datasets

3.5 AUC comparison

Like in accuracy, precision and F1 score, stacking variants outperformed other candidate variants for AUC, as detailed in Table 11. Multi-level stacking appeared nine times as the best performer, followed by classical stacking (7) and two-level stacking (7). Dataset D15 showed a 100% AUC value for all variants. D16 showed the same AUC score (89%) for all variants. Logit Boost appeared minimum times (3) as the best performer.

Table 11 AUC score (%) of ensemble classifiers and their different variants

According to Table 12, at the meta-level (i.e., basic ensemble approaches), stacking showed the best AUC performance 13 times, followed by boosting (11) and bagging (7). For datasets D2, D7, D12 and D15-D16, all the classifiers showed the same AUC value.

Table 12 Best AUC score frequency and AUC score against different datasets

3.6 AUPRC comparison

Multi-level stacking and classical stacking tied in the number of their appearance as the best peformer (8), according to Table 13. Decision tree, XGBoost and two-level stacking appeared six times each as the best performer. Like in AUC, dataset D15 showed a 100% AUPRC score for all variants. Dataset D12 showed the same AUPRC score (98%) for all variants. Classical Boosting and Logit Boost appeared minimum times (3) as the best performer.

Table 13 AUPRC score (%) of ensemble classifiers and their different variants

According to Table 14, at the meta-level (i.e., basic ensemble approaches), stacking showed the best AUPRC performance 14 times, followed by boosting (9) and bagging (7). For datasets D7-D8, D12-D13 and D15-D16, all the classifiers showed the same AUPRC value.

Table 14 Best AUPRC score frequency and AUPRC score against different datasets

3.7 Comparing RPI score

Using the results from Table 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 for 16 datasets, we calculated the RPI score for all performance measures against each variant. Table 15 presents the corresponding RPI score results. Classical stacking showed the highest RPI score for accuracy (11.31%), precision (16.81%) and recall (21.50%) measures. Multi-level stacking showed the highest RPI scores for AUC (9.56%) and AUPRC (12.69%). For the F1 score, Classical Boosting had the highest RPI score (7.06%).

Table 15 RPI score for ensemble classifiers and their variants

3.8 Comparison of best count statistics

The last rows of Table 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 show the number of times each variant performed best against accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, AUC and AUPRC, respectively. Table 16 summarises these six rows to reveal the number of times each variant performed best against all six measures. Stacking variants of multi-level stacking topped the list by appearing 50 times as the best-performing variant. This value is significantly higher than other list values \((p\le 0.02)\) according to the ‘inverse normal distribution’ test for a single value. The second highest value was revealed by another stacking variant of classical stacking (48), which is also significantly higher than other remaining values \((p\le 0.04)\). The Logit Boost variant appeared the minimum times (20) as the best performer in this table.

Table 16 Comparison of approaches considering the number of times showing the best performance

4 Discussion

The ensemble approach, which combines multiple prediction models, proves effective in disease prediction by reducing errors and improving the quality of forecasts. In this study, we evaluated the performance of 15 ensemble techniques, including bagging, boosting, and stacking, using 16 datasets containing information about various diseases. To ensure the reliability of our findings, we rigorously examined how well these ensemble methods performed based on different measures, such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score. We also proceeded to preprocess the data, ensuring it was clean and standardised for accurate predictions.

Our analysis uncovered some interesting trends. For instance, we observed that decision trees performed less effectively in recall and F1 score than other ensemble methods, but bagging demonstrated substantial accuracy and precision. Classical boosting and logit boost performed relatively poorly among the boosting algorithms. However, stacking outperformed other methods, with classical and multi-level stacking exhibiting remarkable results. The repeated success of stacking indicates its reliability and effectiveness as an ensemble method for disease prediction, consistently surpassing other strategies. These findings suggest that stacking could have a meaningful impact on global healthcare by improving disease prediction and management. In addition to these results, our evaluation provides insights into the advantages and limitations of ensemble methods. We observed that ensemble approaches, especially stacking, improve accuracy by reducing outliers. The consistent performance of stacking across diverse datasets highlights its potential as a reliable approach for disease prediction.

Although this research considered 16 benchmark research datasets from two highly regarded open-access data repositories, these datasets may not capture the full complexity and variability of other real-world health data, such as the data from clinical settings. Moreover, most of these datasets are highly balanced. Clinical settings often encounter imbalanced data [44]. This limitation of our study opens a new research scope for the future, establishing research collaborations with healthcare providers that have access to such data to validate the findings of this study. Integrating any computation models, including the best one this study observed (i.e., classical and multi-level stacking), with the present healthcare environments is challenging, primarily due to computational complexity [45] and cost-effectiveness [46]. While this study focused on the robustness of the theoretical findings, it is crucial to research the potentiality of their real-world applications. Numerous studies [e.g., 47] highlighted the importance of adopting advanced technologies and computational models appropriately in healthcare settings. Our research echoed this importance once again. Overfitting could be another limitation of this study. Despite their effectiveness, ensemble approaches are sometimes prone to overfitting [48], especially when working with intricate models like stacking or boosting. Our consideration of GridSearchCV for hyperparameter tuning that maximises performance while minimising overfitting and cross-validation helps reduce the negative impact of this overfitting issue.

Our findings could potentially add new thoughts to improving ensemble model performance. These findings offer several directions for future research. Comparative analyses can help determine which ensemble strategy is most suitable for healthcare scenarios. Fine-tuning the methods and optimising individual algorithms can further enhance prediction accuracy. Furthermore, exploring specialised feature engineering techniques for specific domains may improve the predictive power of ensemble models. Real-world validation is essential to test their performance in healthcare settings to ensure the practical application of ensemble models. When using ensemble models for illness prediction, ethical considerations are critical. Future studies should focus on protecting privacy, minimising discrimination based on projected health effects, and ensuring responsible and equitable use. Integrating ensemble models with existing medical technologies holds promise for improving disease prediction accuracy and usefulness, ultimately benefiting patients and healthcare providers. Finally, our study highlights the strengths and potential of ensemble methods in disease prediction, with stacking emerging as a standout performer. Our recommendations for future research encompass comparative analysis, algorithm refinement, interpretability, validation, ethical considerations, and seamless integration with other healthcare technologies. These research avenues promise to advance ensemble approaches for disease prediction, leading to more accurate predictions and improved healthcare outcomes.

5 Conclusion

In this research, we evaluated the performance of various algorithms and their variations in the context of disease prediction through ensemble techniques. The findings consistently favoured the stacking technique over other ensemble strategies, revealing its effectiveness in accurately predicting diseases across diverse datasets. Notably, stacking achieved 100% accuracy on some datasets, highlighting its potential as a robust and reliable ensemble method. While bagging classifiers such as Dagging, Random Forest, Extra Trees, and Random Subspace demonstrated strong performance within the bagging ensemble models, stacking outperformed individual techniques such as CatBoost, XGBoost, and LightGBM in the boosting category. Classical boosting and LogitBoost emerged as the weakest classifiers among the various ensemble approaches assessed.

These results provide valuable guidance for selecting the most suitable algorithm for disease prediction. Notably, stacking, particularly the classical stacking and multi-level stacking algorithms, emerged as the most reliable and precise ensemble methods, outperforming other approaches across all performance metrics, showing the advantage of combining the strengths of multiple models and reducing bias and variance in predictions. The implications of these findings are significant for the field of disease prediction, as they enable healthcare professionals to enhance the accuracy of disease prediction models, potentially leading to earlier diagnosis, expedited treatment, and improved patient outcomes. Further research is warranted to explore aspects such as interpretability, optimisation, ethical considerations, and the integration of ensemble models with other medical technologies. Addressing these aspects can advance the field, resulting in more accurate and reliable predictive models for disease prediction.